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It was only the first session Blu had already had enough of the day. Too many things had been going on lately. First, the kiss with the king, second, her finding out her father had been a servant, and third, she saw the woman from the King's party last night. In all honesty, she just wished everything would go away. She wished she would forget everything that had happened in the castle and start fresh. To her, it felt as though everything revolved around her.

She took a deep breath as she prepared breakfast for King Jonathan. She was making the usual cheese omelet; the king's favorite. She took a deep breath as she cracked four eggs into a bowl. She had to admit, she was a bit nervous. She hadn't seen the king since he kissed her. It was like he disappeared; was wiped from the kingdom. It was quite odd.

She wondered if he was thing about her. But she shook her head. He's a monster. He has killed countless innocent people. And now that she thought about the kiss again, she thought she might throw up.

Finally, Blu and the other servants finished preparing breakfast. Her heart leapt and a nervous sensation was sent through her body.

She was going to face the king.

She grabbed a tray and placed the meal she made on it. She followed the other servants as they walked towards the dining room. Her heart thumped quickly in her chest.

They all finally approached the tall doors and opened them with a loud creak. Blu's hands shook so much, she thought she might drop the tray.

As she peered inside, she saw the long table. The people at the table were busy in conversation as they awaited their food. Then Blu looked towards the head of the table; the place the king always sat. Her heart thumped wildly in her chest. Did the king make the other servants this nervous?

But when Blu looked towards the King's usual spot, he was not there. The seat was empty.

That's funny, she thought. Where would he be? He was always here in the morning. Was he still sleeping?

Curiosity overwhelmed her as she placed the tray on the table. The people sitting there peyed no attention to Blu or any of the other servants. They continued their conversation as if they weren't even there.

Once everyone had placed their tray on the table, they scurried back to the kitchen to clean up.

Blu slowly trudged behind them. She remained puzzled at the fact that the king was not present. Where was he? Where could he be?

But Blu hated herself for worrying so much about where he was. Who cares?

Soon enough, the session was over and Blu had a free session next. She knew exactly what she was going to do. She was going to the library. She had to find out more about her father.

As she walked along the dark hallways, she couldn't help but keep wondering were the king was. But she shoved her thoughts away as she approached the large library.

It was empty, as it usually was unless the king had guest over. Every step Blu took, echoed through the large area. She remembered exactly where she had found her father's journal.

She walked towards the shelf which she had found it. And traced her hand along the books that were lined up. She stopped when her hand reached it. Her father's journal. Her heart leaped and a mixture of curiosity and excitement filled her. She slid the book out of its place and held it in her hands.

She blew on the journal to remove some of the dust that had settled on it. Why would her father's journal be on this shelf? She thought. Did the king know about it?

Goosebumps formed on her arms just thinking about the king. Before she asked herself any more questions, she quickly opened the journal and flipped to a random page.

March 31st, 1991

Today was an awful day in the castle. Eliot had laid out a brilliant escape plan that would get him out of the castle. It was a brilliant plan indeed; he would've most definitely gotten out of the castle. But that didn't mean he wouldn't be found by the Kings guards once he returned to the village.

I warned him. I told him he shouldn't do it. But that stubborn boy didn't listen to me.

Yes, he did escape the castle. But once he reached the village and was about to flee to another kingdom, the King's guards found him. And it's most obvious what happened next. He was killed. That boy, if only he had listened to me.

-Edward Ayala

Blu's eyes widened once she finished reading. Now she knew not to create an escape plan in the future. She felt so much sorrow for her father. He had to live through the torturous life of a servant. The same life Blu was living right now. But he was released at some point. He couldn't have served the king for long.

Just as Blu was flipping to the end of the book, she heard footsteps. She didn't pay much attention to this. It was her free session after all, she was free to do anything she wished. As long as it wasn't something the king wouldn't want a servant to do.Just as Blu was flipping to the end of the book, she heard footsteps. She didn't pay much attention to this. It was her free session after all, she was free to do anything she wished. As long as it wasn't something the king wouldn't want a servant to do.

When she looked to see who was coming, she saw the king himself. And following after him, was that woman.

Blu nearly dropped the journal, but she managed to keep it from falling. She slid it back in its place and ducked behind a shelf, curious to see what they were doing here. She could almost hear her own heart beating.

She peered through a gian between two books on a shelf as two individuals walked into the library; holding hands. A pang of jealousy hit Blu. No it couldn't be jealousy. That would be absurd.

She saw the woman whisper something into the King's ear. The king smirked and whispered something back. They both laughed and sat down at a table. They were all over each other. Blu hated it. And she didn't know why.

And then the king spoke.

"So Selena, why'd you bring me to the library?" He said in his raspy voice. The woman smirked. Blu made a disgusted face as she watched her sit on the king's lap.

"I wanted some time to ourselves," she said as she stroked his hair. Blu's heart beat quickly, eager to see what would happen next.

"Oh really?" The king asked as he leaned in closer to her; a little too close. Blu was holding her breath. Their lips were about to touch when Selena backed away and stood up. The king groaned.

"Seriously?" He grunted. Selena giggled.

"You want a drink?" She asked him as she looked towards the lemonade stand by the entrance of the library. The king nodded.

Blu watched as Selena walked over to the small stand. The king signed and turned his head. Blu quickly ducked before he could see her. But she slowly popped her head back up when all she saw was the back of his head.

She turned her attention back to Selena. Her smile had faded as she looked more serious now. She poured the king a cup of lemonade. But, Blu caught something. Something that happened so quickly, if she looked away for a second, she would have missed it.

She saw Selena take something out of her pocket. From where Blu was, she couldn't clearly see what she was holding.

She then out whatever she had in her hand in the King's drink and quickly stirred it. Blu's jaw dropped. What did she put in there? And way? Then it hit her.

Blu assumed Selena was going to drug him. But why? They both clearly seem to like each other.

Selena walked back to the king once she was finished pouring a cup for herself. A cup in which she didn't put anything in. She put on that fake smile agian.

She placed the cup of lemonade in front of the king. Blu stared at the cup, curious as to what on earth Selena could've put in it. Then she sat down herself in a different chair.

"Thank you," the king said. "Now can I have that kiss?" Selena laughed.

"Not so fast." She nodded her head towards the lemonade. "Have a drink first."

Blu watched the king look at the drink. He laughed.

"Whatever you say," he said.

It seemed as if time slowed down. Blu saw the king reaching for the drink, his large hand clasping around it's surface. She didn't know what to do. Should she stop him? Her pulse got faster and faster.

Selena eyed the cup as the king brought it up to his lips. That's when Blu broke.

"Stop!" She yelled as she stood up now visible to them.

They both spun their heads around in shock. The King's jaw slightly dropped as he saw Blu standing before them.

"Blu," he said, the cup still held firmly in his hand. They both stood up from their seats. "Why are you-"

"Your majesty," Blu started before the king could punish her. "Do not drink that," she said looking at the cup in his hand. She couldn't believe she was actually doing this. She could feel her throat closing up.

The king looked at the lemonade and then back at Blu.

"Why not?" The king asked her with a hint of anger in his voice. Both of them looked at her like she was crazy.

"Because- because she was trying to poison you,' Blu blurted out as she looked at the woman standing next to the king.

There was a moment of silence, eery silence. Then, Selena let out a loud laugh.

"Poison? Him? That's rediculous darling. You must be insane," she paused. "Why would we listen yo a disheveled servant like you," she spat. A look of hurt crosses the King's face.

"That's enough, Selena," the king mumbled. Selena looked at him and gave him a confused look.

"Aren't you going to punish her?" She asked as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. The king looked straight at Blu. He could see the fear in her eyes.

"Well, if she's wrong, you won't have a problem taking a sip of this. Would you?" The king slyly asked her, handing the cup to Selena.

She looked at the cup and back to the king in disbelief.

"This is rediculous. You believe a servant, over me?"

"If she is wrong, Selena, you will take a sip from this drink," he said sternly, his expression now angry.

Selena opened her mouth to speak but quickly closed it.

"That's it. Guards!" He shouted loud enough that almost the whole castle could hear. The kings guards immediately came rushing into the library.

"Wait! Stop! I didn't do anything!" She protested as the guards grabbed onto her arms. "Jonathan! Listen to me!" But all the king did was look away.

The guards dragged her out of the library; her cries echoing.

Blu and the king stood there in silence, listening to her cries until they fade away. All that was heard was the king breathing in and out. He stared at the floor, still in shock.

Blu didn't say anything. She didn't know what to say. Everything seemed to happen so fast. The king slowly walked towards the table.

He then slammed his fist agian the flat surface, making Blu jump.

"No!" He yelled. Blu watched as he breathed heavily. She fiddled with her sweaty hands, not knowing weather to leave or not.

The king then turned his attention to Blu. She saw how red his eyes were. He just stared at her for a full 15 seconds, not saying a word. Blu saw a look of hearing in his eyes. She didn't know what to feel. Her heart was still racing in her chest.

The king then turned away and just stormed out the library. Leaving Blu alone. She just stood there, still shocked at what happened.

The whole time, that woman was planning on killing the king. At least that's what Blu assumed.

But why? Why did she pretend to like him?

So shocking! Well anyways Hope you liked this chapter, and the next update might take awhile again because I have to work on the next chapter for my other book
(Insane | H2O Delirious)

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