(Season 3) Chapter 9

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(...I'm so glad to have Soryu back to normal.)

Several days laters... I smile as I watch Soryu stand in front of the mirror and slick back his hair.

Soryu: "Hm? What is it?"

Our eyes meet in the mirror.

Meimei: "Oh, just thinking how I like you better like this."

Soryu: "Even if I'm a mobster?"

Meimei: "Well, yes... I love it most when you're chasing your dreams."

Soryu: "...Wouldn't normal women be uncomfortable around someone as scary as me?"

Meimei: "Pfft. I don't know. I'm used to it."

Soryu: "Meimei... you really have changed."

He reaches out and slips an arm around my waist.

Meimei: "Mmm..."

He presses his lips against mine and I inhale his familiar scent.

(Mmm, I love the smell of his hair gel...)

Our kiss grows deeper, and suddenly...


I groan when I hear Soryu's phone are ringing from inside his pocket.

Soryu: "Gotta get used to this again too, hm?"

He chuckles wryly and answers the phone.

(I swear that phone calls always interrupt us at the best part, but...)

(But I should be happy because it's proof that he's back.)

Soryu: "Yes. What did you find out?"

After he was welcomed back into the Dragons... several of them are secretly investigating Jin's true goal.

Soryu: "...What!? are you sure!?"

I can tell by the tone of his voice that something major's happened. I start fidgeting nervously, and Soryu puts the phone on speaker.

Mobster 1: "Jin isn't working with the Sword anymore."

Mobster 1: "I think he betrayed them, too!"

Meimei: "What!?"

(But he worked for them as a spy!)

(So who in the world IS he!?)

Mobster 1: "Apparently... it was his job to get the Dragons and the Swords to be allies, and that's it."

Mobster 1: "As soon as he took over the Dragons, he cut ties with Swords."

Soryu: "So right now he's with the Dragons but not the Swords?"

Mobster 1: "Yep."

Mobster 1: "If he's working himself now, he might be willing to tell us what he's after."

Mobster 1: "It's easy to pressure someone who doesn't have any backing."

Soryu: "Alright. Wait for the right time and go ahead."

(Jin's an enemy, but he's working for the rival gang.)

(He did take over the Dragons, so that makes him an enemy no matter what.)

(But why's he after the Dragons?)

(If he infiltrated them several years ago, he must have a good reason.)

Meimei: "..."

It's all so complicated I can't keep up, and after a while Soryu ends the phone call.

Soryu: "...Don't worry."

He pokes my furrowed brow with his thumb.

Meimei: "Mm..."

Meimei: "Well, I'll get you back!"

I stand on my tiptoes to poke him back, but I can't reach his forehead.

(God damn it...! I'm short!)

Soryu: "Pfft. You're frowning even more now."

Soryu: "I always want you to smile."

Meimei: "Ugh... I know."

That's all he says before he leaves.

That night, I'm supposed to meet Soryu outside the hotel... but instead Ryosuke shows up.

Meimei: "Hey what are you doing here?"

Ryosuke: "Get in, Princess! Mr. Oh's cornered Jin!"

Meimei: "What!? Seriously! Alright!"

I jumped to get in and Ryosuke slams on the gas.

Mobster 1: "Start talking, you traitor!!"

Soryu: "Tell me why you did all this?"

Jin: "...Revenge."


They've been questioning him for some time, and when I get there Jin finally gives up and starts talking.

Jin: "...There was a mobster who took me in when I was just a worthless, homeless kid."

Jin: "He saved my life and treated me like a brother. Still think of him as my brother."

Jin: "But..."

Jin: "The Crimson Swords were fighting with another gang."

Jin: "Just like now, the fighting was going on for a really long time."

Jin: "The current boss killed him."

Meimei: "Seriously...?"

Jin: "Many people died during the disputes, and blamed it all on my brother and decided his punishment was death."

Jin: "...I hate him. I hated him so much."

Jin: "But at the time I was young and powerless."

Jin: "So I waited for the time when I could get revenge."

Jin: "I waited so many years and found the perfect pawn. The Ice Dragons."

Soryu: "...So, you were manipulated, too."

Soryu sighs when he learns Jin's reasoning.

(I heard from Soryu that before he became boss of the Ice Dragons... they were doing bad things that he didn't agree with.)

Soryu: "So you wanted the power to destroy the Swords."

Jin: "Yes. I wanted to betray him and see the pitiful look on his face... when I destroyed him like he destroyed my brother."

Soryu: "But your fight is with an individual."

Soryu: "Didn't you have plenty of opportunity to take him down without doing something this dramatic?"

Jin: "...He's a very cautious person. He always has his men around him."

Jin: "Everyone is searched for weapons before they're allowed to see him."

Soryu: "I see. So, it would be too difficult for you to take care of him on your own."

Jin: "...So? What are you going to do with me? Expose my intentions to him and then kill me?"

Soryu: "What would I gain by doing that?"

Soryu: "You caused too much trouble for me. I'm going to use you, too."

Jin: "...What?"

Jin looks suspicious and Soryu laughs.

Soryu: "You want the boss of the Swords gone."

Soryu: "So do I. We have common goals."

Jin: "...Alright."

Soryu: "I'll help you get rid of him. But in exchange, I want the Dragons back."

Jin: "They're extremists."

Jin: "I've been acting as the leader of this branch of the Dragons for a long time."

Jin: "They don't have these idealistic dreams like you do."

Jin: "Plus, I don't trust you."

Ryosuke: "You son of a bitch!"

Ryosuke jumps out of his chair, but Soryu raises his hand to stop him.

Soryu: "Don't worry. I have no intention of showing pity on those who don't care for their brothers."

Soryu: "...I'm going to get the Dragons back, no matter what."

Meimei: "!!!"

My heart sings as Soryu gazes at me.

Jin: "...This is my only chance at revenge."

Jin: "I have no choice but to work with you until he's gone."

(So if they can get rid of the boss of the Swords...)

(Soryu can go back to being the formal boss of the Dragons! So I can!)

Soryu sets a glass down on the table in front of Jin and pours alcohol in it.

Soryu: "...Drink."

Jin: "What... a ritual to swear my brotherhood to you? No way."

Soryu: "No. Just to swear an alliance to meet our common goal."

Jin: "...Fine."

They drink the sake from the same cup.

Soryu: "...Now let's start planning. We can't fail."

Jin: "You might actually be helpful."

Soryu: "And you've got balls."

They start a hushed conversation together. Seeing this, everyone leaves the room looking relieved.

(Finally, we're getting somewhere.)

A few days later... I'm working as a waitress in Mr. Ichinomiya's casino club, dressed in a corset, kitten ears and a tail.

(Oh great... I'm supposed to use my sex appeal to get close to the boss of the Swords... and when I get him alone, and that's when they attack.)

(I hope this goes well, but this plan is kind of mortifying...)

I fidget nervously as I hide behind the counter and... I see Soryu walking towards to me.

Soryu: "Meimei... that outfit!"

Meimei: "W-Well, It's a little more revealing than I thought it'd be..."

I sigh as I being embarrassed.

Meimei: "I don't look good in this, do I?"

Soryu: "I'm not sure where to look..."

(Well I shouldn't have agreed to this...)

I start to feel uneasy when I see the reluctant look on his face, and suddenly Mr. Ichinomiya walks over.

Eisuke: "I'm surprised a beanpole like you managed to fill out that outfit."

Eisuke: "You sure this plan will work?"

Soryu: "...Probably."

Meimei: "God! Both of you need to stop making me damn nervous!!"

Eisuke: "Oh whatever. But you're in my house now, and you better not screw up."

Mr. Ichinomiya says as he walks away.

Meimei: "He gave us special permission to use this place didn't he?"

Soryu: "Yes. This is the V.I.P section of the casion, and you need a special pass to get in."

Soryu: "But today..."

We look around and I see several Ice Dragons disguised as V.I.Ps.

(Looks like everything should go fine as long as people he trusts are here.)

Soryu: "No matter what happens, I'll protect you. Just don't go overboard."

Meimei: "Okay!"

Jin: "...You ready, Soryu?"

Soryu: "Yep. Just have to wait for our special guest to arrive."

Jin comes over to join us.

Jin: "..."

(He seems nervous. He's hated this guy for a long time.)

(Alright. I guess we just have to see what happens now...)

After awhile, I suddenly notice the mood in the room has changed.

Soryu: "...There he is. Let's go wait in the back."

Soryu: "Isabel, just seduce him and get him alone. If anything happens, just scream."

I nodded my head.

Meimei: "Alright..."

I watch Soryu leave, then stand at the counter as planned and wait for my chance. The boss seems to be enjoying the casino, and after a while comes over to me.

(Hey... I didn't notice when I met him before...)

(But he puts off really bad vibes, unlike Soryu and Jin.)

(Like an evil mafia don. But this is no time to space out... I have to do my best!)

Meimei: "Would you like another drink, sir?"

I muster up my courage and approach him... and he flashes me a lewd smile and strokes my arm as I take his glass.

Boss: "My, my... you're cute."

Meimei: "Why thank you, sir."

Boss: "...You provide any 'extra services' for a charge?"

He roughly grabs me by the waist and I start to feel chills run down my spine.

(Ew, ew, ew... I feel sick! But I just have to hang in there.)

Boss: "What are you doing tonight?"

I was about to think, but I slide my arms around his neck and look up at him from behind my eyelashes.

Meimei: "Getting to know a very handsome man... and maybe even more...?"

Boss: "Heh. Trying to turn me on? I like you."

Meimei: "Good. Why don't we go somewhere a little more private?"

I squeezes out every bit of sex appeal I have towards him. He totally falls for it and follows me to private room.

Boss: "This room is perfect."

Meimei: "Yes, now we can..."

Meimei: "Kyaaaaah!?"

Before I can even finish my sentence, he pushes me down and climbs on top of me. He reeks of alcohol and his heavy body pins me down.

(Oh no, I can't take it anymore! Soryu, help!)

I call out for him deep in my heart.

Boss: "GYAAH!"

The boss yells and as suddenly yanked him away from me.

Boss: "W-What's going on!?"

Soryu: "I am."

Meimei: "Soryu!"

He pushes me behind him and aims his gun at the boss.

Boss: "W-What!? I thought you quit the mob!"

Soryu: "Living the straight and narrow just didn't suit me. So I'm back."

Boss: "WHAT!?"

Jin: "You fell right into our trap."

Boss: "Jin!! What the hell is meaning of this!?"

Boss: "You betrayed us and joined the Chinese mafia!?"

Boss: "Have you forgotten everything I did for you!? How I took care of you!?"

Jin: "...How you took care of me!?"

Jin's expression darkness.

Jin: "My brother took care of me. But you killed him and I hate you!!"

Boss: "...You're still holding a grudge over that..."

The boss opens his eyes as wide and then drops his shoulders in disappointment.

(What the? It's like his whole personality changed.)

Boss: "I don't blame you. It was gut-wrenching for me."

Boss: "I never told you. But he offered himself up as a sacrifice back then."

Jin: "...What!?"

Boss: "He told me he'd be willing to die for the good for the group."

Boss: "He begged me to publicly blame him for all the dirty deeds we did and make him into the bad guy."

Meimei: "...!"

Jin: "You're a damn liar!! I never heard a word about this!!"

Boss: "Of course you didn't. Because if you found out, the Swords would be ruined."

Boss: "Only me and a few other leaders know. You've been the boss before – you understand, don't you?"

Boss: "It's the boss' job to fix things so all his men feel at ease."

Soryu: "...He's right."

Soryu nods.

Jin: "No... my brother..."

Jin: "Goddamnit... why would he decide something like that without telling me..."

Jin whispers with anguish after he learns the truth.

(Jin's brother did everything for the good of his gang.)

(And the boss knew that.)

(But I heard they were extremists without souls, but the Swords have values, too.)

As suddenly the mood softens. But then something unexpected happens.

Jin: "My goal has changed, then."

Meimei: "...What?"

Before I understand what's happening, Jin turns towards Soryu.

Soryu: "Jin, no..."

I hear an ominous *click*.

It's Jin aiming his gun at Soryu.

Meimei: "NO!!"

Jin: "Sorry, but the deal's off."

Jin: "I don't owe the Dragons anything. And I have no reason to let you live."

Meimei: "You!?"

I glared at Jin.

Soryu: "Wait, Jin. Let's talki this out."

Soryu: "I'm sure we can figure this out..."

Boss: "The Dragons are filled with cowards and pussies. You're just a burden to us!"

Boss: "Do it, Jin!"

Jin: "Yes, sir. Your blood will stain my blade crimson..."

Soryu: "...Damn it..."

Meimei: "No! Don't even think about it!"

I aim my gun at Boss.

Boss: "!?"

Jin: "!?"

Meimei: "IF you shoot Soryu! I'll shoot that perv Boss!?"

As I said when I glare at Jin. Whenever almost like I can hear my blood drain from my face.

~End of (Season 3) Chapter 9~


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