Chapter 9:

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Mother didn't let go of my wrist until she had locked us in her study back in the house. The staff had done the smart thing and stayed quiet, staying out of her way and not even my puppy dog eyes-my plea for help, stirred them.

Mother let go of my wrist and I gripped it. She was a skinny woman with long, even skinnier fingers and her tight grip had left a red ring on my skin.

" You will sit! "

I immediately took a seat on the sofa and she sat across from me.

" Elizabeth Fallon, in all your years of disrespect and teenage rebellion I never have seen you be this rude, especially to a guest! "

I wanted to just bit my lip and listen silently, but with Monty's fate at Kinswood and with me on the line there was no time to hold my tongue.

" You're the one threatening to sell my horse! A horse I may remind you! That dad gave to me! " i snapped. " you have no right to just sell him from right under my nose! "

" Elizabeth Fallon! You watch your tone with me! "

I rolled my eyes. " All I've ever done is watch my tone with you! I've watched my words since the day I could talk! You probably don't even know the real me! I've tried to be the sophisticated, lady like girl you've wanted me to be but that's just not who I am mom! "

I cut her off before she could reply.

" I don't like side saddle riding! I don't like having tea time and I don't like feeling like I walk on eggshells around my own mother in this house! I like galloping through the woods! I like flying over cross country jumps. I love Monty! "

I breathed heavily as I stared at her, waiting for her to reply, but she only stared back at me with pursed lips before speaking softly. 

" ...You may go now Elizabeth...I have heard enough... "

I sighed in frustration and stormed out of the room, slamming the door. I made my way up to my room and turned on my laptop, opening up my email. It was a long shot but if he could help it would be worth it.

I typed in my dads email address and started typing out exactly what needed to be said.

'Dad, I know we haven't talk in a long time and I know you're probably busy competing all over the world but I really need your help...'

I spilled my heart and feelings into that email, explaining everything. I talked about it being my first summer as an official Kinswood student, I talked about mom being out of control and trying to see Monty. I told him about Alex and how mom was planning to change the academy.

...I even told him about the horrible men who had kidnapped that poor mare and the events that led up to me freeing her. I wrote down everything until the email was more than three pages long.

When it was finished my finger hovered over the send button. Either my dad would read the email and decide to help, not get the email or he would read it and not care less about what was happening back here with his ex-wife and the daughter he only send expensive presents to.

Either way, this was my last option to save Monty, so I didn't really have a choice.

I hit send...

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