Chapter 2 - Up Again

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    When Socks woke everyone up, Muffin was talking with Nadwe father away from them.
Tbh groaned as his back hurt, somehow, Oof's sword got under his moss bed.
Blaza shook anyone who couldn't wake up, he grabbed Oof's shoulders and shook home like he was a baby rattle.

Oof snapped, slapping Blaza across the face.
"Get off me!"

"If you would have gotten up sooner,or I wouldn't have done this!"
Blaza snapped back.
"Cmon, we're bout to fight-"

"Without eating first?"
Tbh asked.

"Do you spoil yourselves that much?"
Blaza snorted.
"I only eat a lot because I'm basically a pile of bones, but y'all aren't! We can go and fight without eating."

"Do you have magical powers?"
Socks asked, knowing he wouldn't get an answer.
"Exactly, we need energy to even control them! All you need is some lame sword, and some little energy to turn into your monster form."

  Blaza sighed, and Socks just scoffed.
Why was Blaza so battle-hungry?
Tbh asked himself. He brushed it off, and found a bird nest, he collected the eggs and brought it back to the camp. Socks had collected apples from a tree, and Oof had gotten some fish from a river nearby.

          As they started a campfire, Tbh had realized how cold he was. The nice warmth of the fire was making him smile slightly.
They cooked the fish, and the eggs and ate their breakfast. Blaza refused, and just ate the apples. Jooice's breath was already deadly before eating the fish. And Socks was insulting him in so many ways.
   Tbh missed the old times where times were simpler, when they were kids.

"Are we ready now?"
Blaza asked.

  They all nodded, and went charging into the castle. Ally rapidly grew vines between the cracks of the bricks, and once the vines were around the bricks she put her hands in a fist position. Making the bricks that were covered in vines, and crushed them. They ran through the giant hole in the wall, and started to kill the demons that were coming their direction.

    Socks kept shooting powerballs, but was attacked from behind. Oof killed the demon that was attacking him, but he was scratched on his back. He screamed in pain, and went to Ally. She healed him quickly, and then Oof put another force field around her. Jooice was taking a long time reloading his musket, and bit on his arm. He shook off the demon and shot it in the head.

   Blaza was already in the back, bleeding. He was already badly injured, after only ten minutes of fighting. But he shook it off, and kept on fighting. Tbh was clawing at the demons, then poured water on the floor and lifted the water into the air. Sending the demons flying in the air, they died because Tbh then turned the water into ice spikes.

     Ally was wrapping demons in vines and shoved them toward Oof, where he would slay them.
(Don't you dare.)
Blaza then turned into his monster form, towering over the demons. He devoured their energy and kept clawing at each one.
Tbh was hit on his head, and fell on the ground, stunned.

  Demons then made a pile over him, and Tbh screamed in fear. He tried to crawl out, but he was met by a bad scratch on his chest.

Blaza shouted.

  Socks turned his head, and saw where Tbh was. He ran at him, and started to claw at the demons surrounding The Ocean Kingdom Ruler.

"Get out!"
Socks yelled, as he made a gap to let Tbh crawl out.

  Tbh quickly ran out, and went to Ally.
She stopped, and quickly ran to aid Tbh's wounds. Oof was helping out Socks, who was now badly injured. Blaza saw them, and ran to protect Tbh and Ally, who were undefended.

Ally then started to bleed from the forehead, as she got a hit on her head. She fell on her back, passing out. Tbh was fully healed in time, luckily, and Oof saw what happened and picked up Ally and ran out of the fight.

"You coward-!"
Blaza was cut off by a stab through his hand.
"Socks, help me!"

  Socks then ran at Blaza, he protected him while he was limping with Oof. Socks got overwhelmed by the demons. Jooice, Tbh, Nadwe, and himself were the only ones left.
Nadwe was attacking from above, but his wing was shot by a spear. He fell to the ground,


Socks sprouted wings from his back, and caught Nadwe in the air. He let Blaza grab his tiny body. As he was in his bat form, and Socks then got shot through his wing. Blood splattered all over the group, he roared in pain. Jooice was trying to protect Socks, but he was bit on the legs, as Demons were now crawling to attack their legs.

   Tbh screamed as he was again crowded with demons, he shot ice at them and he luckily had an opening for himself.
He picked up Jooice, and ran away with the rest of the group.

"Another defeat."
Blaza sighed.
"You guys did well, but I should have listened more. You guys thought well, but I was too stubborn."

"You were,"
Socks agreed.
"But you guys did well this time, but we should have made a circle, leaving the middle open to let Ally heal us from behind."

"That's a great plan. "
Ally rasped, she had just woken up.

"You're awake!"
Oof cheered.
"Heal yourself, then us, if you can, that is."

  Ally nodded, and healed her own wounds.
Blaza was gone, looking for food, not for himself, just for his friends.
Muffin had come back with a ton of muffins from his bakery, and was shocked to see how badly hurt the group was.

"Demons, they took over The Kingdom."
Socks rasped.

  Muffin went to Nadwe's side, and was trying to feed him a muffin. But he was too weak to even eat.
Once Blaza came back, not only did he bring food, he brought his army.

"Now we'll really have a chance to win this time!"
Blaza cheered.
"Because now, we have an army.
So we'll lead this first, and then once they are weakened we all go in and..."

   They finally agreed on good battle plans,
Muffin wanted to fight among them.
But Nadwe begged him not too, Socks was happy with how his son acted. A good, and funny friend, but yet still very caring.
What a good son I have raised...

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