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The field, where Blu stood, was spotted with pink and yellow tulips. The sun was shone down on her face as a warm feeling rushed through her body. The sky was a baby blue: Blu's favorite color. She couldn't spot one cloud up there; nothing could block the bright sun and the happiness it brought the earth. The only sound that filled the air was the singing of a robin, perched high on a long branch. Blu closed her eyes and smelled the summer air. It was clean and fresh. She sighed.

What a wonderful world it was, she thought.

But just as she was admiring the beautiful flowers on the grass, she saw a shadow overhead. Her smile faded and she sensed the feeling of fear in the atmosphere. She looked up and saw that the sky had turned a dark gray; there wasn't a single spot of blue. The field became dark and the tulips lost their glow. The robin had stopped singing and instead, had flown away. The smell of rain filled the air and she felt a drop of water on her shoulder. She flinched at the unexpected feeling.

As she looked up further, she saw a lightning bolt which lit up the sky. It started to rain harder and harder as the winds picked up. A feeling of angst filled Blu as she watched the storm come closer and closer; her clothes now soaked from the rain.

Then suddenly, a loud 'bang' echoed through the air causing Blu's heart to skip a beat. And at that moment, the only thing she wanted to do was to flee from this place.

This place that was once happy, but now a forsaken wasteland.

"Blu," a voice said. The girl in the Dungeon had not moved. "Blu," the voice said more angrily.

Slowly, her eyes fluttered open to see the familiar blood-stained wall. She picked her head up and looked towards the bars of the cellar. Behind them was a guard. One she caught sight of him, she immediately stood up. The chains on her feet made a clanking sound as she adjusted her clothes. Really? She thought. Again with the chains? After Blu had yelled at the king last night, the guards sent her to the dungeon for three days.

At first she was confused as to why the king hadn't killed her for speaking to him in such a manner. But then she realized he couldn't. He liked Blu in ways that no king should ever like a servant. He just couldn't bring himself to kill her.

The guard cleared his throat and continued. "There is someone who would like to speak with you," he said with almost an evil grin on his lips. Blu trembled in fear, already knowing who that 'someone' was.

Right after the guard had left, Blu wished he didn't. And then a figure emergered from the dark dungeon. He was walking right towards Blu's cellar. Blu's heart rate sped up.

He halted in front of the bars of the cellar and looked right into Blu's eyes. Blu stared back. After for what seemed like a whole minute, a smile grew on his lips.

"Good morning, Blu," the voice of the king said. Blu shuttered at his words. His voice sounded cold and mysterious.

"Your majesty," she said with a slight bow. The king scratched his chin and reached his hand in a pocket in his robe. He took out a key; the key to the cell. He brought the key up to the lock and with a quick turn, unlocked it. Blu's heart beat faster. What was he going to do to her? Kill her? She remembered the story Rachel had told her about the man the king killed in the dungeon. She shivered at the thought and was hoping she wouldn't end up like him.

The king stepped inside the cell and shut the barred door behind him. Blu stood in the center, staring at him as she fiddled with her hands. The king looked at her in a way she could not discribe. He didn't look at her with passion nor hate. So what was he thinking?

He slowly started to lean in. Blu felt his cold hands on her bare arms. What was he doing? He leaned in closer and closer. Blu's heart pounded.

But he passed her lips and brought his face to her ear.

"What did I tell you about fiddling with your hands?" He whispered as he separated Blu's two hands from each other. "It's not polite."

"Forgive me your majesty," she said softly as she put her hands to her sides. The king smiled as he backed up.

"That's better," he said. He paced around the cell for a minute before looking at Blu.

"Now, Blu," he started. "Could you tell me what you did wrong yesterday?" Blu froze for a moment.

"I- uh- I yelled at you when I shouldn't have," she said shakily. The king nodded his head.

"And what else?" He asked as he stared at Blu with those fierce eyes.

"I- I called you a bastard," she continued.

"And why did you call me that?" He asked.

"Because you killed Luke," she said truthfully. The king stopped at this and came closer to her once more. Blu backed up until her back hit the wall.

"Do you know why I killed Luke?" He asked. Blu shook her head.

"No," she said in fear.

"He's a thief!" The king yelled. "He tried to steal some of my jewelry. I don't know how he thought he can get away with it," he laughed. Blu stared at the king. Why would Luke be so stupid? It didn't sound like him; he would never steal anything. At least that's what Blu thought.

"And you know what the worst part is?" The king asked. "He tried to steal my wife's favorite necklace. It's one of the only things I have left it her's," he said as his face softened a bit. At this, Blu couldn't deny that she understood what the king was feeling. When someone tries to steal something so close and near to you, you lash out.

When Blu looked into the King's eyes, she could almost see them getting watery. She could tell this was a sensitive topic for him.

"And you, Blu," he said as he came even closer if that was possible. Blu's back was still against the wall and the King's face was only inches away from hers.

"I would have to kill you," he said. Blu's heart clenched and she froze in fear.

"But the thing is," the king continued, "I just can't bring myself to do that." He then leaned in once more, this time his cold lips pecking her's. Yes, the king was definitely bipolar. Blu looked at him in bewilderment.

"Promise me you won't ever yell at me like that agian," he sternly said, his eyes turning dark again. "I don't want the guards getting suspicious as to why I haven't killed you yet."

"I promise," Blu said. The king grunted in satisfaction. He was about to leave when Blu remembered something.

"What about the council?" She asked. The king turned and looked at her.

"I heard that the guard had been killed by foreigners on the way," the king said. Blu sighed in relief. She had never been more relieved in her life. She looked down at the ground for only a moment.

When she looked up to respond, the king had left. The dungeon was now quiet once agian. Blu sat down in the corner of the cell and thought about the King's quick visit.

She didn't know what to think of the king. She felt as if so many things had happened since she arrived at the castle. She felt like everything that had happened had to do with her. Why did the king like her? A servant; a worthless little girl? She just didn't understand. But the real question is, why did Blu like the king? Or at least liked. Everything seemed like a big blur.

All she knew for sure about was that she still did not forgive the king for killing Luke.

* * *

The next morning, Blu awoke to the sound of guards entering the Dungeon. She quietly groaned and started to sit up. Her neck was sore from resting her head on the hard, concrete ground.

"Stop moving!" A guard yelled. Blu looked towards the corner of the hallway and waited to see what was going on.

Then suddenly, two guards appeared from the corner. But they weren't alone. Between them was a boy, around Blu's age. He was struggling to wry himself from the guards grip.

"Stop moving boy!" The guard yelled as he punched him in the rib. The boy groaned and gave in. Blu couldn't really see his face due to the darkness of the Dungeon.

The guards approached the empty cell next to Blu's and violenty threw the boy in there. They attached the chains to his feet and quickly locked the door behind them. They gave him one last look of disgust and left without another word.

Blu stared at the boy in shock. His nose was running with blood and his hair was wet with sweat. She realized that his clothes were not those of a servant, but of a villager. He groaned in pain.

"Are you okay?" She spoke up.

The boy slowly lifted his head and stared right at Blu.

Her jaw dropped. She couldn't believe what she was seeing.

Was this real life? Or was this just another silly dream? No it couldn't be. It felt so real.

Tears started to fill her eyes and words were not able to come out of her mouth. The boy looked back at her and tears started to fill in his eyes too.

Blu rushed to the barred wall which separated the two cells as did the boy. A was of happiness flooded through her whole body. Before she could say anything, the boy spoke up.

"Blu," the voice of her brother said.

Uh oh, cliffhanger.

I hope you guys really enjoying the story so far my loves. 💓

If you know any bbs fans that would love this story, please share this story to them. It will mean so much.🌸

Follow my Instagram: @Armydelirous

Shout out to Singing3542 for being a big supporter for this book! Thank you so much love!

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