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April 29th, 2020

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Season : Flower Dancer (1/3)
Weather : sunny days with bright skies
Event : none
Moons Until Eruption : 16
Fresh-kill pile : 10
Sticks : 18
Herbs : 65
Border strength : 13/20
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Cats : 20
Males : 9
Females : 9
Non-binary : 2
Everlasting Flames : 1
Rising Flames : 2
Illuminist : 1
Glows : 2
Magmas : 3
Lavas : 3
Embers : 6
Sparks : 2
Flickers : 1
Ashes : 0
Dens Built :
Everlasting Flames
Rising Flames
Lava/Magma Den
Glow Den
Ember Den
Escapees : 0


In the dead of night, two cats left camp.

Icythroat and Silvermoon have left! Though I doubt this will be the last we see of them..

Pumpkinpaw, and Nightpaw can rank up this moon!

The Glow den was built yesterday!

Sablepaw ranked up to Sabledusk

Please remember to patrol!




Spiderinferno | Ghostfire713
Tom, bisexual
A black tom with red eyes
Hunting Skill: 5/5
Battle Skill: 7/7
Foraging Skill: 5/5
Lives: 3
Mates: Bramblescorch, Icythroat
Stats: Healthy, 3 energy

Bramblescorch | See Sparks


Onyxburn | xxnorthernlights
She-cat, straight
A large gray-black she cat with amber eyes, polydactyl
Hunting Skill: 5.5/5.5
Battle Skill: 7/7
Foraging Skill: 5/5
Mate: Sweetsmolder
Stats: Healthy, 3 energy

Sweetsmolder | DracoDragonGirl
Tom, pansexual
A small, thick furred cream colored tom with slightly lighter and darker spots on his main body, darker stripes on his legs and tail, and blue eyes
Hunting Skill: 8/8
Battle Skill: 3/6
Foraging Skill: 4/6
Mate: Onyxburn
Stats: Healthy, 3 energy


Foxshine | PrincessSunnyy
Tom, Bisexual
A reddish tom with black paws and tail, a white chest and tail tip, and yellow eyes
Foraging Skill: 5/5
Healing Skill: 5/5
Ceremony Skill: 6/6
Lives: 2
Mate: Nightpaw
Stats: Healthy, 3 energy


Silverpelt | NyssaDunlap
She-cat, straight
A small silver furred she cat with blue eyes, dwarfism
Foraging Skill: 7/7
Healing Skill: 5/5
Ceremony Skill: 5/5
Stats: Healthy, 3 energy

Witherdrift | SpiderDeer
She-cat, lesbian
A dusky gray she cat with black patches that faintly look like withering flower petals and azure eyes, vitiligo
Foraging Skill: 6/7
Healing Skill: 4/5
Ceremony Skill: 5/5
Stats: Healthy, 3 energy


Lemmingsnarl | Stumbleclouds-
Tom, bisexual
A large, long haired black tom with bright orange eyes, hermaphrodite
Hunting Skill: 5.5/5.5
Battle Skill: 7/7
Foraging Skill: 5/5
Stats: Healthy, 3 energy

Tallears | goldenhearted-
Tom, aro-ace
A tall, wiry black tom with dull yellow eyes, anosmia
Hunting Skill: 3.5/3.5
Battle Skill: 6/6
Foraging Skill: 4/5
Mate: Lilacheart
Stats: Healthy, 3 energy

Sabledusk | rosellecrowns
Tom, pansexual
A black tom with fading gray patches, leg, and muzzle and deep blue eyes, hermaphrodite
Hunting Skill: 3.5/5.5
Battle Skill: 6.5/6.5
Foraging Skill: 3/6
Mate: Crowheart
Stats: Healthy, 3 energy


Indigohollow | See Sparks

Silentsea | xXMinuit_BaladeXx
She-cat, poly lesbian
A large black she-cat with faint rosette spots and stripes layering across her pelt and shining violet eyes, hidden genetic
Hunting Skill: 3/7
Battle Skill: 7/8
Foraging Skill: 4/5.5
Stats: Healthy, 3 energy

Lilacheart | WriteAllDaFanFic
She-cat, straight
A large she-cat with light-grey fur that is speckled with white and has bright amber eyes
Hunting Skill: 4/6
Battle Skill: 3.5/5.5
Foraging Skill: 3/6
Stats: Healthy, 3 energy

Silverstream | Silverwind_of_MC
She-cat, asexual panromantic
A silvery white she-cat with black stripes and bright blue eyes, primal fanged
Hunting Skill: 5/7
Battle Skill: 8/8
Foraging Skill: 2/6
Stats: Healthy, 3 energy

Crowheart | Viper_the_rainwing
Tom (bio she-cat), gay
A small fluffy black cat with blue eyes, high immune system
Hunting Skill: 3/5.5
Battle Skill: 4/6
Foraging Skill: 2/6
Mate: Sabledusk
Stats: Healthy, 3 energy


Pumpkinpaw | Pumpkinhearted
She-cat, straight
Orange and white she-cat with green eyes
Hunting Skill: 4/5
Battle Skill: 3.5/5.5
Foraging Skill: 2.5/5.5
Mentor: Spiderinferno
Age: 18 moons
Mate: Glacierpaw
Stats: Healthy, 3 energy

Glacierpaw | Creamstar234
Tom, straight
A white tom with light gray tabby patches and cold, pale yellow eyes, learning disability
Hunting Skill: 2.5/7.5
Battle Skill: 4/5.5
Foraging Skill: 1/5
Mentor: Oynxburn
Age: 12 moons
Mate: Pumpkinpaw
Stats: Healthy, 3 energy

Nightpaw | Roseisaghost
She-cat, demisexual
A black and white tuxedo she-cat with striking yellow eyes
Hunting Skill: 3/6
Battle Skill: 3.5/6
Foraging Skill: 3/5
Mentor: Bramblepool
Age: 18 moons
Mate: Foxshine
Stats: Healthy, 3 energy 

Featherpaw | mintpelt1
She-cat, straight
A white she-cat with a scar on her muzzle, a scar over her left eye, and ice blue eyes
Hunting Skill: 5/6
Battle Skill: 3/5
Foraging Skill: 2.5/6
Mentor: Silentsea
Age: 13 moons
Stats: Healthy, 3 energy

Mothpaw | WriteAllDaFanFic
Non-binary (bio tom), pansexual
A small cat with white fur, faint ginger patches, and heterochromia with a violet right eye and a red left eye, hidden genetic
Hunting Skill: 4/7
Battle Skill: 3/7
Foraging Skill: 2/6
Mentor: Silverstream
Age: 16 moons
Stats: Healthy, 3 energy


Indigohollow | Chaos_The_Glitch
Agender (Bio Tom), androsexual
A large, dark gray cat with black rosetted bengal markings and bright amber eyes, hidden genetic
Hunting Skill: 4.5/6
Battle Skill: 3/6
Foraging Skill: 4/5
Stats: Caring for Kits, 1 energy

Bramblescorch | xXMinuit_BaladeXx
She-cat, straight
A small scarred brown tabby with defined muscles, a long ringed tail, and blazing amber-peach eyes, hidden genetic
Hunting Skill: 6/6
Battle Skill: 5.5/5.5
Foraging Skill: 6/6
Lives: 3
Mates: Spiderinferno, Icythroat
Stats: Expecting Kits, 0 energy


Rabbitkit | Ghostfire713
Tom, Bisexual
A small, fluffy, ivory tom kit with soft lavender and gold patches all over his head, flank, and tail with ashy paws and bright piercing yellow eyes, deaf
Plays: 5/6
5 moons
Parent: Indigohollow
Stats: Healthy, 1 energy




April 29th, 2020

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Season : Flower Dancer (1/3)
Weather : sunny days with bright skies
Event : none
Fresh-kill pile : 7
Sticks : 33
Herbs : 84
Border strength : 4/10
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Cats : 12
Males : 7
Females : 5
Non-binary : 0
Aashini : 1
Kyma : 1
Fteri : 1
Nychia : 7
Sofia : 1
Estia : 1
Neos : 1
Dens Built :
Aashini/Kyma Den
Fteri Den
Nychia/Sofia Den
Escapees : 0

Lotus was sound asleep in her nest, she was the only on in the Sofia den now that Maktaro became a Nychia. The small molly didn't stand a chance when she was attacked.A small ginger molly held her down while a bigger white cat tore into her flesh. The commotion awoke the rest of the Olympians, as they raced out of their dens they found a large black tom with white spots dragging the poor Sofia out of her den. He glared at the others and threw the body down.

"You rogues have tested my patience long enough." He spat, his two accomplices standing by his side.
"If I hear one more insult toward my Demi-gods or I, we won't leave a body.." 

Uh oh! Looks like Madeline convinced Lotus to bad-mouth Swanstar! 

Lotus has been moderately injured.

Swanstar, Swansong, and Embereye have arrived in camp! Try not to anger them any more..

Poppy gave birth to one healthy kit! Welcome crat__!

Plum pushed his way into the Nursery, excited to meet his new son.
He spotted Poppy crouched over, her back turned to him.
"Poppy..?" The tom called out.
Poppy turned, her eyes wide and slit. She hissed, arching her back. Plum took a step toward his mate, "Poppy what's wrong?" he asked.
Poppy screeched, leaping at the tom and shoving him out of the nursery. Her claws tore into her mate's stomach as she bit his shoulder. Plum screeched in pain, calling for help.
Berry and Cherry worked together to pull the mad she-cat off the poor tom. Slightly injuring her in the process.
They held her still until she calmed down, barely able to remember what happened.

Uh Oh! In a fit of Primal Rage Poppy attacked Plum!

Poppy is slightly injured.

Plum is moderately injured.

Their kit, though scared, is alright.

Maktaro ranked up!

Remember to patrol!



Shadow | crat__
Tom, pansexual
A large black tom with red eyes, gray stripes, and thicker fur, hidden genetic
Hunting Skill: 6/6
Battle Skill: 8.5/8.5
Foraging Skill: 5/5
Mate: Hallowed
Stats: Healthy, 3 energy

Tom, ???
 A black tom with white paws, white chest, light ginger muzzle, and light ginger splotches that has light amber eyes.
Battle Skill : 6/6
Hunting Skill : 6/6
Foraging Skill : 6/6
Stats: Healthy, 3 energy


Hallowed | Comrade_Skycandy
She-cat, pansexual
Red eyed, thick furred yet large black and orange/ginger rippled molly with lighter spots and stripes of orange, hidden genetic
Hunting Skill: 5/6
Battle Skill: 9/9
Foraging Skill: 4/5
Mate: Shadow
Stats: Healthy, 3 energy


Lossie | Thunderfrost4Ever
She-cat, bisexual
A sleek black she-cat with small green eyes and white flecks across her chest
Foraging Skill: 5.5/5.5
Healing Skill: 5/5
Ceremony Skill: 5/5
Mate: Thunder
Stats: Healthy, 3 energy

Sara | xxnorthernlights
Tom, bisexual
A thin-furred tom with lavender fur with gold stripes on his legs leading up to Bengal rosette spotting on his flank and bright yellow eyes
Foraging Skill: 5/5
Healing Skill: 5/5
Ceremony Skill: 5/5
Stats: Healthy, 3 energy

She-cat, ???
A small, dark ginger she-cat with dark grey paws and dark amber eyes, Demi-god
Foraging Skill: 5/5
Healing Skill: 5/5
Ceremony Skill: 6/6
Stats: Healthy, 3 energy


Non-binary, ???
A white cat with ginger patches and icy blue eyes, Demi-god
Hunting Skill: 5/5
Battle Skill: 5/5
Gathering: 7/7

Berry | DetectiveShadow_
Tom, bisexual
A small, fluffy russet rom with bright brown eyes
Hunting Skill: 6.5/6.5
Battle Skill: 5.5/5.5
Foraging Skill: 5/5
Mate: Cherry
Stats: Healthy, 3 energy

Cherry | Danielle20150
She-cat, straight
A small, fluffy white she-cat with ginger ears and tail and blue eyes, Low Immune System
Hunting Skill: 6.5/6.5
Battle Skill: 5.5/5.5
Foraging Skill: 6/6
Mate: Berry
Stats: Healthy, 3 energy

Thunder | ThunderFrostBoi
Tom, pansexual
A pale cream tom with brown on his face and paws, long fluffy fur, and big green eyes
Hunting Skill: 5/6
Battle Skill: 5/6
Foraging Skill: 4/5.5
Mate: Lossie
Stats: Healthy, 3 energy

Plum | Stumbleclouds-
Tom, bisexual
A light lavender oriental tom with a white spot on her forehead and gray blue eyes, hidden genetic
Hunting Skill: 3/5.5
Battle Skill: 3/5
Foraging Skill: 7/7
Mate: Poppy
Stats: Healthy, 3 energy

Slayer | alumort
Greygender (bio she-cat), demisexual
A white tom with a gray face and chest with grey eyes, anosmia
Hunting Skill: 3.5/3.5
Battle Skill: 4/4
Foraging Skill: 4.5/6
Stats: Healthy, 3 energy

See Estia

Maktaro | Varulven15
Tom, poly bisexual
A large, battle-scarred black smoke and white maine coon tom with one lime green eye and one red eye, polydactyl
Hunting Skill: 4.5/6.5
Battle Skill: 4.5/7
Foraging Skill: 3/5.5
Stats: Healthy, 3 energy


Lotus | Chaos_The_Glitch
She-cat (bio tom), bisexual
Tiny, fluffy she-cat with pale gold fur that fades into white at her paws, dark ginger speckles, and dark blue eyes, hidden genetic
Foraging Skill: 6/6
Healing Skill: 6/6
Ceremony Skill: 0/5
Mentor: Lossie
Age: 21 moons
Stats: Healthy, 3 energy


Poppy | DracoDragonGirl
She-cat, pansexual
A small, fluffy, calico she-cat with red eyes, primal fanged
Hunting Skill: 5/7
Battle Skill: 4/8
Foraging Skill: 3/5
Mate: Plum
Stats: Expecting, 0 energy


Kit One | crat__
Tom, pansexual
pale lavender and gray calico oriental tom with white spots and blue-grey eyes, polydactyl
Plays: 0/6
0 moons
Parent: Poppy and Plum
Stats: Scared and Confused, but Healthy, 1 energy


Crazy Diamond
A medium sized rock that is light grey and very jagged
Owner: Shadow

Rock Lee
A small rock that is dark grey and smooth
Owner: Slayer

A navy blue frog with tiny speckles on it's head and big black eyes; female
OS: .50/3
Venom Level: 9
Owner: Cherry

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