Chapter 1 - Darkness arises

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The more I read this, the more I cringe.

    Tbhonest was talking with Muffin, a kid as old as Nadwe. They seemed to be good friends, and sadly, the kid was homeless. But he actually preferred it? It was odd, but he had his reasons.

"Well, I better get going to work."
Muffin ended.
"I need to keep in charge of my bakery, otherwise I will have a line coming out!"

   As the homeless kid left, Tbh was honestly surprised he owned a business. Muffin was homeless, yet rich? It didn't add up, but at least he was happy.

"How does he own his own business, yet be homeless?"
Blaza asked.
"He should at least have a decent house, with how good his bakery runs."

"I agree, but if he's happy..."
Tbh drifted off.
"Then he's happy, we should let him do what makes him happy."

   Blaza nodded in agreement, and we started to head for the castle. Tbhhonest was wearing a hoodie, to blend in. But to him, it was comfortable, he decided that even when he came home. He would still wear it!

   His claws were bothering him, so Tbh covered his claws with a special liquid. And then his claws transformed into normal human hands. Blaza was wearing something very similar to a hoodie, but he had a white cape that was attached to it. He wore pink pants, and his hood was always on. A second face was on it, he named it....Bee?

   They always seemed to react the same way, and Blaza also wore black boots. As they rode their horse to the huge castle, and they saw Muffin in a nice looking bakery.
The castle came into view, and they entered.

"It's magnificent!"
Tbh admitted.

    Blaza smiled at the compliment, and led the way to his meeting room. When they entered, a long table and chairs on the side were in the middle of the room. As they sat down, Blaza immediately was interrupted by his messenger.

"Letter from; The Ocean Kingdom."
The messenger said, and quickly left after.

"You sent this, didn't you?"
Blaza asked, looking straight at Tbh.


   Blaza gave a tiny nod, and began reading the letter. As his eyes moved lower and lower, his eyes began to widen in shock.

"You too had that vision!?"
Blaza questioned.

"Yes! How do you get visions?"
Tbh asked, completely unaware of Blaza's power.

"Bee tells me, when he talks it's so high pitched that people can't hear him."
Blaza explained.
"But his voice sounds normal, it's like a kids voice. A lot like Nadwe's, or Muffin's."

   Tbh was surprised, but went straight back to the point.

"So are you, to, afraid of the future?"
Tbh asked, not waiting for an answer.
"That means something is coming, we must wait for an Omen. The Heavens always send one, in the time of Darkness."

"Agreed, but what if this time is so bad that even The Heavens were killed or destroyed in a way?"
Blaza urged.
"Bee told me this, and we have to rely on ourselves this time. The Heavens won't always help, it's time we take this care in our own hands!"

"If what you're saying is true, then I would agree. Let me have this vision first, then I'll decide."
Tbh said, closing his eyes. And then opening his second pair.

   All he was was fire in the clouds, and then a tongue was darted at him. Tbh opened both eyes in panic, and saw something else completely different.

"King Honest, it is so nice to see you."
A light-orange figure said.
"But A Time of Darkness is coming, I fear that this time is where The Heavens can't even deal with it."
The female angel said.
"Our land and sky has been corrupted, you must control this on your own.
Farewell, I will lead you on this path of Light and Faith. I will guide you, have faith and you'll make it out fine."

  And then Tbh was forced to close this second pair of eyes by a force, and he then was gasping for air.

"Bee is right!"
He gasped.
"Even The Heavens can't deal with this, their land has been corrupted! This Darkness is far greater than any that had come before."

   Blaza had a face full of horror, even though his eyes were covered by his hair. Tbh began explaining the vision, and Blaza told his messenger to tell the other rulers to come immediately.

   They kept on talking for a while, and as they finished. A rainbow-haired woman came flying in, as a rainbow-footed man ran in. A small bat came flying in, and as well as a yellow-haired man came running in.
And then a rainbow masked man came trotting in with a white horse.

  The rainbow man was known as Socks, with his son, Nadwe. Ally was a beautiful rainbow-haired Queen, with her trustful knight, Oof. The yellow-haired man, with horrible teeth was known was Jooice.
They all sat down in the comfy chairs that were placed next to the long table.

"What was happened?"
Socks asked, his voice was full of worry and shock.

"There is a great danger coming to the Kingdoms, and even more powerful then The Heavens."
Tbh explained.
"Their sky has been destroyed, and left in ruins. I was kidnapped this morning, but I ,luckily, fell off the carriage."

   Nadwe let out a gasp, and Oof shifted closer to his Queen.
(Don't you dare say it)
Blaza was the only one who remained calm, even Jooice stopped smiling.

"The Heavens will guide us, and hopefully
we will defeat this evil."
Blaza said calmly, surprisingly.
"We should raise our defenses, and have patrols on our borders and please protect yourselves."
Blaza ordered.
"We don't have enough room for another fallen Ruler, grief will weakness us. So I recommend everyone have a protector, our at least not be alone."

  Everyone nodded, and began to discuss more training and how to build higher defenses. Socks was telling Nadwe to never leave his side, or be alone without at least 3 people with him. Nadwe was annoyed, but he didn't understand how much Socks really cared about him.

   Ally was unfortunately always ill, and Socks, who was believed to come from The Hallow, never got any sicknesses like Ally. Or maybe he didn't even come from The Hallow?
Then a Demon came running at them.

   Nadwe quickly transformed back into a bat, and hanged on the ceiling. Socks quickly let rainbow-feathered wings sprout from his back. He then made a stary-black staff appear from thin air, and summoned three white stars and threw them at the Demon.

  Oof quickly made a blue force field around Ally, and summoned a sword and ran at the Demon. Blaza stood for a second and he turned into a deformed-bear figure, his usual light-orange colors were now dark. His eyes became black, and his fingers were sharp.
Blaza charged at the Demon, and the Demon let out a horrific wailing sound. As Socks landed his hits with his Stars.

   Tbh summoned his claws by dipping them in water, he then moved the water with them, turning the water into ice and shooting them at the Demon.

  As they quickly killed the demon, they thought that was the only one.
But a whole army was coming, and then ten charged into the room. As they kept fighting, Nadwe fought next to Socks. He was using a Dark-Magic Staff.
They fought, and fought. Blaza's guards were all badly wounded, as they had no special powers, only swords to fight with.

   Their energy was running low, and they became tired and weak. They were outnumbered, after demon, after demon, more and more were coming.

Blaza yelled, as he was transforming back to his normal form.

   Everyone evacuated, and the demon made laughs that seemed to echo.
As they made it outside, Socks fell onto the ground out of exhaustion. He then lifted his head to see if Nadwe was with them, and of course, he was. Ally seemed ill...again...
Oof was badly injured, but he didn't complain. He was still next to Ally, and Jooice was also injured. The crooked-teethed man was using a musket, and yet he was badly injured.

"That was so embarrassing!"
Blaza admitted.
"Defeated by demons!"

"There were hundreds."
Socks pointed out.
"I don't think people expect us to fight that long, and they shouldn't even think that we're gods or something like that."

"He's got a point."
Nadwe huffed.
"Did you even expect that from us?"

"Well- no."
Blaza stammered.


    Blaza limped to a tree, and he laid there.
They accepted their defeat, and realized that they lost the most important Kingdom.
Blaza was devastated at the loss of his Kingdom, had he really lost it to demons?

"We need to fight back, now!"
Blaza urged.

"We can't, we're all badly injured!"
Oof snapped, as he was finished

"We'll lose all control of The Kingdoms if The Central Kingdom is destroyed!"
Tbh shot back.
"I say we recover for a day, and then attack back."

"I'm on Tbh's plan, I'm way too tired to fight against the demons again!"
Socks rasped.

"Let me heal you guys, otherwise you'll bleed out."
Ally scrowled.

   As Ally used her powers that she had been born with in The Hallow, she was able to heal everyone up using them. But now that the wounds were healed, they couldn't go back instantly. Their bodies were still stiff, tired and still hurting from the old wounds.

"T-thank you."
Socks rasped, grateful for the healthcare.

    Blaza was making a small tent made out of sticks, vines and leaves. It held up nice, and everyone was on beds made of moss, that were inside the tent. They started to talk about battle moves, and tactics.

"This is perfect!"
Blaza exclaimed.
"At dawn, we need a lookout."

"I'll go first."
Nadwe quickly added.

"Alright, wake us up in case of an emergency."
Tbh reminded.

   Nadwe nodded, and the sun was setting.
Everyone was starting to fall asleep, but Nadwe was staring at the Kingdom in dismay. He was upset that they were defeated. But it was so uneven, he didn't even feel ashamed really.

"Hey, Nadwe!"
A voice called.
"What happened!?"

I wonder who that is...
How tf is this almost 2000 words :')
(Tru la La La)

Happy Reading!
(1760 words)

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