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Irene looked through her bag looking for some light material pajamas. She cursed slightly under her breathe not finding the ones she packed for herself. She turned around looking at Jackson who was still evidently mad from the sence at that shop. She sighed sitting down next to her bag that was on the couch. She looked at Jackson who searched around his room. This is not how she wanted to spend her day with her boyfriend. It was horrible that girl kept on talking about Jackson and fucking him. She didn't want to believe them but after awhile of hearing it, you'll believe it. And that's how Irene was feeling. They didn't speak a word to one another since they came back from the shop. She wanted to ask Jackson for questions but she wasn't for the answer or the argument that could possibly come out of the topic she wanted to discuss.

Irene sat on the couch debating if she wanted to ask Jackson for one of his shirts to sleep in. Jackson turned around looking at Irene who was sitting innocently on the couch. He chuckled looking at her older woman on the couch. "What wrong?"

"Well, I didnt pack any light pajamas and I was wondering can I use one of your shirts." Irene asks as Jackson simply nods. He walks over to his closet pulling out an old shirt he can't wear anymore. He walked out to Irene handing it to her. "it's will be kinda of short on you so if you have shorts you can wear them if you don't want to be exposed." Irene nodded. She went into her bag pulling out her shorts. She grab the shirt, shorts and undergarments closing her bag before getting up.

"You have a towel?" Jackson questions closing his closet door. Irene nodded turning around grabbing her pink towel. Jackson walks over to the door opening, a black figure runs into the door barking.

"AHH!" Irene yells frightened, she runs jumping on the couch as Jackson goes and grabs the barking animal. "AHHHH JACKSON-AH!" Irene yells looking at the figure in Jackson hands. Jackson pats the head of the figure. Jackson looks up at Irene who's standing on the couch. He laughs looking at Irene. "Bae, come down." Jackson says putting his hand out. Irene shook her head looking down that the thing in his arms. It was a three headed dog that made Irene's face turn up.

"JACKSON!" Irene yells pointing at one of the dog heads that was chewing on Jackson's arm. Jackson looked down moving the dogs head. "Bae, it's small. It won't hurt nor bite you hard." Jackson assures her. Irene looks at the dog playing with Jackson in his arms.

Irene begans to get down slowly.

She walks over to the younger looking at the dog. Jackson extends his arms out, startling Irene. "Jackson!" Irene yells, once again. The dogs look at her. "Their so small." Jackson says petting their heads. Irene looks up at him then down at the dog. "W-Whats their name?"

"Mocha is the one on the right, Milk is the one in the middle and Mochi is the one on the left." Jackson explains to her has Irene reaches her hand out trying to pet them. Mochi looks up at her then puts her head down at Irene pets her head. Irene gets startled stepping away. Jackson shakes his head. "they are nice Bae. They don't bite and if they do, they'll get punished so yeah." Irene sighed. "Is it a girl?" Jackson nodded kissing the tops of their heads. "but I'ma put them away and I'll show you them bathroom and stuff."

Irene nodded watching Jackson take the dog away. Mochi looks at Irene smiling as the others play with Jackson in his arms. Irene smiles watching Jackson take them out the room.


Irene steps out the shower grabbing her towel wrapping it around her wet body. She shuts the shower curtain drying off her body. She pushed off her now wet and loosely curled hair off of her shoulder. She grabbed her bra and underwear placing it on and then followed by Jackson's shirt and her small spandex shorts. She grabbed her belongings, fixing up the bathroom before leaving out. She walked back to Jackson's room walking in. She walk over to her bag pulling out a plastic bag putting her dirty clothes into the bag. She tied it up placing it into her bag, she grabbed her brush, brushing her wet hair. Irene looks up at the door as Jackson walks through the door with his shirt off and a towel in his hand, drying his hair. Irene watched in silence as he moved around the room. Irene sat down watching. Jackson looking around the room for his phone. He grabs his pulling up his shorts that was falling. Irene grabbed her perfume and deodorant, putting some on. Jackson turned around to Irene walking over to her.

He sits down next to her leaning into her form. Irene put her things away, zipening up her bag placing it on the floor. Jackson begans to kiss along her face down her jawline.

"Joohyun, your mad at me?" Jackson questions making his way down to her nape, he also begans to kiss and now suck on her neck. Irene thinks. She is mad that numerous girls were talking about what is hers and how some even had the balls to come and disturb her and Jackson. Irene kept quiet as he continues to move down her neck to her collar bone. "Because.. if you mad, I'm sorry. I don't entertain them. And that girl, Youngji, she is just my close friend who I should really cut off because she's starting problems here and I don't want that affecting our relationship. Because you know I only have eyes on one person, and that's you."

Jackson says moving away from her neck. He looks at her in her eyes. Irene searching his eyes to see if he was sincere or not. But to come to find out; he is. "I forgive you. I just really don't want that to happen again. It's different if they say stuff like that once, but if everyone keeps on saying that then I don't know who to believe."

"You don't believe me?" Jackson questions. Irene looks at him shaking her head. "I do, but let's say if you go to Olympia and different men are saying "I fucked Irene lats night" blah blah how would you feel?" Irene says to him. He leans on back on the couch making Irene turn her body, facing him. "The same way you feel." He says Irene chuckled. "but I'll let you slide because you apologize for what was wrong. And please don't hurt or threaten no one." Irene says leaning up on his bare chest. Jackson smile almost instantly. He nods wrapping one arm around Irene.

"So you expect my apology?"

"As long as you don't threaten or hurt any one." Irene says to him getting off his chest. Jackson shoot up nodding. "I won't!" Irene laughs. "I hate you, but I forgive you Wang." Jackson smiles kissing her forehead. "Now put a shirt on."

Irene says getting up off the couch. Jackson laughs getting up. "your hair looks beautiful Bae." Irene smiles falling onto the bed. "Thanks, you look good but you have to put a shirt on." Irene tells him crossing her legs criss-cross. Jackson laughs. "Well thank you. I do work out." He says flexing his muscles kissing the top of them. Irene shakes her head grabbing her phone. She pulls it up to her face noticing something on her neck.

Her face shrugs up opening her phone turning it to the camera. She examines her neck seeing multiple red spots on her neck. She pulled down her phone thinking about where she got it from. Her eyes soon widened realizing that it's hickeys and if her mom sees it, she's dead.

"JACKSON!" Irene yells causing her Daegu accent to be heard. Jackson hurries out of his closet placing on his shirt. "Yes?"

"LOOK WHAT YOU DID! I CAN GET IN SO MUCH TROUBLE!" She yells standing up pointing to her neck, her accent heavy. Jackson's eyes widened as he tries hard not to laugh at the olders neck. "Jack your trying to laugh and I could get in trouble for this and your laughing!" She scolds him. Jackson galps seeing how serious she is about the situation. He reaches out grabbing her waist, restraining her from moving, walking away, or hitting him.

"Jackson!" Irene says annoyed and pissed. "Bae, we can fix it. We can put some ice on it before you leave tomorrow." Jackson tells her. She looks at the youngers and rolls her eyes. "You better. I don't want to get in trouble." Jackson nods. "I'm going to fix it bunny okay. So don't worry." He reassures her as he begans to slowly let his grip go. He lets her go and she hits him on his biceps.


"That's what you get for leaving this." She points to her neck walking over to the bed sitting down grabbing her phone. Jackson follows after her sitting next to her on the bed. "Sorry, I wanted to leave my mark and honestly it's so good on you." Jackson tell her, her face immediately turning a deep red. She rolls her eyes shaking her head opening her phone. Jackson stares at her admiring her as he begans to talk.

"It's a just temporary until I get you a necklace or ring that says "Wang" in cursive or in Chinese or Korean that hangs around your beautiful neck and everyone in the underworld, Olympia and on earth will know who you belong to. And that too will be temporary until I propose and make your name Joohyun Wang. Such a beautiful ring to it."

He says biting his lip looking at her. Irene looks up at the younger who's admiring her hard. He reaches out moving her curly hair behind her ear. She takes in everything he says blushing deeply at the visual that he wants of the two of them. It makes her smile so much that she wonders how can a bubbly guy could be demon leaving in an environment wheres it dark and gloomy. She so happy that she has him, so greatful.

"Hey let's get some sleep, we've been busy all day and I think that we should get some sleep and go explore in the morning." Irene suggest, still blushing hard. Jackson nods taking her phone and his off the dresser, getting off the bed and charging it. Irene gets up pulling back the covers.

"Your comfortable sleeping with me?" Jackson assures. Irene simply crawls in the bed near the wall patting the bed besides her. Jackson smiles turning off the LED lights, making it dark. Irene screams a bit scared of how darks it get, she can't see Jackson. But her worries soon disappears when the bed dips besides her and the covers cover over her and Jackson form.

Jackson pulls Irene close to him as he gets comfortable resting his head in her neck. Irene wrapping her arms over her torso tucking her hands into his shorts at the hem gaining warmth. After the two gets comfortable, they both moan in pleasure of the warmth and comfortability that they've gained.

"Goodnight baby."

Irene starts off closing her eyes.

"Goodnight bunny, sleep tight." He says low kissing her nape. Irene soon dozes off. Jackson smiles hearing her light snores.

"I love you..."

He says before his body shuts off for the night.

Hmmmm, they made upppppppp. They are sooo cute. But not for longngngnngngngngngn hehehe.

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Secrets Fan Fiction 🦋

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