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Blu's eyes fluttered open as the morning sun seeped through the curtains. The brightness of the king's room gave her a warm feeling.

A small smile crept on her lips as she thought about last night. Never in her whole life had she imagined sleeping with the king. It was the last thing she would ever think of.

She felt a strong arm wrapped around her bare waist. She looked at the king muscled arm. She admired his tattoos and traced the outline of them with her finger.

When she flipped to her other side, she saw the face of the sleeping king. He looked so cute, she thought to herself. His hair was messy and his lips almost seemed as if they curved into a slight smile.

Suddenly, Blu saw the king, Jonathan rather, stir in the bed. He softly groaned and stretched his long arms in front of him.

Finally, he opened his eyes and turned his head to look at Blu. He smiled and Blu returned one.

"Good morning beautiful," he said in his morning voice. Blu's heart leapt as he said the word 'beautiful'.

"Good morning handsome," she said with a large grin on her face.

"Last night was amazing," he suddenly said in his groggy voice. Blu blushed.

Jonathan pulled his face closer to hers and kissed her sweetly. Blu kissed back, enjoying the moment while she could. Jonathan wrapped his strong arms around her hips as Blu played with his hair. Right then, she felt safe.

When they parted, they both laid on their backs and stared at the wall, thinking about the previous night.

"Look at you, your so beautiful," he said, pulling closer to her. Blu smiled as he attacked her with kisses.

"Alright, alright," Blu said. Jonathan reluctantly withdrew from her.

Blu sighed and said, "What does this mean?" The king looked at her for a moment, unsure or what she was saying. "I mean what are we?"

The king looked into her eyes, long and hard as if he was battling with his thoughts in his head. But he finally broke the gaze and thew his hands in the air.

"I honestly don't know," he said truthfully. "All I know is that for some unknown, unfamiliar, unexplainable reason-" the king stopped for a moment and sighed, staring at the wall. He ran his hand through his messy hair.

"All I know is that I have feelings for you." And for that, the king spoke truthfully; something he never did very often.

Blu felt butterflies in her stomach as she smiled at him. She didn't know how to respond. But just as she opened her mouth to say something, at the corner of her eyes, she caught a glimpse of a large clock on the wall. She suddenly jolted up.

"I have to go," she said hurriedly as she flipped the covers off of her. The king's eyes widened, surprised at Blu's sudden departure.She jumped out of bed and it wasn't until then that she realized she didn't have any clothes on. She turned and saw the king staring at her, his eyes wide with greed.

Blu quickly grabbed her clothes and threw them on. She had to get right to her first session.

Once she was fully changed, she rushed to the king's side of the bed, only to find him still staring at her. It was as if he was in a trance. His eyes had a twinkle in them as he looked at her. A twinkle Blu had never seen when she first arrived at the castle. A twinkle probably almost no one has ever seen or noticed.

The king pulled her to him by her shirt and brought her face to his. He kissed her desperately and Blu kissed back, never wanting to let go. The king suddenly grabbed her by her waist and tightened his grip as his hands trailed lower and lower.

Although Blu hated to do it, she took a step back before the king could do anything else.

"Woah there tiger," Blu said. The king grunted in dissatisfaction. Blu laughed and made her way to the door. Just as she opened the door she heard the king whistle at her from behind. She gave him a warning look, afraid someone might hear. She was relieved when she looked both ways and saw that there was no one in sight.

She opened the door behind her slowly, and quietly. A cold sense filled through her body and the warm feeling of the king's room quickly vanished. She was relieved she had successfully escaped from the king's room without anyone noticing. But now she had something else to deal with.

She had to come up with an excuse as to why she was gone for the night. She certainly could not say anything about what really happened. She then started to think about what happened last night and a smile grew on her face. Boy, does Jonathan know how to-

But before she could even finish the thought, the sound of footsteps stopped her dead in her tracks.

Clip clap, clip clap

The guards.

Blu had to think of something fast. The guards would be suspicious as to why she was in this part of the castle.

She quickly turned a corner, her head against the wall. She tries to keep her breaths steady and quiet.

Luckily, the steps slowly fades away. Blu didn't turn the corner until the footsteps of the guards were completely inaudible. She peeked to the side of the wall, making sure the guards were gone.

When they were completely out of sight Blu sighed and quickly scurried her way to her first session.

* * *

"These pillars are impossible to polish," the woman next to Blu mumbled.

Blu was on her knees, scrubbing the floor with a damp towel. She luckily hadn't seen Rachel yet but she knew she would soon. And she knew she was going to question her absence last night. But Blu bad already came up with an excuse.

She was deep in thought as she scrubbed the floor like a robot. She just couldn't stop thinking about last night. It was something she never thought she would ever do.

"Why are you smiling to yourself?" The nosy woman next to Blu asked. Blu immediately snapped out of her trance and looked at the woman in bewilderment. She was smiling? She didn't even notice.

"No reason," Blu lied. She wondered what would happen of she ever told anyone about what happened. She knew no one would ever trust her agian.

Blu immediately continued her work but continued to doze off every once in a while. She thought long and hard about the king. She just couldn't stop thing about him; his lustful eyes, his perfect body, the feeling of his touch.

But Blu realized she wasn't the only one who has had this type of experience. She then remembered Selena and her heart dropped. Did Selena really mean anything to the king? How could he just move so quickly to another girl? Who knows how many women he has slept with. Was he just using Blu? It certainly didn't feel like that last night.

Blu suddenly felt a pit in her stomach. What if the king really was using her? She's a servant! How could a king fall for one of his servants? She thought. And why her? It just didn't make sense to Blu. Maybe something like this would never happen again. But she didn't know. Anything could happen right?

Blu yawned as she scrubbed a red spot on the floor. But she suddenly stopped and an chilling feeling was sent down to her spine.

This was the place Luke was killed.

And at that moment Blu realized the red spot was- blood. Whether it was Luke's or the king's she did not know. She hates the sight of blood and thinking about the death of her friend made her cringe.

At that moment Blu knew for sure this time, the reason why the king was changing was because of her. And knowing that was an amazing feeling.

"Sweetheart, are you okay?" The women next to her suddenly said. "You're smiling agian."

It felt like forever since I uploaded a chapter. Sorry for the wait, and the next chapter will be a Christmas one!❄

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