(Season 3) Epilogue 1

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(I'm so happy...)

I think to myself dreamily as Soryu and I are out on a date. As we hold hands, I feel my engagement ring encircling my left ring finger.

Soryu: "What is it?"

Meimei: "Nothing."

I answer, looking up at him with a goofy grin.

(I'm finally getting used to wearing it.)

It's been several weeks since Soryu proposed. The gorgeous ring sparkles in the light.

Soryu: "You've been smiling like that a lot lately."

Meimei: "Have I? I didn't notice."

Soryu: "I love it when you're smiling."

Meimei: "Hehe. Well, I'm just excited to be on a date with you."

Soryu: "Mm."

Even small talk like this feels absolutely precious to me.

Meimei: "I love to spending every day with you. I feel so happy, it's almost strange."

Soryu: "I feel the exact same way."

Meimei: "I'm so glad to hear that."

We walk through the streets of London, lined with old, beautiful brick buildings... as just enjoying our time together.

Meimei: "So, where is the school as you went to? I'd love to see it."

Soryu: "I'll take you there sometime."

Meimei: "Great!"

Soryu: "There's a museum just around that corner."

Soryu points to the street sign.

Meimei: "I can't wait. I heard they have a lot of stuff that belongs to the royal family!"

Soryu: "If we don't have time to see it all today, we can come back again."

Meimei: "Yeah. That would be nice."

Soryu: "Mm-hmm."

We head over to the museum.

Meimei: "It's pretty late."

We walk around the museum chatting and enjoying the exhibits until closing time.

Soryu: "There's a lot to see here, hm?"

Meimei: "That necklace we just saw was gorgeous. The one with all those blue diamonds."

Soryu: "Do you want it?"

Meimei: "No way, I just like to look!"

I quickly respond, a little flustered.

(I wouldn't put it past him to actually buy me the necklace!)

Soryu: "It's getting dark. Let's hail a cab."

Meimei: "Okay."

We're just about to walk down the darkened street when...

Man 1: "C'mon, let's go."

Man 2: "Yeah. I heard the hotel near here lets in mobsters. Let's get outta here."

Meimei: "Tch... I swear those stupid men won't shut up."

I stop in my tracks when I overhear that conversation, it's making me angry.

(Wait... the hotel near here?)

I look up and see Soryu scowling.

Man 1: "The mobsters have calmed down a bit recently, but you never know when they'll start fighting again. Gotta be careful."

(Oh... I guess it'll take a while for the residents here to feel safe.)

(I hope the situation stays peaceful so they'll accept the mafia one day.)

(I had so much fun yesterday.)

The next day, I day dream about our date as I work.

Meimei: "Alright, this floor is done."

I finish making the beds and walk down the hallway towards the storage room.

Guest: "Hey, you."

Meimei: "Yes? May I help you?"

As suddenly, a guest stops me in the hallway.

Guest: "You know of a good place around here for locals only?"

Meimei: "What do you mean?"

(Wait a minute... I'm still not familiar with the area. But... my member cousin Momiji and Sakura protected me.)

(I still need to check with a travel guide before I go anywhere.)

The guest chuckles when he sees the look on my face.

Guest: "Sorry I asked. I can tell you're not from around here."

Meimei: "I don't know what are you talking about, but would you like me to ask the concierge?"

Guest: "Would they be able to help?"

Meimei: "Yes, I'm sure the concierge would be very helpful."

Guest: "Alright. I'll go ask him by myself, then. Thanks."

Meimei: "Of course. But sorry, I couldn't help you."

(Damn, I had to send him to the concierge. I'm sure this won't be the only request like that.)

(I need to make sure I can deal with questions like those myself.)

I think as I watch the guest walk away.

Meimei: "No Jasmine, I said stay!"

Jasmine: *Woof!*

That Saturday, I'm playing with Jasmine at the Ice Dragons' office.

Meimei: "I can't believe how big she's gotten.

Samejima: "Lately when Inui and his girlfriend takes her for a walk, it's like she's walking them!!"

Ryosuke: "She's not!"

Meimei: "Now Jasmine. You shouldn't be pulling on your leash. You need to let Ryosuke and Momiji lead you."

Jasmine: *Woof!*

Ryosuke: "Tch. Why are you always so good with Princess, but not me?"

Momiji: "Darling, let my boss do it. She's too kind."

Ryosuke: "Okay..."

Just then, Jin enters the room.

Jin: "Afternoon. Soryu here?"

Meimei: "He's in the back."

Soryu: "I'm right here."

Meimei: "What the? How did you get here...?"

Soryu: "Inui was so loud, you didn't hear me to come in."

Soryu: "What is it?"

Soryu and Jin take a seat on the sofa and start talking.

Jin: "I'm here to discuss the Crimson Swords."

Jin: "Up until this point, we've been enemies, but now that we're part of the Dragons..."

Jin: "I was hoping we could have a little gathering to familiarize our members with each other."

Soryu: "Hmm... yes, I think that would be good idea."

Soryu: "Alright, let's start planning."

Ryosuke: "I'll go make reservations!"

Soryu: "Not so fast, Inui!"

Momiji, Sakura and I laughed because Soryu scolds Ryosuke as usual, but I'm actually looking forward to this part.

(The two gangs have actually become one.)

Jin: "I'd like it if you come too, Isabel. Since we'll be seeing so much of each other from now on."

Ryosuke: "Yeah! Princess is like, the boss lady of the Dragons, you know!!"

Meimei: "Are you really sure it's okay if I go?"

Soryu: "Of course. The other men haven't had a chance to meet you yet."

I'm really happy I get this chance to be introduced to them.

(But I mean, I'm the boss' fiancee, after all.)

(I'm excited to have a larger part in his business activities.)

The guys arrange for the party to be at a trusted venue and fully catered. But I do put in a special request that I can bring a few dishes myself.

Meimei: "Soryu! Turn it off! Turn it off the stove!!"

A few days later... I'm cooking for the party that's coming up. However...

(But why's Soryu are so terrible at cooking...)

Soryu: "...I'm sorry."

Meimei: "It's alright. I figured this would happen, so I brought extra ingredients."

Soryu: "Can you give me another task, maybe?"

Meimei: "Alright. These potatoes are boiled, so just mash them up for me, please."

Soryu: "I can do that!"

I appreciate him trying to help me, even if he isn't the greatest at it.

(I bet this will be everyday life once we get married.)

(...I just hope he doesn't below up the kitchen.)

I suddenly have a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach.

(...I'll just have to make sure to supervise him in the kitchen.)

We somehow manage to finish cooking, despite Soryu's knack for destruction.

(Wow, this is an amazing sight.)

We've rented out an exclusive restaurant for the party between... the Dragons and the Swords.

(There are some guys that look like the stereotypical mobster...)

(But most of them actually look pretty normal.)

It makes sense when I realize the younger guys are the leaders.

(They're so different from the Dragons, though.)

Soryu: "Over here, Meimei."

Meimei: "Okay."

Soryu calls me over to a group of Crimson Swords.

Soryu: "Let me introduce you to my fiancee, Meimei Yae."

Meimei: "Hello, it's a pleasure to meet you."

Meimei: "I'm looking forward to the Dragons and the Swords having a long, peaceful relationship."

Ryosuke: "Ohmigod, it's like you and Boss are already married, Princess!!!!"

Momiji: "Why you didn't tell me, Boss!!"

Sakura: "Yeah!"

Meimei: "Sorry cousins."

Soryu: "I'm glad to see you're getting used to this, Meimei."

Meimei: "I am."

(Heheh... it makes me happy to hear that we look like we're married.)

Jin: "Let me introduce you to leaders here. This is Emilio, Angelo, and Carlo."

Emilio: "Nice to meet you."

When he introduces Emilio, a woman beside him also she bows her head. I'm guessing that's his wife.

Soryu: "Look, now you have another woman to talk to. Go enjoy yourselves."

Rosa: "I'm Emilio's wife, Rosa. So nice to meet you."

Meimei: "Likewise."

Rosa: "Would you like to go talk over there?"

Meimei: "Of course. I'd love to."

Momiji: "We'll go with you, Boss."

Sakura: "Yep."

Rosa: "Let's go, then."

Rosa, my member and I start chatting in a corner of the restaurant. As I expected, Rosa and Emilio have a common-law marriage.

Rosa: "What's the hardest part, you ask? Hm, probably giving Emilio enough attention since he works so much."

(Oh wow...)

Meimei: "So, what do you think is different about being a mobster's wife?"

Rosa: "I always help him with work. I assume you do, as well?"

Meimei: "As much as I can, yes."

Rosa: "Also I try to take good care of myself and have his favorite meals waiting for him at home."

Rosa: "We can't go out in public much together."

Momiji & Sakura: "Oh."

Rosa: "So It's our job to support our husbands at home, behind the scenes."

Meimei: "R-Right..."

Rosa: "And another thing, is that you always have to be prepared."

Meimei: "What?"

Rosa: "If my husband is ever killed, I'm fully prepared to take care of his murderer."

Meimei, Momiji & Sakura: "!?!"

Rosa: "And if I'm killed in the process, so be it. As long as I can die with my beloved."

Meimei: "Whoa..."

Momiji & Sakura: "Seriously..."

(I'm sure there are cultural differences at work here, but can I really cut it as a mobster's wife?)

I glance over at Soryu, who's in deep discussion with Jin.

(But I guess I have to try?)

I thank Rosa and start trying to psych myself up.

A few days later... I head up to the penthouse to clean and find the guys there talking about the hotel's reputation as of late.

(Well, I don't want to interrupt them.)

I quietly clean around them, kind of feeling like I'm eavesdropping.

Baba: "Those bad rumors about us are still lingering, huh?"

Mamoru: "Everybody knows mobsters stay here."

Ota: "Isn't that the same for any hotel, though?"

Eisuke: "Perhaps, but most can't say mobster actually LIVE in the hotel."

Eisuke: "Most of the people complaining are commoners who probably couldn't afford to stay here, anyway."

Eisuke: "I'm not worried about our reputation."

(But normal citizens still have an unfavorable view of the mob.)

Soryu looks upset that he's causing trouble for the hotel at all, but... I can't stop getting angry because those stupid people won't shut up.


Just then, a mop as I'd left leaning against the wall slips and lands on the floor, when I turn around to grab the mop. But then... my right knee hit on the floor.


Meimei: "Ngh!?"

Everyone turns around and looks in the direction of the noise.

(Ugh... damn I hurt my knee...!)

I tried to stand up, but I flinch cause my right knee are hurt.

Meimei: "Ow..."

Baba: "Oh, I didn't even know you were here, Meimei Are you okay?"

Meimei: "Yeah, I'm fine."

Eisuke: "If Soryu's reputation is so bad, why don't we try improving it?"

Baba: "Oooh, sounds like you have a plan!"

Mr. Ichinomiya's face lights up with a mischievous smirk.

Eisuke: "I do know Soryu better than anyone. Also, Meimei, you should be more careful."

Meimei: "Yes, sir."

Baba: "That's true."

Baba: "Ooh, tell us some stories about when Sor was younger, Boss!"

Soryu: "There's nothing to talk about!"

Eisuke: "Oh? I know several interesting stories."

(Like what, I wonder?)

Soryu: "...I'm not the same person I was back then. I've gotten past that."

Meimei: "Huh?"

I can't help but be intrigued by the meaningful tone Soryu spoke to Mr. Ichinomiya in.

Baba: "What!? Now I wanna know even more! Tell us, tell us!"

Soryu: "It's not important."

Ota: "What? You can't just leave us hanging. Right, Meimei?"

Meimei: "Huh? Oh... right."

(But I'm curious...)

Soryu heaves a big sigh.

Soryu: "This conversation is over. Get back to work, Meimei. Walk slowly."

Meimei: "Okay..."


(I really wanted to hear about it, but I wasn't expecting that reaction.)

(I guess he didn't want to talk about the past?)

Meimei: "If so, maybe what I did was wrong..."

Meimei: "Looks like Soryu's awfully late."

The next night, I sigh as I wait all by myself.

(He's been so busy ever since the Dragons merged with the Swords.)

(It's just like him to do all the work and not pawn it off to someone else, though.)

Meimei: "I'm so lonely, though."

(I guess this is necessary if he wants to expand into Europe.)

(If I'm going to be a mobster's wife, I need to get stronger.)

~End of (Season 3) Epilogue 1~


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