(Season 3) Prologue

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Meimei: "Excuse me, pardon me... please let me through! Excuse me!"

I run full speed through the unfamiliar sidewalks of London.

Mystery Man: "Wait! Stop!"

Mystery Man 2: "Go around and cut her off from the other side!"

(You got to be kidding me! Pretty soon they're gonna have me surrounded!)

The other pedstrains stop and stare at me as I race past them, and also at men who are chasing me. They might think we're shooting a movie or something.

Mystery Man 3: "Just hand it over and nobody gets hurt! Give it up already!"

Meimei: "Excuse me? Hand what over? I really had no idea what you're talking about!"

Mystery Man 4: "The thing you just got! You know what we mean!!"

Another group of men appear from around the corner. My eyes scan my surroundings as trying to find another escape route, but it's too late.

(Now what am I going to do!?)

Mystery Man: "Where is it? Spill it!"

Meimei: "You've got the wrong girl!"

Mystery Man: "Nope, we saw you take it."

Mystery Man: "And there's the proof."

(What the hell? What could I have possibly gotten recently that they want?)

Finally, I look down at the ring on my left ring finger.

Meimei: "Is is this ring!?"

Meimei: "Okay! If you want this ring! You better stop chasing me, do you understand!?"

Mystery Man 2: "We're chasing you because you keep running! If you'd just stay still...!"

The man says, and roughly grabs me by the wrist.

Meimei: "Ow! Quit grab my wrist!"

Mystery Man: "We don't need the ring anymore. You know what we're really after."

(Seriously, I don't have a clue! What am I supposed to do!?)

Mystery Man: "...This is a waste of time. But I've got a good idea."

I hear a cold, metallic click and watch the man pull a gun of his jacket. And then he aims it right at me.

Mystery Man: "I didn't wanna have to go to the trouble... but it looks like I don't got a choice."

Meimei: "If you shoot me... my grandfather will end you."

I wrench my hand from the man's grip and I drop kick other man's hand out of the gun then run as fast as I can.

Mystery Man 2: "Hey, wait!"

Meimei: "That ring is the only thing I've bought since I got here!?"

Mystery Man: "After her! Don't let her get away!"

(What's WITH them!? I swear this guys are getting my nerve!?)

(And why do I always end up getting in so much trouble!?)

I run at full speed and try to lose myself in the crowds, but the men are still chasing after me. As at last ditch effort, I run towards a familiar chapel.

(I've got to hide somewhere!)

I dash past the rows of pews and conceal myself behind the altar. I desperately try to get hold of my breath, then suddenly I hear the chapel doors burst open.

Mystery Man: "She must be in here somewhere. Find her!"

(Crap, they're here! I can't make any noise or they'll hear me!)

Mystery Man 2: "You sure she didn't pass it off to someone else already?"

Mystery Man 3: "If she did, we're done for."

Mystery Man: "We gotta make her talk, then. And see who she gave it to."

Mystery Man: "And then we'll get rid of him."

(The hell is he talking about killing someone!?)

I have no idea what they're looking for, or why they're chasing me.

(They must have the wrong person.)

I clasp my hands in front of my chest in prayer and squeeze my eyes are shut.

(Why did this happen? I was having such a fun vacation in London up until this point...)

A few days earlier... Sakiko and I are in London for a very special occasion.

Sakiko: "I can't believe we're really in London!"

Meimei: "I know, it seems so surreal."

Sakiko: "You know what's REALLY surreal, the fact that Chisato's getting married!"

That's right, we're in London to attend Chisato's wedding.

Meimei: "I know... I'm so thrilled you'd almost think it was me who was getting married!"

Sakiko: "Honestly, I thought you would be the first to get married."

Meimei: "What?"

Sakiko: "I mean, all you ever do is gush about your boyfriend."

(Lately it seems when I'm with him, all I ever do is get into trouble...)

(But there's no way I can tell Sakiko about all that.)

Sakiko: "We made the right decision taking a long vacation, though!"

Sakiko: "I mean, what fun would it be to come all the way to London and not have time for sightseeing?"

Meimei: "Yeah. It would be a waste to go straight home after the wedding."

Sakiko: "Well, it's not until tomorrow so let's pack as much sightseeing in today as we can!"

Sakiko: "I wonder if I'll ever get to wear a beautiful wedding dress and marry a hot guy..."

Sakiko: "Ooh, is that gelato over there!?"

The sight of an ice cream shop is enough to make Sakiko momentarily forget... about her wedding fantasies, and she drags me off with her.

Meimei: "...As usual, Sakiko's stomach comes before her heart."

We explore the sights of London together, guidebook in hand. We try the local treats, relax on park benches, and just generally enjoy our freedom.

(I wonder what my sweetheart is doing right now... I told him I'd be in London...)

(But he didn't really make a big deal about it when we said goodbye.)

Sakiko: "Meimei, look at that adorable boutique!"

I turn around and see a quaint little antique shop that literally looks like it's from a different era.

Meimei: "Wow, how cute!"

Sakiko: "Let's go check it out!"

Sakiko urges, and we step inside.

We go inside and browse through the goods.

(Oh, this is cute...)

I pick up a ring that catches my eye.

Sakiko: "Oh, I bet that'll look good on you! Try it on!"

Meimei: "Okay! But I'm not sure it'll fit, though."

I hesitantly slide it onto my left ring finger. I guess it's a perfect fit, because it slips right on.

(...But now I can't get it off!!)

Meimei: "Um Sakiko, I can't get it off! But what should I do!?"

Sakiko: "Who cares?"

Meimei: "I said! I can't get it off!?"

Sakiko: "Okay, okay... but it's cute, so just go up and pay for it. But it's okay."

Meimei: "What!?"

Sakiko: "But I read once in a magazine that if you find a really great antique, then it's meant to be!"

Sakiko: "So I bet that ring was just waiting here for you!"

Sakiko was ever the silly romantic. I can't help but sigh then bit laugh at her.

Meimei: "Alright. I guess it'll be a good souvenir."

Sakiko: "Yeah! Plus, it really does look great on you."

(It's not that expensive, so maybe I'll buy it.)

(But I can just take it off when we get back to the hotel.)

I go up to the cash register, and the old man there smiles when he sees the ring.

Owner: "Looks like it was made for you."

Meimei: "I'm terrible sorry, I tried it on without asking first."

Owner: "Not to worry! I'm sure the ring is thrilled to have a new owner!"

(Well, this is kind of embarrassing... but it is a beautiful ring.)

Sakiko: "The perfect accessory to wear to a wedding, right?"

Sakiko: "What a great shopping trip!"

Sakiko: "Oh, but don't forget to take it off before we go back to Dubai."

Meimei: "Huh?"

Sakiko: "You know how jealous your boyfriend gets. He might think you fell in love with a handsome Englishman!"

Meimei: "Wrong! I'll tell my boyfriend cause I brought it myself. Then I take it off."

(But I would get into a lot of trouble if he saw a ring on my finger.)

(So I'll take it off right after the wedding.)

I giggle as Sakiko and I leave the shop.

The next day. The stained glass windows here in the church where Chisato will be married are absolutely gorgeous.

Sakiko: "I wonder what her fiance is like?"

Meimei: "I'm sure he's a really great guy."

The chapel is filled with Chisato's and the groom's families and friends. Sakiko and I start excitedly discussing what Chisato's dress will look like.

Sakiko: "There's still a bit of time before the ceremony starts."

Sakiko: "I'm going to take some pictures of the church."

Meimei: "Okay. Make sure you show me them later."

A handsome man walks in as Sakiko walks out, and he suddenly looks at me.

Attractive Man: "Hi. You're a friend of the bride's?"

Meimei: "Yes."

Flustered, I nod. The man's gaze flicks down to the ring sparkling on my finger and he grins wryly.

Attractive Man: "You're engaged. That's a shame."

Meimei: "Wrong. This isn't an..."

I start to explain, when suddenly I hear a commotion going through the crowd.

Sakiko: "Meimei! Chisato's right in front of the door!"

Meimei: "Oh, then it's almost about to start."

Attractive Man: "Guess I'll get back to my seat, then. Hope to see you later."

The man winks at me and goes to take a seat over on the groom's side.

Sakiko: "Meimei! Who was that!?"

Meimei: "I guess he's a weirdo friend of Chisato's husband."

Just then, the door opens and Chisato starts to walk down the aisle in her wedding dress.

Sakiko: "Oh my gosh..."

Meimei: "Wow... she's so gorgeous..."

(Chisato looks so beautiful...)

(But I wonder if me and my boyfriend will ever get married like this one day...)

The wedding is over, Sakiko and I exit the chapel.

Sakiko: "Chisato was so beautiful."

Meimei: "I know. That dress looked perfect on her, and her husband looks so nice."

Sakiko: "I got so emotional I started bawling! I want my happy end soon, too!"

Attractive Man: "Hey."

As Sakiko chatters away, the man from before walks up to us.

Attractive Man: "Beautiful ceremony, wasn't it?"

Meimei: "Yes, it was very lovely."

Attractive Man: "So you two are friends of the bride's?"

Sakiko: "Yes! We work with Chisato."

Sakiko: "I'm Sakiko Koizumi and this is my friend, Meimei Yae."

Attractive Man: "I'm..."

Just then, a tall man approaches us.

Tall Man: "Excuse me, Young Master. But I'm afraid it's time."

Attractive Man: "Of course."

Attractive Man: "I have to go."

Attractive Man: "But I'm sure we'll meet again sometime. I swear on that ring."

He reaches out and takes my hand in his hand to lifts it up to his lips and kisses the ring on my finger.


The man ignores my shock and walks away.

Meimei: "But people sure are more affectionate in other countries than Japan, huh?"

(The man called him "Young Master". I wonder if he's some kind of noble or something.)

Sakiko: "Holy crap, that guy was hot! You're so lucky, Meimei!"

Sakiko: "He's the same guy who talked to you earlier, right? A whirlwind vacation romance, how exciting!!"

Meimei: "Knock it off, Sakiko. Stop being so dramatic... sheesh."

(I'd be lying if I said he didn't make my heart beat out of control. But I already have a boyfriend.)

Staff: "Excuse me. We'll be having the reception over there."

Staff: "Please go ahead inside and help yourself to the wedding favors."

Meimei: "Oh, thank you."

Sakiko: "I bet the reception will be amazing, too! I'll probably cry again!"

Sakiko and I hurry to the reception, thinking fondly back on the wedding.

(The other day, I had no idea this would be happening in the same church.)

*Click, click*

I hear the men's footsteps as they walk around the church searching for me.

(They're not just ordinary guys, though. They have a guns...)

(So why are they coming after me?)

Mystery Man 2: "You sure she's here?"

Mystery Man: "Hmm... maybe she escaped into different building. Keep searching!"

Just as I breathe a sigh of relief, but my arm bumps into the edge of the altar with soft thump.

Meimei: "!!!"

Mystery Man: "What was that noise!?"

Mystery Man 2: "There she is! Behind the altar!"

(They found me! What the hell!?)

The men have me surrounded in no time flat and drag me out from behind the altar.

Mystery Man: "You're makin' us go to a whole lotta trouble. Especially for something you don't even need!"

Mystery Man: "If you wanna live to see tomorrow, I suggest you hand it over right now!"

Meimei: "I swear, I have no idea what you're talking about!?"

Mystery Man: "...You got a death wish or somethin'?"

Mystery Man: "Good thing you're in a church right now."

Mystery Man: "The angels can scoop ya right up and carry ya off to heaven when we're done with ya."

I felt the cold metal of the gun touch my temple.

(This is it!)

Just then, the church doors burst open and I hear some familiar voices.

Baba: "Sorry to keep you waiting, pretty lady."

Ota: "I bet you were lonely without me, Koro!"

Mamoru: "Tch... you're nothin' but trouble, kid."

Soryu: "You've got a real knack for getting yourself into these situations."

Meimei: "Baba! Ota! Kishi! Soryu! What the hell are you taking so long!?"

Baba: "She's scold us! Hahaha!"

Eisuke: "There's no shortage of drama with you, Meimei."

Meimei: "Mr. Ichinomiya... what are all of you doing here!? I thought you were in Dubai!?"

Soryu: "We can talk later."

Soryu says, Kishi and Baba immediately split up. They surround the men in no time flat, knock the guns out of their hands, and subdue them.

Mystery Man: "Gaaaaah!"

Baba: "Normally I'm a lover, not a fighter. But you know I'd do anything for you, Isabel."

Mamoru: "Don't you know these things are dangerous? Huh?"

Kishi chides the men as he kicks their guns towards to Soryu. It looked like the auction managers had the advantage, but some of the other guys take out guns they had hidden away!

Soryu: "...What a pain."

Ota: "Koro, it's too dangerous for you out of here, so climb in!"

Ota produces a large suitcase and opens it up for me.

Meimei: "Are you kidding me..."

Ota: "Hurry up! I don't want a stray bullet hitting you!"

Before I even have time to respond, but Ota shoves me inside the suitcase.


(What the!? Wait a second, did he just lock me in here!?)

Meimei: "W-Wait a minute, Ota!! Open it up, I'm scared in the dark!"

Eisuke: "Don't come out until I say it's alright. You'll be fine."

Meimei: "Dammit Mr. Ichinomiya!?"

Suddenly, the suitcase lurches to one side and I hear a flurry of bullets flying.

(Holy crap, it sounds like a gunfight out there! I hope everyone's alright!)

(...But seriously, what are they doing here when they were just in Dubai?)

I'm so confused I can't think straight.

(I just need to stay here and be quiet until he says it's okay to come out.)

I squeeze my eyes to shut and at last the gunfight ends.

Mystery Man: "The boss says to retreat! Let's go!"

Mystery Man 2: "Damn it... who are these guys, anyway!?"

I hear the thumping of footsteps running away, and the guys yelling after them to stop. Finally, everything goes silent.

...I have no idea how much time has passed. I can feel myself being moved from inside the suitcase, and suddenly it gets set down with a thunk.

Eisuke: "How long do you plan on staying in there?"

Meimei: "...Huh?"

Ota: "You can stay in there, if that's what you want."

(Huh? Did they unlock it!?)

I hesitantly push on the top of the suitcase. It takes a while for my eyes to adjust to the light before I can look around.

(Where am I? I'm inside somewhere...?)

I see the suitcase I'd been in, placed in the center of an unfamiliar, luxurious room. The guys all take a seat on couches, with Mr. Ichinomiya in the center.

Meimei: "Am I... am I safe? Where am I?"

Ota: "Awww, she's like a puppy getting used to her new home!"

Meimei: "Huh?"

Ota: "Look at her, looking around the place with her eyes all big!"

Ota: "She looks just like Koro, the way she's cowering."

Baba: "Don't worry, you're safe here."

Meimei: "O-Okay..."

(It's so weird... but just being with them makes my fear or angry disappear...)

Soryu: "Who were they? They ran out of the church pretty fast."

Mamoru: "I'm sure she screwed up again somehow. Just like in Dubai."

Meimei: "For god sake! I swear, I didn't do anything this time!"

Meimei: "Those stupid guys just suddenly started chasing me and telling me to hand it over!"

Eisuke: "Hand what over?"

Meimei: "I have no idea! They must've had the wrong person."

(But they finally gave up. hopefully they realized they had the wrong girl.)

Meimei: "Anyway... thank you for saving me, guys."

Meimei: "But what are you all doing in London? Are you on vacation?"

I ask innocently, and they all exchange meaningful smiles.

Meimei: "Wh-Wh-What the hell are you smiling about!?"

The guys was laughed when Ota spoke.

Ota: "You never change, Koro."

Meimei: "Huh?"

Mamoru: "Can't blame her for bein' confused."

Baba: "It did take us awhile to get used to the idea, too."

Meimei: "Um..."

Eisuke: "Don't just stand there looking clueless. Make some coffee."

Meimei: "Get your own, Mr. King!?"

Ota and Baba bust out of laughed, but Mr. Ichinomiya was huffed.

Meimei: "I love you too~"

I'm so used to hearing that request, my body automatically springs into action. But the minute I stand up, a certain possibility springs to mind.

Meimei: "Wait a second! Is this a penthouse!?"'

Eisuke: "Very perceptive."

Ota: "Geez, what took you so long?"

Mamoru: "You're pretty smart when you put your mind to it, kid."

Soryu: "She is. Good job, Meimei."

Meimei: "Oh my god, can you guys just tell me what's going on!?"

Eisuke: "This is the Tres Spades London. Your new workplace."

Eisuke: "So get to work and bring me some coffee."

He tells me this like it's the most natural thing in the world, throwing me off-guard a bit.

Meimei: "Of course."

Meimei: "I remember you saying you were getting tired of Dubai, but..."

Meimei: "How in the world did you build a hotel so quickly?"

Meimei: "And... did you say I'm going to work here?"

Meimei: "I-I guess I should finish making some coffee first..."

Meimei: "God... my brain is just taking a while to catch up..."

I'm totally bewildered, but then Mr. Ichinomiya reaches over and tilts up my chin with a smirk.

Eisuke: "I thought I told you the only acceptable answer are 'Yes' and 'Okay'?"

Meimei: "Y-Yes sir..."

(Even if I'm panicked, I can't disobey Mr. Ichinomiya.)

(I'll just finish making the coffee. Then hopefully I'll calm down.)

I start to pot of coffee and listen to the guys was talking.

Baba: "By the way, Ota. That was really rude, stuffing a beautiful lady into a suitcase."

Ota: "Soryu's the one who told me to."

Soryu: "Well, it's the quickest way to transport someone..."

Mamoru: "Sounds creepy comin' from you..."

Ota: "I guess it's kind of convenient if you think of it like a pet carrier!"

(I swear, they never change.)

(This really is the penthouse lounge.)

Now that reality is starting to sink in, I'm able to look around calmly at my surroundings. It seems like the penthouse is on the upper level of the hotel, just like Japan and Dubai.

(The view is incredible. Maybe even more gorgeous than Dubai.)

Baba: "As usual, your whims are pretty impressive, Boss."

Baba: "Coming all the way to England to build another Tres Spades... just because you're getting sick of Dubai."

Eisuke: "It wasn't a whim. It was a carefully calculated plan to expand my business."

Eisuke: "...It is true that I was growing tired of Dubai, though."

(Expanding his business... pffft. I'm sure his number one reason was that he was bored in Dubai.)

(But it's amazing that he can just snap his fingers and have a hotel built, just like that.)

Ota: "We'll have the auctions here too, right?"

Eisuke: "Just to kill time, yes."

Mamoru: "You guys ain't sick of that yet?"

Soryu: "Think of how much fine art we can get a hold of in Europe. the profits will be worth it, I'm sure."

Baba: "I bet we'll got a lot of patrons with a very discerning eye here. I think the auctions will definitely be worth it."

Ota: "I can't wait to start appraising items."

Mamoru: "Don't get too carried away here."

Ota: "Says Kishi, who already looks like he's plotting something anyway."

As I listen to their kind of sinister plans unfolding, I suddenly realized something.

Meimei: "Hm? Wait a second, what about everyone's houses back in Dubai?"

Eisuke: "We left them there."

Meimei: "Seriously!?"

Eisuke: "What, did you think I'd have them airlifted here?"

Ota: "We're starting a new life here, so don't you think we should get new places to live, too?"

Baba: "Yeah! We're getting a fresh start!"

(A fresh start? I guess that means I won't be living with my boyfriend anymore?)

I started to feel depressed, but then Baba winks at me.

Baba: "Don't worry. This is the Tres Spades, remember."

Baba: "Complete with rooms perfect for each of us."

Meimei: "Huh?"

Ota: "Think about it. What do you usually find in the penthouse?"

Meimei: "...Suites!?"

Mamoru: "Guess you could say we're goin' back to our roots. I like livin' in the hotel best, anyway."

Soryu: "Also, I'm still concerned about those men. We don't know who they are or what they're after."

Soryu: "They might come after you again, but if you stay here with us, we can protect you."

Ota: "This time I made sure they put a big bed in my suite so you can sleep with your master, Koro!"

Meimei: "What!? I'm not a dog or puppy! And stop calling me 'Koro'!"

Eisuke: "Well, now that you know what's going on, go get your things from your other hotel."

Eisuke: "I won't allow you to stay anywhere else except my hotel."

Meimei: "Y-Yes, sir!"

After I serve them all hot coffee, I quickly rush over to the other hotel.

Back at the hotel, Sakiko's waiting there with a worried look on her face.

Sakiko: "Geez, where have you been? You disappeared all of a sudden and I couldn't get a hold of you!"

Meimei: "I'm sorry... things were so crazy... but apparently there's a Tres Spades London now!"

Sakiko: "Say what!?"

Meimei: "And I have to work there, starting today..."

Sakiko: "Today!? Are you working for the VIPs again!"

Meimei: "Yes, basically...!"

Sakiko: "Oh my god, I'm SO jealous! Mr. Ichinomiya has a flair for the dramatic, as usual!"

Sakiko: "I wish I could transfer to London, too!"

Sakiko: "I just know I'd meet the man of my dreams here!"

(So far I haven't been very lucky in London, since I just got chased with gun-wielding crazies.)

Meimei: "I have to go. I'm sad cause I might not see you for a while..."

Sakiko: "Aww, that sucks. But it's not like this is goodbye forever! I'll Skaipe you when I get back to Japan, okay?"

Meimei: "Okay! Take care, Sakiko. Have a safe trip home."

I quickly gather up my things and leave the room. I leave the hotel and suddenly a man turning the corner catches my eye.

(Hm? That looks just like Hikaru from the back...)

(Nah, there's no way he would be here. Must be someone else.)

Meimei: "Anyway, I have to hurry! Mr. Ichinomiya's going t be mad! Bleh!"

I carry my things back to the Tres Spades London.

(Wow, that really is a Tres Spades Hotel. I can't believe there's one in London now.)

(I wonder how long I'm going to live in London for?)

*Back then what I met the guy...*

Attractive Man: "I have to go. But I'm sure we'll meet again sometime."

Attractive Man: "I swear on this ring."

(...I wonder if I really will see that weird guy again...)

(London's a big city, though. I doubt I will.)

Suddenly, I look down at the ring on my finger. I've tried to take it off several times, but it just won't budge.

(I need to explain it before he gets the wrong idea.)

(Okay, I need to find my boyfriend's suite.)

I reach the hallway leading to the penthouse suites and stare at the door.

(So this is my new home.)

(We're starting a new life together in London.)

I take a deep breath and stand in front of the door. Whose suite do you enter...?

~End of Prologue (Season 3)~ 

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