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"I can't get this one stain," Ohm complained as he vigorously scrubbed a spot on the floor. Blu had not spoken to him in so long. She wondered if it was finally time to forgive him for almost getting her killed. At first she thought she would never forgive him. But she eventually came to her senses.

She didn't feel like talking much, considering what had happened yesterday. Selena. That woman. She was going to kill the king! One question had been hurling around Blu's mind.

Should she have stopped the king from drinking the lemonade?

If she hadn't, the king would be dead right now. Gone forever. Swept from the face of the earth. No one would have to worry about him again. Villagers would no longer have to live under the rule of King Jonathan Dennis. Maybe there would be less death in the kingdom. Maybe there would be less violence; less sadness. Who knows?

Blu swept her thoughts away before she could regret saving the king. She prayed none of the servants would ever find out about this. But why did she save him? There was something fuming inside her. Something that told her she had to save him. She just couldn't figure out what or why.

Also why was Selena pretending to like him? And why did she attempt to kill him? Who knows what they did together. Blu didn't want to know. Boy, did Selena fool him. She fooled him good. What would've happened if Blu wasn't there? She wanted answers but she knew she wouldn't get them any time soon.

"Blu, the session is over," a voice said from behind her. She spun around to find Ohm looking at her. She looked around and saw that everyone working in the session had already left. It was just the two of them. Ohm laughed.

"You were zoning out," he said. Blu snapped back into reality and looked down.

"Oh, thanks," she simply said to him. She looked back up and saw a sincere smile on his face. He stared at her for what felt like minutes but was really only a couple of seconds.

"Well," he said breaking the silence. "I'd better get going. Next session starts soon." He waited for Blu to say something but no words came out of her mouth. He looked down, his straight hair falling down his face. He sighed as he started to walk away, but Blu stopped him.

"Wait," she said. Ohm stopped walking. He slowly turned around to face her once again. Blu sighed.

"Look," she started. "I'm sorry. I've been ignoring you for awhile now. And I just wanted to say that I forgive you. I just want to be friends agian," she truthfully said. A smile grew on Ohm's lips.

"So we're good now?" Ohm asked her. Blu nodded.

"We're good"

It almost looked as if Ohm was about to hug her, but he stopped himself and Blu couldn't tell if he was or not. He just smiled again.

"Alright. I'll see you around," he said, walking away.

"See you," Blu replied. She was relieved to finally get on good terms with Ryan. It felt as if a heavy weight had been lifted from her shoulders.

As she started walking to her next session, she started to think about everything that had happened since she got to the castle. First was getting caught in the garden, second was kissing the king, third was finding out her father had been a servant, and fourth was saving the king from death. It's been a crazy month for Blu. That's for sure. Did things like this always go on in the castle.

* * *

For the rest of the day, Blu did her work. She didn't talk much to anyone besides Ohm. As the day seemed to stretch longer, Blu started to get more tired. Sometimes, her eyelids would even start to close. But she tried her hardest to not let that happen. Who knows what would happen if a guard, or even the king himself, saw her sleeping on the job.

Blu was in the middle of preparing lunch when she heard someone say her name. It was a guard.

"Blu," he said stiffly as he stood in the middle of the kitchen. Blu turned around and looked at him blankly. Everyone in the kitchen stopped what they were doing and looked at Blu and the guard.

The guards clearly noticed this and a look of anger crossed his face.

"Did I tell anyone to stop working?" He barked. Blu and the other servants jumped at his sudden outburst and immediately went back to work. The guard cleared his throat and then turned his attention to Blu who was confused.

"Blu," he repeated. "Would you like to step outside for a moment?" He asked, motioning towards the door. Blu looked at him, then at the door. Step outside? What did he want? Did she do something wrong?

"That wasn't a question, that was a command," he raised his voice. Blu's heart started to pump faster. She walked outside along with the guard. He shut the door to the kitchen so no one could hear them. He then looked sternly at Blu.

"Now listen carefully. The king would like to meet with you in his room at seven. No later than that. You hear me?" He said. Blu's heart leaped for some reason when the guard mentioned the king. Why did he want to meet her? Blu was confused. She assumed the king wouldn't want to see her after what had happened. But Blu nodded.

"Yes," she said. The guard grunted and walked away, leaving Blu in her thoughts. She walked back into the kitchen and all the servants looked at her. They looked out the door to make sure the guard was gone and looked back at Blu.

"What did he say?" Luke asked her. They all looked at her waiting for an answer. Blu had to think quickly.

"He just switched around some of my sessions in the schedule," she lied.

"Oh," she heard some of them say. Then they all went back to work. By this, she was relieved. It was typical for guards to switch around the sessions for servants. It wasn't something that rarely happened. And Blu was proud of herself for that good lie.

But then she thought about what the guard had really said. The king would like to meet you in his room at seven. His words replayed in her mind over and over again. She was nervous. Was she in trouble? There was no way of finding out until she got there.

For the whole day, Blu wondered why the king wanted go see her. But she wouldn't be curious for long when the clock finally struck seven.

It was time for her to see the king.

As she walked along the halls, her heart felt heavier and heavier. What was the king going to do to her? Why did he want to see her? Her footsteps echoed through the large building and she felt so alone. She felt isolated from everyone.

Soon enough, she was standing in front of those doors. The doors to the king's room. Blu thought her heart might burst. She breathed heavily as she wrapped her hand into a fist. She brought her hand up to the doors and held it there for a moment, hesitating before knocking. Then she finally knocked on the tall door; the sound of echoing around her.

At first their was silence on the other end. Blu waited for a sound; for any sign of movement. But there was none. She has been standing there for over a minute before she was debating whether she should leave or knock agian.

But suddenly the door started to creak open. Blu's pulse became faster and faster as the door swung open.

There. Standing in front of her was the king himself in his lovely robe. He stared at her with his red eyes and an evil smile grew on his lips. Blu thought her legs would give out but she somehow maintained her balance.

"Blu," he said. "Come in." She started shaking as she walked into his massive room of blue and gold. It was just a way she had remembered it before: beautiful and luxurious. She heard the door shut behind her and she flinched. She kept her back towards the king, nervous to even look at his face.

She then felt a cold hand on her arm and she flinched again. The king chuckled.

"Why are you shaking, Blu?" He asked as he walked in front of her. He stared into her eyes and no words could come out of her mouth. He chuckled once again.

"Can't you speak?" The king said coming closer to her. Blu immediately nodded.

"Yes," she said shakily. She looked at the ground. "Yes you're majesty," she fiddled with her fingers.

She felt the king come even closer to her if that was even possible. He put his finger on her chin and lifted her head to face him.

"Look at me when you're talking," he said softly but suprisingly not angrily. Blu peered into his eyes. His beautiful blue eyes that shone in the light. His hair was combed upward, making him look even better. But Blu quietly shamed herself for thinking such things.

"And don't fiddle with you're hands," he said taking each of Blu's hands in his. He let go and Blu put her hands to her sides. She took a deep breath.

"Why'd you want to meet here?" She asked bravely. The king looked at her for a moment and sighed. His face seemed to soften up a bit. He walked towards his balcony and motioned for Blu to come. She followed.

The view from his balcony was absolutely magnificent. You could see most of the garden and even parts of the village up ahead. A lake lay ahead as well, the stars shining in its reflection. A cool breeze swept through Blu's hair. This was unlike anything she had ever seen. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, filling the fresh air into her lungs. She then looked at the king who was looking at her with a small smile on his face. But he quickly got rid of it when he saw her looking.

"It's beautiful," she said to him.

"Isn't it?" He said. They stood there in silence for a minute, admiring the beautiful view. The king sighed. Blu looked at him.

"Did you talk to Selena?" Blu asked. But she quickly regretted it, wondering if she had said the wrong thing. The kings face darkened a bit but he didn't burst with anger. Somehow, he kept that inside him.

"Yes I did speak to her," he said. "It turns out, it was all an act." He rested his arms on the stone rail; the sides of their arms touching. "She never had any feelings for me. She just wanted to gain my trust so she could easily kill me." He paused for a moment and ran his hand through his hair. "I sent her back to her castle. I had a strong urge to kill her. But I couldn't. Because if I did, the people of her kingdom might've killed me."

Blu looked at him and he gazed out into the open world. She looked towards the horizon and up at the stars shining high above.

"Well, why did she want to kill you?" Blu asked.

"Family issues," he simply said. It was obvious he didn't feel like talking about it. "I should've known."

"Look, Blu. The reason I wanted to meet you here is because I wanted to say-" he started but paused. He look a deep breath. "I just wanted to say thank you. For yesterday."

Blu looked at him and gave him a small smile. Her pulse started to return to it's normal rate and she started to become more comfortable. The king spoke again.

"But why?" He asked. "Why did you save me?" He turned and looked at her. "I just don't understand." Blu looked at him sincerely and sighed.

"I don't know," she said. "Something inside me told me to. I don't know what it was. But whatever it is, it's strong. It just won't go away," she told him. He looked at her and she looked at him. Blu could feel the tension between them but she stayed put.

The king came closer to her and put his hand on her waist. She looked at his hand then back at him. She knew what he wanted. But it was Blu that time who made the first move.

She brought her face closer and closer to his. She could feel his breath on her skin. And soon, their lips met. That same feeling returned to her and filled her whole body with warmth and joy. She put her hands on his shoulders and as he started to slip his robe off, revealing his strong, bare arms.

"Tattoos," he said. Blu lightly stroked his arm. Besides her father's friend, she had never really seen anyone with a tattoo before. Before Blu could say anything else, the king kissed her agian.

But they suddenly heard shuffling noises from below the balcony. They immediately parted from each other. They looked at each other in fear.

They peered over the balcony's rail and saw a guard who was staring right at them.

"Shit," the king said quietly. He looked at the guard then back at Blu. "What am I doing?" They both saw the guard quickly run back into the castle. A pang of fear hit Blu.

They had been caught.

Hi loves, hope you enjoyed this chapter, and big question, do you like this story so far???

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