(Season 3) Last Chapter 10

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Soryu thought he had cornered the boss of the rival gang, but instead Jin has his gun pointed at him. I has my gun pointed at his rival gang.

Boss: "How dare you defy the Swords, you Hong Kong piece of shit!"

Boss: "Die, Soryu. We'll take your woman!"

Soryu: "Screw you! I don't care what happens to me, but I'll never let you touch a hair on Meimei!"

Meimei: "If you take me? My fire dragon boss of my grandfather will KILL YOU!?"

The boss of the rival gang flinched as what I said.

Soryu: "Meimei, get back. I'll protect you."

Boss: "Are you an idiot? Your life is over. Do it, Jin!"

Jin: "Yes, sir."

Jin puts his finger on the trigger, but I can't stand it to watch! I pull my finger on the trigger.

(I should have just let Soryu be a normal person and married him.)

(I'm sorry I told you to go back to the Dragons, Soryu...)

???: "ARRGHHHH!!!"

Meimei: "!?"

For some reason I hear someone screaming, but not a gunshot. I turn my head to see...

Ryosuke: "Ahh! Beat the shit out of him!!"

Samejima: "Tie him up!!"

Meimei: "You guys!?"

Samejima and Ryosuke suddenly rush in, holding bunch of the Swords' leaders.

Meimei: "What are you guys doing here? Who are they?"

Ryosuke: "They were hiding and planned on killing Mr. Oh and Jin!"

Samejima: "We took care of them all."

Meimei: "WHAT!?"

Boss: "What the hell's the matter with you, getting beat so easily!?"

Boss: "Jin, hurry up and shoot the bastard!!"

But now, Jin turns his gun on the boss.

Jin: "When you get to the other side, you'd better apologize to my brother."

Boss: "Jin... you betrayed me."

Jin: "Are you stupid? I never trusted you."

Soryu: "I have to give you credit for getting your men to secretly follow you here."

Soryu: "You knew we were going to try to attack you."

Boss: "H-How..."

Jin: "Your stupid plans are so obvious."

Jin: "So was that little act you put on to buy time until they got here!"

Meimei: "Wait a minute... what little act?"

Jin: "He's lying about my brother. He didn't offer himself up as a sacrifice."

Jin: "I saw the moment he killed him!"

Jin: "You used my brother ten years ago and you're still trying to use him!"

Jin screams, balling his hands into fists with anger.


Meimei: "He did... WHAT!?"

I glare at the boss when I shoot his shoulder.

Boss: "GAH!?"

Soryu: "If you trust people, you'll gain their trust."

Soryu: "You have no right to have men underneath you if you don't understand that."

The boss suddenly hangs his head, I guess he's giving up.

Jin: "Now my quest for vengeance can end."

Jin smiles as he aims his gun at the boss again, but Soryu and I stops him.

Meimei: "Hold it..."

Soryu: "Wait. Don't kill him right now."

Soryu reaches for Jin's gun and makes him low it.

Jin: "This wasn't the agreement! You said we were going to kill him!!"

Soryu: "Jin. You need to think this through. We can use him until the very end."

Soryu: "I have a friend who's a detective who will deal with him."

Soryu: "We get the police here to owe us a favor, and it'll pay off."

Soryu: "That's a good situation for both the Dragons... and the Swords, don't you think?"

Soryu smirks, looking like the true boss of the Ice Dragons.

Jin: "Damn it... fine. At least let me punch him, through!"

Boss: "ARGGHH!"

Jin's fist knocks the boss square in his face.

Soryu: "I gotta take a turn, too. This is what you get for putting your filthy hands on my woman."


Soryu punches him in the face and knocks the guy right to the ground.

Ryosuke: "We did it, sir!!"

Samejima: "We can't wait for you to come home, sir."

All the Dragons who were disguised as VIPs file in the room to celebrate.

(Looks like... Soryu's at his best when he's the boss.)

My heart feel warm watching this scene.

(But now that he's a mobster again and I am a mafia girl again... but still we can't get legally married.)

(I tore up the marriage license in front of everyone. But oh well...)

(Everyone loves Soryu... but not just me.)

And I'm proud to be his girlfriend.

(We can still spend our lives together even if we can't be legally married.)

(We can be a family without having a marriage certificate.)

(But I think I understood what Soryu meant by that now.)

Soryu: "Meimei!"

Soryu pushes his way towards me.

Soryu: "I'm sorry you had to act as bait."

Meimei: "No it's okay, but I'm just glad I could help."

I say, and Soryu puts his jacket over me.

Soryu: "...Please change as soon as we get home. I don't want anyone to see you like this."

Meimei: "Okay."

(Soryu's so kind, generous, and loved by everyone. I'm so glad he's my boyfriend.)

Soryu: "You used to working here now?"

It's been several weeks since Soryu became the boss of the Ice Dragons again, so I became the boss of the Fire Dragons again. He invites me out one night after work.

Meimei: "Yeah. I'm doing pretty much the same things I did in Tokyo and Dubai."

Soryu: "Oh. Good."

Meimei: "Hm??"

(What's up with him? He seems nervous.)

He didn't tell me where we're going. We're just walking along exchanging small talk.

(Most of people around town don't seem frightened of him anymore.)

(I think things are getting better.)

(That means Soryu's getting closer to his dream.)

I think, and I look up to see the London Eye floating above the cityscape.

Meimei: "...That's where you asked me if I'd be okay with a common-law marriage."

Soryu: "Yeah..."

(It was only a few months ago, but it feels like an eternity.)

(Back then I was horrified, but now I'm thankful I just get to stay with him.)

Suddenly Soryu says...

Soryu: "About that... I want you to forget about the common-law marriage."

Meimei: "I know. You're too important to the Dragons."

Soryu: "Hm?"

Meimei: "I'm prepared to be your mistress..."

Meimei: "But our hearts are connected even if we don't have a marriage license."

Soryu: "Wait, that's not what I meant."

Meimei: "Huh?"

He sighs and scratches his head.

Soryu: "I mean, I want you to be my real wife."

Meimei: "!?"

Soryu: "So I don't want it to be a common-law marriage."

Soryu: "And stop saying such sad things like 'I'm okay with being your mistress'."

Meimei: "...!"

(W-Wait a second...!?)

Soryu: "When we get married, there will be plenty of hardships and difficulties waiting for us."

Soryu: "I might not be able to give you that ordinary happiness you want. But..."

Soryu: "I know we can find some kind of happiness together."

Meimei: "Soryu..."

Soryu: "We can get through anything, as long as we're together."

Soryu: "Please do me the honor of becoming my wife."

His proposal is direct, sincere, and passionate. I'd given up on being his wife, and I'm so filled with emotion right now.

Meimei: "...Are you sure we can get married?"

Soryu: "You're the only one for me, Meimei."

Meimei: "...We can really get married."

All the tears as I'd been holding back spill down my cheeks.

Soryu: "I'm sorry. I've made you cry so many times."

Soryu says, cradling me in his arms.

Meimei: "Geez. These are happy tears!"

Meimei: "But I thought marriage was something between two people who loved each other."

Meimei: "But I thought I had to give up on that in order to be with you."

Meimei: "That's what I kept telling myself."

Meimei: "But honestly, I didn't want to let anyone else have you."

Soryu: "Meimei..."

Meimei: "I'm sorry for being so selfish..."

I says, and he tightens his grip on me.

Soryu: "...I'm so happy."

Meimei: "What?"

Soryu: I'm happy that you're telling me how you really feel."

Meimei: "Soryu..."

Soryu: "You always put me first. Please always be honest with me."

Soryu: "You don't want anyone else to have me. What else?"

Meimei: "..."

I can't stop crying. And he accepts all of me, listening earnestly.

Soryu: "Give me your hand."

Soryu: "I swear on this ring to protect you for my entire life."

He gently takes my left ring finger and puts a ring on it.

Meimei: "It's gorgeous, thank you."

(Hm? The ring is warm...)

His body heat still lingers on the ring.

(He was holding onto it in his hand so he could give it to me.)

I can't help but grin affectionately at him.

Soryu: "Don't look at me like that, it's embarrassing."

Meimei: "So that's why you were so nerves before. Hahaha."

Soryu: "...If you keep on laughing at me..."

Meimei: "Kyaaah! Why are you lifting me up!?"

He suddenly lifts me up and sets me down on the stone stairs by the riverbank.

Soryu: "This ring is proof that you're mine."

He looks into my eyes and kisses the ring.

Soryu: "...You'll say yes, won't you?"

(His eyes are so intense. My heart is pounding so hard.)

Meimei: "Yes..."

I close my eyes and he gently presses his lips against mine.

(I can be his wife.)

(No matter what happens, we'll be together.)

When he had that other marriage offer, I wanted time to stop. But now I can't wait for our future together. I will never forget this moment. The London Eye twinkles down upon us as if giving us its blessing.

Meimei: "Um... how long have you been thinking about marriage?"

I ask Soryu back at home after I've finally calm down.

Soryu: "Remember when my engagement with Mei Ling ended?"

Soryu: "I knew back then you were the only woman I would ever marry."

Meimei: "Huh...?"

(That's basically when we first met!)

Soryu: "Back then, my entire worldview changed."

Soryu: "I know from the very start you were the only woman for me."

Meimei: "Soryu..."

(I can't believe he's been thinking this for so long.)

(He's been thinking about marriage longer than I have!)

I think, and my eyes start to burn with tears.

Meimei: "Oh god..."

Soryu: "You taught me that marriage should be between two people who love one another."

Soryu: "And if you're really a mobster's girl, you need to take responsibility for that."

He smiles teasingly and kisses my ring again.

(That look on his face is so not fair...)

Meimei: "I will..."

I answer, and he picks me up in his arms.

Soryu: "You changed a mobster's life. You need to take responsibility for that now, for the rest of your life."

Meimei: "You're so silly..."

I can't help but anticipate what we're about to do next as he whispers sweetly to me. He takes me into the bedroom and makes love to me all night long.

*Lemon: Start*

I gasp when he grunt louder as he's stronger to thrusting into me as I breathing heavily, he lifts my legs up with his hands when he keeps stronger thusting into me even more rammed his hips all over it to making me cried out.

Soryu: "Meimei...!"

He grunt into my name as he can't stop even stronger thrusting me even harder and rammed his hips when I arched my back to making me gasp / moan all over and my boobs are bouncing, he bend his head to lick my right nipple with his hot tongue.

Meimei: "S-Sory- AHHHH!"

I moan even louder when he grunt louder as we breathing heavily while he stronger thrusting into me even harder to make a fapped sound filled in the bedroom, but he let go of my legs as he lift my hips up with his hands to pick up speed-up to making me scream in pleasure and he grunt louder, the bed are creaking and moving back and forth as shaking even faster.

Meimei: "I-I'm gonna- AAAAAAAAAAAH!"

Soryu: "MEIMEI!!"

He moan my name when he rammed his hips into me as he cums filled inside me as I came hard to making me cried out of pleasure and he groans in pleasure. We panting when he pulls his hard cock out of my womanhood.

*Lemon: End*

Soryu: "I want to go meet your parents soon."

We relax in bed naked together after we made love. Soryu whispers to me as he strokes my hair.

Soryu: "...They might not agree at first, but I'm not going to marry you while lying to myself."

Soryu: "I'll keep talking to them until they give us their blessing."

Meimei: "Soryu..."

(I'm so happy to hear that...)

(I hope my family will understand.)

(There's no one in the world as sweet, strong, and genuine as Soryu.)

Soryu: "My new dream is to make the world a place that... you can be proud to be a member of the Ice Dragons and Fire Dragons too."

Meimei: "I'll help you make your dreams come true."

(Things might get more dangerous as a mobster's wife.)

(But I think I can become stronger as long as I can be with him as his dreams come true.)

Meimei: "...You're the only one who can make me feel like this."

Soryu: "Hm?"

Meimei: "You're the only one who can make me this happy."

Soryu: "Mmm."

I know those gentle eyes will look at mine for years to come. I snuggle against him as happier than I've ever been.

~End of (Season 3) Last Chapter 10~


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