I need to know...

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Something's been really bothering me about Sonic 06. Obviously, there are a lot of problems with the story, but something in particular stood out to me, and it still hasn't been answered.

I haven't played the game in person, as our Xbox is determined to be annoying and not play games, so please excuse me if this is a dumb question.

But here's the thing: Elise is the vessel for Iblis, right? And apparently, crying is the only thing that will release it from her body, as lame as that is.

Does this only go for crying out of sadness? What if she stubs her toe on something? What if she laughs so hard she cries? What if she chops onions or gets something in her eye?

Aside from the obvious issues, there's another dimension to this. There's one key thing no one seems to realize.

What will happen when Elise dies?

She's not immortal, we know that much. She's aging as any normal human being would. This begs the question: what will happen to Iblis when she inevitably dies? Will it die with her? Will it cease to exist? Or will it be released on the world?

If Iblis will be released anyway, what was the point of sealing it in Elise in the first place? To buy more time? Furthermore, what was the point of retconing everything that happened in 06 to blow out the flame? If Iblis will be released at some point no matter what, why bother?

Am I missing something here? This is really bugging me. XD


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