Chapter 10:

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One week

It was officially one week until the summer started. My private tutor had finished my studies early with me so she was gone for the summer and I was left sitting at my desk, doodling in my notebook.

I found myself drawing the rusty red trailer and the outline of the horrible horse kidnappers. I had consistently been checking my email, but my father had not replied.

I stood, stretching and decided that a good ride on Monty was just what I needed to clear my head.

I was halfway through changing into my riding clothes when I heard it. The sound that made my heart practically stop beating in my chest. I could distinguish that specific cry from all the other horses in the barn.


Rushing to the window as I pulled a shirt over my head, my eyes widened at the sight I was witnessing.

" No! " I screamed to nobody, running, barefoot, out of the house, down the pathway and to the front of the barn. 

" Leave him alone! "

Monty was struggling against the tall man that tugged him into a red trailer

The red trailer

The rusty red beaten up trailer belonging to the horse kidnappers.

I snatched the lead rope from the mans hands and he glared at me.

I felt Monty nudge my back, but I kept my eyes glued on the man towering over me.

" Listen here little miss, I bought this horse, fair and square, he belongs to me! " He dug into his pocket and produced sale papers, one signed by him and the other signed by none other than my own mother!

I shook my head and he tried to take back the rope. " He wasn't for sale! "

" Well these papers clearly stated that he was! "

" I know who you are! " I lowered my voice. " And I know what you want! You won't take him! "

" Will I need to get the police involved here miss? " He snatched the lead rope from my hands. " Now get put of my way "

Monty whinnied frantically as the man practically dragged him into the trailer.

" No! " I cried out, hot tears wetting my cheeks. " This is my horse! He's mine! You can't take him! "

The man ignored me as he stepped into his truck, slamming the door shut and starting the engine.

I frantically tried to open the trailer, but the handle was so rusted that it had been snapped into place and wouldn't budge.

A cloud of dust was kicked up by the tires as the truck began to drive off, with the red trailer rolling along behind it.

" Monty! " I screamed, running after the truck until it disappeared down the road and my feet had begun to bleed from scrapping against the ground.

Falling to my knees at the end of the driveway, I sobbed until my throat was raw, cried until my eyes couldn't produce anymore tears.

I had just lost Monty.

I had just lost my best friend.

But what made the sadness be replaced by anger, was the fact that my mother had sold my horse right out from under me.

My own mother had betrayed me.

And that made the cool tears burn against my hot skin as the anger welled up inside me.

Standing shakily, I made my way back up to the house.

I was going to get Monty back.

No matter what.

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