CH 3

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      Warning: 18+. Mentioning of sexual activities.
Something was disturbing my sleep. I felt wet imprints of something all over my face. I slowly opened my eyes and found it quite bright and the unfamiliar surrounding. It took a while to hit me the fact that I was in Suho's room. I gasped. This should be a horror story. I jumped out of the bed.

The silence indicated that I was alone. Not spending another second there I rushed out of the room to mine. On the way I hit with the someone. I moved back, rose my head to meet that person eye to eye it was Suho.

I backed away. I didn't know what should I do? My heart was pacing, the hair on my body rose as his cold gaze met me. I gulped. "I am sorry" I whispered and raced past him to my room. Slammed my door and slid down the door. My heart was beating so fast, it was like my soul left my body when I met him eye to eye.

My breath then eased and I stood up. Settled on my bed and recollected what happened.

It annoyed me, "He is the one who hates me and yesterday he was the one to cuddle with me on his bed." I yelled out of frustration. "This guy is crazy." I threw the pillow to the ground.

"Noona?" I heard Jisung's voice. I paused. Did he hear me? Oh God. I face palmed.

"Come in." I spoke. He opened the door, "I heard your door slam?" He walked in. "Well, I met the 1.8m guy and he gave his regular glare which irritated me." I answered him. He scoffed upon hearing my reply. "What?" I raised my brows not accepting his disrespect. "Yaah, why?" I asked balling my eyes. "Nothing, I couldn't help you at that time of need." He chuckled as he lowered his head. "Imagine how you faced hyung." He said. I scrunched my face with anger. "You would have literally ran away from him because you are a scaredy cat." He burst out laughing.

Anger fumed in me and I kicked him to the ground. "Aww." he hissed as his butt landed on the floor. "Why did you kick me?" He asked as he stood up rubbing his butt. I smirked. "Serves you."

"You are an annoying bitch." He shouted. That left me dumbfounded. "Well, you are a nosy bitch." I retorted. "Don't you dare start a fight noona." He warned pointing his finger at me. "How dare you point your tiny finger at your sister? Brat." I scolded him. "I will point at you." He pointed at me again. I stood up from the bed. "You are one piece of chicken for me." I narrowed my view and pulled my sweater sleeves up. "Well, I am not something that you can eat, btw." He shook his head. "Btw my foot." I shouted.

"I never knew that you graduated with poor vocab from my school. You are such a disgrace for my school." He mocked. My anger flew off the limits. "Oh please bitch, unlike you I have scored good grades in maths." I stabbed his weakness. "Oh please, unlike you I score great grades in my language classes." He waved his hand.

"Well, Language is not my cup of tea." I smirked. "Crap." He cursed himself. "Well, unlike you I dare to talk with hyung. Scaredy cat." I teased me. "Yaah, Yahh," My voice rose and I leaped on him and began to pull his ear. "Don't you call me that bitch."

"Ahhh. Leave my ear. And you stop calling me a bitch, noona."He whined from the pain. "Then better not call me a scaredy cat." I scolded. "Alright. I won't" He cried out of pain.

I let go of his ear. He stood up straight. He rubbed his aching ear. "By the way is the full form of BTW." he moved back and went straight to the door. He opened it, stepped out and turned back. "Also your breath stinks." He closed the door before I could shout at him.

The whole day went on with Jisung bickering with me and getting scolds from aunt once in a while. I never had encounters with Suho again.


It was Wednesday morning, I was not in the mood to attend my college. I checked my classes and all were boring subjects because I took Arts as my major, so I decided to sit home.

"Noona, come fast. I don't want to be late." Jisung shouted outside my door. I crept out of my bed, swinging my door. "I am not coming. You can go." I shooed him. "Why?" He asked seriously eyeing me. "I am not feeling well, so."

"Okay. Tell that to eomma too." He gestured with his head. I gave him a whiny face. "Please can you tell her for me?" I clasped my hands together, begging him. He gave it a thought for a moment. "What will I get in return?" I gave him a disgusted look. "What?" He asked me. "How can you ask something to your sick sister?" I asked him. "It is not much of a deal." He shrugged. "Fine."

"I will buy you some ice cream." I pouted. "Now that's my noona." He pulled my cheeks. "Ahh"

"But you will get it only after five months." I rubbed my cheeks. His jaw dropped. "Why?" "Well, you are the reason why my allowance is cut." I reasoned him. "Oh crap, I forgot. It implies on you too." He shook his head as he walked away. I rolled my eyes and closed the door. Moments later, my door opened revealing my aunt. "Y/n, Jisung told me that you are not feeling well. What happened?" She tried to feel any temperature on my forehead, neck, face. "Aunt, my head is paining a bit. A small sleep will help me get rid of it." I slowly pushed her hands down.

"Hmm. Get some rest and if you are still not feeling well, we will go to the doctor." She caressed my hair and went out. I laid back on the bed and closed my eyes. Not long that I fell asleep.

I gradually woke up and checked my phone. It was 9:30 in the morning. I went to the bathroom to do my routine of brushing my teeth and bathing. After drying my hair in my room, I decide to have breakfast. As I was climbing down the stairs, I heard the sounds of TV.

Uncle didn't go for work? That was unusual. He always went to work. I walked in to the living room and find the TV switched on and Suho was watching it. My heart and mood dropped. I nodded and walked away from the room. Because aunt had cooked some food, all I had to do was heat the food. I had my breakfast quickly not wanting to meet oppa.

I washed my plates, arranged them on the rack and fled upstairs. I went through SNS and chatted with my friends who were having free time. After a while I went down again to drink water. No sounds of TV, so I decided to peek into the living room out of the curiosity whether he was there or not. Luckily He was not there. It meant that he was in his room.

I took jolly steps to the kitchen and poured myself a glass of water. While I was washing the bowl which I think oppa left in the basin, two hands wrapped around my waist. I stopped what I was doing. My eyes moved down and saw oppa's hands. I sucked in my breath. His chest was sticking onto my back. Even though I was wearing a sweater I could feel heat radiating from his body.

My brain was yelling and freaking. My nose was twitching sensing the cinnamon with something more. Soon I felt his lips touching the right side of my neck. I gasped. He continued to give me pecks. My breath being uneven, my eyes closed.. What are you doing oppa? My mind was in its right state yet I felt someone trying to surf up. His hands roamed all over my upper body. As soon as I placed the bowl in the sink back, my body was instantly turned. I came face to face with his dark and alluring eyes. His breath was hitting my lips, it was hot. His gaze was fixed to my lips. While my gaze moved from his lips to his eyes.

"Oppa, what are you doing?" My voice whispered as he brought his lips closer to mine. "Shshshsh." He shushed me. He went down to my neck. His eyes closed, "You smell like the fields of lavender and honeysuckles." he whispered clear enough to be heard. I let out a hefty breath upon him pressing his lips onto my neck. I felt my neck skin being pulled by his teeth. I closed my eyes. Unexpected sounds were erupting from my throat now and them. My body started to burn slowly.

He kept on nibbling my skin for a while. All the energy that I gained from the sleep was finishing in a snap. My stomach fell. My brain by now became a mess. I really didn't want this but something in me kept pushing to continue with his actions. He then began to peck my neck again and my hands moved on its own, running through his black locks. He moved up to my lips. I didn't have the guts to open my eyes after all the mess he created in my brain. Soon his lips locked with mine. I opened my eyes wide. He kept on sucking my lower lip with his eyes closed. I began to beat his chest with my hands when he caught hold of them. He opened his eyes but never did he leave my lips.

His dark orbs were pulling me somewhere. They were attractive and hypnotising. Lossing in them, I felt myself lifted, his arms supporting me and him walking upstairs. He entered his room and closed the door.

I felt something surfing all over my face. My eyes twinkled from to the brightness in the room. They roamed and I found the room different. Sensing a silhouette beside me, my eyes met with the person. He smiled and traced my face. "Did you sleep tight?" He asked as he lifted a few strands of my hair, rubbing them between his fingers. I didn't wanted to believe what happened but then took a glance at him. It freaked me. He was bare chested.

My eyes moved down and saw that I was wrapped in his blanket. My BROTHER RAPED ME!!!!! Then the scenes began to fill my head which happened hours ago. How and what we did and the disgusted fact that I kept calling his name while we did that. My body was shocked, stiffing.

He saw how terrified I was from the way how I stared at the ceiling because he instantly hugged me and kissed my forehead. "It is fine." He whispered, nuzzling into my neck. "You were perfect." He began to comment. Should I take them as compliments or lewd comments.

I didn't dare to say anything. "You know." He moved away and began to draw random circles on my collar skin which made me shudder lightly. "I am your first and I am happy." While he was saying this I was having trouble in my mind. I felt disgusted by my own body, a feeling like I was thrown in a pool of shit. "You are the most beautiful woman in the world." He kissed my cheeks. I looked to the other side, avoiding his gaze. "I love you." he whispered in my ears and then locked my lips with his.

I didn't kiss him back. He felt it and moved back looking at me confused. "What happened?" He asked. I cleared my throat, "Oppa, what are you doing? Are you even in your right mind?" I gathered my voice which would break down any moment. He raised his brows. "So?" Hearing him say it so casually made by emotions to break down. I tried to move but a pain shot up between my legs, I closed my eyes enduring the pain.

"Stay there." He commanded me. I shook my head not agreeing with him and tried to push my legs to reach the floor. "I said stay!" He shouted to making me flinch. The bed shuffled, I didn't dare to open my eyes and soon was lifted from the bed. My arms hooked to his neck, my body was paining so much. I began to sniffle from everything that was happening. I wanted all of this to be a dream and my brother to be back to normal. It didn't matter if he ignored me or anything but I didn't want this. But everything was real nowhere to escape but to accept this divastated feeling. "Have a bath." He spoke as he opened the door and walked to bathroom.

He slowly and carefully made me stand under the shower head. I took support of the wall to stand straight but the pain didn't show any mercy on me. I tried to stand again ignoring it but it was just making my condition worse. "Wait. I will help you." He took incharge and stood right behind me.

I didn't want him to touch anymore so I spoke up. "I will look after myself." "You won't be able to. I can see you." He spoke as he turned on the shower. The cold water hit my body, shuddering me and running down. He began to wash me, it was really making my inner self suffocate.

He ran back to my room to get my clothes while I tried to dry myself.

I must tell uncle about this. "Let me help you." He said and began to dress me. Though a part of me hated this, other just appreciated and loved this and let him do what he wanted which made me confused. Once he was done, he lifted me, walked to my room and carefully laid me on the bed. I shifted turning to face the wall. The bed dug a bit indicating that he sat on my bed. "I know all this is hard for you. But you will know that the right choice I make for you will eternally happy one. I am giving you a choice now. Not tough but simple, all you have to do is marry me and have a family. Spend time with me, conceive my children and look after them. Love me and
our kids." Hearing it I felt like being dragged to hell by the person whom I respected and loved with all my heart, yet there this pang of shower of love butterflies in my stomach. Everything seemed so blurt and void.

The Love he was specifying was nothing about sister-brother hood. It seemed that the person talking right now was not Suho but someone else. What kind of brother would rape his sister and ask her to be his wife?

I chose to remain silent. "This is all for your good. I love you Y/n more than anything." His voice was slowly annoying me. "Could you leave me, please. I want to be alone." my feeble voice asked him to leave. "Alright. But give it a thought." he said before getting up. I thought that was all it but as he opened the door, "And I won't take a no." His voice toughened. The door closed.

Flashes of memories began to flood my mind. The way he touched my body, devouring my lips, thrusting in, it was all giving me pain mentally and physically. I began to cry softly due to the wound he caused to my heart. It hurt. So much like I could die. And my mind was a mess because it was accepting and loving what he did to me. This went beyond the limits. My cries were turning to hard sobs which were giving me hard time to breath and not able to cry myself out. Somehow I was able to hold that side of me down.

After a while I calmed down. Things should not just slip out of my hands, I had to do something. Quickly I looked for my phone. The first instinct was to search about such things on google. My fingers immediately began to type and the search resulted in lots of cases.

The thing happened between us was known as incest. A lot of cases were filed in the police stations. Few said that they turned up their assailant to the cops. I almost read half of the articles in the search. Things were getting hard, I didn't want to turn Suho to the cops, all I wanted was him to understand that sister and brother relation is different.

Though I tried to avoid my mind from that event, it wouldn't just go out of my head. My body felt nauseating. My heart was aching more and more as that moment began to flash in my mind. Tears gathered in my eyes.

"I was such a fool to take in the so said pleasure he gave." Tears eventually flowed down my face. "Why did I even thought to be absent in the first place?" I cried. "Things would ha-have been so different then."

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