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"I'm ready!"

Irene announces whilst coming out the closest. Jackson sat up looking at the older girl standing infront of him. "You look beautiful bae." Irene blushes looking down at her outfit. It was simple. It wasn't bright at all, it was a all black tracksuit with two white stripes going down the side of the pants and shirt. "Do you want one of my hoodies? It get cold at night." Irene nodded. Jackson got up off his bed going to his closet. "you know there's an open portal in your closet?" Irene questions looking at Jackson finding a hoodie. "oh that?" Jackson pointed to a portal that was on the wall, Irene nodded. "Ah that's just a mirror you want to look at yourself?" Irene nodded. He walked over to the portal removing it's cover. Irene laughed seeing that it was just a fake portal and that it was actually a mirror. She looked at her self in the mirror. She turned around looking at Jackson who finally found a hoodie. "Which one? Red or Black?" Jackson questions. Irene grabs the red one making Jackson laugh. She takes it off it's hanger and places it over her body. The hoodie is so big that it stops almost at the top of her knees.

"Ahhh your so beautiful bunny." Jackson says leaning in kissing Irene on the lips. Her face turns a deep red. "Stop it." "Alright, but you wanna go eat and then look around?" Irene nodded let's go.


Jackson and Irene sat down in a famous spot in the underworld. It was one of Jackson favorite spots and he wanted to take Irene there. But now he strongly regrets it. Almost everyone on this side of the underworld knows Jackson and sometimes it's not for a good thing. Jackson is attractive and there's a lot of lustful people in the underworld, meaning they'll do anything to have a one night stand or get pleased and move on to the next. Some even try to sabotage people even if it makes them come off bad, they'll do it, and that's why they are in hell now. Jackson knows a lot of woman who speak bad about him and here's something's he'll hear regularly;

"We had sex last weekend it was so amazing"
"His dick is sooo long!"
"I want to have so many rounds of sex with Jackson."

They say all of things no matter what. If they see Jackson with someone or not they'll do anything to make Jackson look bad. But there's a handful of people who know Jackson and know that he wouldn't do any of those things with those girls who "claim" they've done something with him and he's thankful that he has some type of witness to back him up.

"Baby what do you want to eat?" Jackson asks looking to his side. Irene looks through the meun wanting everything. "Everything looks so good. I don't know. Any recommendations?" Irene questions. Jackson looks. "Well we have alot of things, burgers, fish, salad, soup, pasta, calamari and more. I usually order a Fish & Chips when I'm here by myself." Jackson says as Irene nods. "Could we get that and ramen?" Jackson nodded. "yes their ramen is sooooo good, they are second my best, next side my mom's ramen." Irene smiled. She leaned on Jackson's shoulder. Jackson grabbed the two menus he put them on a neat pile before grabbing his phone and opening.

Irene looked around the shop looking at some of the people who were eating. Some were with their kids, some by themselves, so with there friends or girlfriend or boyfriend. Some where looking at Jackson and her. It made her uncomfortable how they would stare at him then her and laugh and turn to each other and talk. Some of the words you could hear them say.

"Oh Jackson has a girlfriend now but he was fucking me last week." She says her eyes a bright blue. It was kinda of weird how no one else's eyes were blue, only a handful of them. Irene looked down at her fingers, then looked up at Jackson. "What's wrong babe?" Jackson as whilst sneaking his hand on her thigh. Irene jumpes slightly before her face blushed red. "Uh-h why are their eyes blue?" Jackson looked at the peoples eyes that were blue . "Their eyes are blue because it's the color of lust, and right now they are being lustful towards someone. It changes when ever your feeling a different mood or what the angels like to call it-"

"Sin." Irene finish as Jackson nod. "Well I'm going to order. You stay here and don't talk to people who's eyes are blue they only want one thing." Jackson tells her whilst getting up. Irene nods as Jackson walks away with the two meun to the line. Irene grabbed her phone turning it off and on. She looked out the window looking at the red dark sky. "It's so beautiful." Irene says to herself she turns around looking up at the door, someone came in. She's a younger woman who looks at Jackson and then Irene. Irene gets curious as the girl walks over to Irene's table and smiling.

"Hello, are you Jackson's girlfriend?" The younger woman asks. She pushes her hair behind her ear Irene raises her eyebrow. "Why?" "Just answer the question? Your very pretty and Jackson is here and I know that someone was coming in town to meet him today. So, are you his girlfriend?" Irene looked at Jackson who was finishing up, Irene looked at the girl and nodded. "But what's your name?"


She says fast before getting up and leaving out the shop smirking. Jackson comes back to the table with drinks. Irene is still confused of the encounter, Irene tried to fix her appearance before Jackson sees but it's too late. "What's wrong babe? Someone messing with you?" Irene shakes her head taking the drink out of Jackson's hand. "Nothing it's fine just saw something weird that all, but I'm fine. What did you get?"

Jackson raises his eyebrow sitting down next to Irene. "Just a big plate of Fish & Chips with a side of ramen like you asked for." Irene smiles. "Your the best boyfriend." Irene says making Jackson smiles sweetly. "I'm glad that I'm the best one and not the worst boyfriend." Irene laughed pinching his cheeks.



Irene says whilst running over to the railing. "The waterfall is so beautiful!" Irene says looking down at the big waterfall that flowed with different shades of red water. It was so pretty. At the end of the waterfall was big shiny black rocks with different types of fish swimming in it. Jackson walks up behind her wrapping his arms around her.

"I'm glad you like." Jackson says into her ear Irene blushes looking deeply at the waterfall. "I love it baby. It's so beautiful." Irene says. Her hands falls over Jackson's hands that is wrapped around her small waist. "It's also beautiful like you." Irene laughs blushing hard, she turns around hitting Jackson making him laugh. "Bunny! I'm just trying to be flirty and your laughing at me!" Jackson says loud making others look at him. Jackson looks back at the people rolling his eyes, before opening his mouth that showed off his long black sword that was in his mouth. All the people that was once staring, quickly turned around. Irene hit him. "You scaring them off?" Jackson nods. "Yes, they are looking at us like we are a three headed dragon." Jackson says Irene eyes widened scared. Jackson laughs loudly. "There's no three headed dragon, but there is three headed dogs." Irene frowns, she begans to whine. "Jackson don't show me that! I'll cry!"

Jackson shakes his head. "I won't. Let's go sit down and watch the waterfall." Irene nods. Jackson grabs her hand intertwining them together. They walk over to an empy bench. Jackson sits down first followed by Irene. She sits kinda of far away from Jackson but that soon doesn't last because Jackson grabs her waist pulling her closer to him. Irene blushes leaning her head on Jackson shouldler.

"Do you like the underworld?" "Yes.. it's calm down here, it's calming then on Earth and Olympia." Irene tells him messing with his hand. "Why you say that." "It's alot of drama and work. It's very busy and no one really has the time for anyone. But it's so calm down here besides avoiding the people who committed deadly sins and other things, it's calming." Jackson nodded. "I feel you, I was actually so happy that you like it down here. I really wish that your mom wasn't against you dating and being in the underworld." Jackson admits looking over at Irene then back at the calming waterfall.

Irene nodded. "Me too, I love it down here." Jackson smiles looking at the waterfall, Irene moves closer to him as she shivers. She puts on her hood leaning on Jackson. He places his hand on her thigh pulling her closer to him. He can feel her body temperature and she was cold. "Bae, you want to grab hot chocolate to warm you up?"

Irene nodded rubbing her nose. "C'mon."


"Hot choco! Hot choco!"

Irene says clapping wacthing Jackson bring the tray with their hot chocolate to the table. He puts the tray down, handing Irene her hot chocolate and red velvet cookie. He sits down next to Irene grabbing his hot chocolate and chocolate chip cookie. "thank you!" Irene says before taking a spoon and stirring it.

"Your welcome." Jackson tells her kissing her head. She blushes blowing at the brown liquid on the spoon before bringing it to her lips slippin it. It slip down her throat warming up her body. Irene hums in pleasure. Jackson chuckles looking at the older girl. "Your older than me and act like a baby." Irene hits him laughing. "Shut it, I'm just a year older by a year." "Ah doesn't matter your still my baby." Jackson says to her. It's silence, at they both look at each other. Irene slowly begans to smile before laughing hard. "Your so greasy." "For you." He says tapping her chin. Irene's pale face flushes to a deep red, she smiles laughing clapping her hands hitting him.

"Hey Jackson."

The two stop laughing. They look up a the new guest, who interrupt them. Jackson rolled his eyes looking at the younger woman. Irene looks at Jackson as she sits back sipping her hot chocolate.

"What do you want Youngji?" Jackson asks. Youngji smirks pulling out the chair that was at the table she looks at Jackson smiling. "You didn't introduce me to your new girlfriend, did you Jackson?"

Irenes at the girl disgusted. She shakes her head drinking her hot chocolate. "Is there a problem?" Youngji asks as Jackson gets up grabbing her arm. "Hey!" Youngji yells as Irene watches. He drags her by the arm out the store. "Youngji leave me the fuck alone before I fucking cut you and make sure you burn in hell! Again!" Jackson threatens. The younger girls eyes watered at the site, his eyes flashing a bright red. His cold body soon turning hot at the sight of her still being here.


Jackson yells. Irene gets up from the table running outside to Jackson. Youngji looks at the two before opening a portal. She hurries walking in. Jackson grows impatient he reaches out about to grab him but is pushed back by Irene. "Jackson stop." Irene says to him. He looks down at Irene who's holding him. He looks in front of him seeing the portal closing.

"Come let's just go home."

Irene says to him walking away. Jackson looks at the older girl walking away. He balling up his fist cursing under his breath. He walks back into the shop, catching people stare. They all look away seeing his eyes still bright red. Jackson shakes his head gathering his stuff.

Jackson can never have sometime his girlfriend without lustful people.

What y'all think????? Any questions????

Secrets Fan Fiction 🦋

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