Jail Buddy, Part 2

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(Angst, mentions smut)

"I love you so much."


"Say it back."

"... I love you to."

Keith sat stiff in Lance's bed, Lance himself behind him with a frown. Lance's arms were wrapped tightly around Keith's waist, Keith having to place his arms over Lance's. It's been three weeks since Keith came in, three weeks since he have any freedom. When you're in jail you have limited freedom, yes, but this was different. Keith wasn't allowed to talk, look, or even think of anyone else other than Lance. The said convicted would say that that meant Keith didn't like him anymore, and that wouldn't do.

Lance began to move his position, Keith taking in a sharp breath as more pain than pleasure filled his low back. They were resting right now before going on to another round. Keith could feel more tears trying to break through his eyes but he held them back. The last time that he cried in front of Lance everyone was in danger. Lance's intentions were in the right place, but his actions were not. More than 10 inmates had mysteriously died, all of which Keith had contact with during the outside breaks he didn't have with Lance.

Thinking back to the first day he came in, he didn't know what came over him. What did he see in Lance before now? He saw a beautiful, caramel skinned boy with bright blue eyes and the whitest of smiles. He dreamed of the chance of meeting this version of Lance, but that version didn't exist. It was all fake, for show, for looks. The real Lance wasn't like that at all. He was controlling, dark, and mentally abusive.

He never hit Keith, the one time that he almost did he didn't talk to Keith for three days, but he always told Keith things that were never true. How without Lance, there was no way that Keith would survive in jail. That so many guys wanted him, and if it wasn't for Lance, then he would be in a horrible relationship. Little did Lance know that that was already happening. A loud knock on the cell bars snapped Keith out of his thoughts. A tall guard stood outside the cell and was unlocking the box.

"Kogane, you've gotta visitor."

Keith smiled slightly, a thing he hasn't done in a while, and tried to move off of Lance. The Cuban growled and pulled Keith back and harshly whispered in Keith's ear, "When you come back, I will ask you questions."

Lance slowly let go of Keith and placed his hands behind his head. Keith sat for a moment before standing up, getting dressed again, and leaving with the guard with handcuffs behind his back. It wasn't a long walk to the phones, but it was when you have a burning lower back. The guard buzzed them into the phone room where only two other inmates sat on the phone. In the middle of the room on the other side of the booth sat Shiro, Keith's older brother. Before the guard could unlock cuffs Keith ran to the booth with happy tears rolling down his face. He smiled and cried while Shiro did the same. The guard rolled his eyes and came over to unlock the cuffs. After doing so Keith sat down on the gray stool beside him.

Picking up the phone Keith cried, "You have no idea how happy I am to see you right now."

"Same here little bro," Shiro tried to wipe away his tears but they came back, "Is everything OK? Well, I mean, you're in jail but other than that, how are things?"

Keith stayed silent, his mind going back and forth on whether or not to tell Shiro about Lance. His tears began to turn into fearful ones. What if Lance found out he told someone? What would happen to Shiro? Would he die? More tears began to roll down Keith's face, his eyes shaking in fear and conflict as he slowly shook his head from side to side.

Shiro's smile dropped and he turned into protective brother mode, leaning into the glass and looking Keith in the eye, "Keith, tell me what's going on."

"I-I can't," more tears flowed down Keith's face.

"Keith, tell me."

Keith took a deep breath and looked back up to Shiro, "If I do, he'll hurt you."

Shiro leaned forward, almost touching the glass, and narrowed his eyes, "Listen to me, Keith, nothing will happen to me. Now tell me what's going on."

Before Keith thought anymore the door behind him opened, along with the door behind Shiro. From Shiro's side came a short, chubby woman with thick curly hair. From Keith's, the last person he wanted to see. The woman sat next to Shiro, placing her purse on the table and picking up the phone as she waited for her son to sit down.

As soon as the cuffs came off, Lance sat down next to Keith and picked up the phone. Keith saw a slight glare come from Lance and he shrunk back. When Lance turned back he spoke with his mother in spanish. Shiro's loud voice broke through Keith's thoughts as he shook his head. Shiro's face was more calm than before, but his eyes showed a lot more worry.

"Keith, you're pale."

Keith brought a hand to his face like he could feel how it changed. His eyes dropped to the table in front of him, his hand began to shake, his voice shut down, and his eyes closed to keep the tears from flowing. He felt nothing again, just like he would when he was with Lance. Keith took a deep breath before drawing his eyes back to Shiro.

With a calm voice Keith spoke, "Everything is fine Shiro, don't worry. I appreciate you coming, though. It's nice to finally see you again."

Puting the phone between his ear and shoulder, Keith began to use the years of sign language he was forced to learn. He pushed his hands closer to the glass, enough where Lance wouldn't be able to see anything, and began to explain his situation. Shiro continued to watch and talked with Keith through the phone. He would sign back to answer Keith incase someone was watching. The more Keith signed the more worried Shiro got, and the more Keith's heart began to race. When he finally finished, Keith's hands were shaking so much that signing was becoming impossible and Shiro's face was nothing but pure anger.

Instead of signing this, Shiro spoke, "I'm working on your case, Keith. I promise that you'll be out soon."

Keith gave a small smile, "Thanks big bro."

"I'll see you again soon, OK?"

"OK. Love you."

"Love you to."

The brothers hung up and stood, smiling softly to one another before a guard came over to take Keith away. Just as he left, Lance turned to give Keith a cold smile, sending chills down Keith's spin as he was escorted back to his cell.

Once back with the door shut and the guard gone, Keith took this moment to finally get some sleep. Living with Lance has been a true and utter hell. They sleep next to one another, as an intimate couple would do, but Lance's grip is so strong around Keith's stomach that he feels like he could pop. Slowly laying down on his bed, Keith curled into a small ball and shut his eyes. The bed isn't the most comfortable thing around, but it felt good to be alone in it.

Before he could get to sleep the cell door opened once again to let Lance in. Lance stood close to the door with his back turned to Keith, his hands remained behind his back and he swayed back and forth. Keith sat up in bed, terror filling his mind as he cleared his throat to get Lance's attention.

Before Keith could speak Lance did, "So you have a boyfriend on the outside?"

Keith froze for a moment before laughing, "No I don't. That was my brother."

"Do you like lying to me?"

Keith could feel his heart pounding in his chest, beating so fast that he knew it was going to explode, "Of course not, why would I lie to you? What could I gain from lying to you?"

"That's a good question. Why are you lying to me?"

"I'm not," Keith stood from the bed and made his way over to Lance, "Shiro is my big brother. Well, adoptive big brother, but my brother nonetheless. For god's sake he has a husband."

"Oh," Lance turned to face Keith with a glare, "So you're married?"

Keith sank, "N-No! I belong to you Lance, you know this. I wouldn't be with you if I wasn't single."

Lance started taking steps forward, "Keith. I know when you're lying to me. If you tell me the truth then we can go back to being a happy little couple. You know I don't like yelling at you."

Keith hit the wall, his hands shooting to the side as Lance came closer, "I know that, baby, so I never make you mad. I'm telling you, he was my brother. Nothing more and nothing less."

Lane growled and punched the wall mere centimeters from Keith's head, "Quite lying!"

Keith stood tall, not flinching one bit as Lance glared at him, "Lance, you need to calm down."

"Don't tell me to calm down!"

A loud slap echoed through the halls of the jail, everyone in their cells looking up for a moment and becoming completely silent as Keith felt his throbbing cheek. Lance began to breath heavily, slowly backing away from Keith and hitting his back against the bars of the cell.

"I-I'm so sorry. I-I... didn't me to-.... I'm so sorry, baby. P-Please believe me! I never wanted to hurt you! I'm so sorry! Oh god! What have I done! I've hurt you! I've hurt us! I'm a horrible person! I'm so sorry!"

Keith remained tall, his hand back down to his side as he walked over to Lance who had fallen to the ground as he mumbled apologies. Keith squatted down in front of the person he had fallen in love with three weeks ago. He couldn't help but smile and grab Lance's wrist, twisting it till Lance followed it, and pinned him to the ground. Keith's eyes shined again like the night everything fell into place. Before speaking he wrapped his hands around Lance's throat and pushed down, tears and laughter filling the cells and halls.

Feeling Lance's heart beating around his fingers, seeing his eyes bulge in fear and confusion, hearing his choking and gagging through his laughter. That night, the same night that got him locked up in here, it was self defense. Lance didn't know everything about Keith, he couldn't. He didn't know about his abusive boyfriend that hit Keith one too many times. He didn't know about his other abusive boyfriend that drank one too many drinks. He didn't know about another boyfriend who was way too happy to have more than one relationship.

So many failed relationships, secret ones of course, that all ended in the right way. If it wasn't for Keith's pure incompetence he would still be out there. Lance would be is forth boyfriend, and he was just like everyone else. Lance had been long dead for a while now, and it wasn't until the guards came around for the hourly check that Keith was pulled off of him. He was laughing, he was crying, he was happy and sad with so many other emotions filling him at once. Four boyfriends, every one of them jerks beyond compare. They all got what they deserved, and Keith was more than willing to do it again.


Y'all probably don't remember this one, it happened about a month ago. But y'all asked me to write this a while ago, and I forgot about it until I looked back on my comments. So there ya go.

Originally Keith was going to escape prison, but things didn't turn out that way, now did they?

Yelp, there ya go loves! Thank you so much for over 15,000 reads! I can't believe a little book like this can get that many reads! Thank you! I love you guys with all my heart!

Thank you! Keep up being great and please keep sending requests!



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