Chapter One-and-a-half: Hey Author, Why are there Two Chapter Ones?

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Oh, yeah. It's because I want to introduce this story from Kris's  point of view too. Also, the last chapter was super short. Here's the book, Kris. Write away.
Okay. Well, here we go. I'm honestly terrified that my author made me a Mary-Sue, but that's not my fault, so hey. Anyway, you know who I am. Author-I guess I can just call her Grizzly, short for Grizzlyeagleshark- has, after all, already introduced me.
So I won't bother telling you again.
Anyway, she's right. I despise Will. He's annoying, loud, irritating, stupid, an asshole, and pretty much every other negative adjective that the world can come up with. Hell, he isn't even that good-looking. But there's something that draws me to him. Maybe it's circumstance. Maybe it's coincidence. Maybe it's just bad luck on my part. But maybe-just maybe, it's fate.
What the hell Grizzly. Honestly, that worries me. What would fate want with us? We're archenemies! Unless the universe wants us to duel, but since this is 2013, that's pretty unlikely. Sorry. Grizzly wanted to mention the year because it's different than the one she's writing from. She isn't a very subtle author yet.
Yes I am
No, no you really aren't. You're putting your own thoughts in italics. That's not the mark of a good author.
But whether Grizzly is a good author or not doesn't matter. What matters is that she tells my story.
Good author or not, here I am. In the same high school and sharing classes with my most hated rival.
So that's how I found myself sitting in math class with a set of eyes boring into my head. And that's what how I found myself turning around to find the face of none other than Will staring intensely into my eyes. And that's when everything went to hell.

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