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An eery silence lingered through the halls of the castle. No one but Craig had spoken to Blu since everyone found out about the affair. Loneliness tugged at her sides with a vicious pull. She had no one. All of her friends were living happily back in the village. She wondered what they were up to now; if they were still thought about her. And her parents. Her parents and her brother.

Servants day was nearing. She couldn't believe it. Had it already been almost a year? It certainly did not feel like it. She had remembered a conversation she had with a friend of her's back in the village.

"God, I hope I don't end up there," her friend said. She was talking about the castle of course. "I'd do anything to stay away from that sick man. Those poor servants. How do they handle his temperament? I wonder. One year in there feels like a decade."

One year. A year of sorrows, of happiness. It was all so real to her. Yet, she wondered. Would the king free her from her service? Or would she just remain to him a servant.

She sighed as she sat upright from her bed. The other servants were scurrying around the room, getting ready for the day's work. Everyone seemed to be avoiding eye contact with her. She felt like she was invisible. They pretended like she was not there at all. Her heart dropped solemnly.

She stretched her hands up over her head and yawned. Twisting her body, she cracked back. Although she knew everyone in the room had heard, not one person looked up to even acknowledge her presence.

She stood straight on the cold. Flat floor and bent down to open her trunk. Her hands found the iron latch and flipped it open, resting the lid on the wall with a thud. Her eyes roamed over the dull clothing and her hands snatched for a fresh pair of servant clothes.

It wasn't until then that she noticed a slip of paper sticking out from a fold in one of her blouses. She furrowed her eyebrows and looked at the paper with curiosity. She didn't remember any paper being there before.

She looked around at the decreasing number of servants in the room. She decided to wait until everyone was gone before taking it out.

At first, her clothes were cold as she slipped them over her head. But then that coldness turned into a brimming warmness. A welcoming warmness. A warmness  that told her everything was going to alright.

She slipped on her skirt since the weather was warm today. It buckled tightly around her waist and rose two inches above her knee. Standing in front of the mirror, she admired her silky hair as she brushed through it with a comb; its waves like the waves in the ocean.

One final look around the room told Blu that everyone had left. Finally.

Her feet padded along the floor and stopped in front of her open trunk. Her knees made contact with the floor and her hands reached inside for the paper. With a swift motion, it slid out of its spot. In her hands was a clean-cut piece of paper with the Initials JD at the top in gold. It didn't take her long to guess who it was from.

On the paper in neat cursive were written a time and four words:

6:00 - Follow the rose petals

Blu stared at the paper blankly. Her hands seemed to shake as she held it for some foreign reason. It was from the king. Just the thought of him made fireworks burst in her stomach.

But she did not understand what she was reading. Follow the rose petals. Where? When? Why? What did he mean? Frustration hit her. Her head exploded with thoughts and questions.

6:00 rose petals.

What did it mean? Blu didn't know why excitement started to build in her stomach. Although she longed to understand the meaning behind Jonathan's words, she did not have time to think. What she needed to do was get to work, even though that was the last thing she wanted.

The door slammed behind her and she walked quickly to her first session: cleaning in the library.

It was always the same. Dusting this shelf. Dusting that shelf.

She passed by the portrait of Angela; the painting Jonathan had shown her a few days ago. That was the day he confessed his love for her. A warmth grew in her stomach as his words seemed to whisper in her head. I love you.

She moved onto the back section of the library. Her body ached with boredom as she shook the duster along the shelves full of books. Why does the castle even need all of these books? Blu thought. No one reads them. She darted her eyes along the spines of the books and almost felt sorry for them. Each one held a story waiting to be read. Each one holding its own secret. Some wouldn't ever be read at all. What a shame, she thought.

She continued to glide the duster along the shelves, but stopped when she took notice of a certain book. Lilac Dress was what it was called. An urgent feeling to open it tugged at her and looking around before doing so, her hands reached for it. It was light. Far lighter than it looked.

Her fingers pinched the edge of the cover and turned it. Blu had always loved to read. Her friends never understood why. It was just that every time she opened a book, an intense curiosity overwhelmed her. She had to know the secrets it had, its story.

At some times, she felt like she was in her own story. With all that had happened, she imagined her life as a book: the innocent town girl falls in love with the evil king. It sounded silly to her. She smiled in amusement.

Just as she was about to flip the first page, she heard someone giggle nearby. Her head shot up in alertness. Her hands snapped the book shut and she slid it back in its proper spot.

"Stop Ohm," Blu heard someone giggle.

Boy peered behind the shelf, keeping her body hidden. Laughs echoed silently throughout the library. There was two voices. Two voices that sounded all too fimiliar.

The boy with straight wavy hair appeared before Blu's eyes along with another girl. Rachel.

Ohm chased after Rachel playfully. Almost seemed as though they were flirting with each other. What were they doing in the library? Didn't they have work to do?

That's when Blu remembered something Ohm had said to her: I think I like Rachel. She remembered his words as if he said them to her just yesterday. Plus she had seen them together alot lately.

She watched as Ohm caught Rachel and tackled her to the floor.

"Ouch!" She said then laughed. Ohm tickled her stomach as she tried to fight back. "Alright, alright," she said still laughing. "That's enough now."

Resentfully, Ohm stopped. Blu watched in surprise. How feelings for someone can develop just in a day was something she couldn't understand.

Ohm was positioned on top of Rachel. Blu noticed the way he looked at her. It was funny yo her how he could move on to another girl so quickly. She watched as he leaned his head towards Rachel's.

Blu's heart pumped quickly.

But Rachel pressed at his chest and moved his body away. A look of hurt crossed Ryan's face and Blu almost felt bad for him. He frowned as he stood up, seeming embarrassed. Rachel awkwardly stood up as well, avoiding Ryan's eyes.

For some reason, Blu felt she was watching something she shouldn't be seeing. She felt as if she was invading their privacy.

"I've got to go now," Rachel said shyly. Ohm stared at her, a look of want or was it regret in his eyes. He nodded his head.

"Me too," he replied. "I-I guess I'll see you around." He scratched his neck. Rachel nodded slowly and gulped.

"Yeah, see you," she said as she started to walk away. Ohm watched her go through the library doors. He seemed lonely and Blu felt like giving him a hug. But she remembered how he betrayed her.

He looked down and shook his head as if he was ashamed of himself. He waited until the sound of Rachel's footsteps completely faded before he walked away himself.

Blu felt bad. That was one of her weaknesses. She was soft.

She resumed her dusting of the shelves as thoughts swirled in her mind.

Once the first session was finished, she went onto the next. And the next. The day, like any other typical day in the castle, seemed to drag on forever. All that she could think about was the note. Jonathan's words seemed so vague to her. They kept repeating in her head, over and over and over again. It got to the point where she was at the peak of frustration.

What did he mean? 6:00 - Follow the rose petals. Follow the rose petals.

Blu's heart ran like a cheetah as she eyed the large clock in the kitchen. 5:45. Almost six. What was she going to do? How could she follow the rose petals if she didn't even know where they started?

Rose petals. Roses. Where would one find roses. Her mind seemed to be spinning at this point.

The garden, she thought. He must want me to go there. Where else would you find rose petals? There was nothing lose.

Her eyes darted back to the clock. 5:50. Her heart leaped out of her stomach. Almost time. She gulped loudly. She felt excited yet nervous.

Where was he telling her to go? What would they do? How? Why? When? She was so desperate to know what Jonathan had in mind. She could not what to see him.

As the minutes got nearer and nearer to six, Blu started to put the kitchen supplies away one by one. The other servants didn't seem to pay much attention to her, but she really didn't care at this point. The only person she truly cared about was Jonathan. And maybe Craig because he was her only friend.

Placing the pots and pans back to their rightful spot, her hands felt damp with sweat. She huffed out a loud breath and rested her hands on her hips. More servants started to enter the kitchen to continue preparing for the dinner meal. Other servants exited the kitchen and went onto their final session. But not Blu.

She passed under the entrance to th kitchen and turned to the hallway which led to the garden. Her soft breaths paced quickly as her steps for faster with each stride. She wanted to see his face. The king's. His beautiful, seductive, soft face. She wanted to feel his hands around her again. The need for him felt like a curse to her. A poison maybe. He was her poison. She was his.

This feeling of need. It was something Blu could not live without. Something that would stay with her for the rest of her life. She wanted him all to herself. No one else, just her. He cared about her, unlike the rest of the people in the castle. He was her escape.

Her heart beat like the rhythm of a drum. Faster, faster, faster. Now she could see it. The door to the garden. It stood tall and proud, as if it had some secret behind it that no one could see. As she got closer, the door got larger and grew above her. Only a few feet now.

She raised her hands in front of her and pushed the door open smoothly without a creak. A blast of fresh air hit her face and blew her hair back. A warming chill swept through her body, welcoming her. Her nostrils breathed in the clean, pine-scented air.

Her eyes squinted and looked ahead for any sign of rose petals, roses, anything.

Scanning the whole area, she found... nothing. Her heart cracked. How could she be so foolish to think it was that easy?

What if she was wrong? What if she had misunderstood the note?

She trudged along the garden, her heart sinking deeper with every breath. No sign of rose petals. Behind the bushes, under the benches, by the flowers, there was nothing.

She was alone. No one was working in the garden at this time of day. She was deserted. Her lips partially opened and let out a sigh. She passed the sedges, the sunflowers, the apple trees.

As she was passing the hedge maze, something caught her eye at the last second. She froze like a statue. Her head cranked towards the entrance of the hedge maze and noticed something lying on the floor.

Her heart stopped. It was exactly what she had been looking for.

Rose petals. A trail of rose petals leading into the sinuous maze. Her heart leaped with joy, excitement, and nervousness. She smiled to herself, happy and satisfied that she had cracked the code.

She entered the tall maze and immediately started to follow the trail of rose petals. They were the most beautiful bright, vibrant red she had ever seen. She hated to step over them.

Deeper and deeper she went into the made like a small ant in a big world. Where would the trail lead? She wondered. What would be at the end? Her head was full of curiosity and eagerness and excitement. Her mind was a blur.

I love you. Jonathan's words echoed in her head as she turned many corners. I love you too, she mouthed as if she was speaking to him directly.

You remind me of her. Blu remembered what he had said as he showed her that painting of Angela. Her steps got faster as did her heart beat.

Another turn, and another. When was it going to end? It seemed to go in for eternity.

The sky put on a dark coat above her. A sea of starts scattered across the ocean of darkness. The clear, bright moon helped light her way around the maze. She heard a distant hoot from an owl somewhere far off. It was a perfect night. The night of all nights. 

She followed the red path as it stretched longer and longer. She walked through countless corners and curves.

A gust of wind hit her in the face and flowed through the air. The rose petals flew slightly in the direction the wind had gone. No. Blu didn't want the petals to be blown away. How else would she get to the end of the trail? She prayed the would would not blow them away.

Somewhere nearby, there was an orchestra playing. An orchestra or crickets, owls, cicadas echoing in the cold air. She loved the sound. She loved the wilderness.

Her feet stopped. Her body froze.

She saw an end to the trail of pedals. Excitement burst through her as she walked to the very end of the trail which ended right in her heart of the maze. The hedges formed a circle, where all paths in the maze met. Right here, in the center.

Right in the center of the circle, was the man Blu loved.

There he was, standing there, looking up at the stars in the night sky. A circle of rose petals surrounded him. His arms were folded, his back towards Blu. He wore a beautiful white and black outfit. His button-down was was white, and the sleeves folded upward. His trousers were black, containing not one wrinkle in them. His boots rose up to his knee and were polished perfectly, without a spot on them. He was waiting for something. Someone.

"Jonathan," Blu spoke in her soft voice. His body jumped quickly spun around, startled at first, his eyes wide. When he saw Blu in front of him, the largest smile grew on his face, showing his perfect white teeth. His black hair was slicked back and gelled as if for some special occasion. He looked handsome, Blu couldn't describe him in words. The way he looked, the way he dressed, the way his hair was brushed. And that smile on his face. That smile.

"Blu, you scared me," he said with a bright laugh. She walked over to him.

"You? Scared? I thought the king never got scared," she said with a giggle. She faced him so that they were an arm's length away.

"Let's be honest here, everyone is scared of something," Jonathan admitted.

"That's true," Blu replied. She looked around, at the flower petals, at Jonathan. "I got your note." Jonathan nodded.

"Clearly," he stated. Blu laughed. He laughed.

"What's with the rose petals? Why'd you bring me here?" She asked eagerly. Jonathan licked his lips as he stared at Blu. Oh, the things he wanted to do. They way he looked at her intoxicated her.

"I wanted to tell you something. Well, actually, ask you something very important," he said as he stroked Blu's arms. Her heart leaped. Ask her something important?

"You look so beautiful," he whispered. She blushed.

"You look so handsome," she whispered back with a smirk. He smiled, but looked away. Instead he gazed up at the stars with a great intensity, as it he was looking for something.

"See?" He asked, raising his index finger high in the air. "The Big Dipper. Right there to your upper right." Blu tilted her head upwards and looked into the sea of starts. But it looked all scattered to her.

"Where? I don't see it," she said. Jonathan snaked his arm around her and pulled her body towards his so that their hips were touching.

"Over there," he said, pointing his finger. "It looks like a giant spoon." Blu held on tightly to Jonathan as she scanned the sky for any sign of the constellation. She finally spotted it.

"There it is," she said pointing her finger in the direction Jonathan was pointing in. "I see it now." Jonathan smiled and rubbed her back sending chills down her spine. "I was never really good at finding constellations," she admitted. Jonathan chuckled.

"The Big Dipper is actually not a constellation although many people mistaken it for one. It is actually part of a bigger constellation." Jonathan turned to Blu, his eyes full of love.

"We are a part of something bigger, Blu" he said. "Ever since servant's day, ever since you came to this castle, something in me has changed. For the better." He cupped Blu's cheek in his warm, large hand.

Blu's stomach filled with a storm of butterflies. She was not a servant to him. What was this leading to?

"These past few months have been happy yet hard for me. Happy because I was with you. Hard because I had to keep it a secret. If I could, I would've told the world." Blu could feel his breath on her neck. His voice was soothing to her ears.

"Me too," Blu said softly. "It was hard to keep this a secret. I mean, I've hit a lot of milestones ever since I got here. First relationship with someone, first time sleeping with someone," Blu added. Jonathan blushed.

"Better me than anyone else," he said in his raspy voice. Blu laughed.

"First love," she ended with. Jonathan stared at her, his damp lips slightly parted. He held the back of her head with his left hand and pulled her close to him. He rested his other hand on her back and leaned in for a kiss. Blu stood on her toes and closed her eyes.

Their lips connected perfectly as they moved together. His tongue intertwined with her's as they moved in a slow motion. He was an expert at this. His hands roamed up and down her body. Blu was unwrapped in the feeling of pure bliss. She wanted more, but after a few minutes she slowly pulled away, taking a deep breath. Jonathan smiled insatisfaction.

"That was-," Blu started.

"Amazing," Jonathan finished. "You're amazing. Everything about you is amazing, Blu," and with those words Blu watched as he bent down on one knee on the grassy ground. He reached into his back pocket and took out something that looked familiar to her. Her mouth formed an "o" when she realized what it was.

In his hands was the small, silver box she had seen on the dresser in his room. Her whole body burst with exhilaration and joy. Thrilled, she covered her mouth with her two hands. She had never had a feeling like this before. Passion pumped through her veins and joy courses through her blood. Was this actually happening? Was this real life?

"Blu," Jonathan started, seeming amused by the look on Blu's face. "When you first became my servant, I tried so hard not to develop feelings for you. It was a living hell, trust me." Blu laughed joyfully.

"When we first kissed I felt something special between us. And soon enough, I was in love. As crazy as it sounds, I am in love with you Blu Ayala. I want to spend the rest of my life with you and have many children with you. Nothing can bring us apart. Not the council. Not the town. Not the guards or soldiers. No one, you are mine and only mine. And I am your's."

Blu's eyes began to water. She wanted to scream with joy. She couldn't believe this was happening. Jonathan smiled at the ground and held the box carefully in his hands.

"And know that have walked into the heart of the maze, you have to walk into the heart of mine." He looked up at Blu with wide eyes, dazzling eyes. They sparkled in the clear night like diamonds. Blu's heart pumped faster than it ever had before.

"Blu Ayala," he started as he opened the box, revealing the most beautiful diamond ring she had ever seen in her life. "Will you marry me?"

"Yes!" She squealed as a tear escaped from her eye. "Of course!" Jonathan smiled and stood up as Blu ran to him, tears in her eyes. She crashed her lips against his, making Jonathan move back a step from impact. He smiled in the kiss and hugged her tightly to his body. He could feel her heart beating in her chest.

"I love you Blu Ayala," he whispered in her ear.

"I love you Jonathan Dennis," she whispered back.

MEME GUY: It has happened my doods AAAAAAHHHH
Lol I hope you guys enjoyed it, as I promised I would come back with a special chapter. And Jonathan proposed to Blu! Just a reminder, there will be slow updates so don't expect another chapter coming up so soon. ❤

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