Chapter 2

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It had been a few months after Issac had attained his new body and killed Eggman. Eventually he had announced what he had done to the slaves and robots of robotropolise. Though they were a bit warry of him at first, the slaves eventually accepted him as their new emperor. Every previous bot of Eggman was decommissioned and their parts were used to create new robots for Issac's forces and to protect the city. The city was completely remodeled as well to be better than it was before.

Along with the name being changed from Robotropolise to New Metropolis. Along with the palace being remodeled as well.

All in all, Issac had transformed this previously slave run kingdom to one that completely outclassed any and all other civilizations such as Union and Atlas. Currently Issac was sitting in his new throne room, on his throne.

He was currently on his throne in his Emperor form. Seemingly with his eyes closed.

His sat there for some time until he felt some pressure put onto his lap. Opening his eyes he looks down seeing one of his wives Carol sitting on his lap.

Issac sighed a bit at this and hugged her close to him.

Issac: We've talked about this Carol

Carol: Oh, don't be like that. And plus we both know you like it when I do, do this

Issac yet again sighed as the two sat there in comfort. That was until the door to the room opened catching the two's attention. Inside floated Orbot and Cubot.

(Both were upgraded by Issac to be a lot more competent)

Orbot: Sir we have some great news!

Issac and Carol both got up from the throne looking at the two.

Issac: Yeah, and what is it?

Cubot: Look!

Cubot then brought out a blue gem. Both Issac and Carol look on in shock, as soon Issac chuckled to himself taking the gem from Cubot. He felt the raw chaotic energy emanate from the gem. This was one of the seven chaos emeralds.

Seconds later Issac assimilated the gem within himself feeling his strength rise even more then it already was.

Issac: Excellent, my power has grown significantly

Issac sensors then started to go off seemingly picking up another chaos emerald after he had assimilated the first chaos emerald.

Issac: And as soon as I absorbed it, my sensors had already picked up another one

Carol: You going to go after it then?

Issac: Yes, I'll be back soon

He then transformed back to his regular state.

Carol: Got ya. By the way what were you thinking about before I sat on your lap?

Issac: Nothing, I was sleeping

Carol looked at him a bit surprised by soon chuckled a bit as he took off. Cutting over to Union, we see a group of heroes along with students out in the forest. Leading this big group was Glynda Goodwitch. She turns and begins addressing each and every student.

Glynda: Now listen students, this project is to be done in pairs. You all should have already been paired up

All the students looked to their partners nodding before looking back to Glynda.

Glynda: This project is not only survive out here for the day, but to also bring back data of any and all specimen that could possible live out here. Understand?

Students: Yes ma'am!

Glynda: Good now go

With that all the students with their partners head into the forest. The groups separated from each other shortly afterwards. One group was comprised of Jirou and Tsuyu. They were currently heading through the forest recording things such as any plant life and bugs. Though Jirou did have to stop Tsuyu from eating every fly they came across.

Jirou: It's kind of odd to have place with such little Grimm infestation 

Tsuyu: Yeah, but it makes sense in a way to. This forest usually has the lease amount of negative emotions in it. And considering they are usually attracted to that it makes sense

Jirou looked at her partner for a second before nodding. The two continued through the forest and they soon make it to the top of a high cliff. Jirou kept on recording things in their log, while Tsuyu kept an eye out for anything interesting until her eyes suddenly landed on something shining within a bush. With her interest now peaked she went over to the bush and searched inside. Once she what was inside the bush her eyes widened.

Tsuyu: Jirou!!

Jirou was a bit caught off guard by Tsuyu's sudden outburst, but she looked over to see what got her so riled up. Once she does look over her eyes widened in shock at what Tsuyu was holding. It was a gem that was silver in color. This was another chaos emerald.

Jirou: Isn't that one of those chaos emeralds?

Tsuyu: Yeah, just from holding it I can feel so much power coming from it

Jirou: We should probably bring it back to the teachers

Tsuyu nodded and the two were about to head back to the meeting point. But they soon stopped when they heard something heading their way fast. Looking to the sky their eyes widened when they see two missiles heading their way fast. The two quickly dived out of the way with the missiles making contacted with the ground resulting in a huge explosion. Jirou slowly recovered after the explosion a bit rattled from it. She looked around for Tsuyu and soon finds her hanging from the cliff. On hand was on the edge of the cliff while the other had the chaos emerald. Tsuyu was able to keep her grip but before Jirou could go and help her the cliff edge quickly crumbled. Jirou got up and rushed to grab her hand only to miss it and watch as Tsuyu fell down into the forest below.

Jirou: Tsu!! I need to go get help from the teachers

Jirou then quickly rushed back to the meeting area to get help. Meanwhile, Tsuyu fell down to the darker forest below bumping into trees along the way. She soon reached the bottom. Groaning a bit, she got up and looked around until her eyes landed on the chaos emerald. She walked over to it and picked it up. Then looking to the cliff that she fell from seeing no way up currently.

Tsuyu: I'm definitely not get up that way even with climbing. I need to find another way around and hopefully meet up with Jirou or another group at the very least

She was about to start walking until something suddenly landed behind her with a heavy slam. Surprised she turns and stares in surprise seeing Metallix standing there. 

(A/N): Whenever someone doesn't know that its Issac then his name will be Metallix

Metallix looked up at her with a glare before standing up fully. Tsuyu didn't know why but she felt like he was familiar in more ways than one, while also feeling a lot of hate behind his glare. Metallix then held out his hand.

Metallix: Give me the chaos emerald, now

Tsuyu stepped back frightened, which only served to infuriated Metallix.

Metallix: Grr, you don't seem to want to follow orders. So I'll just tear it from your cold dead hands!!

The thrusters on his back activated as he rushed at towards Tsuyu at blinding speeds shocking. He slammed his fist into her fast sending her flying through multiple trees and soon slamming into a boulder cracking it greatly. She fell from the boulder to the ground and was greatly dazed from the impact. With her vison slightly hazy she sees the chaos emerald a little bit in front of her. She then sees out in the distance Metallix quickly approaching. He goes for the chaos emerald but thinking quick Tsuyu shot out her tongue and grabbed it pulling to her before he could grab it. She quickly pulls it into her mouth, Metallix getting up close to her seconds later scaring her slightly.

Metallix: If you value your life, you'd better spit that out right now, or else!!

The two stare at each other for some time.........before Tsuyu decided to swallow the emerald. There was a silence between the two for a second before Metallix slowly began to chuckle hovering off the ground and moving backwards.

Metallix: Fine then, have it your way

He soon lands when he was about two feet away from her.

Metallix: But I won't be leaving here empty handed, so I'll just extract that emerald from your bloody carcass!!

He held out his hand with it then turning into a gatling gun pointing it straight at Tsuyu shocking her. He began to open fire on her, with her quickly dodging out of the way of the bullets. She quickly maneuvered around him as he continued to fire at her. Once she got some distance between the to Metallix activated his thrusters and flew after her. He continued to fire upon her after once he caught up to her. She soon was able get distance between the two again and continued her running into the darken forest to hopefully lose him. Unfortunately for her Metallix sensors picked up on the chaos emerald that she had swallowed allowing him to track her. He landed and brought out two missile launchers from his back.

Metallix: You can't run!

He fired out a couple of missiles towards her. The missiles soon reached her. They didn't hit her directly but the explosions they created knocked her around and soon knocked her towards Metallix who kicks her up into the sky quickly following shortly afterwards. He dashed pass her in the air and came flying back down towards her curling into a ball as he did so. He slammed into her causing great pain to the frog themed girl and knocked her down into the ground creating a crater on impact. Metallix soon landed a little bit away from the newly created crater and began to approach it. Inside the crater Tsuyu landed injured, but soon the chaos emerald within her began to react with her empowering her. Her eyes widened as a burst of aura exploded from the crater surprising Metallix a bit. He sees Tsuyu glaring at him. Metallix looked at her slightly surprised as she then rushed at him hitting him with a kick that sent him back into the side of another cliff. He looks up with a glare and jumps from the cliff but was met with Tsuyu tackling him through it. They make it to the other side where Tsuyu continued to throw punches and kicks into him knocking him around a bit, but no other noticeable damage was seen. She knocked him back before jumping up higher and then coming down with a dive kick that sent him down into the ground. Metallix quickly picked himself up and dashes around the forest blindsiding Tsuyu and kicking her away into the distance. She soon comes rocketing back towards him to attack. Metallix just chuckled at this and began easily dodging her attacks while taunting her. He then catches one of her punches and strikes her in the nose make her stumble back a bit. Then following up with a kick to her gut, then a hammer fist to her back before sending her flying with a kick sending her flying into a couple of far-off mountains. Tsuyu felt hurt from the attacks but continued to feeling the power of the chaos emerald course through her. She sees Metallix rushing towards her, and she looked down to her hand seeing a ball of energy begin to charge. Seeing this she glares at Metallix before pushing herself off the mountain and rushed towards him with the ball of energy in her. Metallix was again a bit surprised at her doing this and this distracted him long enough for her to get to him and slam the ball of energy into his face with it detonating sending both of them flying. Tsuyu quickly recovered and shot her tongue out at him wrapping it around Metallix's leg before then swinging him around then throwing him into a nearby cliff. Metallix growled at this in rage before we see into his chest seeing the emerald that he had assimilated earlier with him then tapping into its power drastically powering him up.

Metallix: Chaos Control!!

He teleported shocking Tsuyu before he then appeared behind, her and began attacking her with rapid punches and kicks before giving her a heavy punch to the gut causing her to cough up the chaos emerald but she sees this and quickly re-swallows it infuriating Metallix further. In response he knocks her down to the ground before following with multiple punches and kicks then knocking her further into the ground. Once she reached the ground he came down stomping onto her back before grabbing her and beginning to drag her across the ground in a very painful manor. He soon slams her into another cliff face and began dragging her across it as well. Soon throwing her away into the air before appearing above her knocking her into the ground. He was about to rush at her again but was met with her getting into his face quickly with a large yet unstable ball of energy in her hand. She slammed it into Metallix's face again resulting in a huge explosion that destroys all the trees in the area and splits the clouds over head. Tsuyu lands on the ground tired and injured as she felt the energy of the chaos emerald leave her. She was breathing in heavy breaths but soon she lets out a small huff and got up and began to wobblily walk away from the scene. She stops however when she hears a sound behind her. She slowly looks back terrified as a pillar of rocks exploded producing fire and revealing a completely fine Metallix walking towards her with his eyes glowing a crimson red. She looked on terrified as she tried to run only for him to appear in front of her. Seeing this stopped terrified once again and instinctually shot out her tongue at him only for him to grab it. He then yanked it and pulled her towards him where he then gave her a hard punch that sent her flying but she was pulled back by her tongue. Metallix kept pulling her towards him where he then knocked her back again. He then swung her around and slammed her into the ground earning a loud crack from her back followed by her screaming in pain. Metallix then rocketed up into the air dragging her along with him. He kicked her away while keeping hold of her tongue before curling into a ball then bashing into her then continuing to bash into her from multiple angles. He then knocked her away. She didn't go far however due to Metallix still having a hold of her tongue. He then began rapidly spinning, spinning her around at a rapid rate, before throwing her away into a nearby cliff. She made contact with the cliff slamming into it hard before she was then met with Metallix landing a heavy kick into her stomach making her spit up the chaos emerald that he caught and quickly assimilated into himself joining the other chaos emerald in his chest compartment. He then tapped into both of them and charged up.

Metallix: I've let you live long enough!!

He began to strike her multiple times with punches and kicks burying her further and further into the cliff side before grabbing her by the throat then dragging her upwards through the cliff. Once he got to a high enough height, he threw her down into the cliff making it explode on contact from the sheer force of the throw while also creating a mighty shockwave. Metallix looked over his work before landing. Resummoning the emerald to his hand he looks at it.

Metallix: That makes two emeralds. Five left and then Union will fall to me

He hears movement behind him. Turning around he sees an incredibly injured Tsuyu crawl out from the crater that was created from the impact of her landing. He approached her looking down at her as she looks up at him barely able to open her eyes. Metallix lets out a small scoff as he grabbed her by her throat, holding her up to him.

Metallix: You're still alive, I must commend you on at least that, but....

His grip around her throat tightened beginning to choke her shocking her and causing her to begin to gasp for air.

Metallix: All done so far is to infuriate me further. I don't how you of all people managed to tap into the chaos emerald's power but that doesn't matter now. Soon you won't be around any longer to do that

He continued to choke her more and more with her still trying to gasp for air.

Metallix: How does it feel to be the one on the receiving end of the beating. All the pain, all the suffering, every single day. That pain that you felt right now is only a fraction of what I felt every single day. Soon Union and everyone will suffer the full brunt of my wrath and they will feel my pain! But first I'll get rid of you

He continued to choke her with his grip tightening ever so slightly. Though his sensors soon picked up on multiple energy signatures head towards him. Looking to where they were coming from, he sees all the heroes and students that was out with them heading straight for them. Metallix scoffs at this and glares at Tsuyu.

Metallix: I don't feel like dealing with the rest of them and I already know you aren't going to die that quickly, so you got lucky today. But trust me the next we meet you won't survive to tell the tale

He then drops her and flies off with everyone soon making it to where they were. Many hero and huntsmen tried to shoot him down to no prevail. The teachers look over the beaten body of Tsuyu in concern quickly carrying her off to get medical attention. Issac soon makes it back to his city and into his palace sighing in contempt. He began making his way over to his throne before stopping his sensors picking up on someone unknown to him was in the room with him.

Issac: I know you're there, show yourself

???: That's a surprise that your pickup on me so easily. You must have very enhanced sensors

Soon a man came out with a staff and floating crystal came out from the dark of the room.

(Character by WAMred)

Issac: Who are you and what are you doing in my throne room?

The man waved his hand in front of himself.

Man: Now now, there's no need to be hostile. My name's Dr. Veno. And for why I'm here

He chuckled a bit.

Dr. Veno: You can say that I'm a friend here to help

After he said that Issac looked at him thinking over what he had said. With that the camera faded to black.

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