Chapter 4

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???: "Please, right this way!"

???: "We've been waiting for you, Miss Lee!"

Everyone: "We've been waiting for you!"

Meimei: "Miss Lee?"

I sighed when I spoke.

Meimei: "Seriously... why me..."

A few days later, Soryu takes me to the Japanese branch of the Ice Dragons. The moment as we open the door, a large group of men bow their heads to me.

(Oh, that's right... I'm supposed to be Mei Ling...)

(Daughter of the boss of the Bell Crickets, a Hong Kong mafia syndicate friendly with the Ice Dragons.)

Meimei: "Nice to meet you..."

Meimei: "I'm Mei Ling Lee..."

Everyone: "Nice to meet you!!!"

Meimei: "!!!"

(My god! What should I do!?)

(I'm a little... actually VERY scared! What I saw Ice Dragons!?)

I shrink back from the intimidating men, when suddenly a friendly-looking young man springs forward.

(But I have to calm down...)

???: "Your Japanese is very good, Miss Lee!"

Meimei: "Thank you very much."

???: "Oh, no need to thank me, Miss Lee! Please don't be so formal!"

Meimei: "Umm... okay then?"

(But, how does Mei Ling talk, anyway?)

I timidly exchange small talk with the man and Soryu comes between us.

Soryu: "Inui, no one is to go near my room for the time being."

Ryosuke: "Yes, sir!"

(Soryu's in charge of this Japanese branch of the Ice Dragons.)

(I heard he's one of the youngest leaders in the group...)

Soryu: "Woman."

Meimei: "Uh, yes?"

Now that we're alone, Soryu corners me against a wall.

Soryu: "Stop acting so hesitant. Acting uncertain will make everyone suspicious of you."

Meimei: "But then...?"

I'm supposed to pose as Mei Ling to draw out the people who tried to attack her. I'm the one who save her because those two stupid lackey boys who know me as Fire Dragon mafia granddaughter...

Meimei: "I get that... I'm bait for the enemy, but why do I have to go to the arranged marriage meetings, too?"

Meimei: "Still, she won't be able to marry any of those guys if I do that..."

(Mei Ling can't marry someone because she's never met before.)

Soryu: "Mei Ling doesn't want to get married in the first place."

Soryu: "So we'll just say there was no one worthy of her here."

Meimei: "But, are you sure?"

Soryu: "All Simon asked me to do was find several potential husbands and set up the meetings."

Soryu: "But beyond that, I've been told to respect Mei Ling's wishes."

Soryu: "As soon as the men hear you're not the real Mei Ling, they won't go through with it anyway."

Soryu: "Because of once they know you're Fire Dragons mafia granddaughter."

Meimei: "..."

Soryu: "I'm sure Baba and Ota are entertaining them right now."

(Mei Ling say she didn't want an arranged marriage.)

(So maybe this is the best way to avoid it.)

Soryu: "Now let's go."

Meimei: "What? Go where?"

Soryu: "One of the men for the arranged marriage meeting."

Meimei: "What the!? You didn't tell me it was today!"

Soryu: "First, you need to change."

(Grrrrr! He really doesn't listen to a word what I say!?)

Soryu: "..."

Meimei: "..."

I've changed into a cheongsam and Soryu looks at me over carefully.

(Ugh... I've never worn such a tight-fitting dress before...)

Meimei: "It doesn't look good on me... but I know that..."

Soryu: "No..."


Soryu's hand is on his chin as he studies me, and suddenly his expression clears.

Soryu: "I'm surprised that it actually looks good on you."

Meimei: "!?"

(B-But I wasn't expecting him to compliment me...)

Meimei: "Oh... thank you..."

Soryu: "Don't thank me. I said I was surprised."

Meimei: "But you said it looks good on me."

Soryu: "...A little thing like that makes you happy?"

I'm filled with anxiety as Soryu takes me to...

Soryu: "This is Daisuke Shibusawa, boss of the Gizakura yakuza syndicate."

Soryu: "Nice to meet you."

(A y-yakuza boss!? No way!?)

The room is filled with scary-looking men, and the solemn meeting begins.

(But what are you supposed to talk to a yakuza boss about at an arranged marriage meeting!?)

Shibusawa: "...So I just can't tolerate the actions of the kids in the Aoki synidcate."

Soryu: "I see. It might be beneficial to get rid of the them as soon as possible."

Shibusawa: "I'd appreciate your help with that matter."

(What is this horrible conversation...)

(All they're doing is plotting, but not talking about marriage!)

Shibusawa: "Oh, pardon me. This isn't something I should discuss in front of Mei Ling."

Shibusawa: "What should we talk about?"

Meimei: "Well, let's see..."

Meimei: "Do you have any hobbies, Mr. Shibusawa?"

Shibusawa: "I collect swords and I enjoy going to black market sales."

(Wow... both of those things are against the law!)

Meimei: "I see. So, do you have any special talents...?"

Shibusawa: "Repairing Japanese swords, I suppose."

Shibusawa: "I've gotten fairly good at it with all the nicks and damage my swords have gotten over time. Hahaha!"

(So he's used his swords enough to damage them!?)

I feel so dizzy but I can't respond, and suddenly Soryu brings his face close to mine when I startled.

(Huh!? W-What is he doing in front of everyone!?)

Soryu: "Laugh."

Meimei: "What...?"

Soryu: "Just laugh."

Meimei: "A-ahaha..."

Soryu hisses into my ear and I force an awkward laughed when I glare at Soryu without speak. Next, he pulls me by the shoulder close to him.

(Now what is it!?)

Soryu: "Mei Ling, you don't look well."

Soryu: "I think she needs some fresh air. Excuse us."

Meimei: "Kyaah! Don't pull me like that!?"

Soryu practically drags me to my feet and he takes me into the hallway... he placing his hand on my back to pretend as he's concerned.

Soryu: "Listen, woman. I told you to work."

Meimei: "I'm trying!?"

He pulls me into the shadows and he glares at me, his face close to mine when I glares back to him.

Soryu: "What kind of mafia princess is timid like that is you?"

Meimei: "What the!?"

Meimei: "I can't help! Because he's a yakuza boss..."

Soryu: "If you keep being this useless, I'll throw you out of here and use you as bait."

Meimei: "Look I don't care as I'll try harder! I'll do my very best, okay!?"

Soryu: "Hmph. I'm going back inside."

Soryu: "Come back in when you've cooled off."

He says, leaving me behind as he returns to Shibusawa.

Meimei: "Tch! It doesn't matter what he says!"

Meimei: "Just being in the same room with that scary guy makes me tremble... pathetic!?"

???: "Don't worry! I'll protect you with my life, Miss Lee!"

As suddenly, I hear a man's voice from in front of the door.

Meimei: "Are you... Mr. Inui?"

(Oh that's the guy who spoke to me back at the headquarters.)

Ryosuke: "Whoa! I-I'm so moved that you remembered my name!"

Ryosuke: "But please, call me Ryosuke!"

Meimei: "Okay... Ryosuke."

Ryosuke: "Yes, ma'am!"

Meimei: "Why are you out of here?"

Ryosuke: "The boss ordered me protect you since there's a target on your back, Miss Lee!"

Ryosuke: "I've always done little chores... this is the first time I've been asked to be a bodyguard!"

Ryosuke: "So I'm going to protect you no matter what, Miss Lee!"

I sweats drop when I spoke.

Meimei: "Okaaaay? But thank you, Ryosuke."

Ryosuke: "Heheh!"

(But I thought only scary guys were in the mafia, but Ryosuke isn't scary at all.)

(And Mei Ling is really sweet, too but she's my new friend. Maybe they're more normal than I thought?)

As I look at Ryosuke's innocent smile, my shoulders start to naturally relax.

(Well then, I'll do my best!)

When I take a deep breath and I straighten up, then go after Soryu.


Shibusawa: "Lately Snakehead's risen to power in the illegal immigration business."

Shibusawa: "Do the Bell Crickets have some plans in place to protect their vested interests."

Meimei: "Huh? What's a Snakehead?"

(Just what in the world could that mean?)

(But I don't know the first thing about the illegal immigration business...)

At a complete loss, I steal a glance at Soryu.

Soryu: "..."

(Wow! He's angry! What the hell!?)

Soryu: "...As I explained to you earlier, Mr. Lee has raised Mei Ling... away from the Hong Kong underground."

Soryu: "So she can't answer any of your questions regarding the Bell Crickets."

Shibusawa: "...Hm."

Meimei: "I'm sorry about that..."

But I can't answer any of his other questions, either, and the meeting ends up being a huge failure.

Everyone: "Welcome back!"

The members of the Ice Dragons greet us when we return.

Ryosuke: "Miss Lee! You had quite a day today."

Mobster 1: "I'll make you some tea right away, Miss Lee!"

Meimei: "Thank you..."

Mobster 2: "Would you prefer white tea or black tea?"

Meimei: "Umm..."

???: "I heard Miss Lee prefers Pu'er tea."

Meimei: "Oh... yes, that's right!"

I answer quickly when I look at the man talking to me.

???: "I'll prepare some right away."

(Oh snap... he has a scar by his eye! He's scarier than Soryu!)

Kyoichiro: "Oh, forgive me. My name is Kyoichiro Okawa."

Kyoichiro: "I've been watching the place while Soryu is away."

(Hmm, I wonder if he's Soryu's right-hand man or something?)

Ryosuke: "Wait, Kyo! I'm supposed to be the one taking care of Miss Lee!"

I facepalm softly without speak.

Ryosuke: "Would you like me to massage your shoulders, Miss Lee? I'm actually very good at massage..."


Ryosuke: "Ow!"

Ryosuke reaches out his hands to me, but Soryu immediately smacks them away.

Soryu: "You're not done collecting the protection money yet."

Soryu: "Hurry up and get to it!"

Kyoichiro: "But the Hashishita syndicate is claiming areas of the shopping district, so it's a difficult situation..."

Soryu: "I'll go talk to them, then. You go take care of the neighboring town."

Ryosuke: "Yes, sir! Thank you!"

After receiving orders from Soryu, the mobsters rush out.

(I've seen conversations like this on TV. But mobsters are really obedient to their bosses...)

(But Soryu seems really reliable...)

(He may be scary, but it seems like the others admire him a lot.)

Soryu: "Now, then."

Soryu puts his hand on the doorknob and he turns towards to me when I gasps.

Soryu: "This way, Mei Ling."

(Oh god no... he seems really mad now...)

Soryu: "Well?"

Meimei: "!?"

As the moment I turn around, Soryu pushes me against the wall and stares at me meaningfully.

Meimei: "W-What is it now?"

Soryu: "The arranged marriage meeting is over. In more ways than one."

Meimei: "..."

Soryu: "So how do you think it went today?"

Meimei: "I'd give myself maybe... a 20%?"

Soryu: "Multiply that by five."

Meimei: "Whoa, hold up! A 100%!?"

Soryu: "Sorry, I meant multiply that by minus five."

Meimei: "Grrrr...."

(I swear this guy! I'm totally failed!?)

(But his eyes looks so angry! But I'm not scared of him!?)

Soryu: "If there's a question, but you can't answer, I can cover for you. That's fine."

Soryu: "But you can't act so hesitant. You need to be firm and confident."

Meimei: "Sorry..."

Meimei: "But I can't help feeling uneasy when I'm with someone so scary... I don't like it."

Soryu: "..."

(Ugh! Scary like you!?)

Soryu: "Well, you do have a point."

Meimei: "What?"

Soryu: "Then I guess you need some private instructions."

(Oh god... why is he smiling!?)

Soryu: "Do you know the best way to overcome fear?"

He suddenly comes closer to me, and I hear a clicking sound... and I feel something hard pressed against my belly.

(Is that... a gun!?)

I pressed hard against his chest... it's my grandfather's gun.

Meimei: "What about it?"

Soryu: "You have to overcome something even more frightening than the thing you fear."

Soryu: "An arranged marriage meeting is nothing compared to the threat of dying if you fail, right?"

Meimei: "Kind of, but still..."

Meimei: "If you kill me now, but your plan to use me as a decoy will be a total waste! I'll shoot you!"

Soryu: "Pfft. You can say that again."

Meimei: "What the!? What do you mean?"

He takes the gun away from my stomach and I look at it when I takes my grandfather's gun away from his chest.

(Well... he didn't point the muzzle at me... it was the handle.)

Soryu: "Wipe that stupid look off your face. I'd never point a gun at a little girl."

Meimei: "Why should I!?"

Soryu: "Feel a little braver now?"

Meimei: "..."

He slides the gun back into his breast pocket and he sits down on the sofa with a thud sound.

(The hell is he doing this to make me get used to fear!?)

(Isn't that a little too extreme!?)

~End of Chapter 4~


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