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Irene mom parked the car in front of their house. Irene mom hopped our the car first, followed by Irene. They shut the door to the car as her mom locked the car. Irene mom walked to the front door unlocking it. Irene walked in behind her, shutting the door and locking it. Irene's body tensed the whole time. Her mom didn't talk nor looked at her the whole two hour ride, which honestly scared her to death. Irene took off her shoes, throwing her bag over her shoulder. She looked at her mom who was in the kitchen grabbing water. Irene took the chance to walk pass her to her room but, that didn't last long.

"Come back miss, your not slick." Irene sighed turning around to her mom. Her mom sipped her water. "I'm disappointed in you Joohyun."

Her mom states, it's a clear fact. Who wouldn't be mad. Her mom analyzing her entire body noticing somethings making Irene's heart drop to the pit of her stomach. "Where did you get that hoodie from?"

"I-I bought it."

Way to go Irene.

Irene thinks. She restrains herself from facepalming herself. Her mom nodded. "Take it off." Irene bit her lip placing down her bag. She pulls off the red hoodie exposing her white tank top. Irene pushed her hair off her shoulder quickly realizing that there's dark purple hickeys on her neck. Irene push her hair over neck as her mom squints at her. She places down her water walking over to Irene grabbing the red hoodie out of her hand. She anazlyes the hoodie realizing that it's not new.

She walks over to Irene moving her hair off of her shoulders Irene eyes widened as her mom gaspe. "Bae Joohyun why the HELL DO YOU HAVE HICKEYS ON YOUR NECK!?" Her mom yells loudly Irene gulps backing up looking at her. "Why the HELL DOES THIS JACKET SMELL LIKE A BOY! YOU HAVE A BOYFRIEND?"

Her mom asks Irene slowly nods. There's no use of lying she already in some deep shit. "Okay Joohyun your getting out of hand. You lie to me about staying over here with your aunt, you went to the underworld and God knows what you was doing down there, and you have a boyfriend! What the hell Joohyun."


"HOW? We didn't have sex, we went out, he showed me around the underworld!" Her mom throws down the hoodie. "Irene you know how I feel about demons and you go behind my back, go to the underworld, and have a fucking boyfriend! Irene!"

She warns. Irene shakes her head grabbing her hoodie. "Mom I'm nineteen, I'm just experimenting."

"Experimenting what? What until your pregnant with a broken heart? Huh?"

"Mom no! Your just thinking about the worst!" "And you should too! Demons are no good. They live around people who did, dose and are bad, who committed sins and you want a fucking boyfriend who's influence by that?" She questions Irene shaking her head. "My boyfriend isn't like that. He takes care of me, make sure I'm okay and that I'm fine! He's not like the other demons!"

"That's what they all do! Until they treat you bad, leaving you with a heart broken." She complains Irene rolls her eyes. "I'm protecting you from getting hurt to where you probably won't get back up anymore." "Well this is life, I have to experience for myself if I get heart broken, so be it you can have the upper hand and tell me that "I told you so" but I have to learn for myself."

"But if I'm telling you something shouldn't you believe it?" Irene nodded. "but your not getting my picture. I need to lean for myself." Irene says moving her hand towards herself. Her mom shakes her head.

"So when was you going to tell me that you had a boyfriend?" "Never." Irene confess, her mom balls up her fist. "So you wasn't gonna tell me. But if you did you'll probably be pregnant crying to me ask me what to do." Irene shakes her head.

"Your only thinking about sex. I get it that is what men want and look for, but I know how to pick and choose who's good and not." Irene states looking at her mom. Irene grabs her belongings. "And I'm glad I know how my mother thinks I am. A whore who fucks around with any man." Irene says walking away. Her mom came grabbing her arm forcing her to look at her.

"I don't think that about you Irene. And you need to watch your tone and language. I'm not your friends who you can talk to any type of way. So for the last time please stop. And by the end of the week, break up with your boyfriend or less your grounded."


Irene sighs wipping her face. She picked up her phone looking at the time seeing it was 5:30pm. She sits up hearing a knock on her door. Irene looks at the door seeing it creep open. She looked at the person seeing it was her mom.

"Come eat Joohyun." Her mom tells her. Irene states at the older. Her mom shakes her head shutting the door. Irene grabbed her phone seeing alot of texted from Jackson. She ignore it sliding it into the pocket of her hoodie. Irene had put back on the hoodie Jackson had gave her to make her feel a little bit better. She walks out of her room going to the dinner room table. She sat down at the dining room table ready to be serviced but, to only see her mom service herself then sitting at the other end of the table. Irene bites her tongue getting up going to the kitchen grabbing her a plate. She grabbed her utensils sitting down at table. She prays over her food before eating it, she pulls out her phone looking at the messages and miss call from Seulgi and mainly Jackson.

She opens the text from Seulgi reading it.

- how did it go?
(Received: 3:30pm)
- did you get in trouble? Are you grounded? I need to know 😟
(Received: 3:35pm)

Irene shook her head replying to the concerned texts.

- yes. We got into a big argument, but I'll inform you later on once I cool down a bit.
(Sent: 5:40pm)

Irene placed down her phone eating more food before getting up going to the kitchen. Her mom looked at her watching her moves. Irene went into the fridge grabbing her a water bottle. Irene looked over at her mom catching quick eye contact, Irene looks away quickly before shutting the door to the fridge and walking to her chair.

"Your welcome." Her mom says looking at Irene. Irene looks up chuckling slightly. "Thanks."

Irene returns looking down at her food. Irene mother sighed shaking her head getting up. It didn't make sense to her how her mother didn't like people who she wasn't around to met. Irene understand where her worries is coming from  Irene would feel the same way: if her daughter had lied to her to hangout with her boyfriend, yeah she understands the angry there but what makes Irene so angry is how mean she it towards demons. Demons in the past might have done bad to Olympia and Earth but it's all solved and done. And although some are over it, most of them like her mom, is still against them and won't give them a chance. Irene feels horrible because she has to tell Jackson that her mom really hates demons that she has to break up with him. She so bad at this. Her feeling were involved: so involved that they use the L word instead of the usual way of expressing it. And all though they haven't even made it to their one year anniversary it makes her so mad that her mom can't even met or realize that her stereotype of demons could possibly change after meeting Jackson.

Irene bites her lip shaking her head finishing up her food. Irene got up gathering her stuff going to the kitchen washing her plate. Irene walks out once she was done, going down the hall to her room. She walks in shutting the door before running to her bed falling onto it. She lays there before her phone bings constantly. She sits up looking at her phone seeing Jackson calling. She answers the phone moving her hair out of her face. She waves smiling at the phone.

"Hey Bunny. I was getting worried you didn't call me once you got home." Jackson tells her sitting up on his bed. "Sorry. I was bit tried that's all." Irene says looking around. "Did you get in trouble?" Irene sighed nodding. "yes, we got into a big argument and then afterwards I cried and fell asleep." Jackson's face shrugged up concerned. "Bae, why are you crying? The argument was bad?"

Irene nodded. "But I don't want to talk about it. It's still fresh and the tension is so thick you could probably swim in it." Irene confess. Jackson chuckles. "Well get some more sleep Bae, I just wanted to call and make sure you was alright, you never called and told me what is up. But I'm glad that your some what okay."

Irene blushes. "thanks Wang. But could you stay on the phone?" Irene asks getting up pulling the covers back. "Yeah, what's up?"

"Yesterday I slept really good. I usually never sleep so well." Jackson laughs. "Same, I thought it was only me. Your so warm and barely move, ahhh I wish you could come over and sleep with me." Irene laughs getting under the covers. "me too, but untill things get a little bit better I will be coming over more." Irene says, it hurts her so much to say. She bits her lip grabbing her charger plugging up her phone up. She props the phone up so he can see her. She snuggles up under the covers looking at Jackson.

"Go to sleep Bae, I'll mute myself I still have to do some things around the house." Irene nodded. "Good night Wang, love you." Irene says blushing. Jackson's face turns a shade of red making him smile to ear to ear. "Goodnight love you too."

Breaking up with you will be so hard.

Irene thinks she sighs closing her eyes hearing her bedroom door open. Irene pecks her eye open seeing her mom looking at her. Her mom leaves making Irene shake her head.

Mama Bae is a bit idk how to say it.

But your thoughts? Do you think Irene is going to tell Jackson about them breaking up? And if so what do you think he's going to say?

Well I hope I didn't make yall mad, and I also can make better arguments, that was trash but you get the point haha.

Secrets Fan Fiction 💟

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