Little Lilly

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Seven hours. Seven hours of tears. Seven hours of pain. Galra are strong, nothing is suppose to get to them. So how was it that seven hours of birth could hurt someone this badly? A long beep filled the room, the little girl cried in Coran’s arms as he cleaned her. Lance’s sobs were quiet, his grip on Keith’s cold hand tighter than anyone could imagine. He wasn’t supposed to go like this. Keith’s strong, stronger than anyone!

“Lance, would you like to hold her?” Coran’s voice sounded awkward, but he thought it might cheer Lance up a bit to hold his daughter.

But Lance shook his head, “I’ll make her cry, give her to Hunk.”

Everyone’s hearts sank as Hunk was handed the child. With quiet whispers they all left the grieving father alone to mourn the death of his lover. The death of a friend, a brother, a soon to be wife, and a new mother. Pidge slid her back down the wall, more tears rolling down her face than anyone had ever seen. She had told Keith about the dangers of going through with the pregnancy, how his life would be on the line. He might be galra, but he’s still human.

“Pidge, thank you, but even if it means losing my life, I’m having this baby girl.”

He had said with such love in his eyes. He loved this child before he saw her. But now he’ll never watch her grow up. Pidge cried into her arms. She could’ve done something, anything, to help Keith survive. It was her job as the smartest to do that. The one thing she was incharge of and she couldn’t do it.

Shiro stood farther away from the group, tears threatening to roll but never daring enough to do so. That was his little brother, someone he was suppose to protect from anything and everything. He failed, and now a baby will grow without a mother.

“If there’s one thing I’m not doing, it’s letting this little one live like I did.”

Keith wanted to give this child such a normal life. That’s all that Keith could ever want to give anyone, any life that Keith didn’t live. But now this child will grow up with only stories, and not a warm hug to run into. Sure Lance will be there, but how much can a father give to a daughter? He failed.

Hunk craddled the baby in his arms, the small girl cooing at him and smiling softly. A few tears dripped down onto the small girl, which Hunk whipped off quickly to not make the girl cry. She looked so happy right now, but she doesn’t know what just happened.

“I just can’t wait to hold her, she’s starting to give me back aches so she better be coming out soon.”

With a small smile at the memory the door opened. Lance walked up with his head down and took the small girl from Hunk, then carried her back into the room and closed the door. The group looked to one another but walked away to the dinning hall, readying everything they would need when the child gets hungry.

Lance sat back down in the chair next to Keith’s bed. His body had grown to exhaustion, the tears burned and were very few. The small girl whimpered a bit before grabbing onto Lance’s shirt tightly. Lance looked down at the small body in his arms and smiled. This was his baby. Keith’s baby.

“I wanna name her something pretty. It doesn’t have to have any really meaning behind it, just something that people won't make fun of her for like you do me all the time. Oh! Like…”

“Lilly,” Lance whispered at his daughter.

The little one slowly began to open her eyes, a dark blue showing it’s way threw. She had black hair that covered her head, full and beautiful. Her skin was a mix of theirs, not to pale but not dark either. Lance could only imagine how many boys she’s going to hurt because of her looks. But what about a middle name? Lance smiled and kissed his child on the head. It only seemed right.

“My little Lilly Akira McClain.”


You would think that after having to wake up for about a year to change the damn thing it would grow to be better. But noooooo, here we are at five years old not wanting to go to bed. Lilly threw herself to the ground in a fit of rage, screaming that she wasn’t tired. Lance’s headache was getting worse, being a single parent had been hard, but it should’ve gotten easier!

“Lilly, please, it’s time for bed. Daddy need to get to bed to.”

“Go to bed! I not gonna!” her speech had gotten better, but not all great.

Lance sighed and walked over to his little girl, “If you go to bed I’ll tell you another story about mama, OK?”

This caught the girl’s attention, her tantrum stopping and her dark eyes growing curious. Lance smiled down at his daughter and pulled her up to her feet, walking her to her room and laying her down on her bed. The room where mommy use to sleep before he met daddy.

“OK, girly, what do you wanna hear tonight?”

“Tell me a funny dory!”

Lance smiled and thought for a moment. He began to tell how he and Keith got stuck in the elevator to get to the pool, how when the lights turned off Keith had jumped a little, but never said anything about it. He told how after finding out that it was impossible to swim Lance had asked about it.

“I didn’t jump, Lance!”

The look on Keith’s face was priceless, it was when Lance started to like Keith. Of course it had happened before then, but this just helped. Lance talked and talked about his lover for forever, not noticing that his daughter had been asleep for quite some time now. Lance froze and smiled down at his little girl, kissed her head, and left her room with a small good night.


“Lilly, we are at war! You can’t seek out of the castle like this!”

“I can do what I want! I can handle myself!”

“If you ever stop and think that your mother would do something like this and the answer is yes, don’t do it!”

“My mothers dead!”

Lilly stopped and covered her mouth. She didn’t mean to say that, it just slipped out in the heat of the moment. But she can handle herself fine! She wasn’t even gone that long! Besides, everyone was asleep so how did her father find out? Lance took a deep breath and walked closer to her daughter.

“Dad, I didn’t mean it, I’m so sorry! It just came out, I didn’t mean it!”

As his daughter rambled an apology, Lance pulled her into a hug, a tight one that will make sure the message gets across. What message? Lilly had no idea, but she thinks it was a forgiving hug. She was wrong.

“You’ll be staying in your room for a week young lady. If you even think about seeking out again then you’ll be in there with a headache next time. You’re lucky that your mother isn’t here right now, otherwise the consequences would be worse.”

Lilly groaned, “But dad! I won’t do it again I promise!”

With a cuff upside the head Lilly was sent to her room with a headache, just like her father had told her. What would have been the punishment if her mother was still here?


Lance took a deep breath, trying his best to let red open up.

“Common red we need the practice! Just open up!”

Red didn’t respond, but like last time, someone else did. The black lion roared to Lance, a chill running through everyone’s spines as the black lion called out to Lance.

“How come it’s only Lance who gets to change lions all the time?” Pidge smiled, laughing that Lance has to get use to yet another lion.

Lance couldn’t help but smile, not only had he flown the red lion, but Keith’s second lion shall be filled as well. But what about red? They’ve gone so long without a black paladin that without red things would be weird. But something told Lance something that he didn’t want to hear. But red gets what red wants.

“Lilly? Lilly girl I need you to go to the red lion for me, OK?”

Lilly’s heart took flight yet dropped at the same time, “What are you talking about?”

Coran smiled and turned to his apprentice, “It means that you are no longer welcome here with me. Now go get your suit on and get to your parents lion!”

With a wide smile Lilly took off to her room, rushing through her closet to find the specially made suit that was just for her. It was a mix between the paladin armor and the blade armor. The color was a white but with purple blended in, in just the right places. It fit her well, and she couldn’t wait to fight alongside her father.


“Lilly! Lilly, baby, come in!”


“I’m coming, OK? I’m almost there, just hang in there!”


“Baby girl please stay there. I’m almost there, please.”


“What?! Do not go towards your mother or I swear to god I’ll kill you!”

More tears rolled down Lilly’s face. Her side was steaming as the smell of burnt flesh surrounded the air. She was suppose to be better than this. Her father taught to be strong, to know what to do when something like this happens. But it wasn’t supposed to happen. She wasn’t supposed to feel so dizzy.

“Lilly, listen to your father. You have to stay awake.”

It was a voice that she’s never heard before, but heard a thousand times.

“Oh Lilly, what did you do?”

The voice was so gentle, so calming. Lilly just wanted to close her eyes, to not hear her father screaming at her through a helmet that was on the other side of the room. She could rest for a little bit right? Her father would understand.

“You and I both know that he won’t forgive you if you do. God knows that he doesn’t forgive me. Just a little bit longer, OK? I’m right here, I’m not going anywhere.”

Tears built up in her eyes, as the previous ones were being brushed away. Her black hair was being pulled back and away from her face. The gentle touch was welcoming and sweet, everything that LIlly needed right now. She was scared, she could hear footsteps outside of the room. They were coming back for her, to finish the job.

She blinked once more and turned her head. A bright light was all she saw for a moment, her eyes adjusting to the beauty before focusing on a figure. He had dark hair like she did and dark purple eyes. His skin was pale, and his smile was comforting.


The figure smiled again and reached over to brush a hand over her cheek, “My little girl. You’ve grown up so fast.”

This was her mother, the mother that she never met. He was beautiful just like her father said he was. The door opened but the figure remained. If this was the end, then Lilly didn’t want to let her mother go.


It was her father’s voice, but she couldn’t see him. The light from her mother was too bright to see anyone else, but the crack in her father’s voice broke through.

“Lance, what do you think you’re doing, letting our daughter get hurt? Go take care of her!”

Lance couldn’t move, and who would? The love of your life that’s been dead for 17 years suddenly comes up in front of your dying daughter, what are you supposed to do? So Lance did the first thing that came to mind.

“I love you.”

Keith smiled again, tears rolling down his face softly and disappearing once they fell, “I love you to. Now get going before our daughter dies!”

With that, Keith left.


“So that’s what mom was like, huh?” Lilly laid on her bed, the sheets covering her body loosely.

Lance opened his eyes to find himself laying on his daughter's bed. He fell asleep again telling her stories. But what he had told her, that didn’t happen, that couldn’t have happened. His small five year old was sitting right there. Lance shook it off and climb out of the bed, tucking the blankets as tight as he could underneath his daughter, making her laugh. With a kiss of the head and on the nose, Lance left his little girl alone in a dark room.

“So daddy fell asleep again?”

Lilly sank down in the bed more and smiled, “Yeah, did you give him those dreams again?”

“Of course, I wanted to see my husband again.”

“You’re silly mommy.”

“So are you. Now get some rest my little flower.”

“Night mommy.”

“Night Lilly.”


Some serious angst right there man. I literally almost cried while writing this, I hope it was good!


So what shall it be next?




I’m running out of ideas so please help with at least the category.

Request are still welcome and really, really, REALLY, needed, but it’s up to you.

Thank you guys for reading my stoof!


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