My New Guard Part 2

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(Bit of smut, bit of smut, bit of angst)

A sharp pain was all that Keith could feel at the moment. When Lance said that he was going to make him 'impure' this was something he never thought of. The way Lance made him feel, how special Keith felt in that moment, it was something he never felt before. He could still feel Lance's fingers inside of him, another thing he's never felt before. Lance called it prepping, and as far as Keith knew, Lotor never did it. It made the job a lot easier and less painful on Keith's end, but there's still pain in Keith's back.

A small smile reached Keith's face as he sunk into Lance's hold. Who knew that a prince could treat someone so gently. Lotor is the only prince that Keith knew, so he figured that all of them were horrible. But Lance was different. Even now, with Lance asleep, Keith felt loved. Granted, this was probably a one time thing, and this was the test Lance was talking about, but Keith didn't care. After all that training, Keith fell into the prince's spell and let him take control.

It probably was the test. He probably failed, but it was a win in Keith's book. The prin-, Lance, groaned as he sat up, curling his fingers to Keith's back and pulling him closer. Keith removed his smile and closed his eyes, if it was a test, then maybe he could still pass by being unhappy about what had happened. But how could you be unhappy about something so perfect?

Small kisses were being trailed along Keith's neck and shoulder, remaking the old marks from just a few hours ago. Keith tried to fight back his moans but failed, letting out a quiet, long moan that sent shivers down Lance's spine. Lance slowly crawled on top of Keith, moving down his body to leave more love bites. Keith rolled his head back as much as he could while biting his lip. His head tilted to the side, back and forth till Lance reached his destination.

"L-Lance~," why did Keith even try to win the battle?

"Yes, Kitten?" Lance smirked, placing a small kiss to Keith's member.

"Knock it off!" Keith sat up quickly to push Lance's head away from him, only to get a laugh for the prince and a kiss.

Keith relaxed once again, falling back down onto the bed and wrapping his arms around Lance's neck. The kiss was only slightly heated, Lance's hands doing most of the problem. With a large smile, Lance gave one final kiss to Keith's lips before pulling back and looking at his guard. Keith was the one who was suppose to protect him, but Lance couldn't help but feel the opposite. If anything were to happen to Keith, anything, Lance wouldn't be able to live with himself. But they had just met, so how could Lance feel like this already?

"We should probably get going. My father should be calling any minute now for a family meeting, but then we'll be right back here," Lance's smile pierced through Keith heart, making the boy blush but nod his head.

Lance gathered Keith's hands in his and kissed them lightly before standing up and getting dressed again, Keith doing the same. Lance's eyes couldn't help but trail up and down Keith's body, wanting nothing more than to just lay back down and cuddle with the guard. Even though he was in a lot of pain, Keith stood up right and at attention, waiting for Lance to get ready and head out. Before walking out, Lance wrapped an arm around Keith's waist and pulled him into another kiss.

"We'll be back soon," it sounded like Lance was saying that more to himself than to Keith.

The meeting was lasting forever, especially for Lance. Allura was reporting how Shiro kept some greedy guys away from her, but let normal fans come right up. Shiro and Keith were looking at each other, staring intently like they could read each other's thoughts.

What the hell were you thinking?! Sleeping with the prince?!

It's not my fault! Lance kissed me first!

Shiro's eyes looked angry and disappointed, yet a little happy at the same time. Could it be possible that they can read each other's thoughts? No, galra can't do that.

Oh, so it's Lance now?! You're already with prince Lotor, what if he finds out?!

He wont find out unless a certain someone rats us out! Listen, Shiro, Lance isn't like Lotor. It never thought that a prince was kind and gentle, but he is! Please Shiro, don't tell anyone!

Keith's stance was getting stiffer, his eyes were watering but no tears were falling. From behind his back he was squeezing his wrist to calm himself down. What ever Shiro was doing to Keith, Lance wasn't about to have it.

"Are we done yet? I'd like to get to bed please."

Lance's father sighed and looked to his son, "You may go when you tell me how your guard did."

Lance groaned, folding his arms across his chest, "Nothing went wrong, he introduced me to a new food then I laid in bed waiting for this stupid meeting."

Alfor growled, "This meeting is to see the fate of everyone, why can't you realized that this is not some game?"

Lance shrunk back, he knew that tone well enough to know that shutting up is the best thing to do at the moment. Alfor rolled his eyes and waved him off, Lance standing up slowly and genstering to Keith to follow. The small glare Alfor received didn't go overlooked by Allura nor Shiro.

The walk was fast and silent, but the slammed door and quick welp of surprise interrupted that quickly. Lance pressed Keith into the door, pulling the small galra's legs up to wrapped them around his waist. The kiss was rough and full of anger and frustration. But Keith didn't mind this, Lotor was almost the same way. But while the kiss was similar, Lance's hands were soft and caring. They moved up and down Keith's thighs gently, treating Keith like a piece of glass. Lance pulled away and leaned to Keith's ear, "Let me have you~."

Keith blushed and nodded his head. Lance asked him for permission, that's all that Keith really needed to fall for the prince. The prince's fingers were so long, but so careful with him. Why wasn't Lotor like this with him? Keith moaned as the prince entered him, slowly to not tear him open. Why was Lotor so rough? Keith's screamed filled the room, the bed creaked greedily as Lance pumped in and out of Keith's small body. Lance had noticed the first time they had sex, but he just wanted to make sure.

Keith's hole seems damaged, like someone didn't prep him, did go easy on him. Lance growled and attacked Keith's neck, marking him where people could see. Who ever did that to his Keith wasn't doing that anymore, whether Keith wanted to or not. The way that Keith was moaning now, Lance couldn't imagine him moaning at what happened to him before.

Without warning Keith came on Lance's chest and his own stomach, moaning Lance's name threw a broken voice that was ready to sleep. But Lance continued to pump and pump, enjoying every last moment he could before pulling out and cumming on the bed. Keith whimpered at the sudden loss, but looked curiously to Lance as the said boy panted over him.

"Why did you pull out again? I figured the first time was an accident, but you did it again."

It made Lance sick to think about it. Someone hurt Keith and he didn't even know he was hurt. Lance gathered Keith in his arms and pulled him up, carrying him to the bathroom to clean them up. The shower was warm and nice on Keith's skin. His back pressed against Lance's chest and his head falling onto his shoulder. Keith didn't know what was going on, but he wasn't complaining about it. Lance's hands rubbed all over Keith's chest, cleaning him off with water before going to the hair.

Keith's only been in the shower with Lotor a few times, most of them his own shower being interrupted by a hungry Lotor looking for a meal. But this felt so different. So nice, so gentle. Before Keith new it the shower was done, both boys were washed and in the bedroom once again.

"As long as you don't mind, you could borrow some of my night clothes. Since you're sleeping in my bed tonight, and yes that's happening, I don't want your armor getting on my sheets."

Keith noded to the prince and began to pick up the discarded clothes on the floor, after putting on his boxers again. Lance sighed, putting on his own boxers and walking over to his new lover. He wrapped his arms around the galra and lifted him with ease. Keith went stiff and curled into a small ball with a giant smile on his face. Lance smiled as well, as he spun Keith around and threw him onto the bed.

"You're my guard not my maid. Stay here, I'll go get our night clothes."

Within five minutes Lance was back with some red and blue PJ's. After putting them on, the boys laid in bed, staying close together and saying nothing. The room was lite by the bathroom light that neither of them wanted to get up and turn off. In the light, Keith was able to see Lance, see his prince. If Lotor found out about this, all hell would break loose. Even worse would be if Lance's father found out.

But Keith didn't worry about that at the moment. Lance was starting to fall asleep, his eyes slowly closing and his grip on Keith's body fading. The prince was sound asleep, leaving Keith alone to keep watch of them both. There were stories of Lance's father, saying that he was a kind man but would kill you the moment you were alone with him. Of course this all seemed true, but Keith still wasn't having it with the king. What kind of father talks to his son like that? Granted, maybe that's how it's supposed to go. Zarkon doesn't even give Lotor the time of day, so maybe Lance and Allura should be grateful. But nonetheless, Keith wasn't going to let this go.

When morning came Lance groaned, reaching over to Keith's side of the bed to pull him closer, but Keith wasn't in bed. Lance sat up quickly and ran to the bathroom, Keith not being there either. Lance took a deep breath and got dressed quickly, his heart starting to freak out without Keith here. Well, it wasn't that Keith wasn't here, it was that he didn't know where he was.

Rushing out of his room, Lance started running down the hall, hoping that Keith was either in the throne room or the dining hall. As soon as Lance turned the corner he slammed into someone, knocking them both to the ground with a loud thud. Lance laid on the ground for a moment, the hall spinning in circles and restarting every time he blinked. A dark figure loomed above him, a light pressure rested on his shoulders, a quiet voice broke threw the high pitched ringing.

"-cne? -ance? Lance, can you hear me?"

The hall came to a sudden stop, the dark figure turning into Keith. Lance groaned and sat up with Keith's help, a sudden sickness going straight to his stomach. After a few dry heaves Lance turned to Keith with worried eyes, "You fell to! Are you OK?!"

Keith smiled and nodded, helping Lance up and walking with him in the direction the prince was going. Lance stopped them and smiled, "I was looking for you," Lance spun them around so Keith's back was to the wall, "I'm happy I found you. I didn't hear you leave the room. I was so worried that my father got to you, that he might have done something to you. Never do that again, OK?"

Keith sadly smiled, "Well, you were right that it was your father. No, he didn't hurt me, don't give me that look. But he did ask me why I was sleeping in your bed. If he asks you, you had a nightmare."

Lance smiled but Keith could tell that he was pissed. Was that normal for a son to hate a father? Lotor did, but Lance was different. But the boys didn't talk about it, leaving for the kitchen to have a private breakfast together, considering that it was already 11. With no one around, Keith sat happily in Lance's lap, Lance hugging him tightly from behind. Everything was so happy, peaceful even, but they both felt something off.

"What the quiznak are you two doing?!" Allura's voice burned through the room, Shiro right behind her with the same disappointed look.

Keith went to stand but was stopped by Lance's arms getting tighter, almost protective like. Lance's eyes burned just like Allura's voice did, but his was more 'I'll kill you if you come any closer'. Allura's was just a 'Imma kill you, get your butt over here.'

Shiro's voice rang through Keith's head, You told me that you had everything under control! Why are you in his lap out in the open!

It's not my fault! Lance wanted me to sit with him. I went to sit in my own seat but he pulled into his lap. I'm not about to defy the prince!

"Shiro! Are you listening to me?!"

Shiro shook his head and stood straight again, listening to the princess instead of yelling at Keith. Allura growled, "Seperate them!"

Lance smirked, "I wouldn't do that if I were you, dear sister of mine. Keith will not be apart from me."

"This is sick! How could you dishonor our family like this?! This is a disgrace!"

"If anything this is making our family name better. Better diversity, ya know? With Keith and I being together, we can easily be the beginning of the new combined empire of Altean and Galran heritage. Now if you wouldn't mind, I'm trying to have breakfast with the love of my life."

"'Love of my life'?! He hasn't been here a full day!"


Allura screamed, stomping her foot and running out of the room, "I'm telling father!"

Shiro followed, giving a short shake of the head to Keith before closing the door behind him. Keith looked back down to the food in front of him, nerves hitting Keith's stomach all at once. Lance felt this and kissed his neck lightly before kissing his lips.

"Baby, don't worry. Allura's just being a brat right now."

"But your father-."

"My father is going to be fine. Sure I'll get scolded, but it's not something that I'm not use to. But I promise you, that you, nor I, will be going anywhere."

Keith smiled a bit and dove into Lance's lips again, taking all that he could before Altean guards came rushing in. They were told to meet with Lance's father, and they did so, hand in hand.


Naw, that was cute but sad right? This was fun! I hoped you guys really liked this. Guess what? Dance and softball are done now, so I'm hanging out at the library to write more! This doesn't mean this book will get more updates, it means my other book will actually get updates!


Anywho, god I say that a lot, love you!!!!!!!!

(Please note that I may or may not have almost forgotten to publish this)



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