Coraline AU, Part 1

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(Not really anything, watch Coraline to fully understand this one-shot)

Lance slammed the white door behind him. He adjusted his yellow raincoat and made his way over to the giant bush in the corner of the yard. Fishing out a stick and clearing out the leaves, he followed the stick through the gate and and dirt path that connected to his new house. There were stories that Lance’s parents told about a nearby well. It wasn’t far from their new home, so it would be easy to find. 

Trying his best to shut out all of the screaming from his house of his siblings, Lance followed the self made magic dowser along a tree lined path. He stumbled along until hearing rustling to his right. He stopped short and dropped his hands to his sides as he called out to the trees, “Hello? Who’s there?”

When he heard nothing Lance smirked and picked up a nearby rock. With all his might he chucked the rock into the trees, hearing a screech when it landed. Lance’s heart sank and he began to run as fast as he could down the path. Once he ran out of breath he stopped and turned back down the path. Another screech was heard from behind him and he wiped around with a high pitched scream.

When he realised that a cat was standing on the rock behind him he cleared his throat, pretending to ignore the girly scream that he just did, and placed his hands on his hips, “You scared me, thing!”

The cat seemed to nod back at him and he groaned, “Well, can you tell me where the old well is?”

The cat’s eyes looked down then back up to Lance, “Not talking?” Lance sighed and raised his arm to point the magic douser up to the sky, “Magic douser, magic douser. Show me, THE WELL!”

There was no warning before some guy road passed him, knocking him down into the mud, and road to the rock. After throwing his bike to the side the guy knelt on the rock and snatched up the cat in his arms. As Lance stood up the guys flipped his mask up and spoke softly, “What are you doing here?”

Lance rolled his eyes and picked up his magic douser, “What’s wrong with you?! You knock me down then coldly ask me a question? How about a sorry?!”

“Sorry… now why are you here?”

“I live down there,” Lance glared and pointed to the Pink Palace, “Now why are you here?”

The guy took off his helmet altogether, long black hair falling out of it, “I live up there,” he pointed out across the forest, “Are you sure that you live down there?”



There was a small silence amongst them, the guy petting the black cat in his arms and Lance swaying back and forth on his feet before he spoke, “So, what’s your name?”

“Keith,” Keith spoke quietly.

“OK, hi Keef.”

“No, Keith. K-E-I-T-H.”

“Whatever Keef, I’m Lance.”


There was more silence, Keith setting down the cat and crossing his arms. The cat slowly walked off of the rock and to Lance, rubbing against his leg before walking back around to Keith. With a large smile Lance looked back to his house and back to Keith, “Alright Keef, tell me why you think I shouldn’t be at the Pink Palace.”

Keith shrugged, jumping off of the rock and picking up the cat again who purred in Keith’s arms. Lance groaned, “You don’t talk to much, huh?”

Keith shrugged again and looked down at the cat with big eyes. Warmth filled Lance’s cheeks, he could admit that Keith looked cute like that. Shaking it off, Lance asked again, “Just tell me why.”

Sighing, Keith said, “My Uncle own the palace, and he doesn’t want to rent the house out with someone with a kid. Guess you guys are just lucky.”

“Really? But my family has five kids.”

Keith choked on his spit, dropping the cat to hold his throat as he choughed through his surprise. Lance laughed, stomping his foot and holding his stomach and throwing his head back. As soon as Keith stopped coughing Lance heard him gasp and was pushed off his spot. When he brought his head back Keith had his back turned to him with his arms spread in a protecting form. There was nothing in front of them but the cat.

Lance rolled his eyes, “Dude, what are you doing?”

“If you had stomped any harder you would’ve fallen. That well is nothing to be messed with.”


Lance pushed Keith out of the way and knelt down next to a small ring of orange balls. Keith sighed and picked up a nearby stick, pushed it into a side of the well, and pushed the well up to clear the dirt off of it. As Lance peeked through the small hole inside of the lid Keith tossed the stick to the side and walked to the cat again. 

“You really like your cat, don’t you?”

“He’s not mine.”

“What do ya mean? He seems to like you a lot.”

“He’s wild, a stray. Only reason he likes me is because I’m the only one who gives him any attention.”

Lance walked over to Keith and reached to pet the cat, it hissing and backing up to stand on Keith’s shoulders. Lance pouted and crossed his arms. A faraway voice called out from the direction of Keith’s house. 

“What was that?”

“I have to go.” Keith quickly set the cat down and walked to his bike, putting on his helmet before riding away, but before he left he looked back to Lance with a smirk, “Also, that thing in your hands is poison oak.”

Lance yelled and dropped the dowsing rod and whipped his hands off on his coat. As Keith drove away Lance watched him go, a sad smile growing on his face. Back at his house the next day, Lance set out a few seeds for the garden his family was going to make. Itching his hand that was covered in poison oak, Lance told his mother, “I almost fell down a well yesterday, mom.”

Lance mother, who sat at the kitchen table with the youngest of Lance’s sibling next to her spoke, as she continued feeding the small child, “Huh.”

“I would’ve died.”

“That’s nice, deary. How was your day yesterday? Did you unpack everything?”

With an annoyed sigh Lance walked over next to his younger sister and fell on top of the table, “Mom, can I go out to the garden and start the planting?”

A loud crash of thunder shook the small house, the lights flickering slightly before coming back on. Lance’s mother snickered and feed the little girl another spoonful of slop, “Lance, I don’t think it’s a good idea to do that.”

“But mom! When my friends come over they won’t see any of the garden! I want stuff to be growing by that time!”

“I know, I know. Oh, by the way, a nice looking boy came to the house earlier today and gave me this. He seemed so sweet, not much of a talker, though. Anywho, he told me to give this to you.”

Taking a small break from feeding the child, Lance’s mother reached under the table and grabbed something limp in a newspaper wrapping. Lance cocked an eyebrow and moved the paper to the floor, a small doll that looked exactly like him sitting in his hand. He smiled and picked up a note that was tapped to the doll.

It read…

Hey Lance,

This was sitting in the back of my uncles car. It reminded me of you so… yeah… um… there ya do I guess.


A small blush stained Lance’s cheeks as he held the doll closer to him. It was nice to know that Keith was thinking about a little. With another sigh Lance went out to find his father. 

----next meeting----

As Lance left Mr. Coran's apartment, skipping the last three steps, he heard a small clicking sound behind him. A small flash of last night, the clicking the mice made before he went through the door rang in his ears. As he turned around he noticed a familiar helmet and black head of hair. He was crouched down and moving slowly and quietly, other than the clicking. 

Lance smiled again and made his way over to Keith, the heavy fog that surrounded them swirling as he stepped. Once he reached Keith and shouted, scaring Keith enough to make him fall. As the fog was throne to the side Lance watched Keith's jacket move and the cat pop out from it to sit on Keith's shoulders. Keith groaned and lifted his helmet off, turning to send a glare to Lance. 

"What's wrong with you? You could've hurt the cat!" 

"Sorry! I didn't know he was with you!" 

As Lance began thinking up ways to make it up to Keith, the said emo boy rolled his eyes and put his helmet back on and went under the fog again. 

"Whatcha looking for?" 

"Banana slugs." 

Can't he just talk more? Lance thought. Lance started following behind Keith, the cat staring at him with a 'I know what happened last night' kind of look. Lance squinted at the small, black creature, mouthing the words, 'you're a dead cat'.

Quickly, Keith stood up and held in front of him a squirming slug in a pair of prongs. He flipped up his helmet and brought the slug up to the cat who sniffed it and sneezed. Lance smiled and lead over while taking some steps beside Keith, “So, the doll.”


“Were you the one that made it look like me?”


The conversation died, Keith grabbing the slug and holding it in his hand. A small light bulb lit above Lance head and he grabbed the slug. After placing the slug along the top of his lip, Lance showed Keith. Keith gave a disgusted look but Lance remained serious and asked Keith in a monotone voice, “What? Is there something on my face?”

Then a beautiful sound was heard. It was quiet, it was short, but it was there. The sight of a lifetime time was the same as the sound: small, sweet, and perfect. As soon as it was heard it was gone, the same frown replacing that beautiful smile. Why can’t he do that more?

Tossing the slug aside Lance scratched the back of his head, “So, do you wanna come inside?”

Keith blushed slightly and turned around, “Uh, no thanks.”

“What? Why not?” Lance took a few steps towards Keith who turned back and crossed his arms.

“I-I’ve never been…*****,” the last part was so quiet that Lance couldn’t hear it.

“What was that? I couldn’t hear you.”

“I’ve n-never been…. ****”

“Dude, speak up.”

“My uncle will kill me if I step inside of that house!” Keith’s eyes shown nothing but fear.

Lance stepped back at the sudden outburst, putting his hands up and nervously smiling, “OK, OK, calm down.”

“Sorry. I’ve gotta go.”

As soon as he said that, Keith walked around to the side of the house, took his bike out, and road away. Lance stuck out his lip and turned to head inside, only to be stopped by the cat blocking his path. 

“What are you looking at?”

The cat shook his head, roose onto his legs, and ran away. After blowing a raspberry at the feline, Lance walked back to his parents' car to get his hat. Was it weird to miss Keith already?


Not the best, not the worst, not the longest, not the shortest. 

I’m not proud of this one, but it’s getting out when I’m off work.

Yes I work till this hour, I work at a haunted house. There will be a part two and it will be better.

If you want to understand this one-shot more than watch Coraline, It’s the best movie to ever exist. So watch it! Anywho, sorry this is getting out late. 

----I’m off work now----

It’s 1:00 right now, I have no voice, I still have to re-read this thing for mistakes, and I’m tired as FUCK. Tell me if there are any mistakes, because I know they’re in here.

Thanks for putting up with my shit!



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