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The next days in the castle went by normally. Blu was pleased that there had been no more drama or surprises since she saw her brother. She had already had enough of that.

"Would you pass me that?" Rachel asked pointing to a towel hanging on the bathroom wall. Blu took the towel in her hands and handed it to Rachel. She noticed it was already starting to get dark outside. It was probably around seven already.

"Thanks," she said. The two girls continued to scrub every inch of the bathroom. Blu started to think about the king.

All her life she had learned to always hate the king. She had never expected to be in a situation like this. She knew that once she became a servant, the king had changed for the better. And at that moment she knew that the reason the king was changing was because of her.

Blu looked at Rachel then back at the towel in her hand. She moved the towel in a circular motion on the floor, making sure to get every spot. She wondered if she should tell Rachel about the king. How would she react? Blu was already sick and tired of keeping this whole thing from Rachel. She knew she could trust her. But will Rachel trust her if she told her? After battling two options in her head, she decided to tell her after they had finished cleaning the bathroom.

Blu let the water of the sink run over the towel. The warm water felt nice on her cold and dry hands. She turned the sink back off and started to scrub the mirror. When she was rubbing the towel in a round motion, she suddenly stopped. She looked at her reflection in the mirror. She was staring at the face of the village girl she once was. The village girl who lived happily with her brother and parents. She missed the village so much.

She thought about her family and about her ill father. She really hoped he was okay. She quickly snapped out of her thoughts when it was almost time to leave. She threw the dirt towel in the laundry as did Rachel.

Now Blu had remembered what she was going to tell Rachel who hadn't spoken to her much today.

"Rachel," Blu said. "I have to tell you something." Rachel's expression turned serious. Blu couldn't believe she was going to say this. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

"What's wrong?" Rachel asked, very concerned. Blu opened her mouth to speak. Her words just on the tip of her tongue. It seemed as of they would come out at any given moment.

"Hey! You two!" Someone suddenly yelled. The two girls spun around to find a guard staring down both of them. "Stop talking and get back to work!"

Rachel and Blu looked at each other for a moment and immediately left. The suddeness of the guard startled them and Rachel immediately forgot about what Blu was going to say. Well, Blu thought, maybe it was a sign not to tell her so soon.

She walked along the hallway, on her way to her next session. And what was her next session? Cleaning the king's room. That's right. It was the first time Blu had cleaned the king's room before.

The king wouldn't be there though. The king was never in his room while a servant was cleaning it. At least that's what Blu heard.

She listened to the echoing of her footsteps. She felt so isolated; so alone in this part of the castle. The walls seemed to grow high and all the hallways longer. It was an eery part of the castle Blu did not like. She folded her arms as she walked; hoping to warm up a bit. Goosebumps started to form on her skinny arms and legs.

She could finally see the tall doors which lead to the king's room. They grew taller and taller as she came closer. She suddenly halted in the front of the doors.

She looked up and saw that they almost reached the ceiling. She grabbed the handle of one door and tightened her grip. She pulled the terribly heavy door and managed to open it just enough so that she could fit through.

She took a deep breath as she shut the door behind her. When she looked up, she almost jumped in suprise.

There, lying on the bed was a shirtless king. He looked at Blu with wide eyes, but when he seen who it was a smirk grew on his face.

"Blu," he said.

"Please forgive me your majesty," Blu said franticly trying not to look at his perfect six pack. But she couldn't help but stare. He was- gorgeous. The king obviously noticed her staring at him.

"Like what you see?" He asked. Blu didn't know what to say, she had no idea he would be here. She looked at the king as he awaited an answer.

She quickly nodded. There was an awkward silence between the two. Then suddenly, the king laughed; a genuine laugh. And although Blu didn't know why, she laughed too.

"You're here to clean the room I'm assuming," the king said.

"Yes I am," Blu replied. "Sorry, I didn't know you would be here."

"No," the king said, "that's just fine." Blu gave him a small smile. Gosh he looked so good, she thought. His hair was messy and it seemed as if he was in bed all day.

The king bit his lip as he stared at Blu. Her cheeks turned bright red.

"Um I guess I'll just start with the bathroom," she said shyly.

"Alright," the king said in his raspy voice.

Blu made her way into the large bathroom. She shut the door behind her; her heart still racing from the sight of the king.

She took a deep breath and took a good look at the bathroom. Blu had never seen the king's royal bathroom before. It was absolutely beautiful. The walls were blue and the moldings, gold. The bathtub was huge and had handles made of pure gold as was the sink.

After marveling at the royal bathroom for long enough, Blu immediately started her work.

As she had done earlier, she dipped a towel in water making it damp and immediately started to scrub the floor.

While she worked, she couldn't stop thinking about the king. He was right in the room next to her!

Blu made sure to scrub every inch of the bathroom; she didn't want to anger the king. She knew how his mood could change so easily.

She was on the floor, scrubbing the side of the tub. Her knees were red and sore from rubbing against the hard, cold floor almost all day.

She sighed as she stood up to stretch her back. But suddenly, she felt two large hands on her waist. She gasped and dropped the towel in her hand. She quickly spun around.

She was facing the still-shirtless king. Blu could see that there was a look of want in his eyes. At that moment the king was not intimidating to Blu at all. And she too felt a feeling had never felt before.

The king peered into her eyes, his grip tightening on her. Blu was so surprised by his presence that she didn't know what to do.

But before she could say anything, the king smashed his lips against her's. Blu's heart leapt with excitement and surprise. She put her hands on his rock-hard abs as she kissed back.

The king suddenly pulled away and breathed heavily. He grabbed Blu by the arm and she followed him out of the bathroom and into his bedroom.

Were they actually going to do this? So many emotions filled Blu. She layed on the bed as did the king. It was the most comfortable bed Blu had been in. It was a thousand times better than her dirty, old cot. She brought her face up to the king and started to kiss him.

The king pulled away for a brief moment. He stroked her and opened his mouth to speak.

"I know I shouldn't be doing this," the king started. "Know one will know about this. Understand?" Blu nodded.

"Yes, your majesty," Blu said.

"Call me Jonathan," the king said with a wink.

"Okay, Jonathan," Blu said. She laughed at the unfamiliar name and the king laughed along with her.

And the two were left alone. There was absolutely nothing to worry about. No one would find out. Right?

And just outside the castle, Rain started to fall from the sky and made the ground damp. The sky was dark yet soothing in some way. The toads made quiet sounds In the grass and the owls silently perched on a tall tree. The air was peaceful.

It was a perfect night.


Short chapter, sorry. And if your wondering why they're is no Details. I was kinda debating if this should have been a Smut scene. But you can fill in the details yourself in your mind.🤣 PG13 Book. So that's also the main reason why there is no details. But if you like smut, then read my other book that has a lot of it. It's called Insane|H2O Delirious

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