Chapter 11:

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I saw my mom jump as I forcefully swung the study door open, letting it hit the wall with an echoing bang.

My mom quickly put down her cup of tea and her book and stood. " Elizabeth! What is the meaning of this? "

My hands were clenched into fists and I kept my gaze on the floor.

" You're covered in dirt! It's trailing into the house! Oh my goodness! Are your feet bleeding? What happened to you? "

" ...You did... " I mumbled.

" Elizabeth, don't mumble "

I quickly looked up at her, unable to hold back my anger any longer. " You did! " I screamed in her face.

She was obviously taken aback by this as her eyes widened and she stumbled back. " Excuse me young lady! Watch your tone! You do not speak to your mother that way! "

I rolled my eyes, scoffing. " I don't even think you are my mother! " I replied, ignoring the hurt look that crossed her face. " A mother wouldn't sell her daughters horse behind her back! A mother wouldn't  take away the one thin that made her daughter feel free in a place where she always had to behave a certain way, talk a certain way, ride a certain way! " I ran a hand through my hair as I continued my rant.

" A mother is supposed to be caring compassionate, understanding! But you're not! You never were! I've always done everything that you ask! Even if I hated it! and what have you done in return? Nothing! You only say what you want! Only see what you want! I'm not like you mom! I'm not fancy or sophisticated and I don't like riding in side-saddle or in carriages! I love eventing! It's what I want to do! But you're so resentful of dad leaving you because you drove him away that you want to erase every trace of his existence! Including me! You want to change Kinswood Academy into a fancy private boarding school that will turn everyone into copies of you! It's not mom! It's an amazing, wild summer school that fulfills riders dreams of doing what they love! Weather that be dressage, show-jumping or eventing! That's what it's always been! You can't change that! "

I paused to take a breath, wondering if she would respond, but she didn't, so I continued.

" And you didn't even want to listen to me about the horse theives! I mean have you listened to the news! This isn't the first time they've struck and now you've just sold them my horse! MY horse! The only thing I have to remember dad by! The only friend I've ever made and the only thing that's made me happy while I've been trapped here with you! "

I turned around, making my way back to the door. " Those thieves are going to hurt Monty! And I won't let them! You may not understand, but I do! Horses are family! And right now, Monty is the only family member I have left! " I slammed the door shut and ran up to my room, locking the door behind me.

After I had a chance to calm down, fresh tears sung to my eyes. I slid down the door and hugged my knees to my chest.

I had basically just destroyed my relationship with my mother. As good as it had felt at the time, telling her how I really felt, it made me feel even worse now that I realized what I had really said to her.

Summer was starting in one week and I had no horse, no mother and no chance of keeping myself together to attend the program.

I was just starting to think I should pull my application from the list and move away, far away from this place, when a red blinking light on my computer caught my attention. 

Pulling myself from the floor, I made my way over to my desk, taking a seat and clicking the mouse until the computer warmed up.

My eyes suddenly widened when I saw an email in my inbox.

An email from my dad.

I dragged the mouse over to the email, but my finger hovered over the button to open it. I took a breath and closed my eyes as I clicked read, slowly opening one eye, and then the other.

As I scanned over the email, my body relaxed and my mind forgot everything that had just happened with Monty and mom.

Dear Liz;

I don't really know how to start this off...other than I'm sorry it took me so long to get back to you. You were right, I have been very busy competing all over the world, but that shouldn't be an excuse to talk to my daughter. 

Now, on the subject of your email. I had a feeling your mother wouldn't believe you about the horse thieves, but that shouldn't stop you from doing what you know is right, because if people are taking horses, it won't be long until they find a horse at Kinswood to steal. So do what you know is right and everything will work out.

In regards to your mother. I know she can be a handful, but trust me Liz, she didn't drive me away, i left by choice. You're mother and I knew it would be very difficult to not only raise you, but also run a successful academy with me being away for competition almost all the time. You're mother deals with a lot, but she always wanted the best for you, and that included telling you that she drove me away instead of having you resent me. She planned to tell you when you got older, but time makes fools of us all. All I'm saying is go easy on your mother, she's been through a lot and has to deal with a lot.

Now, when it comes to Monty, I'm going to tell you a story. I found Monty in Europe and I originally had the intention of riding him myself, but he wasn't warming up to me too much in the ring. In fact I spent more time on the ground than actually riding him. Then one day I was watching him in the field, galloping around, and for some reason, I saw you. I saw my hyperactive, dreamer of a daughter and that's when I knew you two would be perfect together, so I sent him over. If your mother has any intention to sell him, it won't last. Don't tell you're mother I told you this but she used to watch you riding the horses and nothing mae her smile more than seeing you smile, trust me on this, theres more to your mother than you realize and I hope she'll tell you about it soon.

You and Monty have a connection Liz, and I wish I could be there to see you two become a team that may even give me a run for my money one day. You'll always have him and he'll always have you. But if there comes a day when he isn't, I know you and I know him, so I know you two will find your ways back together sooner than you believe.

I loe you Liz, and I'm so porud of you. Maybe one day I'll come back of a visit and we can go for a cross country race 

For now, just know that you can always email me anytime

Have fun at kinswood


I re-read the email about three times before the words managed to sink in. Monty was my horse, he was my best friend.

And I wasn't going to let him go that easily.

I stood and walked over to the bay window, sitting down and staring out at the barn and paddocks.

" I'm coming to get you Monty... " I whispered. " No matter what, I'm going to bring you home... "

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