Chapter 6

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Y/n's POV

I took off running away from the group with tears in my eyes. ( This is all my fault, if I hadn't saw Dark murder somebody, this wouldn't have happened. I got everyone involved and we are probably never getting back to normal ever again ) I ran into the deepest part of the forest and hid and started sobbing to myself, a familiar black cat appeared "Y/n? What's the matter?" I didn't want to look at Anti, it would only remind me of what I did.

"Anti this is my fault, if I didn't see Dark this wouldn't have happened" I sobbed even more avoiding eye contact with him. I felt something snuggle up against me and it was Anti trying to comfort me. "Y/n it's not your fault. Anything could've happened and I know you didn't mean to get people involved but Dark did this to us. Not you" He started to walk away and I followed him back to the group, when we got there I avoided eye contact with everyone, they all started asking Anti what had happened and he told them what I told him, I feel really bad even if it's not my fault.

We eventually decided to head back to the ego house and wait until the morning to try and find help. When we got back me and Anti went straight to his room "Anti, I know it's not my fault but I still feel terrible about myself" I laid down under his bed to avoid being seen. I just wanted to be in the dark right now, he came over and laid down next to me

"Y/n, nothing you do is ever wrong" I felt my face flush a little as he continued "Heck you befriended me when literally everyone else runs away from me. But you, you gave me a chance to see the real me" I could tell his face was hot as well because even though his fur was black I saw a little pink flush his face. He snuggled close to me and we fell asleep.

When we woke up we had not idea what we were supposed to do for food, Mark, and Marvin went to get some berries from the woods, while everyone else stayed here. We decided to play hide and seek with the others, the cats which would be me and Anti were the seekers and everyone else were the hiders. We gave them 5 minuets, after that I started looking in the lower parts of the kitchen in the cabinets and found Chase hidden behind the bottle of Dawn dish soap, I then made my way to the living room and found Jackie underneath the couch. We heard a scream that sounded like Jacks, so Jackie and Chase climbed on and I rushed to where Anti was, I glared at him

"What? I didn't do anything! I literally just found him" He pointed to Jacks hiding spot which was underneath someone's bed, "Sorry he just scared me, and..." Jack walked out clearly afraid to even be near Anti, and to be honest Anti looked kinda sad his ears flattened down on his head and he walked out. I turned to Jack "You know, you have to give him a chance, he's really not that bad" Everyone literally gasped when I said that, like I had said something wrong. "Y/n Anti will never be good. NEVER, you can't trust him"

Anti's POV
Y/n stood up for me but what the others said really hurt, I I I'm not that bad am I? I walked up to my room and and climbed on the bed and started crying, then I heard "Hey I smell emotional issues over here" It was Y/n, they jumped on the bed "Y/n I'm not a monster am I?" "No, I don't care what the others say, you have good inside of you" I smiled at them, at least they trust me, I really want people to see me for what I am and not what I use to be. It really sucks, "You just have to give them time and show them that you're not a monster, they'll come around" Y/n snuggled closer to me and we fell asleep.

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