Chapter 9

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Y/n's POV

I was laying next to Anti's cage peacefully trying to sleep when the girl Anti was telling me about burst through the door and instantly started running around trying to find him.

"Daaaaaaaaaaad?" Dark started coming down the stairs "Yes honey?" "Where's mr whiskers?"

He pointed to the cage that I was next to and when she saw me she squealed and hugged Dark

"I thought that...... Mr whiskers could use another friend" He said with a nervous chuckle. She ran over to me and picked me up and started hugging me

"It's a girl this time" Dark called over Her face lit up as she whispered to me "You can be boyfriend and girlfriend!" My eyes widened, now I like Anti but not like that, I started squirming as she named me

" I'll call you....... Celine" I could see dark flinch at the name "Laura are you a sure on that name?"

He asked sort of hesitantly "Yep!" She set me down and Dark sort of sat down on the recliner and held his head in his hands Laura turned around "Dad are you ok?"

"He looked up and nodded, "Yeah I'm just tired sweetums" she smiled and turned to the cage then that smile faltered "Dad why is Mr whiskers in a cage?"

"Well you see, he was being naughty so I just put him in a little bit of a time out" She nodded her head and opened the cage and took Anti out

"Laura, I'm gonna go up and take a little nap, make sure you finish your homework. If you need anything come up and get me" "Ok daddy"

He trekked up the stairs and we were left alone with Laura. "What should we do first?"

You guys can decide what she wants to do with you and anti sorry for the short chapter

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