Chapter 3 - Victory Gems

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    As Blaza was stomping on the demons, he was attacked from behind and didn't comply. He ran at another, it was attacking Nadwe. And Socks would kill him, if he didn't help him. Nadwe was thrown at the wall, stunning him and that knocked him out.

  Blaza picked the limp bat body, and gave him to Ally. His army was attacking bravely, and Tbh was drowned in the demons.
Blaza ran to him and helped him out, Jooice was next to Socks and were fighting together. Tbh then got on top of Blaza, on his back, and controlled the water from above him. It seemed like a good idea, and it was! Tbh wasn't going to be hurt as much, and he would help out Blaza if they got surrounded. And Blaza stared into the eyes of the biggest demon in the back.

   Socks was flying above Ally, as she was healing Nadwe. When a demon almost grabbed Nadwe out of her hands, Socks threw himself at the demon. They collided, and Socks clawed at the demon.

"Oof, no!"
Ally screamed.

Oof was being trampled, and a demon who was sucking the life out of him by placing a claw on his forehead. Ally sat down Nadwe and ran at the demon, and lashed a vine in its face. The demon fell back, and went at her.
Tbh saw and sprouted an ice spike under it.

"Get your hands off of him!"
Ally yowled at the demon.

"Ally! Behind you- AGH!"
Oof gasped.

  Ally was grabbed by the neck and was pulled away, she gasped for air. Oof's mask was cut on the side, he threw off the demon who was on him and grabbed his sword and charged at the demon who had Ally. He wasn't fast enough, and Ally was thrown in the air. She crashed into the floor, and screamed in pain.

"Help Ally!"
Oof ordered.

   Socks and Jooice went to Ally, and carried her under the table of the meeting room.
Socks let go of Ally and darted toward Nadwe. He picked him up and then went to help out Ally. Oof then went to guard Ally while she healed herself, dismissing Socks and Jooice.

                  Nadwe woke up and gasped.
Socks hugged him and let him go fight. Blaza was horribly injured, and he was bleeding from his arms, chest, legs, and nose. Tbh did a water shield to protect him, as they traveled to the back.

  The demons were being driven out, and they fled through the giant hole in the wall. The largest demon stood his ground and threw the army aside. Blaza's army was weakened, and had to go back to camp.
Leaving the rulers to be the only fighters left.

          Socks clawed at the demon's chest, and revealed the soul trapped inside. He took it in his hands and released it. The demon roared in pain and faded into the air.
They had defeated The Demon Army!
Blaza had taken back his Kingdom.

"Yes! We won!"
Blaza cheered.
"Thank you, all of you. For helping me get back my Kingdom, and for- everything!"

"You're welcome, and you should thank me."
Socks boasted.
"I released the soul out of that demon."

"Yeah, yeah..."
Tbh snorted.
"Well, you're welcome.
It was an honor to fight by your side."

"Well, thank you for saving me multiple times..."
Ally rasped.
"And especially you, Oof..."

"Don't waste your breath Ally."
Oof wanted.
"You need your strength, and heal yourself."

"Yeah, I can't thank you enough for saving me every time I was hurt."
Nadwe said, grateful for her service.
"I wouldn't be here without you guys.
And especially you Socks, for being the caring father I would never have had."

Socks smiled, and shed a tear of happiness.
"It was a pleasure."

   Everyone got to Ally's side, and said their thanks. Ally then finally regained her strength, and healed herself.

"You guys rolled your life's like dice."
Blaza praised.
"I am in the debt of your Kingdoms."

"You also rolled your life like dice."
Socks pointed out.
"But The Vampire Empire won't be weakened anytime soon. But if it is, we will need your help."

   Blaza nodded, and agreed to help anyone who was in a war or in a fight. He summoned his crown, and put it on. It glowed light orange, and little gemstones resembled the other 4 Kingdoms.

"I shall put gemstones of your Kingdoms on my crown."
Blaza began.
"The Central Kingdom won't forget this anytime soon. You have brought peace."


   When Socks finally sat down on his bed at his Empire, he signed his weakness. He wondered if Nadwe would rule The Vampire Empire soon.
His breath was stuttering with grief,his sister almost died. But even she didn't even know that they were related. Socks was the only one who knew, and that her adopted parents were abusive.

"When will I tell her?"
Socks asked himself.

"Tell who?"
Nadwe asked, flying in.

"Nothing you should worry about, Nadwe."
Socks reassured.
"Nadwe, you may soon rule this Empire..."

"Where is this coming from?"
Nadwe asked.

"Nowhere, but- GET DOWN!"
Socks shouted.

  Nadwe fell to the ground, and crawled under his fathers bed. Socks spread out his wings, and blood splattered. His wing was shot through, as a spear went through.
It was on the wall now.
Socks screamed and gripped to the ceiling, he climbed it with his claws. He scrambled to the window where the spear was launched from.

"Who are you!?"
Socks asked, ready to attack.

"No one."
A voice rasped.

   Socks leaped down, and saw no one.
The person had left.

Socks growled.
"Nadwe, stay down."

   Socks sealed the window, and covered it with the curtains.
"Come out."

"Oh my! What happened-!"
Nadwe gasped.

   Nadwe looked at the damaged wing and looked at the door. Seeing the spear, and he transformed back into a human. He called a healer, and she quickly came to Sock's aid.
The spear was taken for investigation.

Socks began.
"You might rule The Vampire Empire soon, I fear...."

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