Chapter 7

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Anti's POV

I can go into other people's dreams so I decided to see what Chase was doing, when I go into others dreams they can't see or hear me. I saw him backing away from something and he has tears in his eyes.

He turned and started running away, and I looked at what he was looking at. It was a black cat with green eyes, me. As Chase was running away the cats paw came down on him and started dragging him back.

"Anti!! Please!!" He cried out, the cat just let out a low chuckle and the other paw released claws and swiped down.....

Suddenly my dream changed and I was in Jacks dream. He was backing up on what looked like to be a gigantic bed, tripping on the unmade sheets.

I heard maniacal laughter come from the other side of the bed and I saw me. His hand reached out for Jack and picked him up tight in a fist Jack started struggling trying to find any means of escape.

He had fear written all over his face and I wanted to intervene somehow but I can't. I can only view other people's dreams not interact with them, next thing I know Jack is above this imposters head and he gets dropped into his mouth and....

I jolt awake making sure not to wake Y/n in the process, Is that really how the others see me? As as a monster? I felt tears prick in my eyes and I tried my best to write a note but with paws but it's really hard to.

I jumped up on my bed and jumped on the window ledge and left the house, I walked through the forest and into town looking at all the people walking by. But then I heard


All of the sudden hands wrapped around me and I was face to face with a girl maybe about 7 or 8 years old and she was alone. I went to speak but all that came out was a meow.

This can't be good "What's that? You want to come home with me?" She started walking away towards her house. She opened the door calling out for her father and when her father walked Into the room I wanted to get out as soon as possible.

"Laura what is it sweetie?" Her dad is Dark, he noticed me and glared at me "Can I keep him??" She asked, Dark glared at me again and then to his daughter and nodded his head.

She hugged me tight and officially gave me the name Mr Whiskers. She placed me on the ground and I decided to go explore around the house.

Y/n's POV
I woke up but Anti was nowhere to be seen so I went to the others and asked them if they knew anything, I went to Jack first. "Hey do you know where Anti went to?" He shook his head "He'll be fine, but don't you think it's a little better without him here?"

I mumbled curse words to myself as I walked away. I asked everyone else and they said the same thing, at this point I was annoyed with everyone. I was about to walk out of the house to go look for Anti when everyone stopped me.

"Y/n Anti will be fine, it's not like anyone's going to attack him, if anything he's the one that's going to be doing the attacking" That's it I blew up at them

"You know what? If you actually got to know him for who he is instead of fucking judging him you might actually realize what I realize!!  If you just showed him COMPASSION for once you would see, I actually showed him kindness and I saw who he really is!!"

I pushed past all of them and ran out the door, they don't even care about his feelings, or how he views the world.

Chases POV

Me and Marvin went to investigate Anti's room and we found a note on the ground but I couldn't read it "Hey Marvin there's a note over here but I can't make it out" The different clubs on his forehead started to glow and the handwriting became clearer.

I'm leaving, you guys are obviously scared of me, I'm not like that anymore but you guys didn't even give me a chance from the beginning so why would you now? I have feelings too, ya know.

- Anti

Y/n was right, he did leave because of us. Marvin's clubs stopped glowing and he shrugged it off. "Marvin Y/n was right" He scoffed at me, "Y/n obviously wrote it to try and prove a point to us" "When would they have wrote it!" He just walked out of the room and left me alone there.

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