Top Ten Favorite Sonic Characters

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Welcome to the Kitty's Nonsense Show, where Kitty rambles about stuff no one cares about and generally wastes your time! I'm so glad you're here! :D

The subject I'm going to be tackling today is a special one: I've finally decided to list my top ten favorite Sonic characters!

Yaaaay! Something no one wanted! :D

I decided to do this when discovering a character was climbing the list rapidly, and I wasn't quite sure where they fell on my favorites list. Experimenting with the list, they ended up at the very top. Huh.

I bet you wanna know who it is, right? No, of course not! But I'm telling you anyway! Here we go, everyone! 

Please be aware that my opinions are just that - opinions. It's fine if you don't like a character or love a story that I don't. Please respect my opinions, and I will return the favor. :)

Also these might change as I play through more Sonic games, so I might edit this if I'm not lazy.


10. Knuckles

Not gonna lie, I completely blanked when I was trying to decide who placed here. I don't like many iterations of Knuckles, but I think he was written well in Sonic X. He wasn't exactly Tails-level smart, but he wasn't a complete idiot. He actually had character development and was useful to the story, which is refreshing after looking at Sonic Boom and Forces. Personal opinion, though.

9. Cosmo (Sonic X)

Her design is cute, and she's a really sweet character. I wasn't adverse to Tailsmo when I learned of it, although I kinda like Tails on his own. I thought she was an interesting character, and her dynamic with the rest of the gang was nice! Plus, her voice reminds me of Mipha from BOTW, so that's always a plus. :)

8. Caliburn (Sonic and the Black Knight)

This is...pretty weird for a choice, but what's not to love about a talking sword that insults your skills and manages to be genuinely amusing at the same time? I really like Sonic's dynamic with Caliburn, as they grew from bickering constantly to actually appreciating each other and being good friends. It was definitely a little out there, but it works in my book.

7. Shadow

I'm not crazy about Shadow, but he can be a really good character if written right. The way he was in Sonic X was nice, maybe just a touch too edgy, but still. I like to see how he was done in earlier games, and try to ignore the more recent versions of him. No thank you to the edgy marketing tool who actually retcons his own attitude pre-Shadow the Hedgehog game. But as a character, discounting nearly everything post-2005, is pretty good! Please don't hate me. :')

6.  Chip/Light Gaia (Sonic: Unleashed)

I know, a really weird pick. But I love this guy! He's such an animated character in every cutscene, and he never fails to make me laugh. His obsession with food and genuine excitement about the world around him is just so cute.

What makes this pick even funnier is that I initially HATED Chip. I thought he was just a tutorial guy who never shut up, probably because I always triggered his "LOOKS LIKE THIS DOOR WON'T OPEN YET SONIC" dialogue when in Gaia Gates. But after watching Naydra play through a boss and get the Temple Terror cutscene (AKA when Chip learns who he is and what his purpose is), I began to realize that wasn't him at all. Now I love him, and Naydra can't watch cutscenes without me laughing at Chip's antics the entire time.

5. Blaze

Come on, she's really cool! (Not literally, of course.) While I haven't played Sonic Rush yet, I feel like I know enough of her character to appreciate her. She's a dramatic opposite to Sonic, who's laid-back and willing to work with anyone to achieve his goals. Whenever she and Silver interact, it's really sweet to watch. They have a great dynamic and work well together! Plus, pyrokinesis is just really awesome. I still play as her whenever I'm not playing as my favorite character. :)

4. Sonic

I feel like he's definitely on here somewhere, just cause he's kinda where it all started. His personality is very defined, and it's really fun to see how he interacts with his friends and enemies. I will confess that I loved the way he was written best in Sonic: Unleashed and Sonic and the Black Knight. He was taking things seriously, for sure, but that didn't mean he wasn't having fun while doing it. Unleashed Sonic was more serious and straightforward by nature, but that wasn't a bad thing. Forces Sonic is just...upsetting on a personal level, but that's a conversation for another time.

3. Merlina (Sonic and the Black Knight)

This is a weird pick, I know. Half of you probably don't even know who Merlina is. If you don't, read Naydra's book of randomness and look for a Black Knight rant. She's in there somewhere.

Merlina's a favorite just because of how delightful her character arc was. She was a completely unexpected villain with deep motives, and was an overall well-designed character. Plus, her accent is BEAUTIFUL. Even more beautiful is her theme, even if it only plays in one cutscene for thirty seconds. Still amazing. :)

2. Tails

This one was kinda a given. The first character I ever played as in a Sonic game was Tails, as Naydra was playing Sonic Mania and hooked up a player two. I spent more time offscreen than onscreen, and basically was terrible at the game, but I fell in love with the adorable little fox. While I absolutely hate how he was written in Forces and Lost World, he's still an awesome character. Literally every time I played a new Sonic game, I asked to play as Tails if possible, and the rest is history. He was my favorite for a long time...until someone new appeared on the scene.

1. Silver

Wow, what a surprise! I came into the fandom not knowing anything about him, but generally thinking he was kinda cool. When I finally learned about him as a character...oh my goodness. He climbed the ranks quickly, but almost went unnoticed. I knew I loved him, but not this much. It was only a few days ago that I actually realized he's my favorite character of all. He's a really interesting character and I love his story in 06, even if it's a little...06ish. I am 100% in support of a solo Silver game, as long as they keep his personality grounded and don't absolutely kill him like Tails.

Way to go, Silvy! <3

Anyway, those are my thoughts. Who's your favorite Sonic character and why? I'd love to start a discussion! Of course, it might be kinda hard given that approximately three people will read this, but still! :D

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