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His hand in her's, they made their way back to the entrance of the maze. The red rose petals were barely visible in the dark sky. Their only source of light was the shining moon. Jonathan's arms around her served as a blanket and a source of warmth. Every so often he would plant a kiss on her head and caress her hand with his thumb.

Blu's heart beat was racing with excitement and joy. She loved this man. She loved King Jonathan Dennis. It was a dream. A dream that had somehow come true. A dream she would have never had if she hadn't been chosen to be the king's servant. Everything was perfect.

A little too perfect.

"I can not believe this is happening," Blu said as they turned another corner of the maze. Although she couldn't see it, she knew Jonathan smiled to himself.

"Well, you'd better believe it because it's because it is happening, my beautiful fiancée," he whispered in her ear. Blu smiled, completely hypnotized by his love.

"Where are we going now?" She questioned. Jonathan gave her hand a tight squeeze and brushed his thumb along her hand.

"I have a little something in mind," he said with a wide smirk on his face. Blu's heart leaped with desire.

"Like what?" She asked although she already knew the answer.

"Guess you'll just have to wait and see," he smiled. Excitement burst through her like a firework.

"I would have never imagined something like this. A servant and a king," Blu laughed at how silly it sounded.

"Me neither," he responded is a raspy voice. "But I'm glad it happened. I was so lost before I met you. I was cruel, killed people in horrific ways." He shook his head ashamed of his past actions. "It wasn't until now that I realized what I was doing was horrible. A little bit of love can change a whole man." He paused for a moment in thought. "Because of you, I've been changed for the better."

Blu let a moment of silence pass before responding?

"And I have changed because of you," she said. "I'm just- afraid." Jonathan looked at her seriously.

"I am too," he simply replied, not even denying the uprising fear that was growing inside him.

"What will my parents think of me? What will the whole town think? I shall certainly be hated by everyone."

Jonathan pulled her closer to him, as if protecting her from some sort of evil. He slipped his robe off his long arms and wrapped it tightly around her.

"Don't worry about anyone or anything right now. Just live in the moment and enjoy it while you can," he said sweetly as he planted a kiss on her head. They were finally approaching the entrance to the maze, the rose petals almost completely invisible at this point. Blu had no knowledge of the time, but her eyelids started to feel heavy so she knew it was late.

"Just about out of here," Jonathan said as they turned a final corner.

And finally, the entrance to the maze came into view. They walked through it at a steady pace. Blu's legs and feet arched from all the walking but she tried not to pay attention to it.

Jonathan opened his mouth to speak, but they were interrupted by shouting. The couple stopped in their tracks and quickly looked up, alarmed. In the distance, Blu could see a lantern held by a guard. Another guard followed behind him.

They were running.

"You're majesty!" One of them cried. A wave of sudden fear crashed onto Blu and Jonathan. It was suppose to be their perfect night. What could go wrong now? Blu figured her new ring nervously as if someone would steal it at any second.

"What's going on?" She said aloud. But there was no response from Jonathan.

"They're here!" The other guard shouted. Jonathan clenched his jaw as he approached the two running men. He let go of Blu but told her to stay beside him.

The guards finally reach them and stumbled to halt before them. They panted so vigorously, Blu thought they would collapse at any moment.

"What is the matter?" Jonathan said in an irrigated tone, but Blu could hear the fear in his voice.

The first guard looked at the two newly engaged couple and his eyes darted to the ring on Blu's finger. Surely, he was confused but he decided not to make a comment. Good choice, thought Blu. The other guard looked just as bewildered as he noticed the king's robe around her.

"I asked, what is the matter?" Jonathan repeated. The air around them felt uneasy and for some reason, Blu felt like she was being watched.

"The Council." The guard's words seemed to echo through the air. The other guard took quick, short breaths.

"They're here," he said.

Jonathan's eyes widened in panic. Horror burst through Blu's whole body. Jonathan curled his fingers into his fists.

"What do you mean they're here?" He asked stiffly through his gritted teeth.

"I spotted them from afar from the right tower. In a carriage along with at least six horses."

Jonathan seemed to be in a daze.

"No, this can't be happening," he whispered in disbelief. "How do they know about-" he looked at Blu without a finishing his sentence. But he didn't need to.

"Another guard," the terrified guard responded. "Garrick. He left the Castle this morning with his horse to report you to the council about your- affair." He darted his nervous eyes towards Blu and back at the king. "We had not noticed his absence until this evening. None of the other guards had any say in this, I swear of it," he said loyally as he made a slight bow.

The color in Jonathan's face turned to a bright red. Blu thought he would erupt at any moment.

"My god," he said as he could barely hear the faint hooves of horses approaching the Castle.

"What shall we do, your highness?" The other guard asked anxiously. Jonathan looked at the two men intensely. He squinted his eyes as if he was in deep thought. He had to think quickly.

"Quick, round up every gaurd in the Castle. Get the weapons you think necessary and block every entrance in the Castle. If the head confronts any of you, tell him I am visiting my uncle and won't be back for a week." Jonathan grabbed Blu firmly by the hand, about to take off. 

"We've got to get inside," he spoke hurriendly. He took one step but looked back for another moment.

"And remember, whatever you do," he started, raising his voice as he spoke to the gaurds.

"Do not let them in.

And with that final statement, he ran with Blu to the garden door and opened it with such force, it almost broke off the hinges. His hand squeezed her's tightly as they ran through the dark halls. Their feet clapped the floor at a fast pace. Blu took quick, sharp breaths as she ran with Jonathan to his room she assumed. She could feel his robe sliding off her since it wasn't securely on. It started to drag on the floor.

"Wait, Jonathan!" She said as she tried to readjust the robe that was falling to the ground.

"Leave it," he said in a loud tone. And Blu let it fall onto the ground in the middle of the hallway. She could feel sweat building up between their hands. Her breaths became quicker and she thought her lungs would give out. Each breath felt like the tip of a dagger was piercing her chest. She stumbled over her feet, but Jonathan stabilized her with his hand.

"Almost, there," he said in between breaths. Blu had never seen him run so fast. She felt doomed as she thought this might be the day she would die. Or even worse: this may be the day King Jonathan Dennis would die. The mighty ruler of the kingdom. The king villagers said could "never be killed". This could be the day.

How something could change so quickly from a dream to a nightmare was amazing to Blu. Terrifyingly amazing. And she was so relieved when she saw the doors to Jonathan's room come into sight.

Jonathan grunted as he pulled Blu to the door.

"Get in, Hurry!" He said as he opened it with a forceful tug. Blu did as she was told and Jonathan followed her in, shutting the door behind him. He locked it instantly with a click that was satisfying to Blu.

She plopped on the side of the bed as Jonathan walked back and forth in front of her. He tugged at his hair as if he was trying to pull it out. His gelled hair was now a mess, sticking up in all places.

"What are we going to do?" Blu asked, her stomach getting tingly from fear. Jonathan brought his knuckle to his lips as he paced around the room.

"I don't know," he mumbled.

"We have to hide," Blu said anxiously. Jonathan stopped in his tracks and looked up.

"No," he replied. "We have to fight." Blu's mouth fell slightly open, but she closed it back up.

"You mean to tell me, you want to kill every person on the council?" Blu asked in disbelief. "Is that even possible?" Jonathan shook his head.

No, I do not intend to kill everyone on the council. But if the Head is killed, the rest of the council is useless. Without the Head, they won't have to authority to separate us, or-" he paused for a moment, "kill me." His words sent a shiver down Blu's spine. She sighed in dismay.

"Why does the council even care so much if we're together?" She asked in frustration.

"First of all, it is completely illegal for a king to have any sort of relationship with a servant. Second, they will do anything to bring me down, even if it's something as simple as this. The Council has despised me for years. They have been trying to remove me from the castle for longer than I remember. Once I am no longer able to rule, the Head is to become the next king since I have no son's to take my place. It seems as though he is getting a little impatient. If they see that I am doing anything wrong, they have the right to take my castle and put me to death." His words seemed to jumble up together.

Blu understood. The king certainly had much power throughout the lands, but it is the council that makes sure that every kingdom is run correctly under certain circumstances. So the king could do whatever he pleased, as long as it did not go against any type of law.

"The Council!" The king yelled in disgust. He grabbed a glass cup resting on a table and forcefully threw it against the wall. It instantly shattered into a million pieces, creating a loud crashing noise. Blu winced at the alarming sound. "Those fucking bastards act like assholes"

Blu hesitated before speaking, afraid she would anger him even more.

"Who is the Head of the council anyway?" She questioned. Jonathan's eyes turned dark. She could see sweat forming in his forehead, making the ends of his hair wet.

"Mike Misetich," he replied coldly. "A reputable indeed." But Jonathan clearly did not want to speak of him, for he sat next to Blu on the bed instead. He wrapped his muscled arms around her skinny body.

"I'm scared," Blu admitted as she held onto him tightly.

"I know. I am too. But we're going to get through this. Together. I'm so sorry this had to happen, especially on such a special day." He held her hands in his. He put his forehead to her's.

"Its not your fault, Jonathan. Whatever happenes. I will always love you." She cupped his cheek and sweetly left a lingering kiss on his lips. She didn't want to let go. Not now, not ever.

They were soon interrupted with a loud, urgent knock on the door. Both of their heads spun around. Immediate fear surged through them as the knock returned once more.

"Your majesty!" A muffled voice said from the other side of the door. "Please! I must speak with you on this instant!"

Jonathan practically ran to the door and swung it open almost effortlessly. A frantic-looking guard stood in front of him. It looked as if he had just seen a ghost.

"What's wrong?" Jonathan asked with worry. The guard gulped loudly.

"The Head. Mike. I spoke with him outside the front gate. Told him you were not here and wouldn't be back for a week. But he did not believe any bit of it. He ordered for his shoulders to come. I think this is about more than just going against the law and having a relationship with a servant. He wants to overthrow you," the guard stopped for a moment to take a breath and continued. "He said if he would be back with his soldiers tomorrow afternoon we have to prepare. For battle."

Everything the guard said was shocking to both Jonathan and Blu. What were they to do? The Council, thirsty for more power would make any excuse to overthrow King Jonathan Dennis. And now they had a perfect one.

Jonathan let everything the guard had said sink in. When was the last battle he had been in? It must have been years ago. There was only one thing they could do at this point. Jonathan signed loudly and after a long moment's silence, he opened his mouth to speak.

"You're right" we must prepare for battle. Gather the weapons and tell all the guards and shoulders what had happened." Jonathan took a step closer to the poor, frightened guard. Blu could see determination and bravery in his face. He stared at the guard dead in the eye.

"Looks like we're gonna be having company."


Right when you thought everything was going perfect... this happens...

Thoughts and comments?

I hope this wasn't confusing but if you are confused about everything just let me know so I can be sure to make everything clear in the next chapter. ;)

So sorry that I haven't updated in a long time, I've been busy with school and also I'm lazy but I am still updating this book until it's finished.

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