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Irene woke up stretching. She looked over at her phone that was still propped up on the dresser besides her, seeing Jackson fast asleep on the other line. She chuckles grabbing her phone taking numerous pictures of him before hanging up. She sent him a quick text to him before checking her notification. A few from her social media and her friend Wendy who was asking if she wanted to hangout today. Irene replied before getting up going out of her room. She walked down the hallway to her mom's room peeking in her room, seeing her get dress. Irene opened the door causing her mom look at up.

"Good afternoon sleepy head." Her mom said making Irene chuckle. "Hey..." Irene starts off, her mom looking at her concerned at her statement. "Could you drop me off at Earth? I'm meeting up with Wendy and her boyfriend?" Her mom raised her eyebrow looking at her daughter.  "If this is an excuse for you to sneak and see your boyfriend, I'm not going to take you Joohyun." Irene mentally rolled her eyes. She always thinking about Irene's boyfriend more than Irene herself. "No, I'm just going to hangout with my best friend at the café, I haven't seen her in months."

Her mom raised her eyebrow. "For someone who's very sneaky and lie, you sure do ask for stuff." Irene closed her eyes sighing in frustration. "Mom."

"You have an half an hour to get ready and be in the car, or less I'm not taking you."

"Okay! Thanks!"

"Mmmh." She hums whilst shaking her head.


The car stops in front of the café. Irene grabs her things before opening the door. She looks back at her mom who looking straight ahead. Irene chuckles lightly before hopping out the car.

"Thanks mom, see you later."

Her mom looks over at her nodding. "Bye Joohyun." Irene nods shutting the door. She walks up to the café walking in. She spots Wendy and Mark who's sitting talking to one another. Irene walks up to them sitting down. "Hey love birds." Irene teases making Wendy's eyes widened. "Irene!" Wendy yells opening her arms. Mark laughs at the two as they reach over the table hugging each other. They pull away sitting down. Irene hugs Mark also before Mark calls over a waitress, where Irene order hot tea and two cookies.

"Sooo, I heard that you went to the underworld yesterday and went to see your boo." Irene glances at Wendy shaking her head. Irene looked over at Mark who laughed pulling his mask over his mouth.

"Ah, it was fun while it lasted." Irene says looking out the window of the café. "And what does that mean exactly?" "I got caught." "Wait you need to explain Missy." Wendy say pulling her hair behind her ear. Irene chuckle.

"Here ma'am." Irene looked up at the waitress who handed her her tea. Irene thanked her before continuing to talk. "Well, Seulgi sneaked me in to the underworld and I lie to my mom saying that I was going to spend time with Seulgi and her mom in Olympia but I actually went to the underworld with Jackson and my mom found out."

"Wow, Ms. Angel is rebellious!" Wendy says laughing Irene shakes her head grabbing her spoon stirring up her tea. "Well if you want to put it that way." Wendy laughs. "Well what did you do when you got caught?" Mark asks moving his mask to eat the fruit that was sitting in front of him.

Irene shakes her head grabbing a packet of sugar remembering everything that happened yesterday. "Well she basically took me home and yelled at me. She was mad at the simple fact that I had a boyfriend who's a demon and I stayed over his house."

"So did you get punished?"

Irene nodded remembering how her mom wanted her to break up with Jackson. "Yeah... She wants me to break up with Jackson."

Mark and Wendy's eyes widened. Wendy leaned back in her chair shaking her head. "She said that!" Irene nodded sipping her tea. "For what?" "Because Jackson is a demon and mom is strict on who I should and should not date. She hates demons." Irene says Wendy shaking her head. "But did you tell Jackson?"

"I mean he does knows that my mom completely hates the whole race or whatever of demons. He's aware but I haven't told him about the fight. Your the first to know about it."

Wendy ate a piece of fruit squinting her eyes at her. "I feel like your leaving something out. Because you'll usually tell someone about the fight besides me or even Jackson first." Wendy debates. "Well... I didn't tell Jackson yet."

Mark's eyes widened he sits up in his chair looking at the older. "And you haven't told Jackson?"

"No, the tension is freaking thick in the house that you and Wendy could probably swing in it. It's so fresh in the air that I'm getting mad at the whole conversation. I don't want to tell Jackson it will hurt me even more." Irene debates before drinking her tea.

"So what are you going to do?"

"Wait. It's the best I can do." Irene tells honestly. She doesn't want to worry or make unnecessary tension in her relationship too. She just wish that this would all go away. "So your going to wait? Have you talked to Jackson?" "Just for a little. It was only for me to go to sleep last night and he's been texting me and I've been ignoring him. What should I do."

"At least tell him to give him a heads up, but not necessarily break up with him untill the time is right." Wendy suggest. "I agree but also take your time, like you said it's still in the air." Mark says, Irene nods taking it into consideration hoping that it will work.

"Sooo how's you and Mark's relationship?"

Wendy looked over at Mark. "It's better than before, my mom is more accepting of Mark, but it's improvement." Irene smiled looking at the two. "Well that's good. If you do bad Mark, I'm killing you." Irene warned making Mark put up his hands.

"Never could hurt my baby." Wendy smiled blushing.


Irene walks into the house, slidng off her shoes. She walks pass the living room and kitchen not seeing her mother. Irene figures she in her room sleeping or outside somewhere. She walks down the hall to her room grabbing some night clothes waking to her bathroom taking off her clothes hopping into the shower. About half an hour later, she gets out getting dress going to her room and shutting the door. She checks her messages seeing most of them from Jackson. She sighs replying to the other texts that she received before going to FaceTime Jackson.

The phone rings once before Jackson picks up.

His face displays on the screen looking worried but yet handsome. Irene waves as Jackson bites his lip.

"You had me worried. You didn't answer my text all day." Jackson confesses making Irene chuckle. "Sorry... I was out with Wendy and Mark today I didn't get a chance to check my phone." She says. Its a lie. Irene had plenty of chances to check her phone today whilst she was out, but she couldn't pick up the phone to reply. Her mind was still bottled up on the argument her and her mom had yesterday night and how her mom threaten her to break up with Jackson. Irene is so confused and doesn't know how to tell Jackson that they might have to break up because her mom can't expect who's she's dating.

"I thought you was ignoring me or that you wasn't feeling to good about yesterday."

How could he it hit it right on the nose?

"No..." Irene trails off. Irene looks away from the phone playing with the pillow besides her. "Well if you feel comfortable could you tell me what happened yesterday?" Irene looked up at the phone her heart dropping. She bites her lip swallowing the fear before speaking. "Well we got into an argument as you know, and she found out about the hickeys. She found out that the hoodie I was wearing was yours. She got very mad when I told her I was with you all last night and even spent the night. She yelled and asked if I was ever going to tell her about you."

"What did you say when she asked?"

"I replied truthfully, which was never. I was never going to tell her." Jackson shook his head looking at her through the phone. "Joohyun." "What, it only made sense, I'm already in some deep trouble with her, lying to her at that point would just make me in a deeper whole. There's no winning with my mom." She explains Jackson shakes his head. "And then she told me how demons are all the same just want on thing and I told her that that's all over and that you are not like the stereotype that she has about demons. And then she went on to say that I would have told her about you when I'm pregnant crying to her asking what I should do." Irene explains shaking her head.

"So she thinks that your out to mess around and get pregnant?"

"Pretty much. I was really mad about that and I might have cursed at her." Irene says looking at him but then quickly looking away. "What the angel said that she cursed at her mom?!" Jackson says surprised. Irene laughed she shaking her head looking at the younger tease her. I really hope that this last. "I was mad, I wasn't thinking."

"Doesn't mean you have to curse her, but I do get. But did she say anything after that?"

Irene closed her eyes sighing. She opened them looking at Jackson, he moves his hair out of his face waiting for the older to respond to his question. "Well.... She grabbed me and said that I have to break up with you."

It went silent. Irene put her head down on the pillow beganing to think. Her eyes began to water as she heard him talk. "B-Bae for what?" Irene sighed the tears rolling down her face she didn't want to put her head up and facing him. "Because she doesn't want me with a demon. For what who knows and she doesn't understand that your different from whatever she thinks demons are. I just don't know what to do. That's why I was ignoring you today, I didn't want to tell you." Irene confess. Her light sobs hurt Jackson. He wonders why her mom doesn't want her to date a demon, maybe her mom's past had bad experience with demons and she doesn't want the same for Irene, but that still doesn't mean that she can't date and be free.

"Bae, calm down okay. We are not going to break up okay." Irene looks up nodding, she wipes her face putting her head back down. "Is your mom asleep?" Irene nodded. "Why?"

"I'll come over, leave the window open." Irene smiled nodding a bit nervous. "Call me when your close okay so I can see if she's a sleep."

Jackson nodded. "see you in a few." Irene nodded smiling.


Irene got off her bed opening to window before going out her room to her mom room. Irene opened the door to her room peeking in seeing her mom fast asleep with the TV on. She walked in turning it off before leaving back to her room. Irene walked in locking the door behind her. She turned towards the window seeing it was closed but she also didn't see Jackson.

"J- AH-."

Irene screams but it doesn't get out. A hand was slapped over her mouth preventing her from making any noise.

"Calm down babygirl it me." Jackson's voice boomed through her ear as she cooled down. He removed his hand causing Irene to turn around. Irene looked at him before slapping him hard on his bicep. "Ouch!" Jackson says low shooting his hand over the place that was attacked. "Don't scare me again. I thought I was getting kidnapped or something." Jackson chuckle. "Well let's go to sleep. I didn't mean to scare you. But you do look cute scared."

Jackson says stealling a kiss from her before walking over to her bed. Irene blushes shaking her head turning around seeing Jackson take off his sweats revealing his shorts underneath. She walks over pulling the covers back. They both got in snuggling into one another. Irene rested her head on his shoulder.

"Goodnight Bae, love you." Jackson tell her placing kisses on her forehead. Irene sits up leaning down to his lips.

"Goodnight Wang, love you too."

Heyyyyyyyyyyy some shuts about to go down next chapter be prepared. Hoped you enjoy. Tell me what you thought.

Secrets Fan Fiction 🦋

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