The Candle in The Crypt

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The Crypt of Nathris.

Y/n's own personal kingdom within the tomb of Nazarick. The only truly living creatures down here were darklings and the ten beings that guarded the crypts.

As the iron door closed behind him, he saw azure candles light up around him, the wax spilling over the stone bricks that built the walls of this crypt.

???: "My lord!"

Y/n looked to his left and saw a red candle flame getting closer to him. The flame stood out amongst the cold blue candles that lit the stone.

Y/n: "Cadella. It's good to see you again."

Cadella giggled before coming into the light of the Crypt hall.

Cadella was a candle witch. A type of monster that specialised in flame magic. She was also one of the servants of Nazarick that Y/n personally created, as such she was very attached to her creator.

Y/n walked with her to his personal throne chamber in the centre of the Crypt of Nathris. The crypt was, in truth, a collection of ten separate crypts that orbited the central tomb. Each one was vastly different from the last, due to the natures of the ten Crypt-Keepers. The central tomb itself was Y/n's throne room, underneath which were his private chambers. One would expect a crypt to be dark, dreary and unpleasant. However Y/n's throne room was well furnished and actually rather comfortable, resembling more of a Mansion sitting room than a throne room.

The interior was made primarily of stone, but the floors were made of well-kept wooden planks. Windows lined the sides of the tomb. Windows that looked out at a rainy landscape. A fireplace stood on the left side of the room with a warm, golden flame burning within while the mantlepiece was decorated with various objects Y/n had collected since first joining the Ainz Ooal Gown guild.

Y/n was an incarnation of violence and sin. But his throne room was the very definition of tranquil.

A smile spread across his face as he looked around at his honour guard, who stood on each side of the throne room with an executioners axe in hand. A group of beings that were created from the corpses of dishonoured knights. Y/n had simply named them The Disgraced. Each of them was trained to the point of being damn near unstoppable. They each had dull, rusted silver armour and greyish-blue hair. Their faces were covered by their helmets.

Their armour was fused to their flesh, thereby making it impossible to take off. Each of them was able to defeat entire squads of players by themselves in Yggdrasil, making them incredibly powerful compared to base NPCs.

The Disgraced were the only beings in the crypt that ever heeded the call to aid Nazarick. The Crypt-Keepers didn't care for the others in the great tomb. Their everything was devoted to their master. Their power, their loyalty, their voices, their bodies, their very souls were entirely devoted to Y/n and his pursuits of reaching greater heights of sin.

Y/n was well known for assisting players outside of the guild. However in order for them to contact him, they had to dip their toes into cultism. As part of Y/n's playstyle in Yggdrasil, he had corrupted entire towns once devoted to a deity. His corruption had seen the NPC's within those towns give in to sin and become part of the Order of the Blackened Earth, which was the name of the cult Y/n had grown. He realised that he would need to corrupt this world's populace as well if his cult no longer existed.

Y/n walked to his silver throne and seated himself as Cadella waited at his side patiently.

Y/n: "I may as well take advantage of the situation. I can freely communicate with the Crypt-Keepers now."

Y/n let out a sigh before turning to Cadella.

Y/n: "Cadella."

Cadella: "Yes, lord Y/n? Do you require something of me?"

Y/n: "I want your honest opinion. What do you think of me?"

Cadella smiled and walked in front of Y/n before kneeling before him.

Cadella: "You are my creator. My master. My every desire rolled into one. The king of the crypt and the man who controls the very notion of sin itself. I would have never come to be had you not made me. Words alone cannot repay the debt I owe you for my creation. You who had sat alone in this crypt for so long. You are everything to me."

Y/n felt a small lump in his throat. Even when he played Yggdrasil he had always tried to keep something of an affectionate relationship with his Crypt-Keepers.

Yes, he was that kind of person.

Cadella: "Shall I go on, my lord?"

Y/n: "No. I am satisfied with that answer, Cadella. However as I appear to be here indefinitely this time, I shall allow you to refer to me just as Y/n."

Cadella's eyes widened in surprise. She had never expected to hear such words from her master.

Cadella: "Y- You would allow me to refer to you so casually?"

Y/n: "Of course. I may be your master, however appearances matter little now that only Momonga and I remain here."

Cadella was stunned, however gentle embers began to fall from her eyes. Y/n had never seen a candle witch crying before, however seeing Cadella smiling with embers falling from her eyes in place of tears, he had to admit it was rather entrancing. As such, he reached to her and pulled her close to him. Her skin was cold despite the flame atop her head, she was also softer than he expected. While he had expected her to feel like wax, she instead felt just like any other human. Her body was soft and supple to the touch. He then looked at himself and tried to imagine himself in the body of a human.

Y/n: "Cadella. If you were to envision me as a human, how would I look?"

Cadella: "Are you thinking of assuming a human form?"

Y/n: "I am. No doubt I will need to make trips to the human realm, so I must have a suitably sinful looking human form."

Cadella smiled cheerfully, the fact that her master was asking for her direct input brought her immense joy. She was about to speak up when a tingling sensation washed over both of them.

???: "My my, Lord Y/n. You ask for her input and not mine? And here I thought I was supposed to be the one well versed in sinful delight. Fufufu.~"

Y/n briefly closed his eyes and smiled as another of the Crypt-Keepers entered the throne room. She was a woman based off of a meme that Y/n had seen some time ago.

Y/n: "Phalia. I trust you've been well?"

Phalia: "Better now that I'm seeing you.~"

Phalia was the keeper of the fourth crypt. The marquis of lust and hedonism. She was born from a meme, but quickly became the third strongest of the ten Crypt-Keepers of Nathris.

Phalia: "I should inform you that the whore, Albedo, is waiting for you in your chambers."

Y/n: "Phalia. I know you view all other beings in Nazarick as inferior, but play nice with Albedo."

Phalia scoffed at the notion, but relented as it was a request from her master.

Cadella: "How has your crypt been, Phalia?"

Phalia: "It's the same shit over and over again. Gets boring after a while, y'know?"

Cadella: "Yes, but hopefully we can have some new experiences since lord Y/n will be with us indefinitely now."

Phalia: "Really? Well, now I know I can let loose.~"

Y/n: "Let loose when we aren't doing something mildly important."

Y/n stood up and walked to a large wooden door at the back of the throne room and pushed it open. Behind the door was a large spiral staircase with red veins of pulsing light leading downwards towards Y/n's private chambers.

He walked down while keeping one hand on the banister on the right hand side of the stairs. When he reached the foot of the stairwell, he saw Albedo dressed in her usual white attire standing by the window, gazing out at the rain as it gently tapped against the glass.

Y/n: "Albedo."

Albedo turned with a smile, which faded when she saw Phalia standing with Y/n.

Albedo: "Phalia."

Phalia: "Hello, Albedo. How's your sister?"

Albedo felt like lashing out, however she knew that Y/n was strong enough to stop her in her tracks if she tried to harm the fourth crypt-keeper.

Y/n: "Phalia, that's enough. Head back up to your crypt. Cadella, you do the same. I will send further instruction if I am in need of you."

Cadella: "Of course, lord Y/n."

Phalia: "You know where to find me if you need any company."

The two bowed their heads before ascending the stairs to the throne room.

Albedo: "Lord Y/n. Lord Ainz has identified a nearby human village."

Y/n: "Hm. Likely he'll want to make good ties with them."

Albedo: "Indeed. The village is currently under attack from an unknown group of knights."

Y/n: "Then tell Ainz to stop being a lazy ass and head there immediately. I'll go there now and cull their numbers."

Albedo nodded as Y/n turned and infused his fingers with magic before literally tearing a rift open and stepping through.

Albedo then reported to Ainz before they prepared to leave.

At the village, the villagers and knights were all stunned into silence as they saw the rift opening in the middle of the town.

As Y/n stepped through onto the water saturated mud, the knights backed away before the demon held one hand out and spoke a single word.

Y/n: "Hysterium."

Suddenly, the knights clutched their heads as whispering screamed in their minds, eroding their resolve and driving them to madness. The villagers looked on in shock as Y/n cut down those trying to resist the voices. While he found it commendable, it was ultimately futile.

They would die either way.

There were those who stood before him when the voices had taken them, begging him to kill them. Others knelt before him in reverence as his very presence corrupted them. Others tried to run, only to be cut down by the grand demon.

Such was their ultimate fate in the end.

When he was finished, Ainz and Albedo walked over with a death knight in tow.

Y/n: "Took you long enough."

Ainz: "I was clearing the forest of any hostiles."

Y/n: "Anyone I missed?"

Ainz: "One, but his corpse served to become this death knight."

Y/n: "Sounds about right."

Y/n turned his attention to the villagers, who were quivering in fear upon seeing him. However, there was one among them who was not afraid.

A child walked out to him and gazed up at the grand demon with awe.

???: "Mister, are you a guardian angel?"

Y/n was well known amongst the guild members for vehemently despising children. Thankfully, he was good at hiding it.

Y/n: "Heh, no. Quite the opposite. Ainz. You may do with the village what you will. I will learn what I can about the enemy."

Ainz nodded as Y/n picked up one of the bodies and tore a large chunk of flesh off with his fangs.

Images flashed in his mind. Images of something called the Slane Theocracy. A country run by religious zealots to the south. These people were from something known as the Sunlight Scripture, and they had been sent to assassinate a man called Gazef Stronoff.

A wicked grin spread across the demon's face. Bastions of religion were among the most fun things to corrupt with his influence.

Ainz saw his grin and spoke in a concerned tone.

Ainz: "Y/n. What are you planning?"

Y/n: "These guys were sent here from the Slane Theocracy."

Ainz: "Theocracy?"

Y/n: "Mhm. They're a religion-run nation to the south. From what I understand, they're one of the strongest countries in this world."

Ainz: "And you're going to corrupt it."


Y/n laughed before the sound of approaching horses caught his attention.

He turned and saw multiple knights cresting the hill to the north. He recognised one of them as the assassination target of the sunlight scripture, which was the organisation that the other knights belonged to.

Y/n: "Stronoff, eh?"

Y/n let his scales recede as he adopted a human façade while Ainz put on a red mask to hide the fact that he was an undead. Y/n's human identity was young, roughly in his early twenties, and his attitude was haughty and ill-mannered. He had always put on the same face when he played as a human character, a foul-mouthed noble who wanted nothing to do with all the superfluous intricacies. However, he was able to let his evil side out as a demon, so being able to switch between the two was quite the fun ride.

The knights circled around Y/n and pointed their swords at him.

Y/n: "Now, let's think about this rationally, boys. Your blades are going to do no more than put small scratch marks in my armour. My blade on the other hand..."

Y/n lifted his massive cleaver over his shoulder. The knights could see it pulsing with a dark, malicious energy.

Y/n: "My blade will cleave you all in half without much effort. So I suggest backing the fuck off"

Ainz: "Y/n. Stand down for now."

Y/n shrugged in response when he smelled something on the wind.

Y/n: "... Holy magic? Hm... Summoned creatures resonating with holy magic... Angels?"

Y/n's calculating look turned to a manic grin when he realised that he was sensing angels nearby.

Y/n: "Ainz. Make your chat quick. We've got company."

Ainz looked over at Y/n before turning to the man in charge of these knights, Gazef.

As the two talked, Y/n saw the sunlight scriptures magic casters gathering on the hill.

Y/n: "We're outta time."

Gazef: "Huh?"

Gazef frowned when he saw the casters on the hill.

Gazef: "Damn. Knights, let's-"

Y/n: "Ohohoho no. No, no, no. Not happening."

Gazef turned as Y/n stepped forwards with a smirk.

Gazef: "What?"

Y/n: "I came here to do two things and two things only. The first is evade taxes, which I'm already a god at. The second is making these pious shitfucks drown in the agony of their own sin... SO LET'S GET TO SINNING, BITCHES!!"

Ainz would have laughed hysterically had his disposition as an undead permitted it. This was what Y/n was known for. He was the guild's one way ticket to making an enemy's situation so bad that FUBAR didn't even remotely cover it.

Sin was inescapable.

Sin was unrelenting.

Sin was everything Y/n's enemies would fear.

Sin was what he would use to drown the world itself.

With a chuckle did Y/n recite more twisted verses.

Y/n: "The god of this age has blinded the minds of the sane, so that they cannot see the truth of their humanity that displays the glory of sin and pleasure of hedonism, which is the true nature of heaven."

Y/n craned his neck as more zealots appeared on the hilltop.

Y/n: "And no wonder, for the pretender himself masquerades as a divine being of light."

Finally, he began to walk toward his victims.

Y/n: "Submit yourselves then, to sin. Resist the false god, and he shall be trampled under you."

His human form briefly shifted back to his demonic self. These pious zealots would be perfect for creating a new kind of Disgraced.

The plan was already in motion. First, Earth would succumb to his sin...

Then, it was forward unto heaven.

End of Chapter.

Next Time: Advent of The Black Earth.

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