Chapter 3

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Mei Ling: "Soryu! Meimei! Mulan! Lei Fang! Hurry up!"

Meimei: "You're walk too fast..."

I mumbling as coldly tone.

Mei Ling: "Come on, you guys are too slow!"

The next day, Mei Ling asks us to show her around Asakusa.

Meimei: "Ugh! She's too fast and I can't keep up..."

Mulan and Lei Fang giggled.

Soryu: "...Tch, come on."

(But I had no idea Mei Ling had so much energy...)

Soryu asked me to take care of Mei Ling. But I can't refused because I'm with my best friend Mulan and Lei Fang. But I definitely feel pressure since she's the daughter of a mob boss...

Mei Ling: "Hehe, are you afraid of me because my dad's in the mafia?"

Meimei: "Wrong. I'm not afraid."

Mei Ling: "Then go ahead and call me Mei Ling!"

Mei Ling: "We're about the same age, so I just know we'll be friends! But, I'm jealous because you got 2 friends."

Meimei: "Mei Ling..."

Mei Ling: "Yeah, that's it! And can I call you, Meimei?"

Meimei: "I don't care."

Mei Ling: "Umm..."

I looked away when I spoke.

Meimei: "But I don't mind when you called me."

Mei Ling: "!?"

Mei Ling: "Thanks Meimei!"

As I check Soryu's reaction first before I called her by her name and Mei Ling smiles happily.

(Heh... she seems pretty normal for the daughter of a mob boss.)

Ota: "Those two seem really similar."

Eisuke: "Really? I guess they are the same height..."

Soryu: "Hey, Mei Ling is the daughter of the great Simon Lee. Don't compare her to that woman."

Meimei: "It's Meimei!"

I scowl at Soryu when Ota spoke.

Ota: "Well, they both look like a puppies..."

Baba: "Since she's a maid, I guess she's good at taking care of her."

Ota: "Where's Mei Ling going to sleep?"

Soryu: "My room in this hotel."

Meimei: "Not the VIP suite?"

Eisuke: "The penthouse has the best security in the hotel."

Eisuke: "It's best to keep her in here, just in case."

Mei Ling: "Then all three of us will live together, right? Can we all sleep in the same bed!?"

Meimei: "No. And are you guys talking about the same height like me and Mei-Ling like twin sister?"

Everyone looked at me as shocked what I said, but Mulan, Lei Fang and I bust out of laughing.

Meimei: "I'm just kidding!"

Meimei: "Five of us will sleep, so Mulan and Lei Fang can sleep with me."

Soryu: "I'm going back to my condo, but you can make yourself at home here."

(Oh, so Soryu has a plan in Japan?)

Meimei: "I'll show you to the room, then."

Meimei: "I'm sure you must be tired from your trip. You should get to the bed early."

Mei Ling: "What? But I have tons of engery left!"

Mei Ling: "So will you show me around the hotel?"

Mulan & Lei Fang: "Please, Meimei~"

Meimei: "What? Right now??"

I told them to following me to show them around the hotel.

Meimei: "Tres Spades is Asia's largest casino and hotel, with 7 underground floors and 52 above-ground floors."

Meimei: "There's an art musuem, a theater, and a ballroom..."

Mei Ling: "There's a shopping mall on this floor, right?"

Meimei: "Yes, you can buy a lots of Japanese souvenirs here. And the highlight of the hotel is..."

The elevator doors open onto the 30th floor.

Mei Ling: "Whoa, this is casino as I've heard so much about! What kind of games can you play?"

Mulan & Lei Fang: "Tell us, Meimei."

Meimei: "Well, roulette, slots baccarat... all the usual games."

Meimei: "Are you familiar with gambling?"

Mei Ling: "Yep! Daddy took me to the casino in Macao more than most kids go to the park!"

Meimei: "..."

Lei Fang: "..."

Mulan: "..."

(That's so like a mobster... but it's going to the casino more than the park.)

Mei Ling: "Aahh, that was so much fun! Thanks for showing me so much!"

Lei Fang & Mulan: "Thanks Meimei~"

After we finish our tour of the hotel, we return to Soryu's room.

Meimei: "Well, I'm glad you had a good time."

Mei Ling: "Hehe. I can't wait to go sightseeing again with you 3 for tomorrow!"

Meimei: "What? Sightseeing again...?"

Meimei: "But I thought you came here on some urgent business?"

Soryu: "That's right, Mei Ling. Don't forget the reason you came here."

We hear Soryu's voice call from the corner of the room.

Soryu: "You came here to find a fiance, right?"

Soryu: "I've arranged for you to meet several prestigious men from Japan's underground."

Soryu: "Your father is counting on me."

Mei Ling: "But..."

(Oh? So, Mei Ling has come here for an arranged marriage meeting.)

Mei Ling: "I know that, but can't I at least have fun for one day? Please?"

Soryu: "...Alright, then."

Mei Ling: "Yaaaay!"

Soryu: "Understand, woman?"

Meimei: "But I have to work tomorrow!"

Soryu: "Take the day off."

Meimei: "Grrr... I will check with the manager first."

Soryu: "I'll talk to Kenzaki."

Soryu calls Mr. Kenzaki to arrange my day off, and then he returns to his house.

Mei Ling: "Meimei... I'm really sorry. Am I being too selfish?"

Meimei: "No you're not. Soryu's just always so demanding. Still, he's scary..."

Mei Ling: "He's always been like that."

Meimei: "So, have you known him a long time?"

Mei Ling: "Soryu's grandfather was the previous boss of the Ice Dragons."

Mei Ling: "And because of that we saw each other a lot."

(Wow... so Soryu's like a mafia thoroughbred or something.)

Mei Ling: "Anyway, that guy Eisuke is so hot!"

Meimei: "Oh? Him? He's an idiot because he asked me to move."

Meimei: "So I asked him to shut up Mr. King."

Mulan and Lei Fang bust out of laughed.

Mulan: "Nice one, Meimei!"

I smirked when Mei Ling spoke.

Mei Ling: "I see. When Soryu told me he was a friend from school, I wondered what he was like."

Meimei: "So those two went to school together?"

Mei Ling: "Apparently. They went to public school in England together."

Meimei: "Ah, they went to school in England?"

Mei Ling: "I really hope you and I can become friends like those two. But you have two with your friends..."

Meimei: "Umm..."

Mei Ling: "You don't have to be so stiff and formal around me!"

I chuckle softly when I spoke.

Meimei: "Don't worry about it."

I smiled a little bit and Mei Ling immediately gives me a happy smile.

(I think we can get along fine with her. But I protect Mei Ling as my life for my new friend.)

We stay up late as chatting and I start to feel closer to them in no time.

(Heh... I don't mind about coming to Asakusa again...)

Mei Ling: "Kyaaah! Aren't those the famous satues of Reijin and Fujin!?"

Meimei: "Yeah."

Mei Ling: "Hey, I really want to try the sponge cake!"

Mulan: "Me too!"

Lei Fang: "Me three!"

Meimei: "Alright, alright. I'll go and get some."

Mei Ling is running excitedly around the street in front of the temple.

(Well, I'm glad she's having fun.)

(But she's Soryu's guest. He should be spending more time with her.)

Soryu: "..."

Instead, he's entrusted Mei Ling with me and my two friends Mulan and Lei Fang, he watches us from a distance.

Meimei: "Here you go, you three."

Mei Ling: "Thanks!"

Lei Fang & Mulan: "Thank you~!"

I hand them the sponge cake and she stuffs her mouth full and those two ate sponge cake.

Mei Ling: "Mmm! There's cream inside!"

Meimei: "Ah, there are some with red bean paste inside, too."

After she finishes off the sponge cake, she studies my face.

Meimei: "What? Are you still hungry?"

Mei Ling: "No, that's not it."

Mei Ling: "I was just thinking, this must be how normal girls hang out together."

Meimei: "What?"

Mei Ling: "I've never gone shopping and ate like this with someone else before."

Mei Ling: "I bet you and everyone else here do this all the time."

Meimei: "Hahaha... yeah, I used to come to places like this after school a lot."

Mei Ling: "Everyone seems so free here. I'm jealous..."

Meimei: "Mei Ling..."

Mei Ling: "Oh, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to make you feel awkward."

Mei Ling: "I just mean... I hope we can become friends, you three."

Meimei: "But still... what's it like, being the daughter of a mafia boss?"

Mei Ling: "I get special treatment no matter where I go."

Mei Ling: "I'm constantly surrounded by guys with scary faces. Like Soryu."

Meimei: "Whoa, whoa, he'll hear you!"

Mei Ling: "Hehe. Don't worry."

She glances at Soryu and she teasingly sticks out of her tongue.

(She's laughing, but she seems sad.)

(I'm sure everyone makes a big deal out of her being the daughter of a mob boss...)

(But I can't imagine how that makes her feel.)

Mei Ling: "I'm not free to choose my own friends... or boyfriends."

Mei Ling: "But I'm used to it now. It's the same for you, right, Soryu?"

Soryu: "...Pardon?"

Mei Ling calls out loudly to Soryu, who's still watching us from afar.

Mei Ling: "Normal people are scared of you, rivals just dislike you..."

Mei Ling: "You might have a lot of friends, but have you ever really loved someone?"

Mei Ling: "Do you think you'll really find someone like that?'

Soryu: "...It's wrong to get your hopes up."

(That's so cold...)

(But Soryu grew up in the mafia world, too... this is what it's always been like for him.)

(He gave up on ordinary happiness from the start. That's kind of sad.)

I silenty gaze at him...


Soryu: "...Excuse me for a moment."

He walks away from us and he answers his cell phone.

Mei Ling: "Hey, Meimei, Lei Fang, Mulan. How about we sneak away?"

Meimei, Lei Fang & Mulan: "Sneak away?"

Mei Ling: "Just c'mon!"

Meimei: "Um no. I think we should run away from him."

Mei Ling: "Oooooh~"

Meimei: "Ready? 1... 2... 3...~"

Meimei: "Run for it!?"

Soryu: "Hey you three!? Mei Ling!?"

Lei Fang, Mei Ling, Mulan and I starts running through the crowded streets.

Mei Ling: "Huff... huff..."

Mei Ling: "There's no way he'll catch up now..."

We run to an abandoned back alleyway and she smiles mischievously when I smirked.

Meimei: "He doesn't catch us."

Mei Ling: "Ooooh Meimei~ you're so bad."

Meimei: "Oh hush."

We laughed, but I spoked.

Meimei: "This isn't a good idea about this place..."

Mei Ling: "Oh, you're such a worrywart! We're just playing around!"

Mei Ling: "Soryu always tells my dad everything. It's annoying!"

Meimei: "Won't you get in trouble for doing this?"

Mei Ling: "Don't worry! I don't care if I get in trouble."

Mei Ling: "And I promise I'll stick up for you three, if you girls get blamed."

Mei Ling: "So please let me be free today..."

(Free... huh?)

(Oh I get it... the only time she can walk around freely like this is in Japan.)

(Still I want to stay with her, but when I think Soryu's looking for us...)

Meimei: "Alright... but if you get trouble. I will avoid you."

Mei Ling: "..."

Lei Fang: "She's right... you should stop playing around and go back to arranged marriage."

Meimei: "That's make us worried."

Mei Ling: "Oh, stop worrying already!"

Mei Ling: "I want to ride on a rickshaw!"

We're looking at Mei Ling's travel book when suddenly a black shadow falls down upon us.

Meimei: "!?"

I turn around.

Meimei: "Who's there!?"

Lackey 1: "You're Mei Ling Lee, aren't you?"

Lackey 2: Keep quiet and come with us."

(Who are these guys!? They seem dangerous!)

Lackey 1: "Which one of you is Mei Ling!?"

Lackey 2: "Obviously the one wearing the cheongsam, you idiot!"

Mei Ling: "No! Stay away! Don't touch me!!"

Meimei: "Mei Ling! Lei Fang, Mulan protect her!"

Lei Fang and Mulan block them as protect Mei Ling when I step with my friends, and...

Lackey 1: "This bitch is annoying!"

Lackey 2: "You wanna get hurt? Huh?"

Meimei: "Kill yourself!"



I kick them and I punches their face.

Lackey 1: "This bitch- wait a minute... she's a Fire Dragon like her grandfather!?"

Lackey 2: "Let's get her!"

As suddenly....

???: "If you move so much as a muscle, I'll shoot."

Meimei: "Oh..."

Mei Ling: "Soryu!"

Soryu's standing behind the men, and I hear the cold metallic clink of a gun.

Soryu: "Who do you work for? Why are you after Mei Ling?"

Lackey 1: "She has a bodyguard..."

Lackey 2: "Tch... let's get out of here!"

Soryu: "Hey!"

Soryu starts to chase after the men, but he stops short when he sees me collapse to knees.

Soryu: "...First I need to make sure you're safe. I don't want them coming back for you."

(Why am I so relived... because he saved us...)

Our sightseeing is over for the day, so we return to the hotel.

Baba: "Whoa... you got attacked in the middle of town? Sounds terrible."

Ota: "Where's Mei Ling now?"

Meimei: "She was tired so she's sleeping with my two friends."

Mamoru: "...This is what happens when you get involved when the mob."

Eisuke: "Still, I'm surprised Soryu stepped up to protect the woman."

(Protected? More like carried out an obligation...)

Soryu is speaking to Mei Ling's father, the boss of the Bell Crickets, via videophone.

Soryu: "I'm deeply sorry for allowing this to happen on my watch."

Simon: "No... even though we're a moderate faction, I have a lot of enemies."

Simon: "Apparently they've found Mei Ling is away from me and in Japan."

Soryu: "I believe it was a local faction."

Soryu: "I'm sure the Japanese mafia isn't very happy about your organization expanding to Japan."

Simon: "Hmm... perhaps it's best for Mei Ling to return to Hong Kong."

Simon: "But right now it's important to establish connections in Japan for the future of the Bell Crickets."

Soryu: "Japan's not the economic power it once was, but it's still a driving force in Asia."

Simon: "I wanted her to find a partner in Japan and return to Hong Kong with him."

Soryu: "..."

Soryu raises his gaze and he quietly says...

Soryu: "I'll make sure Mei Ling finds a suitable husband here."

Simon: "But... I want to make sure Mei Ling is kept out of harm's way."

Soryu: "Please rest assured that I will protect Mei Ling."

Soryu: "And I will hunt down those who tried to harm her and get rid of them. Permanently."

A violent smile that sends chills down my spine crosses Soryu's lips.

(Ugh... I swear this guy is scary!)

Simon: "How will you do that, if you don't know who's responsible?"

Soryu: "I'm going to use this woman as a decoy."

(What woman... huh!? Me!?)

Meimei: "Hold up!"

Meimei: "I can't be a decoy! I don't look anything like Mei Ling!"

After Soryu ends his call with Simon, he orders me to pretend to be Mei Ling.

Eisuke: "That's a clever plan, Soryu."

Soryu: "Remember when Ota said the two of them are similar? They're the same height, too."

Soryu: "That's what woman's said like a 'twin sister'."

Baba: "And you didn't seem to agree, if I remember correctly."

Ota: "Yep. He totally didn't agree."

Meimei: "Yeah! but also, I can't speak Chinese! I can't pretend like Mei Ling!"

Everyone looked at me when I sighed as I unbutton my shirt.

Ota: "Hey, are you seducing us?"

Meimei: "Shut up and look!"

I spread my shirt to show them from my left upper breast, there's mark of "Fire Dragon".

Ota: "She's a Fire Dragon mafia girl!"

I button my shirt and I spoke.

Meimei: "My grandfather and I live together... my parents and sister here too."

Ota: "Oh."

Soryu: "Woman, you won't need to speak Cantonese here in Japan."

Meimei: "But still...!"

Soryu: "You wanna be sold again? Otherwise, work off that $20 mil I spent on you."

Meimei: "Ugh! Don't remind me about that!?"

(I swear this guy! If I have to be Mei Ling's decoy...)

Meimei: "But I have no idea what to do..."

Soryu: "You can stay with me 24-7, for starters."

Soryu: "Then we'll draw the enemy out and catch them."

Meimei: "What!? Hold up! Do you really need to do all of that?"

Meimei: "But why can't you just have her arranged marriage meetings here in the penthouse?"

Soryu: "Because if I get rid of the enemy, the Bell Crickets will owe me one."

Meimei: "So you're doing this for yourse... ah!?"

I accidentally blurt out my true feelings and I quickly close my mouth.

Soryu: "If things go smoothly, I'll let you out of this alive. Sounds like a good deal, right?"

Meimei: "If things go smoothly... but what if they don't...?"

Soryu: "Relax. Then you'll be dead and you won't care anymore."


Meimei: "I won't dead!"

(Does this guy not value my life at all??)

~End of Chapter 3~


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