Chapter One: We Meet Again

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Hey. So, I guess this is new. You don't get a lot of books here from a guy's point of view. I guess that's because a lot of the authors are female, and can write female characters better. My author fits this category too. She's using this book to practice writing male characters. How do I know? Because she wrote this. And so, it is. You don't deny the power of the author.
But either way, here I am. I think the prologue gave my name, so I won't wast your time introducing myself.
Oh. The author wants me to give my opinion of  Kristina Johnson.
She's annoying. She snitches on me for every little thing I do, and is always blaming me for everything, even if it was obviously caused by something or someone else. She's always complaining about me, even when I don't do anything. I don't even know why she hates me. It's bizarre, really. I think it's because we've known each other since our "the other sex is gross" phase, and she hasn't realized that that's what her hatred was caused by.
Then again, she was moved up a grade. Maybe she isn't totally out of that phase yet.
No. That's not possible. She's got several friends who are male, so that theory's out the window.
Well, whatever the reason, she hates me. That's a fact. So I guess it'd just be bad luck that brought me here. We go to the same high school. And out of all the students and all the different classes, I still have eight out of my ten classes with her. But...something in me says that isn't such a bad thing. Maybe it's because we've known each other for so long. I could just be looking for a familiar face in the crowds. But I think it's more than that. How much more? I have no idea. Why? I have no idea. What turned the tide? Nope. Don't know. And when? Again, I don't know. I'm not sure if I'm unobservant or if the author is just really bad at creating circumstances. But either way, here I am. Sitting in math class, staring at the back of my former archenemy's head. How these things seem to happen, I have no idea.
But however it happened- whether it was luck, coincidence, or divine intervention (AKA Author needed it to happen)- that's when everything spiraled out of control.

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