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"So, uh, what's up?" Laxus was terrible at making small talk. 

"Mmm, Just a bad day. Nothing else really." Natsu hummed, slowly becoming aware of how messy he looked today.

"Oh." Laxus felt like a giant next to Natsu.

"And you?" Natsu and Laxus walked around, with no particular destination in mind.

"Normal." Laxus kept his voice monotone.

"So uh, where are we going?" Natsu wondered if he had a destination in mind.

"Umm...Is your house close? Because my house is across town and I was following you." Laxus sighed.

Natsu looked around, "Yeah my house is actually pretty close. come on.." 

Natsu grinned and pointed to a street around the corner, "Half-way down that street." 

"Ok cool." Laxus grabbed Natsu by the back of his shirt and got them there within 2 minutes through various means like jumping. All while Natsu tried not to choke.

*insert Lenny face* 

"Can you give me a heads up next time?" Natsu rubbed his neck, near where he had a scar.

"Sure." Laxus shrugged and let Natsu through to open the door.

Natsu pulled out the keys to his house and opened the door.

Natsu went through first but left it open for Laxus.

"Nice house." Laxus' face was static.

Natsu flopped down on his couch "So the theme is Fire?"

"Yea." Laxus awkwardly sat down too.

Natsu's house was cleaner than expected, and a little chilly. But then again, Natsu is a human heater why would he need the heat up high?

"So songs like Heart of fire? This girl is on Fire?" Natsu offered up some songs.

"I'm not singing This girl is on fire." Laxus glared, "But otherwise, yes."

"Hmm, There's also playing with fire by black pink and Fire by bts."

"It doesn't have to have fire in the title." Laxus wasn't the best at K-pop.

"Okay, what do you suggest?" Natsu got up and offered laxus something to drink.

"No thanks. Caffeine from RWBY? The Phoenix by fall out boy? Heaven's on fire by KISS? Novocaine by Fall Out Boy? A wolf in sheep's clothing by set it off?" Laxus looked through the songs on his phone.

"Oh yeah, those are cool. I actually like all those songs." Natsu nodded.

Laxus and Natsu picked out 2 songs each and agreed on 2 to do as duets.

Laxus would sing A wolf in sheep's clothing and novocaine. Natsu would do Playing with Fire and Fire, and lastly as duets Heart of fire and the Phoenix.

"Okay lit." Natsu lit the top of his finger.

"Right." Laxus rolled his eyes, "What're going to wear?"

"Dunno yet. You?" Natsu had an idea of what to wear.

"I don't know." Laxus admitted, "I was hoping you could er, help me. You are a Fire wizard."

"I can do that!! Plus I do have an idea, I'm just not sure it's fit."

"Show me."


"You heard me. Do you have it?"

"Yea. Yea." Natsu grumbled running up the stairs to his room to change.

Five minutes later Natsu came down in a short red dress with some gold cuffs on his arms.

Laxus stared, "Uh yeah that works maybe wear a skirt underneath though."

"Right." Natsu sat back on the couch too lazy to change out of it.

"Anyway, I should go." Laxus left abruptly.

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