Chapter 8

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Anti's POV

After the girl I think her name was Laura left for school the next day Dark came up to me and picked me up and smiled wickedly at me. "Anti..... You're lucky I love my daughter, or else you'd be dead right now." He snarled out

Y/n's POV

I was out in the woods when the rain started to pour drenching my fur, I don't care though I have to find Anti. I can't believe the way they were treating him, it just wasn't right.

I made it into town where people were scrambling to get home and out of the rain, some had umbrellas and some didn't.

I passed by a house and I recognized it and almost wanted to cry forever, it was my house, police cars were in the driveway and there were people on the porch.

Tears stained my fur as I just wanted to lay in my bed just one more time.

I kept walking with my head down and as I was passing the next house I heard scratching coming from the window, I lifted my head and saw Anti?!

"Anti?!" I noticed it came out as a meow and realized that Marvin's magic doesn't work unless you're near him, I got up onto the porch and hopped up on the window frame

"Hey y/n" He said through the glass, I was just glad he was ok. "Oh my gawd Anti- wait how did you get inside?"

"This girl came to me while I was walking the streets and took me back here, but we have a bigger issue..... this is Darks house"

My eyes widened and I saw Dark in the background and coming closer to Anti, he picked him and glared at me but then a wicked smile was plastered on his face.

Suddenly I was inside and in Darks hands, I looked up at him fearfully when I heard hissing and I looked to see Anti scratching Darks dress pants and making tears in it.

He let a out a short scream of bloody murder and put me down and started yelling "My fucking dress pants you little SHITS FUCKING RUIND THEM"

He picked up Anti harshly and out him in a cage and locked it and left him and went upstsrairs to do who knows what.

"Anti!" I trotted over to him "Are you ok?" He nodded his head "Are you ok Y/n?" I nodded my head then laid down next to the cage to comfort him.

Chases POV

I decided to sneak out into the forest but before I could leave Jack stopped me, "Chase? Where are you going?" I sighed

"To find Anti, he left a note saying why he left but Marvin thinks that y/n wrote it."

He nodded his head thoughtfully, and I told him what the note said and Jack looked on the verge of tears,

"He he really thinks that?" Jack had asked me and I nodded my head "Maybe we should get someone bigger before we go out into the forest"

Jack suggested by this time Mark was coming down the stairs so we called him over. And he said yes he would help us find them, we climbed on and we were off.


Sorry for the short chapter a lot of......... Things have been happening lately and I've been off my game

Still I hope you enjoyed this chapter and more will be out soon


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