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(This chapter will brake people's heart I am so sorry but this is how the story continues)

Hot wind swept though Blu as she sat down on a bench in the garden. She overlooked the garden full of servants working.

She hadn't seen the King since yesterday. He was all she was thinking about she was crazy, she thought. She almost slept with the king. The king! What was she thinking? She must be out of her mind. But she just couldn't stop thinking about him; the way he looked at her, the sparkle in his eyes, the feeling of his lips. It just seemed all unreal to her. Like a dream. It almost seemed as if the king had changed ever since Blu became his servant.

But she was worried about him. About The Council. She wondered if that guard had already reached the Council. She wondered if a member of the Council was on they're way right now. She wondered if the guard had told the other guards about what he had seen. It didn't seem like it. He must've been in such a rush to get out of the castle.

But how could Blu be worried? This was a good thing, wasn't it? He wouldn't have to be the king anymore. The kingdom would need someone else to rule.

Blu soon snapped out of her thoughts when she saw a guard appear from a doorway. She immediately continued her work. As she looked up towards the other servants she realized something. The other servants didn't really talk with each other. Of course each servant had at least one good friend but Blu felt like she barely knew anyone.

She thought about the people she was friends with; Rachel, Craig, Ryan, and Luke. That was about it. At least it was better than nothing.

Blu walked along the hedge maze as she cut the twigs sticking out. It was already July and she hated the Hot weather. Her hands where sweating, and every bone in her body felt cooked. She was never a summer person. She liked the cold and Christmas. Christmas was her favorite holiday of the year. At least it used to be... Who knows what Christmas will be like in the Castle.

Then Blu took another step and slipped on water from the sprinklers, her foot suddenly slipped. Her body was thrown backwards and made contact with the ground.

She cursed under her breath and groaned. As she was struggling to stand up, she saw a hand reach down towards her. Her heart skipped a beat. It was the-

Ohm. It was just Ryan. Blu's heart rate returned to it's normal pace and she sighed. She grabbed Ohm's hand. He put his other hand on her waist and helped her up. She finally stumbled to her feet, keeping a firm grip on Ohm's hand.

She let out a laugh and smiled at him. "Thanks Rya-"

Before she could even thank him, she slipped again, this time into Ohm's hard chest. They're faces came dangerously close to each other, He held onto her arms so she would remain stable.

He laughed, revealing his cute dimples. "You okay there?" He asked keeping a firm grip on Blu. She nodded and laughed, feeling a bit embarrassed.

"Thanks Ryan," she finished as she looked up to his eyes. His eyes were somewhat similar to the King's. Not the same color but they had that certain sparkle in them. Ohm stared back at her until she looked away.

"You okay now?" He asked, loosening his grip on her. She nodded and she let go of her. He was a real sweetheart, she thought.

But she suddenly had a feeling they were being watched. She looked past Ohm and looked at the Castle. Her heart nearly stopped. A figure stood on a balcony and was staring right at her and Ohm. Blu couldn't make out who's face it was but by looking at the fancy robe he was wearing, she knew it was him. The one and only. The king.

She looked back at Ohm and took a small step away from him.

"What's wrong?" He asked. He turned around to look where Blu was looking. But when he did, the king had disappeared. He turned back to Blu.

"Nothing," she said with a forced smile. "I should get back to work now," she said walking back towards the bushes. "Thanks agian!"

Ryan stared at her for a moment in confusion, but decided not to question her. He gave her one last smile and returned to his work.

Once Ohm had gone, Blu sighed looking back at the still empty balcony. She felt as if the king was always watching her; watching her every move. He was creepy yet charming at the same time. What was she feeling for the king was something unexplainable. If it is possible to have feelings for someone yet also afraid of them, then that's what she was feeling.

* * *

Once Blu had finished her day's work, she was on her way to the kitchen to eat with the other servants. The servants were required to cook their own food everyday. Tonight the meal was Chicken Noodle Soup: one of Blu's favorites.

When she reached the kitchen, the food already been made. She looked towards the table and saw that all the servants were already eating.

She saw Rachel motion her to sit next to her. Blu nodded. She took a bowl from a cabinet and put it next to the pot full of soup. She grabbed a large ladle and carefully poured the Hot soup into her bowl. When she was finished, she placed the bowl on the table and sat down next to Rachel.

The servants talked in a hushed tone, for if they were too loud, they would be punished.

"Hey," Rachel said.

"Hey," Blu responded. She took a sip of her soup and a feeling of warmth immediately rushed through her. Steam was still rising from her bowl.

The two girls continued to talk about their long, boring days. Everyday was the same and Blu hated it. She looked around and saw Ryan talking to Craig. She looked around more and saw all of the servants.

But she felt as if something was missing. Her eyes landed on an empty chair. Then it hit her. Where was Luke?

"Where's Luke?" She said aloud. Everyone turned their attention to her. The talking quieted down and the room was filled with silence.

"I don't know," said a red-headed servant. "That's unusual." Blu was always here on time.

But everyone eventually ignored Luke's absence and assumed he was finishing up his work. The room was filled with chatter once agian.

Blu had finished her first bowl of soup and had gotten up to refill it. The only perk of being a servant here, was that the food was great. There was such a wide variety of food in the castle while in the village, the variety was limited.

When she sat down, she listed to the servants conversation.

"I saw the king today," one servant said.

"Did you," another asked as she put a spoonful of soup in her mouth. The servant nodded.

"He looked very angry and irritated for some reason," he continued. Blu glanced at Ohm and back down at her soup.

"When does he not look irritated?" Rachel asked. But Blu stomped on her foot.

"Ow," she said.

"Don't talk like that," Blu whispered. "The guards could be listening or even the king himself. You'll get yourself killed."

"The king barely comes out. He's always hiding in the shadows somewhere," Mini said quietly. But Blu gave him a warning look.

She knew things about the king no one else did. She might have even known more about him than any of these servants. She knows that he lurks around the castle. But you can't see him. He's there but he's not. He's always watching even if you think he isn't.

The servants changed the subject and started talking about other things. Blu glanced at the large clock that hung above the doorway. It was 9:00 already. Curfew was at 10:30.

Blu was already really tired. She and Rachel stood up to clean their bowls in the sink.

"Could you pass me that towel?" Rachel asked. Blu handed her the towel and she dried her bowl. They both put everything away--utensils, napkins, bowls, glasses--and returned to the table. The other servants were finishing up they're meals as well. Blu sighed and ran a hand through her greasy hair.

Suddenly, a loud bang filled the air.

A gunshot.

Ohm dropped his bowl, frightened by the sudden sound and it shattered to pieces. The room fell silent and looked towards the doorway. Blu's heart leaped and started racing.

"What was that?" She said nervously. They heard a loud groan coming from the hallway.

"That's what you get you filthy thief!" The sound of the king's voice filled the air.

"Oh my god," Blu whispered under her breath. She and a few brave servants peeked outside to see what was going on.

What lay before Blu's eyes made her heart drop and will scar her forever.

There, right before her eyes was the king holding a gun. His hands were covered of bright red blood.

Below him lay a lifeless body.


"No!" Blu cried. The other servants wailed. She sunk to her knees and looked at the two people in front of her.

She ran up to Luke and held his head in her arms. His eyes where shut and his heartbeat was nonexistent. Blood was covered in his face and hair.

"Don't try to save him," the king said, his voice deep and evil. "He's already dead." Tears streamed down Blu's face. The other servants were crying behind her.

"What did you do?!" Blu yelled looking at the king. His eyes were black yet she could see fire in them.

"You bastard!" Blu yelled. "How could you?!"

"Don't question me servant!" He yelled. "Now all of you get to your rooms!" All the servants except Blu scurried away, frightened by what the king would do if they didn't.

"Guards! Take this man away!" Guards immediately rushed through the hallway and dragged Luke away from Blu. When they were gone Blu stood up.

"Did you hear me?" The king said. "Leave!" He commanded. Standing before Blu was the true King. The King everyone hated with a great passion. She was a fool to think he had changed. She knew something like this would eventually happen. But why did it have to be Luke?

Before the king could say anything more Blu ran away, back to the rooms.; her cries echoing through the castle.

How could he?

R.i.p CaRtOoNz we love you.

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