The Outsiders FanFiction

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I love The Outsiders alright? The book was fan-fucking-tastic and the movie? It was about 98% accurate of the book and it was great. Now fanfiction? That's accurate? Little hard to come by... yea sure it is hard to learn to write using their slang but that's because you are writing for a time zone that you normally don't talk about or write about, heck even write about. But those who try to keep it accurate as possible while also doing your research I applaud you, and not in a sarcastic way either I mean like you did it! It's correct! A+ to you! But those who are trying to bring Justice and Forever 21 into the 60's... think again sweetie. I'm not trying to be rude it just bothers me. Just like it bothers me when Cherry is a bitch in them. Why are you saying that because she yelled at Ponyboy in the moving about not giving him Charity? Sympathy? Or pity? Because if that's so you are in the wrong because Ponyboy even stated that he rather be hated then to have some pity him, because that hate will eventually fade but that feeling of sorrow for someone because of their circumstances will never. Cherry isn't a bitch, she's just wants Ponyboy to know that not all Socs are the same and that things are tough all over. Just think for a moment... is your life hard? What class would you say you are? Alright keep that in mind and think of this... pick out a person who is in a class higher or above you... now think of what could be happening at home. Is that the same or different to you or even similar a bit? Now here are my answers... is my life hard? yes it is. What class? I would be a greaser just for simple reasons. I live in the poorer side of the city, my neighborhood is nothing but drugies and alcoholics and poor people. Stuff gets stolen but when we report nobody cares. My house? It's a trailer. A old broken down trailer. My mother graduated high school early but couldn't go to college because she had my brother. She works at goodwill and doesn't get payed much. We are poor. Sometimes bills can't be payed or clothes can't be bought. And I mean clothes for a need not a want. She doesn't tell me these things but I know what goes on, So yea I'll skip on a few showers because of it. But hey I can still see the sunset, remember this?

I can also see the sunset from my dads house and he is middle class. I can see the sunset from second cousins house and he would be considered a Soc. Things are really rough all over. But the point of this is, is that Cherry was a character to show Ponyboy that not everyone is the same due to their circumstances, therefore she's not a bitch.

Stereotypes. *sighs over dramatically* I'm not saying that whole emo, goth, basic white girl, blonde stereotypes... I mean like Two-Bit is obsessed with Mickey... or Steve is obsessed with chocolate cake... or that Darry isn't going to like the reader because she/he are childish... or that Soda will break the readers heart... or Ponyboy is obsessed with Gone With The Wind... or Dally always being at Bucks or Johnny with that damn stutter. I mean guys, you can like a tv show without being obsessed, or cake without being obsessed, and just because their are childish doesn't mean Darry can't have feelings for them because um Sodapop is Darry's brother and Soda is a bit childish. Soda isn't a player because he is attractive like a Greek god and Dally who always going to be at Bucks parties. Um Dally has a life to ya know? And stop making Johnny have that damn stutter. Like ok yea Johnny did stutter when he was nervous in the movie but that's a natural habitat for everyone (except me because I stutter a lot when I'm not nervous it just gets worse when I am) but Johnny man.... alright let's roll in a few examples...

B-but I-I thought t-that i-it was o-ok t-t-t-to d-do that!
This isn't ok. Why? Johnny isn't a stutterbox, shy yes but even then he doesn't stutter that much, he is more quiet then he is a stutterbox.

I-is it ok to k-kiss you?
That's ok! Know why? Because it's only a few stutters in the sentence and it's a question most people will be nervous about asking. Alrighty, if a guy is cool around you when he flirts and goes on dates. It's not right. A guy should be at least a little awkward during a date. I mean my crush is a football player and acts all cool yet he asked me if I wanted his jacket and I was wearing one. Just think about that ok. Wow alright off topic, let's veer back into the train of concentration. Smalls stutters like that are ok here and there just not everywhere.

Dress code is another thing I hate. Like girly bikers. What the hell is that. I mean if you are wearing booty shorts and a pink sparkly tshirt and a leather jacket. That's wrong. For many reasons. Booty shorts weren't a thing girls wore. Miniskirts yea that was a thing. Now let's just think of this, if you are a biker you wouldn't want to wear booty shorts, or really anything that doesn't cover thoughts or ankles. Well this is because people sweat and your thighs will stick on the seat, but that's the least of your problems. If you don't cover up your legs and you aren't careful you can seriously burn yourself on the pipes. Now girls taking off their helmet and their hair being perfect. No. No No No No! It's Wrong! Have you ever taken a helmet off? Your hair is sticking with sweat and your hair will be messy. That's like saying that she got off the bike after ride and her hair was perfect even if she didn't wear a helmet. First of all that's dangerous to not wear a helmet. Ridding a motorcycle isn't child's play and you can get hurt. Secondly if you weren't wearing a helmet you're hair would be tangled by the wind So uh sorry? Now dressing.... well greaser girls wore what Soc and middle class gals wore. Basically the only difference was the fact that they didn't really wear their skirt at decent length. Yes, pants were a thing towards the late sixties but they were flared at the end a bit, inspiring the bell bottoms. Dresses often where well why explain this to you I'm just going to show you some pictures (yes I did do my research to make sure that these were accurate)

Skinny trousers, often came in bright colors

Yes this was a thing, although I can't tell if the picture was taken in the 60's but they style is 60's themed

Paper dresses. Yes I said paper, they wore paper dressed. It was a throwable style I guess.

Tunic dress. Yes this was also a thing.

Most commonly known is a shift dress although most people don't call it by name. There are others but I can't show all.

Those where hair styles. As you can tell they kept it relativity curled towards the end.
Their makeup

Now with this second one if they didn't fill in their brows it would be fine. Lipstick worn was often red or nude or light pinks. Purples and black were not.
Hates worn wore often called a pillbox hat and oftener looked like this

Slang. You gotta use the slang guys.
They said ain't and y'all in the book cause well they were southerners but up in the north I hear y'all all the time So I shouldn't blame it on that.
Fuzz or police
They said doll when they flirted
Women where referred to as broads
They also said Heat for police as well
Heaters were guns
Bookin meant they were going fast in a car
Cat meant men
There is loads more but their isn't enough time.

Now please please please please try your best to make it like it's in the sixties Sodapop that means they wouldn't have phones like and iPhone or anything with a screen when it comes to phones. I will talk more about this next time

This history lesson isn't over yet

Until next time gang,
Stay gold!

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