(Twist of Fate) Last Chapter 10

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One of the bad guys regains consciousness and screams from behind me. I turned around and he reaches out towards me, probably about to take me prisoner again.

Meimei: "I don't think so!?"

But then I grab his arm and twist it behind him as hard as I can.

Man: "Arrghh!"

Soryu: "You...!"

My counterattack catches the guy off-guard for a moment, and Soryu pushes him and pins him down to the ground.

Ryosuke: "Princess! Sir! Are you two alright!?"

Momiji: "Boss!"

Meimei: "Yeah, we're fine."

(Whoa, I can't believe I did that...)

Rahman: "Whoa! Do you do martial arts, Meimei?"

Meimei: "Not a exactly, but Soryu just taught me some self-defense techniques."

Meimei: "...See? there's no way we can break up!"

Soryu: "I can't believe you..."

Soryu strokes my hair softly after he turns the guy over to Samejima. It's a dangerous world, and I'm been scared so many times... but my grandfather said "There's nothing to me scared off". But I guess at some point I grew accustomed to being a mobster's girlfriend cause I'm a boss of the Fire Dragons. That makes me happy and proud.

Meimei: "Ehehe... huh?"

I suddenly realize I'm crying, and I can't tell if it's because I'm relieved or happy.

Soryu: "At least, let me protect you when I'm here, silly."

Soryu says as he wipes away my tears.

Meimei: "I'm sorry. My body just automatically reacted."

Soryu: "I'm so glad you're safe."

Meimei: "...And I'm glad you're safe."

His smile is exasperated, yet kind. After we smile at each other, then Soryu turns to face Murata.

Soryu: "I'm sorry."

He says, and bows his head to Murata.

Soryu: "Meimei is the only one for me."

Soryu: "I'm really sorry, but please give up on her."

Murata: "Wh-What!? Why's a mobster like you bowing your head to me?"

Soryu: "I can apologize, but there are some things I can't give up. That's all."

Murata: "..."

Murata starts to say something, but then he closes his mouth.

Murata: "...Don't put Meimei through so much heartache anymore."

Murata: "Because if happens again, she's mine."

Murata says bluntly.

Soryu: "I'll do my best to not make her cry out of sadness."

Murata: "You'd better not! Because I'm letting you have her."

He says and then turns away as Rahman gently puts his arm around Murata's shoulder. Murata doesn't try to shake him off.

Soryu: "...Should we go home?"

Meimei: "Yes."

Soryu gives me a tight hug. It feels so good being in his arms again, and relieved tears spill out.

Murata: "I still don't forgive you."

Rahman: "...I know."

Murata: "I want to know why you abandoned me and my mom."

Rahman: "I'll tell you..."

Tears from in Rahman's eyes and he smiles at Murata.

(Murata's trying to get closer to his dad.)

(I hope they can make up soon...)

I hear a police car in the distance.

Meimei: "What!? The police?"

Soryu: "It's about time."

Meimei: "You called them!?"

Soryu: "I had a feeling it'd be faster this time letting the authorities deal with it."

Rahman: "Come on, if you don't stop talking, we'll get arrested, too!"

Rahman: "Yeah, I don't want to fill out paperwork. Let's go out of here!"

But... I decide to ignore what Rahman just said.

Ryosuke: "Sir! I pulled the car around!"

Soryu: "Can everyone fit in it?"

Ryosuke: "Of course!"

The Ice and Fire Dragons and Rahman's men all quickly escape. We say goodbye to Rahman and climb in the car.

Soryu: "Everyone go separate routes home, just in case!"

Ryosuke: "Yes, sir!"

Samejima: "Be careful, sir!"

Momiji: "Please be careful, cuz!"

Sakura, Momiji, Ryosuke and Samejima get into another care and speed off.

Soryu: "Alright, hang on tight!"

Meimei: "Alright!"

The sudden acceleration presses my back against the seat.

Soryu: "I'm so sorry, I always get you into so much danger."

Meimei: "Hey! I'm never afraid when I'm with you, Soryu!"

Soryu drives us away from the port and back into the city. He takes a long route and slowly drives us back home.

Meimei: "I'm home...?"

Ryosuke: "Hey! Let go of my sock!"

Jasmine: *Grrrr... ruff!*

Ryosuke: "Alright, I got it!!"

When we get home, Ryosuke's already there fighting with Jasmine, so Momiji laughed softly.

Soryu: "It's noisy in here."

Jasmine: *Woof!*

As soon as Jasmine sees Soryu, she runs over to him.

Ryosuke: "I'm the one who saved you, though..."

Samejima: "Dogs always know who the leader of the pack is."

Ryosuke: "Of course they do!"

Ryosuke: "But Jasmine's here with us today!"

Ryosuke tears Jasmine away from Soryu's leg.

Ryosuke: "Ow, don't bite me! You're going to stay with me today!!"

Samejima: "Dogs always establish rank in packs. Apparently she's determined you're lower than her."

Samejima: "And Momiji... don't glare at Jasmine cause you're frightened her."

He says, cause Jasmine whimpers as fear.

Sakura: "What did I just say, Momiji!"

Momiji: "What did I do!"

Ryosuke: "What!?"

We leave the noisy boys and puppy, then go to the other room. It's comforting to see them like this again, though.

(This has become an every day thing for me.)

(Being with Soryu. And the Dragons are like my family.)

Soryu's right next to me, and that makes me so happy. I look up at him and we make eye contact.

Soryu: "What's wrong?"

Meimei: "Ah! N-Nothing, I'm just so happy!"

Soryu: "Oh."

He smiles in response.

That night...

Soryu: "I'm really sorry I put you through all of that."

Meimei: "No, I'm sorry, too..."

Soryu: "I thought I was relying on you too much."

Soryu: "You're always so nice about everything, and you even look after the boys."

Soryu: "So I tried hard to not rely on you so much."

Soryu: "...And then I thought maybe it wasn't good for you to be with me."

Soryu: "I thought if you had someone more normal, you'd be happier."

Soryu: "And then I just felt so insecure I couldn't stand it."

Meimei: "So that's why you tired to push me away all of a sudden."

Soryu: "...I was a fool. I shouldn't have done that without talking to you first."

Meimei: "I think I took advantage of your kindness, too."

Meimei: "I didn't notice when you were feeling insecure or worried."

Meimei: "I know you have worries like everyone else, and I should've picked up on that."

Meimei: "I'm really sorry."

Soryu: "I'm the one who should apologize."

He smiles wryly.

Meimei: "I love it when you're being strong and brave, but I wish you'd also... be vulnerable in front of me and tell me what you need."

Meimei: "And I'll try to be more open and honest, too."

Soryu: "Yes, we need to make sure we have better communication from now on."

Meimei: "Right!"

Soryu: "Can I ask you something, then?"

Meimei: "Hm?"

Soryu: "...Are you sure you weren't attracted to that guy?"

He asks, sounding a little nervous.

Meimei: "No, I wasn't attracted to him. I was just worried being alone, what with Jasmine being sick."

Meimei: "I was trying so hard not to worry you."

Meimei: "But I'll tell you everything from now on, so you don't need to be insecure."

Soryu: "...Good. I'd like that."

Soryu: "...I was so jealous. I thought you might hate me."

Meimei: "No way. I'm happy you were jealous. It proves how much you care about me."

Soryu: "Meimei..."

*Lemon: Start*

He strokes my hair, my back, then slips an arm around my waist.

Soryu: "I'd be helpless without you, Isabel."

Meimei: "Just stop holding back in front of me. Let me in."

Soryu: "I will. And there's no way I can hold back today, anyway..."

Meimei: "What...?"

His hand slips inside of my blouse and touches my bare skin to making me gasp when he chuckle.

Meimei: "Kyaaah! S-Soryu!"

It tickles and I twist my body, but he holds me tighter letting me know he won't me to escape.

Soryu: "I might not be able to be gentle tonight..."

Meimei: "!!!"

He whispered sexily, and all the heat suddenly rises to my face. He rolls over on me, and I can feel his need for me radiating from his body.

Soryu: "...You can be as loud as you want..."

Meimei: "B-But..."

Soryu: "Don't worry about them."

Meimei: "...!"

He stares at me, and all I can do is nod. He takes that as his signal to kiss me.

Meimei: "...Mmmmm..."

Soryu: "...Meimei!"

I feel like I might drown in his passionate kisses. I start to feel myself spiral out of control, too.

(Oh my, I'm so dizzy...)

As we take out our clothes off when suddenly he thrusted his hard shaft into me harder.

Meimei: "...Ahhhhh... Soryu~!"

Soryu is more aggressive and passionate than usual. He sucks hard on my neck, eliciting a sweet moan from me.

Meimei: "...Mmmm..."

Soryu: "Meimei... I love you."

Soryu's lips, his breath, his heat... it's all driving me wild.

Soryu: "I want you to only look at me, always."

Meimei: "Oh Soryu... ahhhh...."

I respond, but he doesn't give me the chance. Instead I just wrap my arms around his broad back. His hands draw my body tighter against his body and my head falls back against the pillow, as his teeth nip their way across my breasts. I gasp and moans louder when he thrusting in me as high speeds and all I hears the clapping of our skins then his thighs slapping against my thighs harder as I cried out when he grunt louder. I gasps/moans even louder as he kept thrusting me go harder, but he begin to thusted me a lot rougher to making me scream/moans louder. He moans louder and he continue to go even more rougher and roughest as we breathe then moans louder. He kept thrusting in me go even more rough, rougher and roughest, but the bed are moving back and forth cause the headboard of bed are banging against the wall repeatedly even louder filled up in our bedroom when he grunt louder and I moans louder. He sucks my right nipple of breast.

Meimei: "S-Soryu~!"

I moans his name when he keep thrusting into me even roughest to quicken pace, but he rammed in me roughest and quicken pace as we moans louder then....

Soryu: "Urrrrgh!?"

He slammed his hips as I felt his cums deeper filled in my core when I cried out of pleasure.

Meimei: "...Ahhhhhh!"

He holds me cause he can't stop cumming inside my core deeper and deeper. Then he pull his hard cock out of my core as we catch a breath.

*Lemon: End*

Soryu: "...Was I too rough on you?"

He asks worriedly as he strokes my hair.

Meimei: "No, I'll be fine if I just rest a while."

Soryu: "I'm sorry. It's just been so long, I lost control."

He says guiltily as he gathers me up in his arms.

Meimei: "...Hehe."

Soryu: "What's wrong?"

Meimei: "Nothing. Just happy."

Soryu: "I'm glad."

He smiles and gives me another sweet kiss.

Meimei: "No matter what happens, I'm going to stay with you here, in your world."

Meimei: "So please let me."

Soryu: "...Of course."

He cares about me so much, and I never want to be apart from him. I hope we stay together forever. I wrap my arms around his neck and he gives me another gentle kiss.

~End of (Twist of Fate) Last Chapter 10~


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