AC duct and Karate

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Sorry guys I didn't know I'd be this late . Let's have a recap then , the virus makes annika severely sick , she behaves rude to her sisters which irks shivaay .He gets a clue about the truck in which Tej took Veer lastly. He hopes to find a cure with the help of the twins as they share blood with annika and veer .

Rithi- sss !

Riya cringed on seeing her sister wince once again, well , if she did that when she herself was being injected fine but here ,it was just the opposite. The needle was actually piercing Riya's skin and she was doing all the hissing part , weird .

Riya - I hear they'll have your blood too.

Rithi - no way , I can't bear this sight even . You know I'm scared of injections right .

Riya- I know , what a crybaby you are .

She commented while rubbing the cotton over the spot on her arm . This irked Rithi , she became intimidated suddenly.

Rithi- crybaby , me ?

Riya raised her brows in surprise after seeing Rithi pull up her sleeves insisting the nurse to begin it for her . Rithi on the other side was very much nervous and afraid ,still , she wanted to put up a bravery show infront of her sister . Riya just rolled her eyes to make a full circle and gripped Rithi's other hand soon , this is the drill . Holding onto each other through anything and everything . Rithi soon felt some comfort and the nurse carried on with the procedure .

Rudra who was watching all this , let out light smile . Sometimes they seem exactly like annika , with the attitude , rudeness and all but somewhere, they act as they know life completely . Like even more for their age , even at home he had noticed them . Never a day they have spent without fighting and shouting at each other, and, never a day they have spent without each other or , could not spend can also fit . He found them cute, how could anyone be rude to such cute people he wondered .

Annika is wrong in this , really .

As she had mentioned earlier , she had sent him all the details about a new school ,the savings account, everything. How stubborn can even a person be ? Instead of doing all this she could atleast talk to them nicely , no things could give them such comfort and joy . Even after knowing that, she didn't take the initiative to do it . His web of thoughts broke when be heard the girls bickering again .

Riya - relax Rithi , it's done , you're crying already ?

Riya chuckled saying this while Rithi fumed , and quickly turned to erace those tears marks.

Rithi - something went into my eyes , it's irritating.

Riya - you are irritating, if you're in pain accept it Rithi . There's nothing wrong in it .

Rithi - oh my god stop it Riya , just mind your own business .

Riya squeezed her eyes .

Riya - you know what ? You always

R- ok that's enough for today girls, come on .

He intervened to have them stop ,and quickly brought them to another room .

Riya- what now ? Atleast tell us why are we doing this , are we donating?

R - something like that .

Rithi - are we eligible for that yet , I thought we aren't.

Riya - we even missed our classes for this , I have the right to know why my blood was taken.

Rithi- you really miss school? Ahh no , I don't.

Riya - I know why's that ,so happy for skipping the science test right ?

Rithi shook her head at once when she mocked like that .

Rithi - don't act as if you know everything.

Riya - because yes I do .

Rithi - Riya you ...

Rudra sat in one corner holding his head while they continued doing the mandatory .

A sudden alarm noise started ringing continuously, the girls stopped talking and came running to stand before Rudra who himself was clulesles.

Riya - what sound is this ?

Rithi - police ?

Riya- that's a different sound you dumb .

Rithi - I didn't ask you !

R- ok wait wait ! Listen I'm gonna check what's happening outside. I want you both to stay right here , lock the door and open it only for me , deal ?

They both began to worry after seeing his serious face .

Riya - are we in trouble ?

R- no , I'm just gonna take 5 minutes ok ?

Rithi - ok.

He assured the girls once again before running out towards the control room .

R- what's happening here !

He shouted on his way in , he was soon getting chills after noticing the incharge's horrified reaction ,like as if he had seen something he shouldn't have . Rudra walked taking fast steps towards him and held his shoulders .

R- what is it !!!

' The co commissioner...'

He spoke only that, Rudra already stared at the monitor infront to see what he was pointing. He immediately took in a gulp and wiped the instant sweat beads which formed on his forehead.

The cell in which the commissioner was held seemed compromised, broke open . A few corpses laid ahead , near the door .

' Readings fled down, monitors showed straight graphs ...we thoughts he ....died and I...I sent those men in to...but I don't know how he ...'

The man cried holding his head in guilt, guilt of being a reason for this tragedy, and fear of him being the next one down.

R- where is he now!

' Anywhere '

Rudra immediately grabbed his collars and screamed at his face .

R- where is he now !!

' not captured in any of the cameras yet '

R- How's that possible ?

' possible if he has started thinking '

Rudra's eyes widened in shock , he slowly let go of his shirt and looked at him intimidatedly.

' A monster who can actually think '

Rudra grew more scared after listening to him, he pushed him aside and inspected that particular cell in close , thoroughly. And soon he saw something unpleasant , very very disturbing news . He kicked the floor in frustation for the other person came infront and focused on the screen . His breath just stopped for a second as he noticed it .

AC duct chamber at the ceiling was broke open .

Om - the minister is shock stricken, I've spoke to all the members . I'm sure they'd approve this shoot at sight

He was hardly listening, Om understood this . He for once hesitated before touching his shoulders from behind , shivaay took a few seconds to wipe off his thoughts and turn back facing him.

S - I just want it to work . The girls must have it .

As much as he sounded desperate, he looked scared too , scared of the odds . Om read his face clearly .

Om - I can't believe you stayed away from her for these 5 years , with such deep feelings for her , how can

He stopped on seeing shivaay shaking his head steadily .

S- that was all in the past Om .

Om- I say you still love her , you deny ?

Shivaay chuckled sarcastically.

S- hmm , I told her she doesn't deserve love . You think I still love her ?

Om - you what,Seriously?

S- leave me , us ,what was the necessity to be so cruel towards her own sisters ? You don't know her Om , never can she think of others emotions.

Om - shivaay , I think you are

S- please Om stop it, for all I could think of now is to save everyone. What happened to the hunch we had ?

Om sighed in defeat before coming up with the reply.

Om - they had stolen the truck from this area , behind west colony . Every building there is being checked , we're close , don't worry.

Shivaay immediately shook his head seriously .

S- we don't have much time . We have to be very quick . West colony you said ? Mostly housings boards, apartments , means not much space to enclose things up . But Tej here needs to hide his mighty son Veer somewhere safe , because he's dangerously aggressive . Space ...

He kept thinking for a while and suddenly came up with something.

S- correct me if I'm wrong, city's biggest badminton court is somewhere near the west colony , remember reading something like this a few months ago .

Om - I'm not sure but will immediately check and send people there first .

S- hmm

They both were ready to get in the jeep when they got a call from Rudra . Shivaay kept staring at the screen for long without attending it when Om immediately snatched it from him and swiped the green .

Om- Rudra

That was the only word he spoke , because after hearing what Rudra said he looked ultimately thrilled . Shivaay didn't like his reaction at all .

S- Om ...Om !!

Shivaay started screaming his name ,and he even shook him hard. For some reason tears had already occupied his eyes and started pouring out endlessly.

S- Om !

Just then Om blinked hard and came out of the shock. Shivaay was looking at him with a grieve hit face all the while, palming both his ears .He kept shaking his head , desperately expecting him to comfort with the otherwise .

Om - the commissioner broke out .

He brought his shivering hands slowly off his ears . Without wasting any second, both jumped in taking their seats for Om started the engine on to make the rash journey.

R- no ,emptying this whole place would take so much time , we even don't know where he is . We have to find him before he kills another with the time we provide.

' we can't just sit here !'

R- lock down the doors , team is searching for him , thermal lenses are being used to detect him . Until then announce an emergency lock down and ask everyone to move somewhere safe immediately. No gathering at rooms where the duct panel connects with his cell . Quick .

' Patients , helpers , doctors everyone stop whatever you're doing and listen . An infected person is out of his cell , he has escaped . We're going to lock down the sector B , none will be able to go out or come in as long as we deactivate this system. 10 minutes will be given, kindly find yourselves a closed area and lay low . Don't panick and please cooperate '

She opened her eyes slowly and stared at the intercom speaker in keen , hopeless, she felt . She can't take anymore , things happening around were beyond swallowing. A hideout is necessary, to just go out there and vanish off from all this , all this which is going on . To just forget all this and breathe some air of peace , to feel at ease , to feel ok , to feel secure, to feel loved . She crushed her eyes tight and let down those hot tears .

A- sh...shi

Rithi - they what ?

Riya - lock down Rithi , they're going to shut the doors with us in here . We have to find a safe place it seems , infection...they mentioned something like that , didn't you listen stupid?

Rithi- god !what do we do now ?

R- Riya !

Rithi - hey he's here .

They opened the door immediately, Rudra came in and knelt before them in worry .

R- are you ok ?

Rithi - hmm

Riya- can we go home please !!

R- ok ,ok . We're going but I've to make some arrangements for that , so come with me .

He brought them to the control room where some people were already gathered. Wanting not to scare them he left them within that pack and promised to return in a few minutes . He wanted to grab some guns and sedatives before guiding them down , he found it mandatory and was not ready to take any chances because these girls are the only ray of hope now .

Riya - don't worry, he'll come back soon .

Seemed like Rithi's focus was completely somewhere else .

Riya - Rithi .

Rithi immediately pressed her chin to turn her face the other side towards the arranged monitors there .

Rithi- look!

Both the girls were soon shocked .

Rithi /Riya - annika .

They looked at each other's faces before running to stand before the monitor which had the label named - 76 .

Riya - an

Rithi- she looks like a stick , what happened to her !

Riya - wait , I think we can connect.

Riya clicked the mic on option present under the menu bar and remained hesitant to take it further . She was hell shocked after witnessing her sister in such a state . That's when Rithi spoke .

Rithi - can I speak to her now ,it is on so she can hear me right ?

Annika blinked hard and sat up awake on hearing this similar voice echoing around her room, soon it struck her for her eyes almost fell out of their sockets on realization. She was unable but still dragged herself near the speaker and held it with her hands.

A- Rithi !

Rithi - what happened to you annika ?

A- ...! Oh my god Ri..thi , what are doing here ?

The twins were literally horrified after hearing her creaky voice , it didn't seem like their sister at all .

Riya - annika , are you very sick ?

A- Ri....Riya you too....Oh my ! This place is da dangerous, find shivaay is he there ? Find him and get ....out o of here plea please !!

Annika cried holding the speaker box in her hands , already she was hurting inside and this sudden shock just made her heart beat so fast that she could actually hear it out . Here the girls didn't react only, they stood there shocked , scared and worried. Such an encounter with their sister made them fall numb , never ever they had seen her so weak and vulnerable. A dominating rude attitude is what which completes annika according to them , but this , this was heartbreaking. On not hearing any response from them , annika started screaming in fear .

A- Riya !! Rithi !!

Rithi- shi shivaay, he's not here .

At the same time , they heard a banging noise from the ceiling for all the people there started hollering.

Riya - what was that?

Annika grew tensed on hearing people's screams. She exactly knew what was coming.

Rithi - annika

A- run !

Seemed like a misjudgment, they chose this room thinking the panels don't meet , but seemed like they referred to a wrong blueprint . Or seemed like their luck was absent this day . Or maybe he grew strong enough to think and choose his paths to find preys .

Prioritising themselves against anything or anyone else, people rushed their way out like animals . They even started to fight among themselves as there was only one way out for the whole . The ceiling seemed to crack as hard continuous bangs were made from the other side . With all this going on these two little girls were nearly squeezed within the crowd who behaved blind eyed to their screams .

Riya - hold my hand !!

Rithi somehow managed to grab her hand and both held on to each other tightly . Annika couldn't even imagine the scene there , she panicked .

A- God , shivaay where are ....someone hel help my children please!!!

Her throat tore apart after when she shouted on top of her voice like that . Annika couldn't wait , she knew what this selfish world is all about .

A- Rithi open this door, my room .I I'll come get you

Riya - I don't know how ,ahh !

She squealed on hearing the breaking noice .

A- Riya !!!

Rithi- I think this .

She grabbed the mouse to operate the system and then pulled the nearby lever up .

At once annika saw the door move open in her room , she pressed her palms on the ground and tried to get up but fell on her face immediately. The nose bone has cracked , she felt it .

A - girls run , run from there ple...ase. I'll find you.

Again she tried , this time she started crawling to move . Whatever possible for now .

Rudra was terrified on seeing the scene infront when he came back , he pushed everyone aside to enter in and only after seeing the girls fine he could breathe . The ceiling almost broke this time, and he was to be expected anytime down here . Rudra thought for sometime and soon carried the girls to hide them inside the cupboard.

Rithi - where are you going!

She asked holding his arm when he was about to close the cupboard .

R- I'm gonna lead him away from here , from everyone. That's the best we can do .

Riya - what is he !

R- shh ! It's ok . It's gonna be ok .

Rithi- we can help , we're trained . Karate.

Rudra chuckled aloud and pressed them to his shoulders, giving them a tight hug . Even the girls held onto him so tight that he actually felt his next aching .

R- I know , but I can manage . Help me by staying here , keeping silence . Hmm ?

Riya- ok .

Rithi - careful.

R- everyone out, move ! Soon !!

By then Imraan had already jumped down , seeming too much messy and scary , disastrous. Rudra pointed the gun straight at him and shot , he missed it perfectly . His impulses were insanely certain , rudra was terrified . Still he kept shooting to irritate him, to ignite his anger and grab his full attention for him alone . By then everyone were out of the room . Imraan jumped ahead to snatch Rudra's gun but he failed , this happened a few more times and now he looked completely enraged . Rudra knew this is it , he shot the sedative at him and ran out immediately for Imraan didn't waste a second before chasing him behind . It would take sometime to slow him down, should hide , Rudra decided and ran for his life .

Shivaay and Om stopped on the way after hearing the gun shot , they saw people running in that corridor and grew frightened. Shivaay stepped ahead making a desperate jump for his legs failed soon , he fell down the stairs , rolling.

His arm , again.

Om - shivaay .

S- go !! Check the others, I'm ok . Go Om !!!

He insisted him not to wait and Om obeyed it . Shivaay was in so much pain now . Fear , pain , helplessness , everything was hitting him hard and bad together.

Rudra brought the least of his left eye out to see if he's still being followed , he couldn't run any longer . His respiratory system was in a complete mess . He almost died in a heart attack when he felt someone's hand on his back .

Om - Rudra !

Rudra gulped in making a huge sigh of relief only then.

R- se senior ,

Om - where's Imraan ?

R- the commissioner was ...following me till the 2 and corridor. Then I don't....

Om - did you say 2nd ?

R- hmm? ....yeah 2nd.

Om- shit!!

Om unlocked the pistol from its case and started running , he left shivaay there .

R - senior , what ?

Om had vanished before he could even ask , Rudra chose to get back to the girls first .

Wall everywhere seemed helpful , she pressed her palms against it and made small yet continous steps . Painful it was but she couldn't give up . All she could think was her sisters , who were in danger's den this very second . So be it anything , her legs were not ready to stop until she lies breathing no life .

And somehow she made it to the 2nd corridor by then , a few more steps she told herself . But soon a hell of freaking sight made her stop. Shivaay lying down , seemingly in pain , and a vicious Imraan targeting him from his back .

He seemed slow but didn't stop , annika noticed this and stepped down the stairs to be quick . Shivaay felt someone's presence , he slowly brought his eyes upfront and saw her struggling .

S- an annik

His arm bled again when he stressed it to sit up , she was tracing the wall with her pressing palms and she made it towards him . Imraan seemed so close now . She kept shaking her head , while shivaay tried getting up to help her .

One jump ahead and he gets to Shivaay, annika was petrified by the sight .

A- shivaay !

She avoided the last three steps to be fast and just let herself fall for he took her in his lap at the right instant .

S- annika

She immediately pressed him down . Simultaneously a gun shot was heard.

How was it?

Honest reviews please.

Plss vote and comment if you like my story 😊

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