CH 4

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I sobbed and sobbed for hours. Didn't know how long but then the door of my room opened again. "Noona." I heard Jisung's voice. I looked up and saw him in his uniform holding on to the door.

He frowned and came closer to me after closing the door. "Noona, what happened? Why are you crying?" He asked as he sat on my bed. I sat up and sniffled, wipping my runny nose. "Nothing." I shook my head. "There is something. Noona, tell me. I will help you deal it." He lowered his head to meet my eyes while caressing my hair. "I saw a sad movie and was crying." I sniffled.

"God." He sighed rolling his eyes. "You are such a fool." He pushed my head with his finger. I chuckled with my dry throat. "How are you feeling now?" He asked. "Seems like you slept the whole day. .......... Hyung was here, I am sure he must be empty stomach." Suho's mentioning had my stomach churn with discomfort.

Just then my stomach grumbled. He looked at me, "Like seriously. You are so lazy." He poked my head. "No. I am just fine. Just felt like sleeping here. Also who wants to talk with that grumpy guy." I tired to hide my emotional and mental state.

"Yea right." He nodded. "Oh come on, eomma bought some tteokbokki. I tried it and it is so delicious." He began to mouth water.

"Yaah," I pushed him slightly. "I want to eat it too." My puffy eyes bulged out. "Then come." He stood and just as I was about to stand, the pain came. I closed my eyes enduring it. He saw it. "What happened?" He knelt down.

"Nothing." I gritted my teeth. "Just muscle cramps." I bit my lower lip. "You go on. I will come." I told him and began to massage my leg showing him. "Okay" he nodded and walked out. "What did I even do to you oppa for making suffer all this pain?" I laid back.

It was like as if he heard me curse. The sound of the door opening made me sat up and meet him. He came close to my bed. "Not anymore. Please. I am tired." My words began to babble. "Let me help you get downstairs." He spoke softly. He was so gentle while saying that. His eyes were the same as mine; brown , they expressed guilt. He bent down to lift me.

Not wanting to make a scene, I just let him do. As we came out of the room, he whispered to me, "I am sorry, Y/n." I looked at him as a tear rolled down his eye as he kept his gaze ahead. I moved my gaze to the floor not having the courage to say anything. Like literally anything. My heart felt weak.

On reaching the kitchen, I saw Jisung and aunt gapping at us. He carefully settled me on the chair. I hissed a bit on pain. He sat next to me. I didn't have any guts to face them or even tell them what happened.

Aunt served dish for all and sat down. "What happened to you Y/n?" She asked just when I was going to have a bite. I didn't look up. No excuses came to my mind.

"Y/n, I am asking you something." She spoke getting concerned and irritated. This time I dared to look up. "She fell in the bathroom aunt." Oppa answered. I didn't have any option, so I went along with him. "I fell in the bathroom." I lowered my head.

"But you didn't say anything to me." Jisung spoke. "Well.........." I paused. "I didn't want you to make fun of me like I was a small kid." I answered, pouting. He rolled his eyes. "Why would I do that? That is not something funny." He said. "Well, I thought you would so." I shrugged my shoulders.

"God." He frustratedly fussed. "How did you fall down?" She asked me. "I slipped on the water." She shook her head. "This is why I tell you to be careful." She began to taunt.

"And if he wasn't there, you would have laid there the whole day until we come." She thanked him indirectly. I gave her a uncomfortable smile. "When did this happen?" Aunt asked to oppa. "In the morning aunt." He replied while taking a bite of his food.

She then turned to me, "Do you want me to give you some medicines?" She asked. "No." I bluntly replied. "You will reply no for all such cases. Three of you act like you are allergic to medicines. You won't realise its importance now unless and until you face a serious situation and would have to take them." She bragged us.

We silently ate the snack.

Just as we finished our snacks, oppa took my dish with his while aunt took hers with Jisung's to the sink. I tried to stand on my own, Jisung was about to help me when I felt myself being lifted.

"Ah." My voice yelped. "I will take you back." He spoke. I kept staring at his face getting annoyed internally. "Aunt, just call me when the dinner's done." With that he took me upstairs. He kept his face straight.

I continued to stare at him. That's when it came to my notice, his eye colour changed to black. "Who are you?" I whispered. He ignored it. He closed the door before gently placing me on my bed. He moved away with his back facing me. I sat up with my back leaning on the wall. "I know you are not Suho? He would never do such a dirty act." My scared self cautiously asked him.

The next moment I felt slams close to my ears on the wall. The sudden force had my eyes closed. I opened them carefully and saw his face close to me. His rough breath hitting my lips and dark orbs not leaving my eyes. "I gave you the choice to think and not to question. Be a good girl and do as I want." He threatened. I stared at him fear errupting in my body. Deep down in my heart, I was yearning to say yes even though my conscious took its stand.

"Noona." Our heads snapped to Jisung's voice. Due to his presence, my voice was not ready to answer his call. He moved back to me. "Think about what I said." I nodded forcefully.

"Good. Now answer the door." He gestured with his eye brows. He moved away from me but my eyes stuck on his figure. "Yes?" My voice came out poorly. He opened the door and stood there holding on to the knob. He blinked at Suho. It was clear that he didn't expect Suho to be still here.

"Take care." He said and patted Jisung's shoulder before he walked passed him. Jisung turned back looking at his hyung and then walked in closing the door.

He sat next to me on the bed. He was quiet which made it clear that he was thinking hard on Suho's change in behaviour. "How did both of you patch back?" He asked suspiciously. His eyes scrunching, head coming closer, looking at me for answers. "Well, I fell down. So he was the only one to help me when I yelped for help." I stumbled upon words, finishing it quickly. He moved back as his doubtful eyes still watched me.

"I feel like you are hiding something." He sensed it. I froze. I blinked at him. "No." I let a big sound. "Everything's fine."

He was startled from my behaviour. "Okay. Fine. Geez. You don't have to shout for that." He stood up and walked out. "Take care." He mumbled before closing the door.

After hours of staring outside my window, I noticed the sky was darkening. I took my phone and dialed Jisung's number. It was ringing. Seconds later he answered it. "Did Uncle come?" I asked him immediately. "I think so........ Oh yea he did." He answered. "Can you ask uncle to come up? I really need to talk with him about my college. I have been lately forgetting it say to him." I made up a excuse. "Hmm. Okay." He hung the phone.

Moments later, there was a knock on the door. "Come in." I permited. The door opened revealing uncle Changkyun, he closed the door before making his steps to me. He sat on the bed. "I heard from your aunt that you fell in the bathroom." He enquired. I took in a deep breath.

The thought of even telling him what happened made me difficult to discuss it. It was breaking me into tiny pieces. I held myself together. "Could you come a little more close?" I asked him. He tilted his head not really getting it. "Please." I begged by then my voice was withering. He sat close to me.

I sucked in a big breath. "Today, I didn't fall in the bathroom." I told him. "Then?" He asked caressing my hair. By now my eyes filled with tears. His thumb wiped one when a tear slipped. "I was rapped." I broke down and hugged him tight as it brought back the flashes of the moment. He was shocked but didn't express it out on his face except for his body to get stiff.

"Alright. Don't worry. I am here. Okay." He regained his composure and began to console me. Once I calmed a bit, he asked me again not letting go of me. "Who was it?"

"Su-ho." I sniffled. Hearing it his hug tightened around me and I began to cry again. "Shhshsh." He tried to calm me but it was not helping. "I will deal with him." He whispered. A little more while of crying he asked another question. "How did he do it? Didn't you go to college?" I shook my head which was still in a hug. "I didn't. I thought to bunk today." I heard him humm.

"While I was washing dishes he-he began to touch me. I told him to stop it. But he didn't." I began to cry again. He continued to caress my hair and rub my back. "While he was kissing, I didn't want it uncle, but something deep down in me was enjoying everything that he did." I sobbed clutching on to his back not wanting to let go.

"After doing it, I fell asleep and when I woke up he was staring at me. He told to me that he was my first. I tried to stand up but because of the extreme pain between my legs, I couldn't. He took me to bathroom, washed and dressed me. I felt dirty all that time." I sobbed harder, my saliva dripping from lips and on to his shirt.

"And then- then he asked me to be his wife. I don't want any of this. His voice-voice sounded so confident saying that he would do it again with me. He said he wants to have kids with me." I cried. He rubbed my back to soothe me.

I don't know when and how but I fell asleep. It was in the middle of night, when I woke up feeling someone beside me hugging. My sense began to wake up slowly. The darkness filled the room making it hard to say who it was.

One moment I thought it must be uncle, but then the sniffles behind me had me frowned. "I am so sorry." I heard the small voice. Hearing it just once I recognised it. It was Suho.

"I told him." He continued to sob. "I told him not to do that. I told him many a times. But he never listens to me." He began to cry. His voice was breaking me too. "He always ignores me. Keeps on saying that he wants you. I tried to close him, but he somehow made his escape and would have me in his way." His hug tightened around me. "I know you are very much disgusted by my actions. I am your brother, even though I am so close to you, I can't protect you."

"He is a bad man. He and I had a lot of fights, due to which he would make me fight other people and always came home with bruises." He sniffled. Something and something was being explained by him and I was trying to patch it up like a puzzle.

"I know even our parents would hate me if they would have come to know that I did something so to my sister." He cried and cried and cried.

I stayed silent the whole time. "I hate my life. Why did have to be with me? Why out of all only I have to go through this." He sniffled. His embrace tightened around my body. I knew that he was feeling guilty after realising that it wasn't Suho but someone else. His wolf?

His voice was desperate and breaking. "I told him, never to look at you that way but he ignored me and did-did-" Before he could complete, I turned and placed my index on his lips. "Shshsh." He had his eyes wide opened. "I know it wasn't you." I spoke to him as I snuggled into his chest. My left arm on his around his waist as I pat his back. "I know it is not you. But it hurts oppa that I was rapped by someone who was close to me, whom I trusted. Even though we never talked I always cared about you. I wanted us to be the same as when we were kids." It was my turn to cry.

We cried in each other's embrace. "I don't know how to control him, Y/n. I try to do my best but things are always falling apart for me. He has been taking my place since I transformed. I never wanted to ignore both of you instead he forced down to take my body." He began to spill the things. "When I turned twenty one, his visuals on you changed. He would always talk about you, always followed you without your notice and look at you when you slept. He began to stalk you. The day when you came to wish me, I was expectantly waiting for you to come and wish me, but then he possessed me and when you wished me, pulling you in his embrace." His voice broke and he began to cry.

"I tried to break out of his bond, but it just doesn't happen." I looked up to see his tear streaming eyes. I wiped them. "Promise me that you will soon find a solution for this." My hoarse voice asked him to promise me. "I don't know that. Uncle said that he is trying his best to do something. I hope that it will be effective." He spoke.

"I am sorry Y/n." He whisper. "I don't think I will be able to forgive you quickly." My voice weighed with saddness. After a little while of silence I decided to ask him.

The room became quiet and with lot along with the lonely night. "Do you know how our parents looked like?" I asked him wondering how they looked. I had no memories about them. "I look like eomma. That's what uncle Changkyun says while you are a mixture of them." He softly spoke. "Where are they now?" I asked him. We never asked about them to uncle because asking him means he wouldn't come home the next day. "I don't know." He said. "I think I should be going then." He said before parting. He stood up, "Take care. Try to be around Jisung whenever he approaches." He adviced me before emptying the room.

I stayed awake few more hours before going back to sleep.

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