Advent of The Black Earth

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Y/n wasted no time as he strolled to the gathering casters of the sunlight scripture. His smile never leaving his face as he approached.

Eventually he stopped mere meters away from them.

Y/n: "Gotta say. I like the lineup. Angels and magic casters happen to be some of my favourite little puppets."

The sickly sweet tone of his voice was already something that the magic casters were made wary of. He then took a Christian prayer and twisted it to his own demonic ideals.

Y/n: "Breathe in me, O unholy demon, that my thoughts may all be of sin. Act in me, O unholy leviathan, that my work, too, may be sinful. Carve my heart, O unholy abomination, that my bloodlust be unending. Strengthen me, O unholy sacrilege, that I may tear down that which is holy. Drown me, O father of lies, that I may prosper in sin. Ave Satanas."

The casters were disturbed by Y/n's enthusiastic prayer to demons. Ainz remembered when Y/n first had the idea of doing things like that.

They had been in a party with some of the other guild members and Y/n started actively looking up Christian prayers purely so he could twist and distort them to be blasphemous and unholy. Even going so far as to get a tattoo of the leviathan's cross on his right shoulder. Something that was also present on his character.

Y/n wasn't a Satanist by any measure, nor did he actually worship demons. He was just REALLY good at getting into character. To a, quite frankly, disturbing degree.

Eventually, the leader of the group stepped forward. He was a blonde man dressed in more ornate attire than the casters. Angels swarmed around him as he glared down at Y/n.

???: "What... Are you?"

Y/n: "Well I'm many things. A Blacksmith, an Alchemist, the King of the Crypt. Shit like that, Y'know? How bout you? What's your schtick? Y'know, aside from using little boys as your personal fleshlight."

???: "Tch! You're one to talk, creature!"

Y/n: "I mean I have standards. No pedophilia anywhere even remotely related to where I've been. I much prefer just killing the little ratlings than any of that shit."

???: "You-!"

Y/n: "Yes, I enjoy killing spawnlings. Come on, dude. Did you really expect anything less? Hell, back in the world we were in before, I corrupted at least fifty percent of the world's populace to worship me. Child sacrifices were a thing that occurred in my name!"

Ainz: "... That wasn't even a feature in the game though..."

Y/n cackled as three angels rushed at him. Their light weapons shattered upon contact with his armour and he grabbed two of them by the throat whilst his tail emerged from his lower back and wrapped around the neck of the third.

Y/n: "Fiat mihi submersi sunt in ita peccatum."

The onlookers watched in horror as the angels were consumed by a black miasma for a few moments.

When they re-emerged, their forms were nothing like they were before.

Their forms were more humanoid and instead of the brilliant white armour, they now had bright crimson skin with brass plates melded onto their flesh. With gnashing, serrated jaws they growled at the casters and angels.

Upon their chests was a symbol of some kind that glowed a blazing red.

Y/n: "Say hello to my wrath-spawn! Fair warning, they're angy."

Y/n cackled as the three demons charged at blinding speed towards the sunlight scripture. Angels pelted them with light, however the demons weren't slowed in the slightest as they continued in their assault.

The magic casters were grabbed and torn apart in mere seconds while Y/n stood back and watched.

He smirked as blood began to stain the grass beneath the bodies of the dead. However a spell was fired at him from the right. It bounced off of his armour harmlessly, but Y/n's attention was drawn to the caster.

The caster fired another spell, which also bounced off of Y/n's helmet.

Y/n: "Hmm... Hysterium."

A concentrated bout of hysteria was inflicted upon the caster. As he fell to his knees and felt the whispers devouring his sanity rapidly, the world around him turned black and white.

Y/n frowned as he knew what this meant.

Turning around he saw Phalia walking towards him with a smile on her face.

Phalia: "You were out having fun and didn't invite me?"

Y/n sighed. Phalia was so incomprehensibly powerful that she could drain the colour from the world around her. Those who were strong enough could keep the colour of their eyes though.

Amidst the grey-scale world, Phalia's crimson eyes glowed brilliantly. Y/n's yellow eyes also shone like small suns against the grim backdrop of Phalia's power.

Albedo then walked over as well and frowned at Phalia as her yellow eyes were still visible.

Albedo was the strongest floor guardian in Nazarick. But she and Phalia were equals. Nathris and Nazarick were considered separate and so while Albedo was Nazarick's strongest, Nathris' strongest NPC, Andromeda, was orders of magnitude stronger than she would ever be.

Y/n: "Ight, Phalia. Let's lose the greyscale."

Phalia nodded before the colour returned to the world.

Y/n: "Okay! Now then, let's go see who survived the wrath-spawn."

Y/n held his fist up in a halt hand-sign. The wrath-spawn looked over before walking to his side.

The few remaining casters and their leader looked down upon the demon in horror.

Y/n: "What was your name again? I don't think you told me."

The leader of the sunlight scripture backed up in fear before Y/n picked up one of the bodies of one of the casters. He then buried his fangs into the flesh of the caster's throat before tearing out a large chunk of it.

Y/n: "Hm... Nigun Grid Luin, eh?

Nigun backed up and fell on his ass as Y/n slowly advanced towards him. Angels moved to intercept when Nigun brought out a crystal, causing Y/n to stop in his tracks.

Nigun: "Hahaha! Even a creature like you can understand what kind of being lies within this crystal! Archangel! Destroy him!"

Y/n looked up as the Archangel hovered forwards.

Y/n: "So if that's the archangel, then... Hm. Is that Dominion Authority inside of that crystal?"

Nigun's eyes widened in shock. This being knew of Dominion Authority and wasn't even remotely afraid. Surely this was all a bluff.

Y/n waited for the Archangel before it swung it's mace down at him. He didn't even bother using his hands to block it, opting instead to parry it with his horns, which emerged briefly before receding back into his head after he parried the strike.

While the archangel recovered from the parry, Y/n jumped up using his tail as a spring. He then grabbed it by the face before the black miasma began to form around it.

Y/n: "Now what sin shall I afflict you with? Oh! I know! Sit tibi invidia Leviathan !"

Y/n smiled as the archangel's armour melted away and became an amorphous blob on the ground. It then reformed into a huge serpentine demon with glistening, emerald green scales. Upon its head, between the furious amber eyes of the demon, was a symbol which glowed a brilliant green colour at its edges.

Y/n: "Now then, class. Please turn to page number six hundred and sixty six of your textbooks and you'll see that this symbol is that of Envy. Now, if you know basic sin then you'll know that I have used two of the seven deadly sins. There's still five left. One of which is one I will ensure you never experience."

Nigun tried to back up and escape before the serpentine demon that had once been an archangel swiftly wrapped around him.

Y/n then walked over to Nigun before taking the crystal containing Dominion Authority from him.

Y/n: "Hm. Phalia, I leave it to you to corrupt Dominion Authority into a demon of lust."

He tossed the crystal over his shoulder as Phalia caught it.

Phalia: "Any preference for appearance, lord Y/n?"

Y/n: "Female, obviously. As for her appearance? surprise me."

Phalia nodded before opening a rift back to her crypt.

Y/n's smirk stood out like a sun against the darkening skies above him. As the rain began to fall, Y/n grabbed Nigun by the throat as the serpent demon released him.

Nigun was then subjected to Y/n's corruption firsthand. Black miasma surrounded and consumed him as he screamed in agony. Y/n felt his body writhing and darkening in his hand.

Finally, he dropped the leader of the sunlight scripture. At first glance, he seemed fine. However on the back of his neck was a demonic symbol.

Y/n: "Avarice. A worthy sin for such a parasite as you. Go now. Return to the Slane Theocracy. Tell them of the demon. Tell them of sin. Tell them of the Blackened Earth."

With that, Nigun ran without another word. Y/n watched as he climbed onto a horse and fled.

The demon then turned back to Ainz as he approached with Gazef.

Gazef: "That was... Quite the display."

Ainz: "Don't encourage him. He'll never let me hear the end of it."

Gazef: "I don't suppose this village is going to suffer the same fate?"

Y/n: "Don't worry about that. Ainz and I came here to protect this village. That is what we've done. I will be taking the bodies of the knights that we slaughtered though."

Gazef: "Why?"

Ainz: "It's better that you don't know. For now though, Gazef Stronoff, we must be on our way."

Gazef: "Very well. While I was not expecting the village to be saved by such individuals, I am appreciative that you were here to help them."

Y/n: "We may be freelance, but that doesn't mean we can't help out where its needed."

Ainz recognised the blatant lie in Y/n's voice. He had made that same remark to various rival guilds in Yggdrasil. Pretending to be a friendly face before he tore down those guilds by inciting violence between the members while he leeched them and brought the spoils of his victory back to Nazarick.

They had all made the decision that they were gonna be the bad guys early on in the guild's history. But the members were all very close and despite their bad guy personas in the game, they weren't like that in truth.

Again though, Y/n was always the one who was scarily good when it came to role playing as his character. He was even like that outside of Yggdrasil. Whenever he had a character placed in front of him, he could essentially make that character one of the most well recognised with how he chose to play the role.

However his Yggdrasil character. The demon that now stood at Ainz' side. This was a character that Y/n both loved and hated. He hated it because he disliked being purely evil. But he had come to terms with that and had since made him less of a purely malevolent evil and more of a playful, chaotic evil.

Ainz did remember one thing though, out of all the NPC's in Nazarick, Y/n remembered the names of the floor guardians and the crypt-keepers the best. He had created the crypt-keepers after all, so naturally he knew all ten of them.

When he first created them, there were some... Incidents regarding Andromeda's abilities since she was his first crypt-keeper.

To put it bluntly, there may or may not have been an incident where she opened a fucking singularity in the middle of a raid boss encounter. Which lead to a fucking insta-wipe of the boss and a subsequent hour of everyone in the raid laughing so hard that they couldn't stand.

The only thing they heard from Y/n was something along the lines of: "Oh, Andromeda's got a super-tier spell she can cast! I wonder what- OH MY FUCK!!"

Ainz remembered how Y/n laughed so hard he was practically screaming at one point.

That entire raid from that point was sheer insanity with Andromeda's offensive spells.

Ainz decided that it might be fun to reminisce, so he asked something he always wanted to.

Ainz: "Y/n. Random question. But how did you make Andromeda?"

Y/n: "Uh, you remember the gap between realms event?"

Ainz: "Yes, I remember it."

Y/n: "I used the world item we got from the raid to make her."

Ainz: "Oh, the star of Azathoth?"

Y/n: "Yeah, it was a one-time use world item I used to make Andromeda. So she's basically a walking world tier nuke."

Ainz: "And you didn't think that'd reflect her abilities?"

Y/n: "Look, I didn't know she'd be able to summon black holes! I should probably visit her crypt though, she's a temperamental bitch if I remember right."

Ainz: "Heh. You remember all your crypt keepers' names, right?"

Y/n: "Andromeda, Nualia, Sharog, Phalia, Alciphei, Cadella, Maiko, Vex, Sthozore, and Vyllia."

Ainz chuckled in response. Of course Y/n remembered their names. He spent hours, sometimes even days writing backstories for all ten of the crypt keepers. They were even in the NPC descriptions, so it was likely that they had those backstories as legitimate memories now.

Ainz: "So you know Phalia and Vyllia are gonna be on your dick twenty-four seven, right?"

Y/n: "YUP! That's how they were made and believe me, I regret it now that I'm actually in this body."

Ainz: "Speaking of. How is it? Adjusting to your new body."

Y/n: "It's weird. I was about six feet tall before, now here I am, an eight foot tall unit with horns and a tail."

Ainz: "So similar to me then. Only you've got flesh, I'm all bones."

Y/n: "HA! The motorboner strikes again."

Ainz: "Let's not revisit the motorboner incident. It's bad enough that Demiurge knows about it."

Y/n: "Yeah, I was the one who suggested Ulbert put that memory into Demiurge's description."

Ainz: "You bastard."

Y/n laughed as the two returned with Albedo and the bodies of the sunlight scripture's knights and casters. Gazef watched as they walked into the thicket of the nearby forest.

When they arrived back at the Great Tomb of Nazarick, Y/n snapped his fingers and the disgraced began to emerge from the shadows. They took the bodies before melding back into the darkness, taking the bodies to be converted into more disgraced.

Based on Y/n's estimations, the process would take roughly five knights and a caster to fully morph into a single disgraced. The rest of the bodies that would not become disgraced would simply become darklings.

Y/n: "Ainz, I'll let you figure out our next move. For now, I'm gonna call the crypt keepers."

Ainz: "I imagine your cult is going to re-emerge in this world thanks to that sunlight scripture captain you let go?"

Y/n: "Naturally. Though, I do feel bad since I'm pretty sure if we captured 'em, Albedo woulda given 'em to Neuronist."

Ainz: "That woman always unnerved me."

Y/n: "Why the fuck do you think we had her so far in the tomb? Nobody aside from that creepy fuck, Gashokukochuuou, anyway."

Ainz: "She's one of the five worst for a reason."

Y/n: "True. Anyway, I wanna see how Phalia's twisted that Dominion Authority. So Imma head to the crypt."

Ainz: "Alright. I'll see if we can't get a better idea of the surrounding area. We already have that village which, from what I can tell, is thankful to us."

Y/n: "Cool. I'll see what Phalia's done, then I'll call a meeting with the crypt keepers. If we're stuck here, then I may as well open the crypt to the wider inhabitants of the great tomb."

Ainz: "You'll need to tell Phalia and Vyllia to play nice with Albedo and Shalltear."

Y/n: "I already told Phalia. Haven't seen Vyllia yet though."

Ainz: "Then we reconvene in the morning."

Y/n: "Sounds good."

With a final nod, the two parted ways.

Y/n walked down to the crypt and, when he arrived at the large steel doors, he whispered something in demon tongue.

When the crypt opened, he found himself in a massive hallway with red satin drapes hanging down over windows which looked out onto a plain. Upon said plain was a massive undulating mass of darklings. Phalia's sin of lust was prevalent in this place. Normal adventurers would be overcome by desire and eventually join the darklings. Even if they had the purest hearts imaginable, Phalia's domain would overpower them. Of course, her crypt now actually lived up to its sin since in Yggdrasil, the darklings would just wander around rather than indulge in their lust as they now did now.

The sound of ragged breathing and moaning could be heard from nearby. As such, Y/n followed the sound until he found Phalia standing in front of the Dominion Authority.

Y/n: "Having fun, Phalia?"

Phalia: "I'm close to breaking her, that's for sure. How'd it go with that zealot?"

Y/n: "I let him go home to the Slane Theocracy after I forcefully inducted him into the Blackened Earth."

Phalia: "Ooh, sounds fun. So are you just here to see how I'm doing? Or is there something in particular you want from me?~"

Y/n: "That can wait. I'm going to call a meeting with everyone. We need to discuss our next moves."

Phalia: "I see. Well lemme finish up here. You wanna watch?"

Y/n: "Go for it."

Phalia smirked before finishing an incantation in demon-tongue. The dominion authority struggled, but Phalia knew up to super-tier magic, so this was no issue for her.

It kept struggling until finally, dominion authority fell silent.

Black miasma then consumed its body and Y/n watched as it formed into an amorphous blob. Its form then reshaped itself and finalised according to Phalia's desire.

Phalia: "Welcome to this new existence, Malena."

Y/n: "You've named her already?"

Phalia: "Of course. While she was once a mere angel, she has been reborn as my daughter."

Malena looked up at Phalia before speaking.

Malena: "M- Mother..."

Y/n: "Excellent work, Phalia. For now, come to the central tomb. I will call for the others."

Phalia nodded as Malena passed out.

The two then walked to the central tomb where Y/n called out.

Y/n: "Crypt Keepers of Nathris! You are summoned to the central tomb! Gather here under my banner once more!"

As Y/n took a seat on his throne, the door to the throne room opened and nine individuals walked in. Cadella was with them and she smiled upon seeing her lord upon his throne.

At the head of the group was the strongest crypt keeper. The one who was so ungodly broken that the Yggdrasil devs had to legitimately lock her inside of the crypt due to the fact that she was a balance breaking unit of the highest order.

Thankfully the devs were kind enough to let Y/n keep her around though as they recognised the insane effort it took to get the world item needed to create her.

Andromeda did not drop to her knees like the others did, instead she walked right up to the throne and slammed her lips against Y/n's. Even Y/n wasn't expecting their first meeting in the new world to be like this.

Andromeda then stepped back and kneeled with the others.

Y/n: "Okay, that happened. Anyway, welcome! It's been a long time since I've seen a few of you. Sharog, how's my favourite beast-tamer?"

Sharog snorted, she was a large orc woman who could probably bench-press a building. She had become the crypt's beast tamer when Y/n saw that one of her skills gave her an immense affinity with animals. Since then, the war beasts of Nathris had been reared and trained by Sharog. As she was the third of his created NPC's, she was the keeper of the third crypt, the jungle of Luyoley.

Sharog: "It has certainly been boring without you around, my lord. I am overjoyed at your return."

Y/n chuckled as he could smell the alcohol on her breath even from his throne. Sharog was his avatar of gluttony. She loved indulging in food and drink and in the early days of the crypt, Y/n would often spend many hours in her crypt since she had built an honest to god tavern in there where she could drink with the few darklings that was in her crypt.

Y/n turned his attention to the next crypt keeper. The keeper of the second crypt and a dethroned dark elf queen, Nualia.

Y/n: "Nualia, how go your studies of magic?"

Nualia was the second crypt-keeper. A queen that had been dethroned by a coup and a dark elf of near celestial levels of beauty. Rather than the tanned skin of her kin, Nualia's skin was a blueish purple colour.

Nualia: "They have gone well, my lord. In addition to my physical strength, I have been able to cast super-tier spells."

Y/n: "Good to hear, Nualia. I trust things have been calm in the frost plains?"

Nualia: "Indeed. The darklings are obedient as always."

Y/n: "Good."

Nualia's crypt was one governed by sloth. Her backstory was that she was a lazy ruler who preferred to hold diplomatic meetings in her bedchamber rather than in her throne room. As such, she was deposed and exiled until finding the Tomb of Nazarick where she not only grew attached to Y/n as her master, but she grew addicted to him.

Needless to say, there were a few regrets in making that last thing part of her backstory since it was reflected in her personality now.

Y/n: "Gonna need a lock for my private chambers. Anyway!"

Y/n's attention turned to the woman kneeling next to Cadella. The tenth crypt-keeper and Phalia's de facto younger sister, Vyllia.

Y/n: "How've you been, Vyllia?"

Vyllia smiled at her master, she was the least powerful of the crypt keepers, however her skills weren't developed for combat. Vyllia was made for diplomacy. In a sense, she was Y/n's secretary. Her strategic mind was also honed to a needlepoint so she would serve as a strategist for the tomb of Nazarick, though she only followed Y/n's orders.

Vyllia: "I've been hungry, but aside from that, I've been well."

Y/n then looked down at the resident event demoness.

She was kind of a meme in the guild since Y/n made her for a Christmas event, but despite that, she was a master at ice magic and wielded a huge hammer. Officially she was a subspecies of demon known as a Krampus, but Y/n gave her the name Alciphei and placed her in charge of the fifth crypt.

Y/n: "So how's my favourite winter body-pillow?"

Alciphei laughed before flicking her hair behind her horns.

Alciphei: "It's been lonely. But I'm glad you're back with us."

Y/n smiled at Alciphei. He was definitely looking forward to winter with her since she legitimately provided a warmth bonus to allies in freezing environments.

The next one to check in with was Vex. A jiangshi that Y/n had created to be like a necromancer monk hybrid. Vex was the keeper of the eighth crypt and she was the one who oversaw the corruption of dead knights and mages into the disgraced. 

Y/n: "Vex, how goes the corruption of the corpses we brought back?"

Vex: "They're goin' well. I estimate we can get about twenty new disgraced soldiers and probably about a thousand darklings from the remaining bodies."

Y/n: "Hm, if we only get twenty disgraced then the remaining bodies produce about two hundred darklings per corpse."

Vex: "Yup, that's pretty much what I was able to get as well."

Y/n: "I see. Sthozore. Maiko. Both of you will receive the extra darklings so you can bolster your crypts."

Maiko and Sthozore both nodded. Maiko was a fox spirit that Y/n had made during another event and keeper of the seventh crypt while Sthozore was a dragonkin-demon hybrid and keeper of the ninth crypt. As a dragonkin, she hoarded wealth and was given the sin of greed.

Sthozore: "I don't need them. I already have my forces bolstered."

Maiko: "I will accept them. My forces have since dwindled since they last invited my ire by daring to lay their hands on my chest."

Y/n: "So one copped a feel and you erased him and his lineage from existence is what I'm hearing."

Maiko: "Of course. None but my lord may so much as think of laying their hands upon me."

If it wasn't blindingly obvious enough. Maiko's crypt was the crypt of pride. However there was still the last crypt keeper to address.

Y/n: "You still horny over there, Andromeda?"

Andromeda spoke with a voice that seemed to emanate from all around which only made sense considering how broken she actually was. If normal world items and world-tier magic were considered balance breaking, then Andromeda was balance annihilation in every possible fashion.

Her skin was a grey colour while her hair was a mixture of black, blue and bright yellow. Her wide brimmed had had a veil that cascaded down and had golden stars marked on it just as she had a constellation on her back.

Andromeda: "I apologise, my lord. I had merely grown restless since it had been so long since we last saw each other."

Andromeda's smile was serene, but Y/n knew that her smile was a mere front for a being so incomprehensibly powerful that it was unfathomable that anything like her could exist.

Andromeda: "Now then. You have called us all here for a reason. I doubt it was a social call."

Sharog: "We finally getting back to work!? Fuck yeah!"

Y/n: "More than that, Sharog. I don't know if Phalia has reported, but the great tomb of Nazarick has been transported to a new world. We currently know very little about this world and Momonga and I are the two remaining guild members."

Vyllia: "So the Order of the Blackened Earth must be rebuilt from the ground up?"

Y/n: "Unfortunately. However, thankfully, we're going to be in a much better position since I've sent a sleeper agent of sorts into the Slane Theocracy. A religion run country to the south."

Nualia: "Then it is by sin that they will be crushed."

Y/n: "Precisely. I will watch them fall under the weight of their wrath. The weight of their pride and avarice. And most enjoyable of all, the crushing weight of their lust."

The crypt keepers seemed to like that idea, however it was time to piss them off slightly.

Y/n: "Before any of that however. Momonga and I are the last remaining members of the Ainz Ooal Gown guild. Momonga has taken the guild's name as his own. This may piss a few of you off, but we will all be working more closely with the rest of Nazarick."

Vyllia: "Just be sure to keep that leech, Shalltear away from me."

Y/n: "I need all of you to play nice. Sharog, I know that's no issue for you. Alciphei, same goes for you. But Phalia, Cadella, Andromeda, Nualia, Vyllia, Maiko, Vex and Sthozore. All of you need to play nice."

Nualia: "Tch, very well."

Vex: "Cool. Just keep the bodies comin' and I won't have anything to complain about."

Sthozore: "Try not to pair me up with that shitheel, Demiurge."

Y/n face-palmed before Andromeda walked over to him.

Andromeda: "... I am allowed to finally leave the crypt?"

Y/n smiled before cupping her cheek in his hand.

Y/n: "You are. You can wander freely amongst the trees in the surrounding forest. You're no longer confined to this place."

Andromeda's smile could only be matched by the most radiant stars as she turned to exit the crypt.

Andromeda: "Then... Shall you and I go for a date some time, my lord?"

Y/n: "If that is what you desire, then I shall grant it."

Sharog: "Oi! If she's gettin' a date then I want a night out at a tavern!"

Y/n: "We'll raid Ainz's stash and see which one of us gets shitfaced first."

Sharog: "HA! I love it!"

Y/n crossed one leg over the other before smirking as his left eye shone amongst the shadows cast by the light of the fireplace.

Y/n: "For the moment. I have a plan. I want the humans to see me as a benevolent figure. Ainz and I are going to conquer this world and rule it for ourselves one of these days. As such, I suggest we assist with menial tasks in the nearby village that was just saved."

Phalia: "Sounds fine. But I'm not laying with a single one of those humans. My master is the only one worthy of me."

Y/n: "I appreciate the sentiment. However since I do not plan on letting the cult take root in that village, it will just be menial tasks. Sharog, your strength will be a valuable asset to employ."

Sharog: "As long as I'm payed in good booze."

Y/n: "That's my girl."

Sharog laughed heartily before Y/n uncrossed his legs and stood up from his throne.

Y/n: "Since I want to be amongst humans. I shall need a new form. One befitting my... disposition."

Phalia: "Anything smaller than a horse and I'm not blowing you."

Y/n: "Phalia. This will be a human form. I need to seem like I belong. Having a horse schmeat hanging out of my pants is a no-go. As fun as it sounds."

Maiko: "What might I be made to do?"

Y/n: "Likely people will try to pray for luck. Just go with a good old Monkey's Paw for that shit."

Maiko: "Will do."

Andromeda: "And me?"

Y/n: "Hm. Good question. Likely you're gonna be asked about magic. Keep it below tier seven."

Andromeda: "I only know from tier nine upwards."

Y/n: "Shit."

Vex: "You can keep Lord Y/n's bed warm, Andromeda. Besides, it's beneath you to assist humans like this. Once the cult gets going, then we can let loose."

Andromeda: "That is... acceptable."

Y/n: "As I said, we'll be helping with various mundane tasks. Agriculture, defence, potentially helping the town's hunters."

Sharog: "I can handle most of the heavy lifting."

Alciphei: "Defence sounds like a done deal for me. Sthozore, you wanna help out?"

Sthozore: "Sounds good."

The two shared a quick high five as Y/n smirked. Ainz had his own ideas, sure, but since they were both guildmates, they could keep each other from losing themselves in this new world.

Y/n was human at the end of the day, demon body or not, he wanted to remain that way.

Y/n: "SO! I have an idea for further conquests if you guys want to hear it!"

Andromeda: "Of course, my lord."

Phalia: "Oho? This'll be good."

Y/n took a more relaxed posture in his throne before speaking again.

Y/n: "It's more than likely that the Order of the Blackened Earth will be more extreme in this world. Therefore, I suggest that we rise to meet those extremes."

Vyllia: "You mean-"

Y/n: "We will build great monuments to the Crypt of Nathris. To Nazarick. Statues made of gold. Unholy cathedrals dedicated to one of the ten crypts. Though Vyllia would likely have one that's just a scribe temple."

Vyllia: "Fine by me. I was created for strategy and logistics, so having other people do my job would be a great boon."

As the crypt keepers discussed the potential ideas of the conquest of the new world, Y/n smiled. He felt strangely warm. Like being at home. Then again, this was home now.

Here he was loved. Appreciated. But most importantly, he was in control of himself.

As the crypt keepers talked amongst themselves, Andromeda noticed something.

Andromeda: "M- My lord!?"

Y/n was brought out of his thoughts by Andromeda's alarm and he saw that all of the crypt keepers were now looking at him in worry.

Y/n: "Is something wrong?"

As he said that, he felt something odd. A wet sensation rolling down his cheek.

He reached up and wiped it away, finding it to be a tear.

He was crying?

Y/n: "Huh... Now isn't that something?"

Just as Y/n was about to say something else, Ainz spoke to him through telepathy.

Ainz: "Y/n. Narberal Gamma and I are going into a nearby town tomorrow. It might be a good idea for you to get an idea of the levels of piety in this world."

Y/n: "Good shout. Lemme get myself sorted. Oh! And... I'm bringing Andromeda with us."

Ainz: "Alright... Wait a fucking minute WHA-"

Y/n: "Click."

Y/n smirked as he cut the telepathic connection. He then turned to Andromeda.

Y/n: "Well? Shall we?"

Andromeda was stunned by her master's question. His outstretched hand to her was enough to even make her flustered.

Nualia: "I'll look after these idiots in your absence."

Sharog: "If anyone tries anything. I'll bonk 'em."

Y/n: "Good. You all have my permission to take one item from my personal armoury by the way."

A shocked silence fell on the ten crypt keepers as Y/n stood up. He pressed a brick in on the wall to the right of the throne and the wall behind the throne opened into a vast armoury with armour and weapons neatly arranged on the walls and on armour stands.

Y/n: "Go ahead. Feel free."

Nualia walked into the armoury and gazed in awe at the numerous weapons Y/n had in his collection. She ultimately settled for a certain staff. One that had a main haft made from silverwood and a coil of gold and mithril running up its length with a beautiful aquamarine gemstone at the end of the staff.

Nualia: "... This one. It's perfect."

Y/n nodded as Sharog entered next. She gravitated to the heavy weapons. One in particular caught her eye. A weapon she had witnessed Y/n using many times. 

A massive hammer with a blackened steel head gilded with platinum and with runes etched into the sides.

Sharog: "Remind me of the name you gave this weapon, my lord?"

Y/n had to turn away to stifle a laugh since it was a ridiculously named weapon.

Y/n: "The Giga Bonk."

Sharog laughed. That name made more sense than it had any right to. After all, it was enchanted with a property that made the ground beneath it explode upon contact. So Giga Bonk was an apt name.

Sharog: "I'll stick with my club, but... This'll come in handy for when we get to actually conquering shit."

Y/n: "Sounds good."

Phalia stepped in next and inspected the weapons before shaking her head. She then saw an amulet on one of the jewellery stands.

Phalia: "This amulet... What was it again?"

Y/n: "Oh that? It's just a fairly mundane amulet. I think it might've increased loot drops from monsters though."

Phalia nodded before looking around some more. Finally, she came to a decision.

She stepped forward and took in her hands, an amulet. One that looked like a chunk of ruby with a golden dragon wrapping itself around it.

Y/n remembered that amulet. The demon dragon's pact. An amulet that would allow Phalia to further increase her power with magic to extreme levels.

Cadella stepped in next. She didn't spend much time in the armoury, but she picked out a ring that looked like a phoenix wrapping its wings around her finger.

One by one the others took something. Alciphei took a great axe, Vyllia took a magic lantern, Sthozore took a broadsword, Maiko took an enchanted fox mask, and Vex took a jade dagger.

Finally, it was Andromeda's turn. 

She stepped into the armoury, letting herself bask in the presence of Y/n's powerful arsenal.

She saw something familiar to her though. Something that made Y/n smile as she lifted it from its pedestal. A staff made from an unknown type of wood, gilded with silver and mithril. Upon the head of the staff was a gemstone that fluctuated with what looked to be a nebula within itself.

Andromeda: "... The child of a dying star."

Y/n nodded. The child of a dying star was the staff's name. It was funny how it matched Andromeda perfectly.

Y/n: "Will you choose it?"

Andromeda: "Fufu... Of course."

Y/n closed his eyes and nodded as Andromeda left the armoury. With a snap of his fingers, he closed the armoury off.

Y/n: "Now then. Since the motorboner's heading to the human realm tomorrow. I'll be taking on my new form now."

The crypt keepers nodded as Y/n took a deep breath and used a form of transformation magic. His height decreased to around six foot nine and his jet black hair became neater. His scales receded in favour of actual skin. His eyes changed colour from yellow to blue and finally he emerged in his human form as he tied his hair into a ponytail.

Y/n: "Well, how do I look?"

Sharog: "Ha! You look human enough!"

Phalia: "I'd say that's a rather sinful appearance."

Cadella: "But you'd still only fuck him in his human form?"

Phalia: "Oh no, I know what I'm working with now."

Y/n: "Well your enthusiasm can wait. You have to get Malena adjusted to life as a demon now. We'll likely be taking on new recruits too so be aware that you'll all be busy going forward."

The crypt keepers all nodded in unison before Y/n walked to the door which lead to his chambers. He turned back momentarily.

Y/n: "Andromeda. We leave for the human world tomorrow. Ensure you are ready to leave by the time I have woken up."

Andromeda nodded elegantly as Y/n descended to his chambers. The ten crypt keepers filtered out of the throne room and returned to their crypts, each one of them invigorated by their lord's ambitions.

As Y/n laid himself upon his bed and pulled the silk sheets over himself, he looked up at the chamber ceiling with a smile.

Y/n: "For I know the plans I have for you declares the devil, plans to prosper you and to drown you, plans to give you power and a future. For every house is built by someone, and the builder of all things is humanity. By wisdom a house is built, and by understanding is it established; by knowledge the rooms are filled with precious and pleasant riches. By conquest are they fulfilled by sin and hedonism."

With that, he closed his eyes and allowed himself to drift off into slumber.

End of Chapter.

Next Time: Like a Moth to a Flame.

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