(Season 3) Soryu Prologue

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(I wonder if this is Soryu's room?)

I uncertainly reach for the doorknob when...


The door suddenly opens right before my eyes.

Soryu: "I thought you'd be here soon."

I giggled.

Meimei: "Soryu!"

He's waiting for me with his sweet smile on his face.

Meimei: "Thank you."

Soryu: "Of course. Come in."

He beckons me inside, but suddenly he frowns.

Soryu: "..."

(What's wrong with Soryu...?)

I follow his gaze down to the ring on my finger.

Meimei: "Oh... um, I have a very good reason for this...!"

I explain why I'm wearing the ring.

Meimei: "And I haven't been able get it off since."

He sighs deeply.

Soryu: "So that's why."

Meimei: "I'm sorry..."

Soryu: "Even if it was an accident, I still don't like it. Come here."

Meimei: "What?"

He leads me into the bathroom.

Soryu: "Still can't get it off?"

Meimei: "Nope..."

(I have heard that metal can loosen up when warm.)

(I can't believe we ended up taking a bath together...)

Soryu: "That's odd. It should be much warmer in here."

Meimei: "Yeah..."

I try to tug at the ring, but it still won't budge.

Soryu: "Let me see."

His hair falls into his eyes, and he slicks it back with annoyance. He reaches out and takes my hand in his hand. He pulls a few times, but he can't get the ring off.

Soryu: "...Looks like we need to get you hotter."

Meimei: "Huh?"

He backs me into a corner of the tub and gently kisses me on the lips.

Meimei: "Mmm..."

Soryu: "...Not enough. I want more..."

Meimei: "...!"

He kisses me again, pressing his naked body against mine. Every time I feel his lips on mine, and I feel the my body heat rise.


Meimei: "Oh!"

He's finally able to pull off the ring.

Soryu: "It's about time. Did that hurt you?"

Meimei: "N-No..."

Soryu: "Hm, maybe you got a little too hot."

Meimei: "S-Soryu... stop being perverted."

My cheeks all red. He flashes me a wicked smile and I start to feel even hotter.

Soryu: "Coming to London all happened so quickly."

Meimei: "I know... but why are you here, though?"

Soryu: "The Dragons are getting bigger, but internationally speaking, we're still small."

Soryu: "I need more money in order to expand."

Soryu: "I want to expand our influence here in Europe."

Soryu: "There are so many historical artifacts here, and lots of old money."

Soryu: "Buyers and sellers are eager to have a place to do business."

Meimei: "So that's why the auctions are starting again?"

Soryu: "Yes. But that's not all."

Meimei: "Huh?"

He looks at me, his eyes gentle.

Soryu: "I spent most of my childhood days here, as a schoolboy. I've always wanted to bring you here someday."

Meimei: "!!!"

(Wow, I have no idea.)

Soryu: "I'd like to show you around soon."

Meimei: "Of course!"

He reaches out his big hands to cup my cheeks.

Soryu: "It might take some time to get used to life here, so don't be afraid to come to me if you need anything."

Soryu: "If you're ever worried about anything, I want you to come to me first."

Soryu: "And I'll do the same."

Meimei: "Soryu..."

I feel a sweet ache inside when he says that.

Soryu: "Also..."

He takes my left hand in his hand.

Soryu: "I want you to keep this finger open for when the time to comes."

Meimei: "!!!"

He leans down and kisses my ring finger.

(W-When the time to comes!? D-Does that mean...!?)

His kisses travel from my finger to my arm, and back up to my lips.

*Lemon: Started*

Meimei: "S-Soryu..."

Meimei: "Mmm..."

Soryu kisses me passionately as I open my mouth and we licks our tongue each other to making me moan. I felt his right fingers runs up to my back as making me shivering spine and moan. He pulled me close to himself as I felt his hard shaft thrust in me.

Meimei: "Ahhh~!"

I let out moan and he groan when he started to move his hips goes fast to thusting his hard pace into me as the water are making splashing filled the bathroom to making me scream cause his roughest thrust into me as I felt his shaft rammed and rammed into my g-spot as making me crazy and he grunt louder then he started to suck my right nipple and he grope my other breast with his big hand and I moans louder, but he holds me to pick me up as I wrap my legs around his waist then he get off the tub, I wraps my arms around his neck but he looked at me to making me blushes, he kisses me passionately making me moans louder. I unwrap my legs when he holds up my legs then he multispeed thrusting into me and I scream/moan and he grunt louder as I felt his skin smacking my ass speed up. I throw my head back as I open my mouth like 'o' to let out moans louder when I felt his hard shaft are throbbing, he rammed and rammed to let out spurt his cum filled me up harder and I scream in pleasure, he close his eyes and gritted his teeth cause he can't stop cumming inside me.

*Lemon: End*

And I spend a very tender first night in London with Soryu.

~End of (Season 3) Soryu Prologue~ 

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