(Season 3) Chapter 8

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Meimei: *Sigh* ...

Soryu and I haven't spoken since last night. I head up to the penthouse lounge to clean, still feeling depressed.

(I'm worried, but I know that Soryu's made up his mind so I guess I can't force him to do anything, but...)

Meimei: *Sigh* ...

Baba: "Hm? Why's this beautiful young lady sighing?"

Meimei: "Oh... I'm sorry..."

Baba: "Come and tell Big Brother all about it, honey."

Ota: "Don't you mean, Grandpa?"

Baba: "I see your tongue is as sharp as ever, Ota..."

Baba chuckles wryly and then he turns toward to me.

Baba: "So what are you worried about? It's about Sor, isn't it?"

(But... there's no use in worrying about it by myself.)

Meimei: "I'm worried about something... Mind if I talk about it?"

Baba: "Go ahead."

Baba: "Tell Big Brother Baba all about it."

Baba winks at me, as if he knows exactly what I'm about to say.

Meimei: "You probably know this already, but the Dragons and my Fire Dragons member cousins are in big trouble."

I told them all about how a spy took over the gang. And I also told them about how Soryu has forbidden me from getting involved.

Meimei: "Since the enemy is in control of the Ice Dragons and my Fire Dragons member two cousins right now... but they're being really violent towards the people who still agree with Soryu's philosophy."

Meimei: "Ryosuke got beat really badly, and he told me his girlfriend is my member cousin Momiji and my other cousin Sakura got taken... but Soryu told him to leave and never come back."

Meimei: "I know he's probably thinks he should just forget about the mafia... and go about his life as normal now."

Meimei: "But I can't just ignore what's happening to Ryosuke and the others and... my cousins..."

Meimei: "I'm sick of it about Soryu!"

Meimei: "Soryu and I fight about it from yesterday."

(Soryu's finally a regular guy, but...)

(But I can't marry him while I feel this way...)

Suddenly tears start welling up in my eyes as I sobbing.

Mamoru: "He had a fight with ya, huh?"

Baba: "Wow... Sor's really changed."

Meimei: "Huh?"

Baba: "Oh, he just told us you two never fight."

Baba: "So I guess now you two are finally close enough that you're able to be honest with your feelings."

Baba: "I'm so moved right now..."

Ota: "I heard old people tend to cry more, but I guess it's really true..."

Ota: "...Anyway, what's bothering you the most, Meimei?"

Meimei: "I guess that Soryu quit the mafia."

Meimei: "I quit the mafia... but Mulan told me, she doesn't want to see my grandfather will upset. I told her I'll be back soon once I become Fire Dragons boss of mafia again."

Meimei: "But... Soryu's at his best when he's with the Ice Dragons as their leader."

I says, but Baba and Ota smirk.

Ota: "Soryu's really done it now."

Meimei: "What?"

Mamoru: "You take the mafia away from him and he ain't got nothin' left."

Baba: "I doubt he'll be able to say no if the Dragons ask him to come back."

Baba: "He's a good guy."

Ota: "You have to force him to make a decision."

Ota: "And since you're a mobster's girlfriend, you're gonna have to play dirty a little."

Ota: "Outnumber him."

Meimei: "Excuse me...?"

Mamoru: "Don't just use Inui. He's just a puppy. Get the whole damn kennel after him."

Meimei: "He's not a puppy!? He's a human, you dumb slacker!?"

Baba & Ota: "Bwahahahahahaa!"

Mamoru: "Hey shut up!"

(I have to convince the Dragons and cousins to ask Soryu and me to come back.)

Meimei: *Sigh* ...alright, I'll try it! Thank you!"

Baba: "That's a good girl!"

Ota: "But, isn't it kinda dangerous? They are the mafia, after all."

Mamoru: "Eh, she'll cross that bridge when she comes to it."

Meimei: "Shut up~!"

Mamoru: "What the!"

I laughed as I rush out of the penthouse lounge, encouraged by the others.

I call Ryosuke and have him tell me a day when Jin is sure to be absent from headquarters.

(Soryu quit the mafia because of me...)

(Maybe... I'm being selfish by telling him to go back to the mafia now. But I'll go back to the mafia girl again!)

*Remember back then*

Soryu: "It's not because of you. It's for the both of us. For our futures."

Soryu: "I want to spend the rest of my life with you."

(But I appreciate the thought, but I don't want to get married if it means him giving up his dreams.)

(I fell in love with a kind mobster who was chasing a dream.)

Perhaps nothing will change if I try to convince the Dragons. I might be putting myself in harm's way.

Meimei: "But it's better than regretting it if I do nothing."

Meimei: "He had the courage to leave the mafia for me, so now it's time for me to have courage!"

I muster up my resolve and head to the London branch.

(Everyone was really nice, so I'm sure they'll still need Soryu!)

(And I'm sure if they ask him to come back, Soryu will agree.)

Ryosuke: "Princess!"

Ryosuke cries as I enter the building.

Ryosuke: "...Are you sure about this? If Boss agrees to return, things will be hard for you two again."

Meimei: "I love Soryu the most when he's working towards his dreams."

Meimei: "And if I'm doing this helps him get there again, that's the best thing I can do."

Ryosuke: "But if he comes back, then..."

Meimei: "I know. But we might not be able to get married."

(I'm not even sure if we can have a common-law marriage now.)

Meimei: "But I don't ever want to give up supporting his dreams."

Meimei: "Thanks for worrying about me. But I want to protect what Soryu worked so hard to protect himself."

(This is my battle now. I have to get Soryu back to the Dragons and my member cousins!)

I take a deep breath and head towards the room where everyone's waiting.

Mobster 1: "What an outsider doing here?"

As soon as I enter the room, I always get mad. These same guys used to smile at me, and now they're glaring.

Mobster 2: "Jin'll kill you if he finds out you let Soryu's woman in here, Inui."

Ryosuke: "...I know."

(Ryosuke... thank you for always being so loyal to Soryu.)

(I'm going to repay you for this some day.)

We exchanged looks and then I take a deep breath and start making my case.

Meimei: "How about SHUT UP!"

The two mobster flinches when I spoke again.

Meimei: "I was hoping you would allow Soryu back in as your boss."

Meimei: "At this rate, the Dragons will be completely under the Crimson Swords' control."

Meimei: "AND! I heard my precious Fire Dragons member two cousins got taken!?"

Mobster 1& 2: "!?"

Meimei: "As you... Soryu's the only one who can stop that."

Meimei: "If you welcome him back, I'm sure he'll agree to it. So..."

I look around, but everyone is just scowling more now.

Mobster 1: "That's what you came here to say!?"

Mobster 1: "You think you're gonna convince us with this selfish bullshit!?"

Mobster 2: "He ain't our boss, and you don't belong here! You try anything like this again and..."

Meimei: "Ouch...!!"

The mobster grabs my arm roughly and I can't move.

(That's it... I can't do anything else...)

Mobster 1: "Looks like you gotta learn the mafia's something to be scared of!!"

The man yells, and I wasn't glare because I look down as upset. Just then...

Soryu: "It doesn't matter if she's an outsider. Any man who raises his hand to a woman is a worthless piece of trash."

(That voice...!)

I look up in surprise and I see Soryu standing there.

Meimei: "What the hell are you doing here!?"

Soryu: "This is you we're talking about. I figured you'd try to do something behind my back."

(So he knew all along...)

Soryu: "Sorry about the commotion. Let's go, Meimei."

Meimei: "No, wait!!"

He tries to grab my hand to pull me out of the building, but I quickly resist.

Meimei: "...Soryu, you need to be honest with yourself."

Meimei: "I don't want you to lie about your feelings anymore!"

Soryu: "..."

Soryu frowns.

Meimei: "...Aren't you really worried about the Ice Dragons!?"

Meimei: "But you're keep your distance because you say you don't belong anymore!"

Meimei: "And you're pretending cause you don't notice!"

Soryu: "I..."

Meimei: "No! I can't watch you like this anymore!"

Soryu: "But I can't make you happy unless I cut ties with them."

Meimei: "You say you're doing this for me? Then stop lying to yourself!?"

Meimei: "The man who I fell in love isn't who you are now, Soryu!?"

Meimei: "I love you when you're chasing your dreams and protecting your family!"

Meimei: "So please... just tell me how you're really feeling?"

Soryu: "..."

He sighs deeply.

Soryu: "...I can't ever win against you, Meimei."

Soryu: "...I haven't stopped thinking about the Dragons for a single day."

Soryu: "When I heard they were taken over by the enemy, I wanted to rush down here and take the Dragons back that very instant."

Soryu: "However, you'll take Momiji and Sakura back..."

Ryosuke: "Sir!!"

Soryu: "...But then, it would make me leaving totally meaningless."

Soryu: "If I come back, I'd be putting you in danger again. And I wouldn't be able to marry you."

Soryu: "I want to choose both of you. I can't forgive myself for being so indecisive."

Meimei: "Oh Soryu..."

(He's finally being honest.)

Meimei: "I'm so glad... so you want to go back to the Dragons."

Soryu: "But..."

Meimei: "Uh, uh! I'm fine! As long as I can stay with you, it doesn't matter the capacity."

Meimei: "Please tell them how you feel. I know they're waiting for you."

Ryosuke calls everyone besides Jin's supporters together.

Soryu: "...I know it sounds selfish to want to come back now since I abandoned you all once."

Soryu: "But you all mean to much too me to leave you now when you need me the most."

Soryu: "If I return... will you follow me?"

Ryosuke: "Sir!!!"

Ryosuke, Samejima, and part of the Dragons start cheering. However...

Mobster 1: "...We're following Jin, 'cuz we'll get killed if we don't!"

Mobster 1: "And abandoning your men because of a woman is the worst kind of betrayal there is!"

Mobster 2: "He's right! This is all your fault!"

Mobster 3: "We're gonna have the same fight if another rival gang wants you to marry their daughter."

Mobster 3: "Someone like you doesn't deserve to be the boss!"

(It's no use... but nothing's going to get resolved. The Dragons are going to be destroyed! I hate those three mobsters are pissed me off!?)

(Nothing good's going to come out of fighting like this!?)

but I didn't come here unprepared. I take something out of my purse and stand in front of them.

Meimei: "IF someone wants to marry Soryu to their daughter, he'll say yes."

Meimei: "I don't care cause I hate their daughter are ugly who stole MY man! ...Because as long as we have this, he won't be able to make a decision. So..."

Soryu: "What..."

Both: "What!?"

Mobsters: "!!!"


I take the marriage certificate out and tear it into pieces. Tiny little pieces... my precious marriage certificate is nothing more than trash, a mound of scraps at my feet.

Meimei: "...We won't be legally married! AND if we can't do a common-law marriage, I'm fine with being his mistress!"

Meimei: "I wan't to live the rest of my life by Soryu's side, while he's the boss of the Ice Dragons!"


Meimei: "BUT NOW...! I lost my precious two cousins!?"

Meimei: "So please let Soryu come back!!! NOW!?"

I yelled cause of anger, and the room immediately falls silent.

Ryosuke: "Don't any of you feel bad that you drove Princess to this point!?"

Samejima: "He's right. She's a princess of mafia, and she's got more balls than any of you."

I start to hear hushed whispered throughout the room.

Mobster 1: "Well, in that case..."

Mobster 2: "We just want a boss who won't betray us."

Meimei: "So then...!"

Mobster 1: "We'll accept him back since you've got such conviction."

Mobster 1: "But until we know we can trust him, it's only temporary! We won't follow a boss who can't protect us!"

Mobster 2: "First, we need to get rid of the damn spy!"

Mobster 2: "He screwed the Dragons up!!"

Now that everyone's on the same page, they all start cheering.

Soryu: "Meimei..."

He says in a concerned voice, but I answer with a smile...

Meimei: "I fell in love with a mobster, Soryu. I told you like that."

Meimei: "This is for the best."

Meimei: "I'm an Ice Dragon, too. I'll keep Fire Dragon. So we're family even if we can't get legally married."

Soryu: "Thank you so much."

He says, his voice barely a whisper.

(He's back... Soryu Oh, boss of the Ice Dragons.)

(But our problems are only beginning. I know we can all get through it together, though!)

~End of (Season 3) Chapter 8~


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