Chapter 1

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Issac Locke was a student of Union Academy. An academy known to be one of the most prestigious hero schools in the world. Though to Issac all he ever saw it as a school full of fakes and frauds who only wanted money and fame. Those feelings only magnified after he got into the academy. Once most people in the academy found out he was powerless, with no quirk, no semblance or even a sacred gear, they began to bully and ridicule him. Though there were some people who cared for him, but they couldn't do much in terms of helping him against the bullies and staff. Right now we see Issac currently being beaten by some of his bullies, those being Issei, Rias, Bakugou, Sun, Neptune, most of class 1-A, Xenovia and Akeno. He was kicked in the gut by Sun injuring him.

Sun: You powerless punk! What's the matter not going to fight back?!

Issac growls a bit.

Issac: Oh yeah, you are such a big man beating on someone who has no powers to defend themselves with. No wonder Blake doesn't want to do shit with your feces flinging ass

Sun growls at hearing about to attack him again but stopped when Neptune struck Issac with a blow to the head.

Neptune: How about you shut up. A weak punk like you doesn't have any right to say shit to us

Issac: Says the guy who's named after a god of water and in turn is afraid of water. You don't really got much ground to stand on here either pal

Issac was then hit with a combine blast of Bakugou's explosions and Akeno's lightning. Issac weakly glares at them.

Bakugou: Why'd they even let a weak bastard like you into this school anyway. You'd better off in the ground

Akeno: Ara~ such pleasant screams coming from you. Let me hear them some more~

She began charging another blast of electricity seemingly ready to fire him. Before she could fire it however a sudden blue blur sped into all the bullies knocking them away from Issac. As the bullies were getting back up and were about to rush back at Issac thinking he somehow did that they were stopped by sudden wave of fire got in their way. The blue blur soon stops next to Issac with their sudden stop creating a big gust of wind that put out the fire letting them get a good look at who had attacked them. It was The blue blur Sonia. 

Soon another girl in an overall dress came and helped Issac up worryingly looking to him before glaring at the bullies. This being Maria.

Sonia: How many times do we got to tell you to stop attacking Issac!?

The bullies glared back at them.

Rias: Why do you even defend someone like him? He's powerless and weak!

Maria: It doesn't matter what type of power he has doesn't have. It doesn't give you the right to bully and beat him!

Kaminari: Oh yeah and what are you going to do about it!!?

The group was about to begin a fight but were stopped when the intercom came on saying for students to head on to their next classes. The two sides glared at each other.

Bakugou: You got lucky this time punks

With that the bullies walked away all the while Sonia and Maria glared at them. They then turned their attention onto Issac, worry laced all over their faces.

Sonia: Are you okay Issac?

Issac: I'm fine

Maria: No, you clearly aren't. Let's get you healed

Issac lets out a small sigh knowing he would be able to win in an argument against them especially in the state he was in now. With that they helped him walk. They were heading to the infirmary but soon stopped when they ran into some of Issac's other friends. Those being Team RWBY, Asia, Koneko, Kiba, Ryuko, Mako and Team JNPR.

Ruby: Issac!! Are you okay?

Weiss: It was them again wasn't it?

Sonia: Yeah, bastards...

Yang: Those punks are so lucky I wasn't there. I would've beaten them to a bloody pulp

Koneko: Then you'd probably get attention

Yang growls a bit knowing Koneko was right. Asia then walked forward holding her hands out to Issac using her sacred gear to heal him.

Asia: Here, let me help you. I'm sorry that the others hurt you so much. I don't understand why

Issac: It's simple, I don't got powers

They all look to him.

Issac: So, they decided just because since I don't have any powers, they can just use me as a punching bag

Jaune: That's just plain wrong in every single way

Issac: It's not like we can do anything about it. The staff and Headmasters don't give a damn about me

Ryuko: Well, we do give a damn about you. So, no matter what we'll help you whenever you need it alright?

Issac looked to his friends smiling at him soon causing him to smile too.

Issac: Alright, thanks guys

With that Asia soon finished healing him and we then cut to night. Issac was looking out the window until he decided to go out on a midnight walk not really caring for the curfew rules. Unknown to him however some people were following him. Issac walked through the forest not caring for anything in the world.

Issac: Those bastards like to pick on the weak and profit, just like I always thought. At least I have some friends who I know are actual in this to be heroes and not just for the fame and money

He continued through the forest until he felt a sudden sharp pain going through his chest. Issac looked down slowly seeing a beam pierce through his chest from behind. Some blood began pouring out of his mouth. Then beam soon stopped and he held the wound blood now staining his shirt. Looking behind him he was met with punch that knocked him into a tree injuring him more. Barely being able to look up he sees his bullies all smirking down at him. He glared right back at them.

Issei: Oh, what's the matter got a hole in your chest!

Issac: F-Fuck y-you

Bakugou then blasted him with explosions, while he was shocked by Akeno. Sun and Neptune began to stomp him into the ground before they landed heavy stomps on his legs breaking them. All the bullies began to beat him after that, with breaking his arms, concussing him and even broke his ribs. It all ended with Issei shoot him in the chest again. Issac was barely alive as the bullies smirked down at him.

Issei: I'd say that you look better this way. Weak and broken!

Rias: I'm sadden that we didn't do this earlier. A weakling like you never deserved to be in Union

Sun: But don't worry I'll take nice care of Blake

Neptune: The same with me and Weiss

Issei: Have fun bleeding out weakling

With that they leave Issac there in his broken and barely alive state. He began to fade in and out of conscious. He didn't know how long he was there for with him hoping someone would find him. His prayers was soon answered when he heard footsteps coming towards him.

???: Well, look what we got here

Issac could barely look up and could only see his boots.

???: Yes, you'll do perfectly

Issac could barely move his head up but due to his vision darkening all he could see was the shine of the individual's glasses. Everything for him went dark after that. The next day came and Issac's friends soon found that he was missing. They looked for him for most of the day until Sonia went out to the path that he'd usually walk whenever he need fresh air. Using her speed she checked all around the place for him until she came across something that horrified her. She sees a large patch of blood along with Issac's now broken glasses. Sonia takes the glasses almost tearing up upon seeing then completely breaking down. All around Issac all he could see was darkness confusing and scaring him.

Issac: *Am I dead? I can't see anything. My body feels weightless.......Wait what's this feeling? It feels like I'm...waking up

Issac soon feels what felt like a quick jolt of electricity flow through his body. He felt his eyes open though it felt odd, almost like a mechanical feeling almost. He also felt almost like multiple different instincts and other abillites within him that he didn't have before. Once his vision fully returned to him he saw that he was in some type of cylinder. He tried to move his head only to find he couldn't almost like his head was being held by something. Issac was extremely confused at this point not knowing what was going on.

???: Ah, you're finally active

Issac looked forward seeing a large man wearing a red military like jacket and black pants and black boots. He was bald with the only thing of hair being on him was a large mustache. He had blue glasses and goggles on his head. He held an evil grin of his face as he looked at Issac.

Issac: *Who is this? Wait did he

Issac took his focus off of the large man and tried to look at his reflection in the glass of the cylinder. He's soon able to see himself and if he could widen his eyes, he would.

Man: My newest and greatest creation

Issac looked back at him.

Man: Metal Sonic!!

We then cut to the man attacking Union city with multiple other machines. The Heroes and students of Union began to fend them off. Issac was with the man not of his own will, he felt like he couldn't control his body like he was some type of remote-controlled robot. The man was piloting some type of large beetle mech.

Then soon come upon more of the more powerful members of Union. Issac sees his friends standing opposed to the man. He see Sonia giving the man a harsh glare something that he's never seen from her before. In fact all his friends glared at the man in hate. But Issac also saw that they had sadness laced on their faces as well. Sonia soon stepped up and spoke her voice was cracking and sounded like she was about to cry.

Sonia: You got a lot of nerve attacking right now Eggman, I am really not in the mood!

Eggman: Oh, dear little Sonia how could you say that to your best chum Eggman. In fact I have a new toy you can play with. Metal Sonic go!!

Issac again felt his body move on its own getting in front of Eggman seemingly getting ready to fight. He saw Sonia glare at him in hate. Looking over her body he sees his glasses hanging from the pocket of her pants. Sonia didn't say anything as she rushed at him, with his body moving again on it's own rushing at her too. Issac lost that battle, and ever battle after that. Simply because Issac was somehow able to hold back to not hurt her or anyone of his friends to the point where Eggman grew frustrated. During that too Issac's hate for Eggman grew more and more. In the capital of Eggman's city robotropolis.

Eggman and Issac was in a room with multiple other hedgehog robots and one humanoid robot. Eggman was furiously pacing back and forth in front of Issac until he turns and glares at him.

Eggman: You useless bag of bolts! How can you not destroy Sonia and the rest of her worthless friends!?

Hearing this Issac could feel his anger rise.

Eggman: Even after ever upgrade I give you. You still can't kill any of them!

Issac's anger grew more and more the more he heard Eggman's voice.

Eggman: Maybe I should scrap you and use your parts to make a robot who'll actual follow my orders!!

After he had said that Issac's anger hit a fever point. He felt something snap, and he felt like he was finally in control of himself after so long. He looked down and tried to speak and what came out was a robotic version of his own voice.

Metal(Issac): No...

Eggman hears this and glares at him.

Eggman: What?

Issac looks up at him was a harsh glare, while he felt his power grow. White electricity sparked all around him.

Metal(Issac): You control me no more!!!

He stuck up both his hands as electricity shot out from them surprising Eggman and causing him to fall back. Issac's metallic body glowed a bright white along with the other robots in the room. And soon they all were drawn into him assimilating them into himself. His body then morphed and grew as he soon lets out a large pulse of energy pushing Eggman back as well. Soon the white light dissipated revealing Issac in his new form.

Issac looked at his hand opening and closing it feeling all this new power coursing through. He then did a few quick punches in front of himself test his power out a little bit more. Eggman gets up scared of the new Issac but he still tried to hopefully control him.

Eggman: H-How dare y-you disobey me! I-I'll have you scrapped!

Issac looked to him scaring him further. Issac then began laughing.

Issac: You really think you can control me now? I am no longer your puppet

Eggman: B-But I made you!! You should follow my orders!!!

Issac: I had a life before you found me out there nearly dead

Eggman looked at him completely shocked that he could remember who he was. Issac laughed at this.

Issac: That's right I remember who I am. Though I must thank you doctor, if you didn't find me, I would have died out there. But thanks to this new body you gave me I can get my revenge on those Union bastards. So I grant you this doctor, a quick death

Issac then points his finger towards Eggman who was to scared to move at this point. A small ball of energy charged at the tip of his finger, where he then fired out a thin beam that pierces straight through Eggman's chest killing him instantly. After Issac was done firing Eggman's now lifeless body flopped to the ground with blood slowly pouring from his wound. Issac laughed at this, before turning to the window of the room and walking to it looking over robotropolise. Seeing how bad of a condition it was in.

Issac: With all the new resources I now have thanks to the doctor's city, I'll be able to make my own army to take my revenge of Union. But first lets make this place just a bit better for not only me but for those that the doctor had enslaved

Issac continued to look down upon the city.

Issac: And soon Union. You'll all face my wrath!!!

(Play from 1:00 to 1:03)

The camera fades to black shortly afterwards.

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