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Fear. An unpleasant emotion caused by something or someone. A feeling that tingles down your body and makes your legs shake. This undeniable fear was what Blu was feeling at that moment.

Her heart pounded in her chest and it seemed almost as if it would explode at any second. Just moments before, Ohm kissed her, forcefully. It seemed as if the feeling of this chapped lips would never leave her's not because she liked it, but because she feared it. But what she feared the most at the moment was the man standing in front of the two servants.

eyes full of bewilderment. From the corner of her eye, Blu could see Ohm literally shaking. She stood in place and didn't take her eyes off the man, for she feared his reation.

"What is this?" The voice of the king barked. His voice was cold and strong. And Blu knew this was the side of the king she feared.

"Jonathan, it's not what you think," Blu said, her words shaky. The king curled his fists at this sides and he stared at Blu.

"Then what is it?" He yelled, his eyes full of fury.

"He- he kissed me. I pushed him away, I swear I- I would never do such a thing!" Blu said with much courage.

The king remained silent for a moment and cranked his head towards Ohm who was still trembling like a child.

"What do you think you're doing with Blu?!" The king yelled as he slowly advanced towards him. He grabbed the grip of his sword and held it firmly at his side. "What makes you think you can do that? Rules are rules Ryan, and you have disobeyed them."

"I'm- I'm sorry. I d- didn't mean to y- your majesty. Please forgive me," Ohm said on the verge of tears. But the king didn't accept his apology. Instead, he charged at Ohm and pinned him against the wall with a loud thump.

"Blu is MINE!" The king growled at his face. "You can't lay a finger on her!" He pushed him fiercely against the wall once again. Blood started to stream from Ohm's nose. "You Bastard!" He yelled as spit frew from his mouth. He punched Ohm in the stomach once, twice, three times before he threw him on the ground. Ohm groaned and cried in pain. At this point tears started to trail down Blu's cheeks. She didn't know what to do.

"She's mine!" The king spat like an animal ready to tear his prey apart. He kicked him in the stomach with his hard, leather boots which were now covered in dark blood.

"Jonathan!" Blu cried as she watched in horror at Ohm's helpless body.

She saw the king reach for his sword and draw it from his side. His long blade was beautiful yet deadly. It simmered in the dark hall, snow still falling just outside the window. She watched as the king brought the sword over his head as Ohm lied hopelessly on the ground in front of him. Blu couldn't take this anymore.

"Stop!" She cried, her face now red from her tears. She threw her body in front of Ohm, guarding him from the murderer standing above him.

The king stopped his sword from falling once he saw Blu in front of him.

He paused for a moment, staring at Blu as he panted.

"Please don't do this," Blu pleaded. She could taste her tears in her mouth. "I don't want him to end up like Luke."

At this, the king froze. It seemed as if everything had came to a halt. He eyed Blu, looked back at his sword, and then at Ohm lying on the floor. His face fell and his eyes softened as the evil in them disappeared. All that was heard were the king's heavy breaths and the groans of Ohm.

The king had realized what he had done. He released his sword from his hand and it fell to his side, making a loud clanking sound.

"I'm sorry," he said out of breath. "What have I done?" Boy watched him as he looked at her and Ohm.

She looked back at Ohm and noticed he was shivering out of fear and coldness. She took his head in her lap and cradled his head.

She thought what Ohm did was wrong. But the king didn't have the right to lash out like that towards him. She knew he would be angry. He was obsessed with her. What stopped him from killing Ohm?

They started to hear footsteps coming their way and Blu's head snapped towards the sound. She could still hear the faint sound of music coming from the grand hall.

The footsteps grew louder and louder until a group of guards appeared before them.

"Your majesty," on of the guards said in surprise. He looked at Ohm and back at the king. Once he saw the scene, he became nervous.

"We heard some noise, we thought something was wrong," he said as his lips trembled in fear. The other guards slowly back away.

"Nothing is wrong here," the king said in a deep voice. "It was just a-," he paused for a moment trying to find the right word, "a misunderstanding." The guards stood still, not knowing what to say or do.

"One of you," the king paused as he fought with his words, "bring him to the- the nurse," he said as he nodded his head towards Ohm who was still moaning in pain.

A few guard's exchanged confused faces, not understanding why the king hadn't killed Ohm and instead decided to send him to the nurse. Two guards slowly walked towards Ohm as Blu backed away.

"Hurry!" The king raises his voice. The guard's quickened their pace at his command. "Yes, right away your majesty," they said. They grabbed Ohm by his arms and he yelled as a piercing pain was sent down his body.

"Careful," the king said through his gritted teeth as if he regretted saying the word. The guards carefully lifted Ohm and carried him down the hall, his groans echoing behind him. Before the other guards left they turned back to the king.

"Do you need anything else your majesty?" One said as he looked at Blu and back at him.

"No," he replied. "You may leave now," And within the next few seconds, all the guards had left, leaving the king and Blu alone.

Deadly silence filled the air and Blu soon became uncomfortable. But the king had nothing to say. And neither did Blu.

They stared at each other for what felt like almost a minute. All that was heard was their steady breaths. The smell of blood that had lingered in the air soon disappeared.

The king took a deep breath and looked at the ground in front of him. He took a step away from Blu and was about to leave until he realized his sword was still on the floor.

He groaned as he picked it up and slid it back in its case with a loud snap. He slowly turned back to Blu.

"You'd better get back to the party," he grumbled. His voice was cracked and cold.

"Yes your maj-," Blu started, "I mean, Jonathan." The king froze for a moment as Blu said his real name. But me then slowly turned around and walked out of the hallway; his robe dragging behind him.

And on that night, Blue's favorite Holiday had turned into her worst nightmare.

* * *

Light seeped through the servant's room, illuminating the darkness of it. Snow was still falling outside.

It was a white Christmas.

Blu's eyes fluttered open to see that she was the first one awake. It's Christmas, she thought. A warm feeling swept through her body as she remembered the Christmas she had spent with her family. She remembered how she would always be the first one to wake up. She remembered how she would always hope it was snowing outside. She remembered how relatives would visit and spent time together. She smiled as she thought about her life back in the village. Life in the village wasn't spectacular of course. But it was much better than life in the castle. That was for sure.

And soon her smile turned into a frown. She sighed as she thought about Ohm and how much she hoped he was okay.

She lay in her small bed, her body covered in a warm blanket. She swung her legs over her bed as quietly as she could, making sure no one would be awoken. Her feet touched the cold floor and a cool sensation was sent up her body. Her arms and legs were now exposed to the cool, snowy air and the warrness of her bed was no lomger there.

Goosebumps formed all over her body and she rushed her trunk to get her clothes; her bare feet patting on the floor. She had stepped in a loose wooden plank and it made a croaking sound. She froze and turned back to the other servants who were still sleeping in their beds. No one was awake. She sighed and approached her trunk full of her clothes.

But before she opened it, she noticed a small box resting on top of it. She tilted her head in confusion and she looked at it. It's gold and silver colors appealed to her and she couldn't help but see what was inside.

She looked around to see if anyone was watching her had woken up. But everyone still seemed to be asleep.

She looked back at the box and examined it. She slowly reached for it and grasped it in her hand. She felt it's smooth texture and was overwhelmed with curiosity.

Carefully and slowly, she lifted the lid with her fingertips. She looked inside to find a small piece of paper. On it in black ink was written:

I'm sorry

Blu stared at the paper in front of her. It was from the king. Her heart leapt for some unknown reason. He was apologizing; something Blu thought the king never did.

She set the paper aside and examined the inside of the box. It was a music box. A small smile appeared on her face. Although she wanted to, she couldn't test it out now because everyone was still sleeping.

A Christmas gift, she thought. It was from the king! And Blu knew the king was finally realizing maybe being good wasn't so bad after all.

The king is changing guys!❤

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